Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1034 1016 The Era of Contempt

Chapter 1034 1016. Contempt of the Era

"Tradition?" the witcher asked, "For example...?"

"For example, we all have a certain degree of responsibility for the development of magic and mages. It can even be said that serving as the principals of the two magic academies in the northern part of the mainland is all because of this sense of responsibility."

Gedimitis said calmly, while raising a hand and motioning sideways for Lan to continue moving forward.

In the corridor that he had stretched out, Tissaya and Margarita had become finger-sized figures in the distance.

The two of them didn't move while they were talking just now, but the figures of the two sorceresses walking in front of them remained the same.

But now that he is walking again, the size of the two figures in front of him has not changed.

"In our time, of course mages also enjoyed themselves, and their status was even higher than it is now. Because besides humans, there were countless monsters and unknown and dangerous territories."

"Of course our sense of responsibility for the development of magic and mages is not to the point where we risk our lives, but it is still an important goal in life. That's why Tisaya and I have been doing such troublesome work as principals for hundreds of years."

The old mage chatted with Lan En in a rational and thoughtful tone, just like an old man and a young man chatting by the river.

"So, of course I hope my heart disease can be cured. But I also want to confirm whether I really need to owe you something."

Lan En didn't speak, just listened with a smile.

"Today's world situation is unprecedentedly acute, of course. After all, a few decades ago, people in the northern countries who knew that there was an empire in the south were considered knowledgeable."

"Now, the Southern Empire has invaded. Different laws, different countries, different ethnic groups. Did you know? In fact, southern humans and northern humans are indeed not the same kind of people. We came from the 'initial landing', They came from another world and relied on the intersection of the celestial spheres thousands of years ago.”

"In short, all kinds of differences were easy to talk about before contact, and everyone could live their own lives. But now, the knife has been bloody and the land has been bordered. Human beings are a race that will exclude and massacre because of their 'differences'."

"This is a time of unprecedented turmoil, a time of contempt, a time of sword and axe."

"Even with my experience, I have never seen the world look like this."

"And you, Lan."

As Gedemitis walked forward leisurely, he turned to look at the young man next to him.

"As the center of the storm to some extent, I want to confirm your tendency."

"Tendency? You mean Nilfgaard and the Northern Kingdoms?"

"No, I told you that Tisaya and I have very different concepts from today's mages."

The old mage answered the witcher's question.

"Today's mages, their position, power, and material enjoyment are all linked to their status as advisors to the king, that is, to their country. Interest is a guarantee of loyalty, and of course they will be loyal to the country they serve."

"But Tisaya and I always believe that the development of magic belongs to all human beings and is higher than any country."

"Even in the last post-war negotiations, the purpose of the Warlock Brotherhood was to try to reconcile the two sides and avoid another war."

"Much like a tinker, right?"

Gedimitis laughed at himself and continued without waiting for Lan En to respond.

"But we always believe that it is always good to reduce the number of dead people and allow technology to continue to develop. This is also the difference between us old people and you radical young people."

After a brief silence, the witcher spoke in a rational tone, softly but without hesitation.

"But there are limits to tinkers, Gedemitis."

"Contradictions and conflicts of interest have been put on the table. If one battle is suppressed here, another battle will be started there, and then the scale of the battle begins to expand uncontrollably, just like a forest fire in dry weather. Battle. It will turn into a war.”

"The era of radicalization and contempt is inevitable. This is not my ambition or expectation. I just see the situation through and think that logically, things will develop like this."

"All I can say is..." Lan En and Gedimitis stopped and looked at each other. "When those crazy times come, I still hope that we can pursue rational thinking and technological progress."

The old mage didn't speak at first, just pursed his lips and nodded.

"That's not bad. It's enough."

As soon as the old mage finished speaking, Lan En suddenly heard footsteps in front of him, and those footsteps were very close at hand.

The demon hunter's pupils shrank slightly, then returned to normal.

Gedimitis walked as if nothing happened, while Tisaya in front turned her head slightly, looked at the witcher, and smiled.

Lan En also followed without any abnormality, even his steps did not change.

Among the people present, only Margarita seemed to be unaware.

This is Gedimitis, who thinks he can owe Lan En a favor.


On the second day, the surgery went smoothly.

With Tisaya at his side to assist with spells, Lann placed the new heart in the chest of Hen Gedimitis.

Generally speaking, the body of the elderly will be fragile and sluggish, and their resilience will be greatly reduced.

