Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1128 1110 Bad Temper

Chapter 1128 1110. Bad temper

Based on the first batch of gold delivered at dusk, humans and the dwarves in the Lonely Mountain have at least established a certain degree of mutual trust again.

In the early morning of the next day, the dwarves had happily returned to the lonely mountain.

The elves and humans in River Valley City also calmed down.

No one seems to think that in this scene, there is any need for swords to face each other and the swords to be stained with blood.

But when the sun rose a little higher, a rumble of marching sounds suddenly came from the hills east of Gushan.

The townspeople in River Valley City were in a state of panic as if their buttocks were on fire.

Most of them had only received their weapons for two days. Although they had practiced a few times during this period, they were still reluctant to be called militiamen.

"It's a dwarf!"

The armed townspeople on the city wall turned around and shouted in panic.

"An army of dwarves!"

"The dwarves are treacherous!?"

"Are they coming to attack us?"

In order to survive for themselves and their families, the townspeople of Changhu Town can make a desperate move and muster up the courage to go to Thorin to ask for the promised gold.

But they didn't think they had any chance of winning against a heavily armed dwarf army.

The dwarves who looked like iron pillars stood on the top of the hills to the east of the Lonely Mountain, forming a row of people shining with a dull steel light.

The goat with external armor is the cavalry mount of the dwarves. This goat has excellent endurance and can move flexibly in mountains and hills. It is the traditional war beast of the dwarves.

Dwarves wearing heavy armor and restless goat war beasts. These sputtering and scattered sounds are superimposed together, naturally giving off a chilling military atmosphere.

"Don't panic! Don't panic! Don't talk nonsense!"

Bud shouted loudly in the crowd to suppress people's panic.

"The gold the dwarves sent yesterday was not fake! The dwarves were with us yesterday, weren't they? They are sincere! Don't panic!"

If the townspeople were allowed to talk nonsense in fear, then after a few more rounds of communication, the purpose of these dwarves would become 'to commit massacre' in the mouths of the townspeople.

Among the row of dwarves on the hill, three figures emerged from the crowd and rode down the slope.

One of them was an old human man in gray robes and white hair, tall and tall.

The other one wore the distinctive armor of the dwarves, full of geometric lines, and rode a sturdy and stocky armored boar.

The other one is a decent dwarf goat.

Bard, who hurriedly climbed up the city wall, felt even more relieved when he saw this situation.

He relaxed his frown and spoke to his son behind him.

"It seems that the wizard in gray robe has reached a conclusion with the dwarves. I will go to meet them. Barn, take care of your sisters."

Bud's three children were already sensible during this difficult time, and now they are helping him with many things.

"Everything is fine!" After instructing his son, Bard raised his hand and waved it downwards, showing it to the townspeople gathered under the city wall.

The panicked crowd looked eagerly at him.

"Everything is fine! Go back and do your work!"

After being reiterated by Bard again, the townspeople seemed to finally calm down and dispersed into the city.

The elves are more calm.

Thranduil said lightly to Lan next to him.

"It must be the dwarves of the Iron Hills. Gandalf traveled under the stars last night. It seems that if he hadn't gone before, this force would have appeared on our flank this morning."

Riverdale City is located on the west side of the gentle slope at the foot of Lonely Mountain, while the Iron Hills Dwarves appear on the east side, separated by a large plain facing the Lonely Mountain Gate.

If Thranduil really formed a formation to attack Gushan as he said before, then the side would be right under the edge of the Iron Foot Army.

"Okay, we have to show our strength, otherwise it will be difficult to let Thorin Oakenshield in the Lonely Mountain think that he has the capital."

With that said, Thranduil put down the wine glass in his hand, stood up and put on his armor.

Lan En stood outside the marching tent, looking at the dwarf military formation on the opposite hill, and spoke without looking back.

"No, don't bring out the elven army, stay in the city first."

"I believe Gandalf has finished talking. Don't stir up any sensitive nerves at this time. Let's go alone."

Thranduil thought for a while and said nothing.

If the Ironfoots really wanted to support Thorin Oakenshield, they would have to fight here.

Although Riverdale City is dilapidated and old, it still has an outline. You won't suffer any loss if you stay here and don't go out.

Coupled with the elves' thousands of years of tacit understanding and their bodies as light as fallen leaves, it is impossible for dwarves to have an advantage in street fighting.

So a few minutes later, Lan En, Bard and Thranduil met outside the city of River Valley City and approached the three people on the opposite side who had already descended the hillside.

On the large plain at the main entrance of Gushan, the clouds in the sky would leave large moving shadows from time to time.

The khaki earth carries an aura of desolation and chilling.

This wasteland doesn't look big, but when the six people look at it from a distance, the opposite side still looks like ants standing on the horizon.

When Lan En and the others got close enough, the dwarf riding a wild boar on the opposite side reluctantly moved forward under Gandalf's urging.

But even so, it is still far behind Gandalf.

"You look really tired, Gandalf."

The old wizard completed the meeting one step ahead of schedule, but Lan En looked at him with a tired and helpless expression, as if he was even worse off than when he had just escaped from Dol Guldur and arrived in River Valley City.

