Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1114 1096 Diffusion of Halo

Chapter 1114 1096. Diffused Halo

The light waves above the clouds spread outward all the way.

Even though the diffused rings were getting bigger and wider, the brightness of the light did not decrease at all.

The halo passed over the nearby dark clouds and was able to illuminate them for a brief moment until the halo continued to move away and the dark clouds turned gloomy and dark again.

Lan, who had just slid off Smaug's body, suddenly looked up and calculated instantly through Mentos.

After obtaining the approximate arc of the circular diffused light wave in the sky, the biochemical intelligent brain only needed to use extremely simple geometric calculations to determine the diameter of the circular light wave and the position of the center of the circle.

"Is it Dol Guldur?!"

Lan, who had just finished fighting the dragon, couldn't help but widen his eyes after receiving the data reported by Mentos.

The wavelength of the circular light wave diffused from Dol Guldur is at least hundreds of kilometers away from Dol Guldur!

And this halo is obviously derived from some kind of power.

A power that Lann felt familiar with.

"Lady Galadriel?"

It was not Lann who spoke, but Thranduil.

The elves had already approached from their previous position, and there was also a unicorn carrying Bard, who had barely woken up.

Although the elven archers looked at the halo that continued to spread outward above the clouds in the distant sky with amazement and respect.

But they only looked at it for a while, and then looked at Smaug's body, which was completely motionless, with an expression of disbelief, and an expression of relief and joy that was beyond words.

But Thranduil, as the king of the elves, was very calm. After putting away his bow and arrow, he stood beside Lann and watched the huge power spreading out from the sky with him. And he no longer cared about the body of the evil dragon behind him.

Next to him, the flames of Long Lake Town turned into ordinary flames because of the death of the evil dragon. In this humid and watery environment, they soon couldn't burn well and gradually extinguished.

It was just that the white ashes of the burned wood were falling with the thick cold fog, like snow after the fire.

Bard, who was still a little dizzy, was taken down from the Qilin by the elves and taken good care of.

Regardless of whether his black arrow was successful or not, no elf would be dissatisfied with him for daring to face the dragon and shooting arrows with his sense of responsibility and fear.

Next to the huge corpse of the evil dragon, the elves began to light a small bonfire to keep warm in the ruins that had become cold again.

Lan En also found a stone step that was not burned by the dragon's fire, patted the ashes and sat down.

Thranduil looked at the exquisite and gorgeous cloak behind him, gathered the cloth of the cloak, and did not sit down, but stood beside the steps.

"Is this the power of Lady Galadriel?"

Lan En took a long breath when he sat down, pointed his finger at the sky casually, and asked Thranduil curiously.

"Why, you can't feel it?"

But it was the Elf King who looked at him with astonishment.

"Lady Galadriel gave the Light of Eärendil to the sword in your hand, but you told me that you are not familiar with her power? Are you kidding me?"

"In this Middle-earth continent, such a huge and pure light power, there are not many people who possess it."

Yes, according to Mentos' calculations, this power is really huge.

It almost spans the entire Misty Mountains vertically at the longest distance, and there is no sign of attenuation.

Lan En shrugged speechlessly, indicating that he was really unfamiliar.

He couldn't even figure out the deep power that was blooming on his sword.

When the light on his sword just now was shining, the confusion was already obvious.

It was just his experience and instinct as a top warrior that allowed him to temporarily use the Light of Eärendil to roast Smaug's scales with evil power until they were crispy.

In the end, it was Thranduil who told Lan En about the Light of Eärendil.

"Is that the star?"

Following Thranduil's direction, Lan looked at the brightest star in the sky.

The Elf King nodded: "Yes, the Great Star of Hope."

"My father, Orefel. He fought alongside him in the War of Wrath against the army of Morgoth in the First Age."


Lan couldn't help but be amazed.

After all, the fact that a person turns into a star sounds like a myth. As a result, the son of a marginal party in the story is right next to him, which makes Lan feel very strange.

"Earendil has two sons, both of whom are half-elves. Ilúvatar gave them the right to choose to become elves or humans. The two chose one side. You should be familiar with the one who became an elf."

"Huh? I don't know many people. Who is it?"

"Elrond, the lord of Rivendell."

Now Lan opened his mouth wide, and he felt even more strange.

Come on, Thranduil is the son of a marginal party in the story, and Elrond is simply the son of the protagonist of the story.

However, after knowing this, when Elrond handed the adjusted Sword of the Lady of the Lake to Lan, his uncertain and nostalgic expression could be explained.

In addition to the fact that the Light of Eärendil was too precious, he was not sure whether Lady Galadriel would give a part of it to Lan.

He should also feel a sense of familiarity and nostalgia for his father's power, right?

