Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1149 1131 Moment of Parting

Chapter 1149 1131. Moment of separation

Bilbo was confused by Gandalf's words, but fortunately they had been old friends for more than a year.

The Hobbits had already adapted to Gandalf's mysterious and unspoken appearance.

Master Baggins summed up a set of rules himself: when the situation is not critical and the wizard speaks to you in riddles, it is best to listen to him.

So although he was already very annoyed about the gold, Bilbo still kept Gandalf's words in mind.

Prepare to dig out the money from a troll's lair that they discovered when they broke into Rivendell before, and take it with them on the way home.

The skin-changer Beorn followed them for a while because it was on the way.

This seemingly fierce big man was about the same size as Lan En. Lan En felt that if the talents of his race could receive formal druid training, he should have a bright future.

But they have their own lives and fun, so why should others point fingers?

Beorn laughed and sang heartily along the way. When they arrived at the big wooden house where he lived, the three of them enjoyed his hospitality.

The skin-changer was big, but he was a vegetarian.

He lived on wheat, nuts, vegetables and fruits, and treated the three guests with fine mead and milk.

But Bilbo and Flannel Ball had a hard time using his tableware, after all, the tableware was made for people of Beorn and Lan.

After saying goodbye to Beorn, the three of them returned along the same route as the Restoration Expedition.

The overall destination was the Shire, the home of the Hobbits, a peaceful and tranquil place. Gandalf and Lan couldn't let Bilbo, a Hobbit, go on the road alone in the dangerous wilderness.

To be honest, if a place was full of Hobbits, Lan really didn't know how that place would not be peaceful, peaceful and leisurely.

Maybe there would be continuous smoke and the aroma of delicious food? After all, each Hobbit normally eats seven meals a day, and more if his appetite is good.

And it just so happened that the celestial rift that Lan was looking for was in the old forest, and the Shire was right next to the old forest.

In the fresh air and the slow journey, Bilbo often dragged his small box of treasures onto the horse's back, and then frantically took out parchment and quills from his own package.

He began to lie on the box, thinking hard and writing paragraphs after paragraphs.

"By the way, what are you writing, meow?"

The kitten who got along well with the Hobbit squatted on the pony's back, curiously watching the Hobbit write those words that it didn't recognize.

This was adding weight to the already impatient pony, but thanks to the flannel ball himself eating the snacks brought from Beorn's house, he would lean over and stuff a handful of food into the pony's mouth from time to time.

So the Hobbit's pony had no objection to this.

"I'm writing, uh" Bilbo was a little embarrassed at first, but after so many adventures, he was no longer the Hobbit he used to be.

So he finally said frankly: "I have always wanted to write a memoir, my memoir. I want to record all of this adventure, everyone and everything."

"So that even if I am old in the future, I can nestle in the comfortable recliner in Bag End and look at what I have experienced."

At this time, they walked to the hilly field outside Rivendell again.

It was here that Radagast led the way and Lan and the Lonely Mountain Restoration Expedition met for the first time.

At that time, the dwarves just got rid of three trolls, searched their caves, and found three good swords of the First Age elves.

It was morning at this time, and what they saw when they looked back was the sun shining on the endless land.

In the distance was the Mirkwood, which was dark green even in this season.

At the edge of the horizon in the field of vision was the Lonely Mountain, the snow on its highest peak never melted, and now it still reflects the dazzling light.

"After the fire comes the white ice and snow, and even the dragon will have its doom."

The Hobbit summed up their journey with a tone full of emotion, and his tone seemed to suddenly burst out with countless fatigue and homesickness.

"I really wish I could lie on the comfortable recliner in my Bag End now."

As the Hobbit spoke, he leaned over again and recorded the inspiration he had just gained from the scene and wrote it in his memoirs.

The witcher and the unicorn walked past the pony. The human head and the ancient dragon's head were very synchronized. The two heads stretched out curiously and looked at the hobbit's brushstrokes.

"How about adding a sentence 'Everything has an end' at the end?"

The witcher appreciated Bilbo's words and gave suggestions based on his artistic accomplishment on horseback.

But before Bilbo could react, Lan shook his head himself.

"No, it's not good. Let's keep it as it is."

"The autobiography of a Hobbit should be light-hearted. It's just right to not explore in depth. This level is very suitable."

