Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1156 1138 Great Purge

Chapter 1156 1138. The Great Purge

"Is it because of the Scoia Party?"

The demon hunter guessed based on his limited knowledge, after all, he had only been back for a day.

"The Scoia Party, ha." Margarita pressed her forehead and chuckled, and Tishaya, who was sitting next to her, took a sip of the blood-red wine in the silver cup.

"It can be considered the Scoia Party. They have also spread to the Velen area. On the road outside Gos Velen, two teams of merchants have been exposed to the wilderness during this period, and the carriages have been broken up and thrown on the roadside."

"It can be considered?"

Lan En asked back with interest.

And Tishaya, holding a wine glass, took over the conversation and explained calmly.

"Because everyone with a discerning eye knows that the Scoia Party was funded and promoted by others. They are a problem, but not the root problem."

"The root problem is: the world is going to be in chaos again."

It has been a long time since the Battle of Sodden Mountain, nearly two years.

Although Lan En traveled through the intersection of the celestial spheres, and his perception of time became confused, Mentos would automatically adjust the schedule when he came back, so that the subject would not be completely in the dark about time.

Tishaya still spoke calmly. She had seen many storms in her life. Although in recent years, due to the development of the times, there have been some big scenes that refreshed her cognition, but it was not enough to shock her.

"Since the first war between the north and the south, the Nilfgaard Empire has actually bordered the northern countries for the first time in history. Friction and tension are natural."

"You also said it is natural." Lan En leaned back in the armchair, changed to a comfortable position, and listened attentively. "What is the current situation?"

"Now there is a rumor that the Emperor of Nilfgaard, Enhyr var Enreis, did not agree with the large-scale invasion at that time, and the attack on Cintra was actually caused by his opposition in the country who disobeyed orders and acted alone."

Tishaya did not respond to Lan En immediately, but spoke as if she had started a new topic.

"We can't really tell whether this news is true or not, but we all know that if Nilfgaard had won the Battle of Sodden Mountain, the emperor would have given the participating legions only honor and rewards."

"But there is no 'if', they lost."

Lan En calmly sipped the East of East red wine. Toussaint, which produced this expensive wine, is also a vassal state of Nilfgaard.

"I tore their legion apart with my own hands."

Tishaya nodded, and raised the wine glass in her hand to Lan En as a greeting.

"So after the Battle of Sodden, the news spread quickly, and it suddenly became clear that the emperor didn't actually want to go to war. All the previous actions were acts of disobedience by his marshals. Then there were heads falling and guillotines one after another."

"This is not a 'rumor', but a fact."

"There were eight formal large-scale executions, and countless less formal ones. Many prestigious officers died inexplicably, and many officials retired suddenly."

"Emhyr purged his men ruthlessly."

Purge, this is a good idea.

Lan En lowered his eyes, and after thinking for a while, his education and experience made him understand what was going on.

Military failure is doomed, so as a mature politician, he must accept reality and find ways to gain the most benefits and make up for the losses in failure.

Taking this opportunity to legitimately purge the army of various forces, insert his own people, and increase control over the army is a very beneficial choice for the emperor.

"But this process takes time." Lan En continued to speak after a short silence.

"If it is done, it will certainly be very beneficial. But how to maintain the cohesion of the army and the combat effectiveness in the process, all of these need time to run in. The newly inserted officers still have to fight to truly exercise their management rights."

"So." Following this line of thought, Lan En continued to think deeply.

The Emperor of Nilfgaard needs time, and time can not only be compressed from himself, but also delayed from the enemy.

The enemy is slow, which is equivalent to speeding up yourself.

It is much easier and more convenient to cause trouble to the enemy than to speed yourself up.

"So it was Nilfgaard that funded and instigated the Squirrel Party, allowing these non-human races to make trouble in the north, buying time for themselves to control the army."

No longer using question sentences, Lan En has seen the context of this.

Due to historical reasons, that is, the problem of the intersection of the celestial spheres. The humans in the north and south of this continent are actually not of the same species.

The northern humans landed nearly five hundred years ago, and the southern humans actually arrived on this continent a long time ago.

The only thing that is certain between the two is that humans are humans after all, but the rest of the people are not even sure whether they come from the same alien world.

