Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1102 1084 Revenge

Chapter 1102 1084. Revenge

A raging fire like a wave gushed out from Smaug's throat!

The temperature of this flame was extremely high, and it swept over the place where Bilbo had originally stood. Logically, the high temperature of the flame only lasted for a very short time.

But on the ground, the scattered dwarf gold coins had changed from angular to scattered liquid, and were stuck on the rocky ground.

Smaug was teased with an extremely strong rage, and he was spitting fire in the treasure hall like crazy.

Dragon flames surged up from his throat, and his stretched neck pointed to the sky.

The dragon flames rose a hundred meters like a wave, hitting the ceiling of the treasure hall, and then spread to the surroundings under the obstruction of the mountain, and then "flowed" down along the walls of the treasure hall.

The size and power of this dragon flame are simply indescribable!

Even the shocking gold mountain of the Lonely Mountain Kingdom seemed small in front of the fire at this time!

The originally dim Lonely Mountain Kingdom, after a long time since its demise, has once again ignited a blazing fire!

The teased dragon vented his anger in the treasure hall, smashing and swearing loudly.

He swore that he would slowly roast the criminals who dared to steal his treasures, and swore that he would eat all the dwarves who planned this action, just like he had done to the dwarves who did not run away from the Lonely Mountain.

Bilbo did not dare to look back, and only dared to climb up the stairs in one breath. Tired and exhausted, he could only take off the magic ring on his hand at a safer corner to reveal his figure.

Compared to running, using this ring still put more pressure on his body and mind.

At this time, Bilbo saw Thorin, who was standing above him.

The stairs of the dwarves were built like those of the elves, without guardrails and protection, so Bilbo could directly see the people above him.

Maybe the words the dragon said to Bilbo just now carried evil magic.

At this time, Bilbo saw Thorin, his friend and leader who had established friendship with him during the journey, and he was relieved. He felt that he had thought too much before.

They didn't abandon me, they came directly to find me!

Bilbo hurried up and reached Thorin's floor.

But just when Bilbo wanted to pull the dwarf prince to retreat together, he saw Thorin's appearance.

This leader who was brave and persistent during the journey, and even repeatedly sacrificed himself in the face of danger, originally in Bilbo's heart, deserved the word wise and brave.

But now

Thorin looked at the treasure hall full of gold and silver, luxurious treasures, he began to breathe heavily unconsciously, and did not notice that Bilbo had come behind him.

This is not normal.

Bilbo thought to himself.

Thorin is a warrior among the dwarves. He can climb the entire mountain armed without changing his expression and without stopping. He can chop and be hit by the hammers of orcs head-on, and be alert to the hidden arrows shot from a distance.

Thorin's panting is not due to the fatigue of running all the way from the secret door to the treasure hall. This distance can't even make his heart rate increase.

This kind of panting is more like. After getting what he wants, he is so excited that he can't help himself, and his body automatically starts to pant heavily in order to calm down.

Bilbo opened his mouth and raised his hand in a daze, but he was a little hesitant.

"You are still alive!" Finally, Thorin, who had come back from the mountains of gold and silver, saw him first.

"If you don't leave now, you won't live long!"

Bilbo also relaxed and put aside his doubts. As he said, he wanted to withdraw from the treasure hall with Thorin and go to the narrow mountain corridor.

But before he took two steps.

"The Arkenstone!" Thorin dragged Bilbo relentlessly, "Have you found the Arkenstone?"

They had been traveling together for a year. During this year, they first questioned each other, but later helped each other and recognized each other.

But Bilbo had never felt that Thorin's questioning would make him so uncomfortable, as if he was pricked by a needle.

The Hobbit's lips moved and he was stunned.

He wanted to say something but didn't say it. In the end, he just turned his head and walked into the corridor.

"Let's go in first! The dragon is coming!"


But just as Bilbo was about to go in, Thorin's long sword, with the blade across the edge of the door frame, blocked the way.

Bilbo looked at Thorin with unbelievable and unreasonable eyes.

The look he gave Thorin seemed even more terrifying than when he looked at Smaug just now.

Thorin said nothing, but looked at Bilbo with his dark eye sockets under the light of the dragon's fire.

Bilbo scratched his head and looked around. He didn't really want to see anything. This was just a habitual action when he couldn't understand anything.

Why. What's wrong with Thorin now?

Is the rumor of the 'dragon disease' of the King under the Mountain true? !

And at this moment, heavy footsteps and a huge shadow cast by the fire came from the direction of the Golden Mountain.

Smaug heard the dispute here and turned his head to look here!

Under the threat of the dragon, Thorin seemed to be a little more normal.

He frowned and looked at the long sword blocking the door frame.

Then a group of dwarves rushed out of the door frame behind Thorin. They were only half a minute later than Thorin.

"Come on! We are here!"

The dwarves roared in courage, holding hammers, axes and other weapons. They stood together with Thorin who had come to his senses.

"Ah, it turns out to be a group of dwarves! Good! Good!"

The dragon's whisper resonated through its huge chest, and the sound it made was uncomfortable.

Its wing claws and hind legs moved closer to the dwarves.

And on the stairs on the upper level, a figure with three colors also jumped down lightly.

