Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1116 1098 The Wasteland of Smaug

Chapter 1116 1098. The Wasteland of Smaug

Lan En patted his chest that was pushed open by the Qilin without any concern.

When he cut off the Qilin's horn before, because he used a sword blade and the Qilin cooperated very well, the fracture of the crystal horn was very smooth, unlike the last time when the golden lion broke it off, the fracture was like a jagged dagger.

But the Qilin was not done. It lowered its head to push Lan En like a big dog that was pressing forward step by step, and deliberately showed him the broken horn on its head.

"Xi Lulu!"

'What do you think? Don't you feel sorry for me! Huh? '

The ancient dragon's meaning was transmitted through the variant [Yaxi Fayin].

"Then what do you want to do!" Lan En pushed forward with both hands, pushing the Qilin's head away. "I want to train you, but you always run away first!"

The Kirin's ruby-like eyes turned, and it seemed that he had eight hundred minds, but in fact his mind was still empty and innocent.

It thought about it and it seemed that what Lan En said was indeed right.

Every time he followed the demon hunter to a new place, as long as the environment did not look too dangerous, he would be playful. Compared with fighting and training, it was more interesting to play by himself.

After all, it was also a young Kirin who was less than ten years old.

However, after speaking, the demon hunter patted the Kirin's head without horns with his hand a little uncertainly.

"But. Is it an illusion? Why do I feel that you are very used to the fact that you have no horns now?"

"You should have been weak last time for a day, right?"

The Kirin himself tilted his head a little strangely and stamped his hooves.


'I don't know, I don't care, it's okay anyway. '

As for the changes in his own body, as long as it doesn't get in the way, he doesn't bother to care. This is also the characteristic of the Kirin.

But this is indeed a good thing. Lan En had originally thought of making a tow truck to tow the unsteady Kirin away.

Now it seems that Kirin can pull a cart.

After Kirin hopped away, Lan En gently hammered Smaug's body with his fist.

The scales of the body were still hard, and the dragon skin under the scales was still very tough.

It should be said that before being burned by the light of Eärendil on the sword of the Lady of the Lake, Lan En was surprised that the material could withstand the charged slash of [Muddy Stream·Destruction] and did not deform at all.

It also made him a little tempted to do something with Smaug's body material, and it happened that his armor was broken now.

This is also the reason why he did not leave [Muddy Stream·Destruction] directly on the body last night.

He was afraid that after his greatsword ate up Smaug's body, it would affect the scale material of the body.

After all, Lan En didn't know whether Smaug's extraordinary defense was related to his soul or other aspects.

Anyway, it's almost freezing, and the body is still in the burned-down Long Lake Town, so it can be kept for a few more days.

If Thorin has restarted the furnace in the Lonely Mountain, he might be able to find a few skilled armorers among the dwarves who have returned to the Lonely Mountain Kingdom.

"Let's go!"

Bard, who couldn't wait to see his child, shouted not far behind Lan.

The demon hunter patted Smaug's scales again, turned around and walked with him out of Long Lake Town.


The north bank of the Long Lake is a large slope at the foot of the mountain extending from the Lonely Mountain.

Although Lan had seen it many times, it was the first time he walked on this land.

This land is now called the Wasteland of Smaug.

The source of the name is naturally the evil dragon that killed and destroyed towns in the Lonely Mountain area a long time ago.

Before it had this name, it was a rich and famous area.

The plain at the foot of the large gentle slope is rich in water and grass, and is a natural pasture suitable for grazing, full of cattle and sheep.

The wealth of the Lonely Mountain attracted people of all kinds, and people tamped the roads and maintained trade.

The carriages drove by day and night, carrying gold and gems mined from the Lonely Mountain.

With abundant resources, the craftsmanship of the dwarf craftsmen in the Lonely Mountain is generally high, and the various handicrafts they produce are also the highlight of trade.

The toy market in the north of the entire continent used to be centered at the foot of the Lonely Mountain, which has become a wonder in Middle-earth.

Countless people, whether they are free people from the Kingdom of Rohan or travelers from Gondor.

They are willing to come here to see the world-famous huge wealth, and they have also brought endless vitality to this place.

But now, the Wasteland of Smaug is worthy of its name.

There are no more grasslands and pastures. The water source is still there, and the light and temperature in the sky have not changed, but this place has become a Gobi desert full of gravel and loess.

There were only a few particularly tough weeds swaying in the wind on the ground, but the thinness and yellowness of these weeds did not make people feel physically and mentally comfortable, but made them more frightened.

There used to be lush forests here, but now there are only occasional scorched and carbonized tree stumps, which are the only traces of the forest's existence.

"Just looking at the ruins of the Valley City, I can roughly imagine the prosperity of this city. But..."

Riding on the back of the unicorn, Lan En said to Bard, who was riding another horse left by the elves.