"But let's not talk about anything else." After explaining the origin of the Light of Eärendil, Thranduil frowned and looked at the night sky that had long been swept away by the halo and returned to calm.

"What is going on over there that makes Lady Galadriel burst out with such precious power?"

Galadriel's power is unique even among the elves in the entire Middle-earth.

She is a rare light elf, that is, an elf who once bathed in the light of the Two Sacred Trees in ancient times.

To this day, her eyes also contain that sacred light.

It is not the same level as the dark elves who have only seen the light of the sun and the moon.

Moreover, she has lived in the blessed immortal land of Valinor since she was a child, and has been taught by many Valar and Vali. In terms of bloodline, she is a mixed blood of the royal blood of the three light elves.

In terms of knowledge, power, life course, and noble bloodline, she is perfect beyond imagination.

But the excessively high-quality power also brings troubles-it is not easy to recover Galadriel's power after it is released.

If it were in the Blessed Land, this would not be a problem at all, after all, even the Valar and the Maiar could live comfortably there.

But this is Middle-earth, and it is Middle-earth that has gradually stabilized towards a peaceful state after the Second Age under the will of Ilúvatar.

This place does not provide an environment for high-quality power to recover as usual.

Of course, if it is a person like Tom Bombadil, it is estimated that it would be the same anywhere.

That is why Thranduil said that the power that Lady Galadriel burst out this time is too "precious".

"The outbreak point is Dol Guldur."

And when it comes to this, Lann has more say.

"That is the nest of the dark power. It is reasonable for Lady Galadriel to go there to clear it out."

"Dark power?"

Thranduil frowned subconsciously in rejection and lifted the white hair scattered in front of him.

"The world is peaceful now, how can there be a dark force worthy of Lady Galadriel to exert her power?"

Lann sneered and leaned his back against the remaining ruins and said softly.

"Peace in the world? I remember Legolas should have sent you an orc's tongue, right? You didn't ask anything?"

"Orcs." Thranduil said proudly and expressionlessly, "They are just a group of murderers with broken brains. I have heard their nonsense for thousands of years."

"But you heard the orcs' nonsense at the door of Mirkwood, and the dragon also rushed out of Lonely Mountain at this time. I think you haven't seen these scenes for thousands of years, right?"

Lane shook his head.

"Don't think that as long as you don't admit it, bad things won't happen, Thranduil. With your life experience, you shouldn't need others to remind you of this."

"I can see that you don't want to accept what the orc said, so let me tell you."

The demon hunter raised his head and looked at the Elf King.

"The dark forces want to connect the entire north and then revive the Kingdom of Angmar. Is it clear enough?"

Thrandui's cheek bulged for a moment because of the sudden gritting of teeth.

"Thorin and his men should already be in the Lonely Mountain. There is nothing to hide about this. The reason why they were asked to launch a national restoration expedition is mainly to make the Lonely Mountain stand again and prevent the dark forces from uniting."

"And since we have made arrangements here, the enemy must respond tactically, that is, to prevent us from achieving our goals."

Lane looked at Thranduil calmly.

"This will become a battlefield."

The Elf King looked at the devastated Long Lake Town in silence.

He pursed his lips, but turned his head away under Lan's gaze.

"Even if what you said is true, it has nothing to do with our Woodland Kingdom."

"Do you think you can stay out of it? Are you far away from the Lonely Mountain?"

Lane asked immediately.

But Thranduil's rebuttal was just as fast.

"So what?"

The Elf King's tone was heavy and impolite.

"Do you know how many of us there are? Do you know how long it takes for an elf to grow and how precious it is? But on the battlefield, elves can easily die if they are surrounded by orcs!"

At the end, Thranduil looked deeply at Lann who was sitting on the stone steps.

"Not everyone is like you, Adanisir! Most elves are just ordinary people. They have their limits. Swordsmanship and archery. After practicing for hundreds of years, they can no longer make progress!"

"Such elves are the vast majority of our warriors. They can only barely fight back against the orcs who surround them, and then die under the disadvantage of numbers!"

"They are not like you! They are so powerful that they can kill dragons!"

Thranduil repeated again.

"And my responsibility is not to bring them to such a battlefield."

"I must protect my people first!"

At the end, Thranduil also said it with difficulty.

He sighed in silence with Lann.

"We will not get involved in this matter. I have only one request to Lonely Mountain, return my wife's relic, the Starlight White Gem, to me. I have already paid the repair fee for this gem to Thorin's grandfather, and it should be returned to me now."

"I will settle this matter as soon as possible. If Thorin Oakenshield is still reasonable, you are our friend now, Adanisir. I will not make things difficult for you."

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