Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1099 1081 Super Large

Chapter 1099 1081. Super Large

"Hua La La Hua La La~"

The crisp sound of metal collisions rang out in this sea of ​​gold and silver.

Because the treasure hall dug out by the dwarves from the mountain is so vast and grand, these metal collision sounds began to become distorted and ethereal after being transmitted to a far distance.

It became an echo like a flowing spring.

The whole hall was filled with gold, most of which were polygonal dwarf gold coins, a small part of which were gold and silver utensils, and a large number of glittering gems and precious jewelry.

These things piled up into a mountain in the treasure hall.

The treasure hall is very large, but the ground is flat, with only some huge stone bases to stabilize the entire large cavity in the building structure.

However, these golds were piled up in this hall to create a height difference.

The highest place where the gold was piled up was at least thirty or forty meters, almost half the height of the ceiling!

The least amount of gold was only scattered here and there, and even the flat stone ground could be seen.

These gold coins and gold and silver utensils were piled up, and of course there were countless tiny gaps in the middle.

The Hobbit just stepped on it, and after stepping it firmly, the sound of the gold coins colliding with each other was heard.

Then he raised his foot again, and the gold coins pressed by his feet suddenly loosened and fell, making the sound of gold coins sliding down the slope.

This was not the sound of dozens of gold coins falling, but like the sand sculptures on the beach, a large piece of them collapsed.

It could not stop until the structure of the piled up gold coins stabilized again.

"Be careful, meow!"

The fluff ball had taken off all the cat armor on his body at this time, and only carried two swords. It walked in front of this sea of ​​gold and silver, lightly and silently, and turned to Bilbo who was following and whispered anxiously.

"Didn't you say you were very capable, meow?"

"I said I could make people invisible!"

Bilbo was also terrified, and shouted at the fluffy ball in a low voice that was almost like exhaling.

It sounded like breathing, which was a bit funny.

"But I have to step on these gold coins, right?! How did you walk on them without making any sound?"

The fluffy ball pressed one paw on the furry forehead and sighed silently.

"Bilbo, if I hadn't followed you last night, how would you have died, meow?"

The fluffy ball didn't make any sound when it stepped on the mountain of gold coins, which was because the Fey Cat was small and light, and it had taken off its armor before.

On the other hand, when Lan En taught the fluffy ball [Ashina Style] and [Light Body Technique], the thief cat from the Valley Plundering Clan also showed a strong interest in other ninja techniques.

After all, among the Valley Plundering Clan Deter (mountain cat) in the New World, there is also the name "Ninja Cat".

Ninja is a concept brought from the Old World by the New World Survey Team decades ago. After the Valley Plunderers understood it, they found it very appealing, so they used it.

So it would be strange if the fluff ball, who was born as a thief cat in the Miasma Valley, was not curious after knowing the existence of the technology of "real ninja".

Then Lan En basically taught the fluff ball all the contents of "The Lone Shadow Ninja Skill Book".

Among the techniques of stealth action, the technique of silent movement in various terrains is also a required course.

This technique was also taught to Phoebe in the ancient Greek world. Lan En let her run on various roofs such as tiles and pergolas without being discovered.

And the fluff ball undoubtedly has a racial advantage in this regard, so even if it is walking on a pile of gold coins now, it does not cause much noise.

But for Bilbo, he really has no way.

The pads on the feet of the Hobbits will only make a small noise when stepping on most of the ground.

But on this mountain of gold coins, the effect of the meat pads is really better than nothing.

The noises are all caused by the collisions between the gold coins.

"I think we should hurry up and look for it."

Bilbo himself knew that there was no way, so he whispered desperately.

After the Hobbits walked down the steps and officially stepped onto the gold and silver mountains, they walked slowly and carefully.

And the flannel ball got on all fours and ran to the distance to search first.

The wealth of the dwarves in the Lonely Mountain is really huge.

Bilbo picked up a golden cup on the gold mountain at random. The big gem in it was almost as big as his face.

And piled in the golden cup with this big gem, there were also exquisitely crafted diamond necklaces and small gems the size of peanuts that could not be grasped in a handful.

The situation on the flannel ball's side was similar.

There were too many treasures in this treasure hall. In less than five minutes, Bilbo and the flannel ball felt that they were numb.

Their judgment of the value of precious metals was collapsing, and their common sense about the size and preciousness of gems was also confused.

At first, they would be amazed when they saw a basin-sized gem, but soon, after such gems appeared frequently, they even felt confused in their minds and could not tell whether it was big or small.