Compared with five hundred years, which is not a long time, especially in the eyes of elves, tree spirits and other races with longer lifespans, it is not a long time.

The southern humans had "cleaned up" the area around their residence a long time ago.

So much so that today, in the heartland of the Nilfgaard Empire, people there even think that creatures such as water fairies, nymphs, and tree spirits are things in fairy tales, not real creatures.

In addition, the northern humans have been cruel to non-human races in the past five hundred years since they landed.

Elves, some dwarves, and some halflings. They hate northern humans much more than southerners.

Or maybe it’s just that the Southern Empire is also human, so they hate it.

After all, the events of the past five hundred years are closer to them and they feel them more deeply.

And once they get funding and support from the south, it’s almost self-evident who these non-human races will be directed at first with their anger.

“That’s why the situation is getting more and more tense now, and anyone with a little sensitivity can feel it.”

Margarita said, shaking her head.

"The Scoia'tael kill merchants outside the city, or look for opportunities to kill any human passing by. Then the humans in the city panic, and they become more and more afraid of the elves and dwarves in the city. Once this fear gets out of control, it will turn into an impulse to kill."

"And the elves and dwarves in the city are getting more and more afraid. When they are extremely afraid, they will think, 'It's better to hurt others than to be hurt', and leave the city to become Scoia'tael."

Lan En frowned and shook his head: "Vicious cycle."

"Yes, but what can we do?" Margarita rubbed her forehead in distress, "The mayor has complained to me many times. He said that the proportion of dwarf craftsmen in the Valyrian steel workshop must be reduced, otherwise it will make humans dissatisfied."

"Many people say that non-human races have taken away human jobs and wealth."

"But if the proportion of dwarves is really reduced, won't the dwarves be afraid? What if they think this is a precursor to attacking them?"

Lan En frowned even deeper.

"The conflict can't even be suppressed in the workshop now?"

"It's not that intense." Margarita waved her hand and vented her anger by drinking the East of East red wine in the silver cup in her hand.

"Depending on the Valyrian steel business, both dwarf craftsmen and human craftsmen can make money."

"Since they can still earn satisfactory wages, who would easily make trouble?"

"But even if we only talk about the city of Gos Velen, the atmosphere in other places is a bit tense except for the Valyrian steel workshop."

"And Temeria is already a country famous for its tolerance of non-human races."

Margarita's words did not explain the matter thoroughly, but it was enough.

Since the atmosphere in Temeria has reached this point, what about other countries that are already very harsh in treating non-human races?

In Redania, almost no one can govern the radical Church of the Eternal Fire, and no one even wants to govern. Because this church is the most powerful supporter of the kingship.

The notorious "Boar King" of Kaedwen Kingdom, he wanted to take all the property of non-human races in the country into his own hands.

The Kingdom of Aedirn, this country also had massacres against non-human races in the city from time to time.

"This time, I should have nothing important to do except to fix a set of armor for myself."

Lan En picked up the bottle, filled it for himself, and then reached out to fill the cups of Tishaya and Margarita.

"If you need me to come forward, just say it."

Margarita took back the silver cup from under the bottle held by Lan En, with a relieved expression on her face.

"That's great, dear. First of all, can you help me deal with all the documents on the desk?"

Tishaya also took back the silver cup calmly, sitting dignified and proper.

But the demon hunter glanced behind him and saw a messy desk.

The documents on the table look messy. In fact, they are indeed messy and numerous, but for his ability, it is no more difficult to deal with them than reading a novel.

"But." Lan En turned his head again and looked at the former dean of the dignified and abstinent department, and raised his eyebrows, "Tishaya, how can you resist not dealing with those things?"

Tishaya hugged herself with one hand, supporting the weight on her chest, and raised the wine glass to her mouth with the other hand, smiling.

"Forgive me, Lan En. I really want to see how you deal with these things, and when I think of this, I can resist."

"You still have, um, one and a half hours. Go deal with these documents."

Margarita next to him lifted her blonde hair from the corner of her mouth stained with red wine, and glanced at the wall clock in the room with a smile.

"This has a timer?"

Lan En felt a burst of funny absurdity, but still stood up with the wine glass and walked towards the desk.

"Time is precious, young man." Margarita said in a seductive voice, her voice seducing people as if it penetrated deep into their hearts. "How do you think I plan to spend the rest of my time?"

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