Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1094 1076 Elf Troops

Chapter 1094 1076. Elf Troops

People were busy packing their things because no one dared to live in this town anymore.

They were all frightened last night.

And even if they are not frightened, the houses that were burned down in a large area in Changhu Town have actually lost their living conditions.

Although Bud was in a state of distress, with the help of Lan En, he was able to successfully organize the townspeople into a team and prepare to use the remaining boats in the town as transportation to transport the townspeople to the lake near Lonely Mountain.

Then walk to the city of Dale, which was destroyed by Smaug.

There was dim sunshine in the sky, and dark clouds made the weather not sunny today.

There is only the solitary mountain in the distance. The towering snow-white top of the mountain is golden yellow due to the altitude. The top of the mountain is illuminated by the sun.

With a distant sense of sanctity.

There are more ice floes in the waterway. Because of yesterday's incident, the town lost many sluices used to hold back the ice floes.

"Be careful."

Bud stood on the dock and waved to let the ships pass one by one.

Later, there were still many people with their families or livestock queuing up, waiting to get on the boat.

But when Bader was beckoning a townsman behind to get on the boat, the man suddenly pointed in the direction of the shore of the broken bridge at the main entrance of Changhu Town, and opened his mouth wide.

Because there was no fear in the expressions of the townspeople, Bud was not too nervous, but he looked back without knowing why.

The golden light that came into view was a silent army wearing golden armor, with neat military appearance!

In front of the army is a majestic stag with majestic horns. The rider of the stag is wearing exquisite silver armor and a cloak with silver braided patterns.

That handsome figure was undoubtedly that of an elf.

"You continue to get on the boat, don't jump in line, our boat is enough."

Bard first greeted the queue, and then turned around to find someone.

When he reached the broken bridge at the gate of Changhu Town, he saw Lan En and the two elves already standing there, looking at the military situation on the other side.

"Is this your father? The Elf King of the Woodland Kingdom?"

Lan En crossed his arms and asked Legolas beside him in a stunned tone.

"Is there any explanation for this menacing attack?"

"I don't know." The Elf Prince shook his head, "Maybe my father is finally coming out to eliminate the increasingly arrogant orcs?"

"We'd better go over and ask His Majesty face to face."

Tauriel quickly jumped to the other side of the broken bridge. Legolas followed.

The hole made by Qilin last night was not very wide, only about three meters apart. After all, the size of the unicorn itself is not large compared to the monsters in the New World.

Moreover, the orcs were all wearing armor last night, and the distance of more than three meters was difficult for the orcs to jump over without panicking. What's more, they were all wearing armor last night.

Lan En pushed Bud from behind, and then he jumped over.

The plank bridge creaked under the feet of Lan En and Bud, and they soon arrived in front of the military formation.

The two elves were four or five steps ahead of them and were bowing their heads in front of the tall stag, looking like they were being scolded.

"You are really talented."

Thranduil's unhurried elegance, yet subtle tone of voice came out.

"Leaving the team without authorization, and then chasing him out of the country without authorization, and fighting against the orcs without authorization."

"I gave the order yesterday to seal the national border, but you sneaked directly to Changhu Town."

Under Thranduil's somewhat dangerous tone, Legolas looked indifferent, but Tauriel couldn't be as indifferent as the prince.

"Your Majesty." The female elf said solemnly. "The giant spiders in Mirkwood keep multiplying and infesting the borders. Now even the orcs have reappeared as an organized entity."

Facing Tauriel's report, Thranduil's expression did not change at all.

"So what? You are the captain of the guard, and it is your duty to drive them away."

"But I rushed! Time and time again! I fought hard with my colleagues, but in the end it was useless!"

Tauriel shouted.

"As long as the nests of those evil creatures are not cleared away, they will continue to appear! It has been less than two months since we last cleared the giant spider's nest, but now there are white spider webs everywhere in the country!"

"Their home base is outside our country's borders, and that's none of my business."

Thranduil said coldly, and this time even Legolas, who had his head lowered, raised his head and looked at his father.

"None of our business?" Legolas repeated in disbelief.

Thranduil looked at his son and nodded.

"This world is like this, with ups and downs. Evil declines and evil rises again. What's so strange about this? We just need to take care of ourselves."

"But aren't we one of Arda? Are we giving in to evil?"

Faced with his son's questioning, Thranduil didn't know whether he was bored or speechless. In short, he flicked his cloak and the stag turned around with small steps.

"I don't want to tell you any more, Legolas."

"I got some serious news from the tongue of the orc, and I am preparing to seal the country. Now you come back with me, and this matter ends here."

"What about these people, Your Majesty?"