"It is precisely because I can imagine the prosperity of this city that the desolation around the city now makes me feel even more abnormal."

"It's hard for this land to support a small village."

Bard pulled the reins and shook his head. His ears had almost recovered under the effect of the [Early Recovery Stone], and the small shield emblem was returned to Lan, so he could hear clearly and no longer shouted.

"Smaug destroyed this place."

"It used to be green and rich. But the breath of the evil dragon has been lingering in this land for a long time, and the vitality has been destroyed."

"But it doesn't matter!"

At first, Bard was very depressed, but then he cheered up.

"Smaug is dead, but our people have not lost too much. It's a good thing that people are still here. What's more, we still have gold!"

"As long as Thorin pays us gold as agreed, we can rebuild our home!"

Gold will bring trade flows, which will not only bring materials, but also a constant flow of popularity.

The breath of order and light will dilute the evil spirit of the evil dragon. The original conditions of this area are not bad. As long as the evil spirit disappears, the water and soil here will soon recover.

Just like in Radagast's house, when the dark power invaded, the vegetation and animals began to die in an instant.

But when the dark power was driven away, it could recover quickly.

Bard's view was more optimistic, but it was nothing.

Now even Smaug, the biggest scourge in the Lonely Mountain area, was dead, so their lives should be better, right? It should be okay to be optimistic.

After Lan and Bard finished walking through the Wasteland of Smaug, the lonely and proud snowy mountain was very close to them.

Dale City was built not far from the Lonely Mountain Kingdom. This distance showed the harmony and trust between the dwarves and humans at the time.

It took less than an hour to walk.

It had been a long time since so many people gathered in Dale City.

The originally burnt buildings and walls, and the towers that were broken and opened by the impact of the dragon flames were all crowded with the townspeople of Long Lake Town.

As soon as Lan and Bard appeared, the townspeople cheered happily.

And poured out from the city gate, surrounding them in the center.

People laughed or cheered, expressing their happiness and gratitude.

In this geographical position, it was hard not to see the scene of Changhu Town last night, which was like a brazier.

And the scene of the dragon with wings spread out enough to cover one-fifth of the town, falling to the sky and never getting up again was also seen clearly by the townspeople.

Everyone knew that the biggest scourge in the Lonely Mountain area was dead!

Just last night, they witnessed the birth of a dragon-slaying epic!

"Tell us, Bard! Tell us how you killed the dragon!"

People shouted as they crowded around them and walked into the ruined city.

Bard smiled back at these townspeople who were making a fuss with happiness and goodwill, but his two arms tightly hugged the three children who rushed out at the first time.

And Lan En, who has been honored as the [Dragon Slayer], just smiled and walked away silently.

These praises and respects are better left to Bard.

After all, among the refugees from Long Lake Town, Bard was the most prestigious person, and he showed his sense of responsibility and ability in a series of emergencies.

In any case, he could be regarded as the leader of the townspeople.

He needed this prestige.

Of course, if the legendary story of the archer and the silver-haired warrior with a giant sword killed the dragon together was spread in the end, Lan En would feel a little proud.

Lan En still liked to hear others praise him.

There was a sense of secret satisfaction.

Lan En, who was whistling, saw four dwarves not far from the gate of River Valley City, carrying packages and preparing to leave the city.

Kili, who was shot in the leg, had almost recovered thanks to the tough physique of the dwarves.

His brother Fili, as well as Oin and Bofur, were each wrapped in a blanket, with weapons hanging on their bodies, and the four of them were about to leave the city with light luggage.

"Hey! Look, it's Lan En!"

Bofur raised his beard and pointed at the witcher and shouted happily.

The rest of the dwarves also shouted happily, they have always been open-minded.

Lan also waved and approached them with a smile.

"Where are you going?"

The four dwarves have been helping the townspeople of Long Lake Town to move to the ruins of Dale City since yesterday.

And as the few warriors among the townspeople, they spontaneously took up weapons and acted as guards last night.

In return, the townspeople also distributed precious food and blankets to keep them warm.

"We have to go to Lonely Mountain. Smaug has rushed out, I think the situation inside may not be good."

Bofur heard Lan ask, and the cheerful smile on his face stopped unconsciously, and said with pursed lips.

"But no matter how bad it is, we should go in and take a look, even if Thorin and the others have already gone, we should go in and end this long journey. Let them have a decent life."

"I think you can be more optimistic. Smaug was probably beaten out yesterday."

Lan patted Fili's shoulder and said.


But maybe because Smaug's reputation was too bad, Fili didn't dare to have too many good expectations, and just responded to Lan's words in a low voice.

Fili took this as Lan's comfort to them.

"But after all, we have to go in to find out." Filiqiang cheered up and forced a smile to the witcher.

"When we clean up Elbor, we will definitely invite you to our King's Hall!"

"I look forward to visiting the Lonely Mountain then."

The dwarves and the witcher patted each other as a farewell greeting.

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