It just landed in a row of dwarves and the hobbits protected by the dwarves.

As soon as Smaug saw the fluff ball and Bilbo, his anger suddenly became more intense.

"Thief! Thief!"

At this time, the fluff ball had put on its equipment again, and its little paws were still in its little pocket, pretending to take something out.

"I'll take it."

The kitten was about to take something out happily, but Bilbo behind it froze, and before it finished speaking, he hugged the cat and shouted.

"Run! It's going to spit fire!"

After many years, Bilbo and the fluff ball were the only creatures who saw the dragon alive.

In addition, after experiencing setbacks and dangers in the previous journey, the Hobbits and the dwarves have recognized and trusted each other, and the dwarves certainly believe in his judgment.

Immediately, more than a dozen people hurriedly ran back.

There was a terrain suitable for avoiding the dragon's flames, and there was also a small door that could be used for transfer.

And sure enough, the next moment the dwarves set off.


Accompanied by the roar, the dragon's flames like a wave spread towards their original position.

Fortunately, Bilbo reminded them in time, that is, Thorin took the initiative to cover the rear, and a coat was lifted off, and the rest of the people were fine.

But the situation did not get better. The dragon still blocked them and was ready to chase them in this lonely mountain.

The fluff ball, who was carried by Bilbo and rushed in, was very smart and didn't say anything, but looked at his hobbit friend with a puzzled look.

Bilbo pressed down the small package of the fluff ball without leaving a trace, and shook his head slightly at it seriously.

Now was not the time to talk, but Bilbo still provided a hint that was enough for the fluff ball to understand.

So the calico cat, although frowning, still tightened the pocket of the small package again and put it in a safe place on his body.

It believed that Bilbo had a reason to do so.

The Lonely Mountain Kingdom was formed by the huge cavity formed by the dwarves digging under the Lonely Mountain.

There were many passages here, and many places were very narrow.

It was difficult for the dragon to hurt people hiding in these places, but it didn't need to hurt them.

As long as it blocked the exit of the upper level, Thorin and his men would be trapped to death in the kingdom that had been abandoned for a long time!

This was originally a big mine, and all the living materials depended on gold and jewelry from the outside trade, including a mouthful of drinking water and a mouthful of food.

Thorin and his men were forced to the lower level, and they should have been trapped.

But when the dwarf prince faced Smaug, the enemy who destroyed the country, he burst out with incomparable hatred and determination.

His reckless action infected all the dwarves. In the end, through their familiarity with the terrain and equipment in the Lonely Mountain, the dwarves tried their best to finally hurt Smaug.

They led the dragon to the King's Hall, in front of the unfinished statue of the previous king.

Finally, the stone shell outside the statue was broken, revealing the true appearance of the more than 50-meter-high, solid and heavy statue inside. The entire statue was made of pure gold!

The dwarves used Smaug's flame as a fire in advance to restart the alchemical furnace. Through the dwarf technology, this furnace can even easily heat the flame to blue!

The melting point of gold is not high, only a few thousand degrees.

After a period of time under such heat transfer, this huge statue, which was not completed until the Lonely Mountain was breached, almost instantly collapsed from solid to liquid after the stone shell fell off!

Smaug, who was obsessed with gold, didn't know that there was such a treasure in this mountain, so he stared in front of the statue for a while.

But then, the more than 50-meter-high golden statue collapsed into liquid, and the heavy mass rushed the dragon like viscous water, pressing it under the liquid gold!

The King's Hall was originally an atrium surrounded by five steps on all sides, and this huge amount of golden liquid filled the atrium almost instantly.

And Smaug's huge body disappeared under the liquid gold.

The depth of this golden pool is only five steps, but such a big dragon is so flattened by the gold that from above there is only golden liquid without any fluctuations.

Looking at the large golden pool shining with psychedelic brilliance, Thorin's eyes are blurred and immersed.

However, the dragon is not so easy to kill.

Even if the chest of the body is pressed by a huge amount of heavy liquid gold to the height of less than five steps, Smaug still frantically and struggled to climb out of the golden pool!

When it climbed out of the golden pool, the whole dragon was stained with brilliant gold!

It used its hands and feet to crawl out, and the pain of its chest being almost crushed tortured it, but it also made it more mad while being wary!

"You are seeking revenge on me! Good! Revenge! I will show you what revenge is!"

The dragon's body, which was even heavier because it was covered with a layer of gold, slapped the ground and scrambled forward.

It didn't dare to continue dealing with the dwarves in the lonely mountain, but that didn't mean it couldn't take revenge!

"You must have been helped by the lowly fishermen in Long Lake Town to come here!"

"They thought they could share the treasure by helping the dwarves? A bad idea of ​​a group of fishermen!"

It ran out while shouting loudly!

And Bilbo panicked instantly. He even tried to stand in front of Smaug who was running out and waved his hand to stop him.

"No, no, no!"

At first, the Hobbit's voice was not loud, just murmured, but finally he shouted loudly.

"It has nothing to do with them! If you want revenge, come to me!"

"No, I won't look for you!" Smaug wanted to leave, but now no one could stop him, so he even bowed his head to respond to the Hobbit.

"You care about them? Then I should find them even more! I want you to watch them die!"

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