Among the two people who had been standing behind without speaking, Lan En suddenly raised his hands and shouted.

"These poor people in Changhu Town who were hit by the disaster have no food or water, and they can't even get enough clothes to keep out the cold."

The unheard sound made the Elf King rein in his mount, turned around, and slightly tilted his head to look at Lan En.

"I told you, human. That's none of my business."

The buck's footsteps gradually approached, and Bud's throat rolled up and down, obviously tense. But Lan En looked very calm.

Thranduil lowered his head slightly from the stag's back. This height was just enough to make eye contact with Lann's height.

"None of your business," the demon hunter repeated with a smile, and raised his chin towards the army behind the Elf King.

During the long life and military career of these elven armies, the tacit understanding that is difficult to cultivate with conventional armies has almost become their basic configuration. The movements of a whole team of elves are like one person.

Viewed from the side, if you stand upright you can only see the silhouette of an elf.

As for this kind of elf army, Lan En actually had some information about it in Rivendell.

Collecting information about the war and the military, and thinking divergently in the mind, are almost instinctive activities of the Space Marines.

"You didn't bring many people, only five hundred and twenty, but you brought a lot of baggage. Based on the consumption of the elves, this baggage should be enough to supply two thousand elves for five days, which is enough for your current army. Use it for twenty days.”

"A short march that takes less than four days to go back and forth, and you actually prepared more than half a month's worth of luggage?"

"The military style is very 'steady', Your Majesty?"

Thranduil did not respond to Lan En's question. Instead, he just leaned close to his face and looked at it.

Then he suddenly retracted his forward leaning body.

"It seems that you not only look like an elf, but you also have considerable wisdom under your handsome face, Adanisil."

Lan En raised his eyebrows, which made Thranduil chuckle coldly.

"What? Do you think that because my Woodland Kingdom is a little xenophobic, you can't receive any news? Even if a person like you appears in Rivendell and has a close relationship with Radagast who lives in Mirkwood? "

After laughing, Thranduil raised his hand and waved it forward without looking back.

Then his army divided most of the baggage neatly.

"This is for the refugees in Changhu Town. I can't give them a house for the winter, but it's okay to have enough food for a few days."

"Don't get me wrong, people starving to death are really ugly. I don't want that kind of ugly thing to appear in the territory."

Thranduil turned his gaze condescendingly to Bard and said.

"Take it. Feed your people. Don't let them faint from hunger and run into the dark forest. It's not a peaceful land now. People will die."

The Elf King's elegant tone of voice and movement habits were ingrained into his bones. Compared with him, Legolas seemed immature.

"Thank you for your support, Your Majesty! I am grateful!"

Bud said excitedly.

"But...well, they're not my people."

"Don't say stupid things at this time, Bard, a descendant of Jillian. Your ancestor was vigorous and resolute, and I admire him very much. It's a pity that he died young under the dragon's flames."

Bard had nothing to say anymore, he just looked at the food brought by the elves excitedly.

"Speaking of dragon flames." Lan En interjected from the side. "Yesterday, Thorin Oakenshield and his team went to the Lonely Mountain. They wanted to find the Arken Stone and then gather the army back to annihilate the evil dragon."

"Then I hope the evil dragon can be satisfied after eating a bunch of dwarves." Thranduil still smiled his iconic cold smile.

"The prophecy has made it clear that after the dwarves return to the Lonely Mountain, the dragon flames will burn again. Thorin Oakenshield cannot overcome the dragon disease."

"Then let the evil dragon continue to kill and plunder without restraint?"

Lan En crossed his arms and spoke calmly.

But these words seemed to ignite a certain pain point in the Elf King's heart. He lowered his head suddenly again and put his face close to Lan En's face.

"Don't say anything about evil dragons to me! And don't try to arouse my sympathy, Adanisil!"

On the Elf King's handsome and well-groomed face, the original delicate skin suddenly disappeared.

The left half of his face revealed the ferocious truth, with a few remaining muscle bundles dangling under the skin. This corrosive scar spread all the way to the left side of his forehead, and his left eye also turned necrotic white.

"I fought against dragons, in the Battle of the Last Alliance. I know the power and evil of these beasts better than anyone else. So."

"Don't try to drag my kingdom and my people into this quagmire!"

Standing next to Lan En, Bard had never seen any spells in his life until last night.

The left side of Thranduil's face could just be seen by him. At this time, the leader elected by Chang Lake Town in times of crisis was already a little stupid.

But Lan En remained calm-faced.

"But the influence of the evil dragon on this area, and the orcs and spiders that are becoming more active under its evil shroud. Can you escape it, Your Majesty?"

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