But the body that has been transformed by the magic of chaos for a long time is very different from ordinary people.

Like Margarita, even though her legs were severely injured without any medical treatment, she could still stay awake and energetic for many days.

Regardless of swordsmanship, tactics, or experience, Yennefer's arm strength alone could make Geralt grin.

Besides, due to Henry Gedimidis' special status, he can enjoy the highest level of medical care.

There is an endless supply of elixirs and talismans that promote recovery and enhance vitality.

It was impossible to hide the news that he had come to Aretuosa for medical treatment from anyone, because as Dean Ben Ad, he had to give the students a break when he was out.

He wants to use crystal cultivation technology to treat his heart disease, which is a rare event in the magic circle.

So now, beside the old mage's hospital bed, not only are various magic talismans of Arethusa placed, but also people from Ben Ad are looking at them.

It was a male mage, I heard his name was Dorrigaray. Margarita and Triss both looked strange when talking about him. It seemed that he was not very popular among the warlock community.

This caused the chaotic magic in the hospital bed room to become extremely strong.

Moreover, the old mage was still under anesthesia, and the terrifying chaos magic power dissipated even more. When Lan En was still dozens of meters away from the room, the roaring bear head pendant around his neck jumped up and flew away. As if going out.

Ordinary people would probably get nosebleeds, iris congestion, and brain hallucinations caused by the chaos magic if they got closer.

If the lights were darker and paired with Arethusa's luxurious castle corridors, it would look like a castle horror movie.

After all, chaos magic has never been a gentle and easy-to-control force.

Lan En did not stay any longer. News came from the lady in the lake, and the knowledge gained by Margarita and Tisaya through the elf beacon informed him that the tide of chaotic magic was surging outside the world, and it was very soon. Will arrive soon.

After completing Hen Gedimitis's operation and finding himself a 'strong and powerful friend', he went straight to Lake Vizima.

"Looks like the right time, ma'am."

When Lan En jumped off Qilin's back and reached the stone floor of Dagon Temple submerged five centimeters under the lake water, the lady in the lake was already sitting on the throne of waves, looking at him quietly.

"Indeed." The lady in the lake's green fingers played with her long dark green hair in boredom, responding to Lan En.

"I smell the scent of a second woman on you. Well, it's unusual. Get in touch deeply."

"What? My dear champion, it seems you are enlightened?"

At first, the lady in the lake was a bit bored and lazy.

But as soon as she was halfway through speaking, there was a hint of interest in her brows.

The throne of waves held her up, approaching Lan En amid the sound of running water. The goddess on the throne leaned down and pressed close to the back of the witcher's neck, sniffing playfully.

But Lan En turned around and grabbed the flannel ball standing in the water.

The kitten was kicking its legs to shake off the water because its paws were wet.


Being suddenly picked up by the boss, the flannel ball screamed in surprise.

"Ma'am, I think now is the right time to go in."

"Huh~" Qilin, who was paddling the water with his hooves next to him, saw this and blew out hot air from his nostrils to show his contempt for Lan En.

The lady in the lake did not force herself. With a subtle smile, she let the throne of waves carry her back.

In a long life, a little more play and fun isn’t a bad thing.

The celestial sphere intersection crack has been lifted up from the lake, and the space crack like a broken mirror is floating in the air.

Lan En's school necklace was making a clanging sound, and chaotic magic power was surging.

Not long after, driven by the wave of chaotic magic, a temporary link was established between the worlds.

Although the landscape on the other side of the crack is still distorted as if through water waves, it is at least stable.

This is what it looks like to be able to get in.

But when Lan En was about to drag Qilin, hug the flannel ball, take a deep breath and walk inside.

"What a coincidence?"

There was a surprised murmur from behind, and the shallow layer of water under his feet caught the demon hunter's feet.

Turning around, I saw the lady in the lake widening her beautiful eyes, looking at the intersection of the celestial sphere.

However, this surprise did not last long, and the lady immediately became happy.

"Ah! That's great!"

She cheered like an ordinary woman who met her best friend, beaming with joy.

"My dear champion~"

The lady said in a sweet voice.

"What a coincidence. This time I have a good friend in the opposite world! If possible, I hope you can bring greetings for me."

"If you can find it." Lan En scratched his head and said, "Of course it's no problem, ma'am."

"Who is your friend?"

The lady's eyes rolled, as if searching for distant memories.


After a while, the lady in the lake definitely said a name.

"She is a beautiful female elf. If you could see her, you would never mistake her."

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