Gandalf pinched the bridge of his nose sadly, his gray hair hanging down under his pointed hat, looking exhausted.

"Seriously Lan En, if Thorin who is suffering from dragon disease is really more difficult to deal with than Dane, then I really can't imagine how you convinced him at that time."

"You have to be strategic with your words, have arrangements in your plans, and the most important thing is to take the initiative in the conversation." Lan En sat on Qilin's back. With his height advantage, he could easily see the rider who was reluctant to follow him. Pig dwarf.

"Tell me Gandalf, how many things have you accomplished?"

The old wizard shook his head and did not answer.

Last night I traveled all night with Gandalf, and the dwarf who acted as the middleman was Balin.

He was faster than the dwarf riding the pig, but still slower than Gandalf, and he came here only after he finished speaking.

Under the sound of the goat's hooves, the old dwarf with a white beard looked unhappy and pressed his waist.

"Hey, I'm too old. I'm no longer old enough to ride goats."

Bud approached on horseback, bent down and patted the old dwarf to encourage him: "Thank you, Balin. And you look full of energy now."

The old dwarf waved his hand feebly: "Stop complimenting me. If I can avoid fighting, my waist will be worth it."

"All my life, I thought I was going to die outside and become a lonely ghost, but now I can still return to Gushan. I have nothing to be dissatisfied about, and I don't care about the gold. As long as our people can go home, that's better than anything else. ”

Bud nodded. These people in Changhu Town are now considered to be devastated, and they are very touched.

After the greetings, Bard looked at the pig-riding dwarf who was about to approach, and asked in a low voice: "We don't want to fight, and they don't want to fight us, right?"

The legions of dwarves are awe-inspiring, and Bard cannot help but be careful.

"Dane kept his promise." Bahrain gave the other party reassurance. "Last night, I testified and explained the whole story and losses of Chang Lake Town. Dane had no objection to the gold reward from Chang Lake Town, and he also felt that it was too much. Lin went too far."

Thranduil, who was sitting next to the stag, narrowed his eyes keenly at this time.

There is no problem with the gold in Changhu Town, but they still look menacing. Does that mean they have objections to their elves?

Sure enough, a dwarf with a thick head armor and a wild boar on his crotch sauntered closer.

In his hand was a square peen hammer the size of a man's head.

"Is it you who are surrounding you outside Gushan?"

After getting closer, people found that this was a very typical dwarf.

He has a strong beard and a stocky build. The beard around his mouth is braided into fangs and curves upward to shape.

Like a ferocious and arrogant wild boar.

His words and actions certainly sound like it.

"Okay, my cousin Thorin has taken back the Lonely Mountain, and then you will surround him while he is isolated and helpless!"

Dane was obviously a bit shorter than everyone else, but now the wild boar pacing around his crotch seemed to be surrounding them.

The huge square-head hammer in his hand kept turning, just like a skilled carpenter who was familiar with the feel of the hammer before starting work and was ready to smash it out at any time.

"You also want to extort the treasures accumulated by us dwarves in the Lonely Mountain!"

Lan En calmly looked at the hot-tempered 'dwarf' in front of him: "I have to clarify that I am not blackmailing. My partial ownership of this treasure was personally acknowledged by Thorin Oakenshield."

"Yes, I heard Bahrain say it last night." Dane was unmoved, "But one code is one code! The money should be given to us, but the land issue must not be mixed with sand! You surrounded the lonely mountain, then All other explanations should be put to the back of the table!”

"Don't even think about mentioning anything until this matter is resolved!"

Although he was responding to Lan En, the arrogant dwarf always looked at Thranduil on the stag.

The meaning is self-evident.

The Elf King's eyes were rounded with anger, and his delicate face almost laughed in anger.

"But regarding the orc army, it must come before all other issues, right?"

Just before the atmosphere became tense and almost tense, Lan En suddenly spoke.

This time, not only Thranduil, but also Dane was relieved.

This is almost needless to say. The hatred between elves, dwarves and orcs has lasted for tens of thousands of years.

This is not only racial hatred, but also the confrontation between good and evil in this special world.

The stag's hooves clicked a few steps, and Thranduil turned his head automatically, not facing Dane directly.

And [Iron Foot] Dane also snorted coldly, causing the wild boar that had been pacing in circles to return to the front.

"Yeah, those orcs are like bitches!"

Dane's tone was like a hungry wolf chewing bones.

"Gandalf told me nonsense all night, and I ended up not knowing where the dirty army was!"

"We dwarves' axes and hammers are indestructible, but we can't split the air and smash it to pieces. You guys have to tell me where those Orcs are! Where the bastard Azog is! Best before my patience runs out!"

"Yes, we are also thinking about this issue." Lan En should be the only person who can talk calmly in front of Dane, a grumpy dwarf.

For some reason, even though Dane wanted to get angry at him, he just couldn't get angry.

This big guy always seems to make sense

"As expected, they are very efficient in gathering their forces. They should also move very quickly."

Lane looked at Gandalf, and the old wizard nodded, indicating that this was indeed the case.

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