All the standards in the mind of living things come from the common sense and knowledge accumulated in the previous life process.

But after only a few minutes on this gold mountain, they felt that their standards for judging gems and gold were collapsing rapidly.

What is valuable? What is worthless?

Psychological confusion brought irritability, not to mention that the dragon stench in this place was even stronger, which made people feel uncomfortable physically.

So unknowingly, Bilbo's steps began to gradually become less careful.

He stepped on the loose pile of gold coins, making a clattering sound, and began to try to pull out the gold cups and bowls buried under the pile of gold coins.

However, as Bilbo took a step, he accidentally kicked a small golden statue crooked.


At first, only a small pile of gold coins began to slide down next to the base of the small statue.

But like a chain reaction of an avalanche, the sliding of a small pile of gold coins below completely destroyed the support and stability of the large piece of gold coins above.

Above the gold mountain, thousands of heavy dwarf gold coins began to flow down.

There were also gold and silver utensils buried in the gold coins, and the collision of these hollow metals made even louder sounds.

In this empty and silent treasure hall, the biggest wave of noise so far also sounded.

The collapse of a large area of ​​gold coins made Bilbo and the fluffy ball, who had been getting irritated and unconsciously gave up being cautious, suddenly tense again.

The Hobbit and the Fely Cat, who were more than 20 meters apart on the gold mountain, looked at each other, then instinctively shrank their necks and quickly found a place to hide.

There were many huge pillars supporting the building structure in this treasure hall, and the base area of ​​each pillar was comparable to that of an ordinary house.

Bilbo quickly shrank his body behind a pillar, which was carved by the dwarves, and the concave position in the middle was enough for a short Hobbit to hide.

The fluffy ball was easier.

It jumped onto another pillar in a few steps, and was still climbing up this giant pillar with a total length of at least 100 meters, which was the same as the dome.

The kitten stopped when it was more than ten meters away from the pile of gold coins below.

After hiding, the cat's head and the Hobbit's head stretched out carefully at the same time, scanning the vast gold mountain and silver sea.

It was strange to say that the dwarves had always said how terrifying, ferocious, and huge Smaug was.

But in this treasure hall that he should have loved the most, the fluff ball and Bilbo had not seen any of his scales and claws, but only smelled the dragon stench.

But then, in the collapse of the pile of gold coins caused by Bilbo, a small hill in the gold mountain appeared in front of the pillar where the hobbit was.

Something was revealed in the large pieces of gold falling.

Reddish-brown hard skin, sharp and hideous scales, and in an instant, the dragon stench that made people instinctively disgusted became stronger.

Bilbo stuck his head out from behind the pillar, opened his mouth first, then immediately covered his mouth and nose, holding his breath.

Under the hard skin and scales, the muscles began to jump and finally opened slowly.

Just like a lizard, first the outer reddish-brown eyelids opened up and down, then the inner white membrane opened left and right, and finally the dim, vertical reptilian pupils!

Smaug, who had been sleeping in the gold mountain for more than 60 years, opened his eyes!

The gold coins that were pressing on the dragon slid down from his brow and eyelids because of Smaug's opening of his eyes.

The fluffy ball was clinging on the pillar, almost daring not to breathe as he watched Bilbo.

The dragon was too close to him!

But the fluffy ball was now covered with fur, and the originally docile fur was now swelling and making it fatter!

It didn't dare to call Bilbo to come closer to it, because there was a clattering sound under the giant pillar where the fluffy ball was!

It seemed that something buried deep in the gold mountain was slowly rising, and a large number of gold coins were pushed to the side.

And the outline that was pushed up under the pile of gold coins, and the way it moved, looked like a thick snake.

—— Smaug's tail!

The fluffy ball couldn't help but open its mouth.

It was a cat that was born and raised in the New World, a hybrid of Elu and Deter.

Although I followed Lan to go out on adventures, improve myself and accumulate experience.

But until today in this life, it is not wrong to say that I have seen more monsters than people. It is not an exaggeration.

So although Smaug was still in the rhythm of stretching his body slightly after waking up, buried in the golden mountain.

But the fluff ball has roughly understood the outline of this legendary evil dragon with his own experience.

"The sleeping posture is generally curled up, and after waking up, the tail first exerts force in the middle and back, so from this point of view."

The kitten climbed on the top of the giant pillar, carefully stretched out his head, and muttered softly.

"At least 130 meters?! It's a super, super large ancient dragon meow?!"

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