Mr. Baggins nodded casually and complacently, expressing his recognition of Lan's appreciation.

"It's really well written, Bilbo. The style is casual, natural and elegant, much better than those sloppy poems that show off literary talent."

The witcher continued to sigh, but Bilbo looked at Lan in surprise.


The hobbit looked at the parchment in his hand, then looked at the witcher, his expression a little embarrassed.

"I actually used a lot of rare and gorgeous affixes. It's really not gorgeous enough. Did I say 'complex'?"

"Believe me, Bilbo." The witcher made an accordion-like gesture with both hands on his horse. "No one knows the so-called 'gorgeous style' better than me."

"I know a very talented poet, but he always uses his brain to write poems to please women. Although it is considered to be fulfilling his talent, it seems very hypocritical when he writes too much, you know?"


Bilbo, who obviously wanted to write a more gorgeous memoir, couldn't say whether he was encouraged or discouraged at this time. He could only nod in frustration.

Gandalf was blowing smoke rings leisurely in front, and only listened attentively when talking about poetry in the back. His old face closed his eyes and nodded continuously, as if he agreed very much.

Then he immersed himself in the fragrance of pipe grass.

The three of them walked for several weeks and finally reached the edge of the old forest at a leisurely pace.

Further ahead was the Shire, and this was already an unspoken farewell moment.

"May your heroic deeds be passed down in epics forever, Lan."

When they reached the peaceful land covered with green grass, the Hobbit extended his hand to the witcher.

The tall witcher bent down and shook it.

On his shoulder, the ball of fluff also smiled and waved at Bilbo with narrowed eyes.

"Goodbye, meow!"

The Felu cat was naturally optimistic and cheerful. Although it was reluctant to leave its new friends, it was also very happy that Bilbo returned home as he wished.

Lan bent down and looked into the Hobbit's eyes seriously.

"I must reiterate that I am honored to meet you, Master Baggins."

"I have a gift for you."

"What?" Bilbo was stunned at first, then quickly shook his head to refuse. "No, no, Lan. I have already got enough."

"It's not gold." Lan pulled back the hand he was holding, but did not straighten up. He just took off a ring with a square sapphire from his finger and handed it to the Hobbit.

"This is magic. No, the Soul Square Stone Ring. It can protect your soul, to a certain extent."

The magic of the Fire World is to shape the soul and then project it out to form an attack force.

The magic square stone ring can increase the wearer's resistance to magic. To a certain extent, this increases the resistance of the soul.

Bilbo was confused and didn't know why Lan gave him this, even though the dangerous adventure was over.

"Gandalf told me on the way that you might need this."

The witcher tilted his head towards the old wizard standing upright behind him.

The old wizard now had an unfathomable smile on his face, looking at the hobbit.

"You didn't think I didn't notice, did you, Master Baggins? You can come and go without a trace, and escape danger all the way. It's not just luck and courage that can do it."

"You got a magic ring along the way, right? Although I don't know who made that little thing, I have to give you a piece of advice: it's best to use it less."

Gandalf vaguely realized that Bilbo should have got a magic ring when he crossed the Misty Mountains.

This is not a big deal. After all, magic rings are precious and ordinary, and being able to be invisible is not a very powerful ability.

But out of concern for Bilbo, he decided to make the problem more serious and scare him.

Sure enough, Bilbo, who had returned to his hometown to relax his mind, quickly waved to the wizard.

"Come on, Gandalf, why would I use it if there's no danger?"

"But you should still take it." Lann put the ring into Bilbo's palm, "Just in case."

"But this is too valuable, Lann!"

"Take it, just for our friendship, and I have another condition."

The witcher said cunningly, but with the face with silver hair scattered on his forehead, he looked like he couldn't be hated.

"Please go ahead." Bilbo's expression was serious and solemn, as if he was ready to start a long adventure again in the next moment.

"We will always be sincere friends, Bilbo." Lann chuckled.

"I heard that your afternoon tea time is at four o'clock, but you know that I am unpredictable. If I pass by your door in the future and knock on the door to visit but it's not at the hour, I hope you won't refuse me."

The hobbit looked at each other seriously and let out a long breath.

"I will never, ever turn you away, Lan. Never."

"Great friendship." Gandalf smiled with his hands on his waist. "If everyone can value laughter and despise gold and silver like you, there may be no place for evil in this world."

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