Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1158 1140 Atmosphere Effectiveness

Chapter 1158 1140. Atmosphere Effectiveness

The second ability of [Blood Regeneration Organ] is even more irreplaceable.

——It can reconstruct the blood composition of the surgical recipient, making the oxygen carrying capacity and nutrition level of this blood far higher than that of ordinary people.

In the dark galaxy, the Space Marines fought across several solar systems, and it was normal for a battle to last for decades.

Even on that huge battlefield, hundreds of billions of soldiers would build a simple wartime society in the battlefield time of dozens or hundreds of years.

If the Space Marines need it, they can fight the whole game in such a battle.

Among them, the life support system in the Space Marines' armor has made an indelible contribution, but it is only responsible for "life support".

In high-intensity combat scenes, they can still rely on their own body's recovery and endurance.

Their bodies are full of powerful and energy-consuming super organs. If there is no sufficient energy supply, no energy absorption and transportation method with extremely low loss rate, then whether these organs are strengthened or dragged down is another matter.

However, the Space Marines are humanoid weapons designed by the legendary Emperor to be deployed on a large scale.

This kind of "humanoid weapon" is the least questionable in terms of cost-effectiveness and stability.

Tishaya subconsciously turned the drawing handed over by Lan En left and right, looking at it from all angles.

But she could only see that this organ should be attached to the blood vessel wall, but it was not clear how it worked.

"You said, this is an experimental experiment on blood?"

After a long time of not understanding it, Tishaya gave up and put down the parchment in front of her and looked at Lan En.

"Well, no problem, this thing is only the size of a grain of rice, it is easy to cultivate it."

In an environment dominated by magic, a genius made great progress in research through messy methods.

Or simply a flash of inspiration, and then suddenly enlightened.

Not to mention that Lan En's original talent has already been demonstrated to be very outrageous.

Tishaya has seen a lot of such things, so she doesn't care too much.

The archmage handed the parchment to Felicia and asked her to make arrangements.

Judging from the weight and volume of the cultivated organs, the cultivation process of [Blood Regeneration Organs] is a very small amount of work.

The sorceress apprentice used magic to import the various parameters that Lan En had calculated into the crystal plate. Next, she only needed to input chaos magic into it, and replace the rune cloth and nutrient solution as consumables, and then she could officially start.

"What are you going to do next?"

Tishaya picked up the pile of experimental records again and began to check them, while talking to Lan En.

"You just came back, there is no need to arrange it so tightly, it would be nice to have a good time with Rita in bed for a few days."

Rarely, this great wizard had no complaints about his student's indulgent life, but rather encouraged him a little.

"For me, it's not a big deal."

Lan En responded with a smile.

Perhaps Margarita and Tishaya felt that entering the celestial intersection rift must be a tense and tiring journey.

But Lan En felt that most of the time was relatively leisurely.

And as his body became stronger, his rest time would become less and less.

It's not that time is tight, but the recovery efficiency of the body and mind is improving. I have rested enough and can't rest any more.

"I have to contact Dudu first to check my property situation, and then I will also equip the fluff ball with a space expansion pack. In this way, it can carry a lot of things."

Lan En said to Tishaya while counting on his fingers.

It was originally a matter of running accounts, but Tishaya seemed to be listening with relish, nodding and agreeing from time to time.

It seemed that she enjoyed the rhythm of planning the future with Lan En.

"Uh" The demon hunter was stuck in the middle of the sentence, and just as he reacted, he smiled apologetically to Tishaya. "Am I a little too chatty? They are all insignificant things."

"No, nothing." Tishaya suddenly closed the half-opened experimental record, put it on the table, and moved it back and forth, trying to make it symmetrical with other things on the table.

"What you said is very necessary. I'll go see if there are any orders for space expansion packs in the academy and arrange them for you."

Lan nodded casually: "Thank you. Then I'll go to the workshop. From what you said yesterday, the pressure must be quite high now."


[Blood Regeneration Organs] are cultivated in the laboratory, and the space expansion packs of the fluff balls are asked by Tissaya.

Lan was able to get out of Aretusa and walked towards the Valyrian Steelworks through Gos Velen.

The situation is indeed as Margarita and Tissaya told him, the atmosphere between the non-human races and humans is tense.

Outside the Giancadi Bank, where people come and go and business is continuous, the street across is a very lively place.

That is the famous market square of Gos Velen.

If it is considered as a commodity distribution center, it can even be compared with the Hierophant Square in Novigrad.

As a port city, the fish market of Gos Velen is already a very noisy and busy place, but it is still far inferior to the market square.

This square is long, large, and incredibly crowded.

After the success of the Valyrian steel business, this place was expanded twice in two years, but it was still not enough.

Gos Velen's city government not only sold the face of Aretuza College, but they also made a lot of money from the Valyrian steel business. Therefore, of course they would cooperate with all their strength.

Merchants were shouting, and customers who were buying things were shouting even more fiercely. Lost children were crying non-stop, mixed with the noise of cattle, sheep and poultry.

If it was a first-timer, most people would feel dizzy and nauseous because of the crowded, thin and dirty air, and the noise everywhere.

Such a lively market square, its activity should have been closely related to the Giancadi Bank not far away.

People finalized the transaction here, and then a few steps away there was a dwarf bank with a good reputation and strong assets, with bill exchange and clerks ready.

As long as the deal was reached, the business could be completed immediately.

But now, the Giancadi Bank is still crowded with people, and the market square is still frighteningly noisy.

However, an invisible dividing line seemed to appear between the two adjacent places.

People on both sides did not look in the direction of each other.

Although there were still people who went to the bank after negotiating business in the market square, almost everyone subconsciously walked around the city of Gos Velen before entering the bank hall to handle business.

It seemed that people on both sides wanted to treat the giant next to them as if it did not exist and deceive themselves.

Just because one of the two was a dwarf bank and the other was a market dominated by humans.

"It seems that the reason why Margarita said that the atmosphere in Gos Velen was not tense was because both sides were still treating each other as if they did not exist, rather than wanting each other to disappear."

Lan En stood in the middle of the invisible boundary and complained to the biochemical intelligence in his mind.

"That's reasonable, sir." The biochemical intelligence first complimented him in a very comfortable way, and then it marked several people at the edge of Lan En's vision in red.

"But that's only for now. These people have just spit at the Giancadi Bank. Maybe they'll throw stones or shoot arrows next time?"

The demon hunter sighed at the current atmosphere in the city: "It's really a headache."

He has long been aware of the racial discrimination and racial persecution in this world.

After all, he is also a discriminated and persecuted person.

The demon hunter is not treated as a human being.

Of course, this treatment disappeared after he broke a large-scale battle with more than 100,000 people from both sides.

But that was only limited to when he showed his iconic face.

The image of ordinary demon hunters in the eyes of the public is not much better.

In any case, based on Lan's education and the sense of right and wrong and outlook on life he has established, racial discrimination and racial persecution are enough to make him sick.

At this time, Lan has found another hooded cloak to wear, so his appearance and figure have been hidden to a certain extent.

The last time I came back, the results of asking Dandelion to write articles and sell goods seemed to be very ideal.

In the market square of Gos Velen, there are already a few tall men wearing hooded cloaks walking around.

These are buyers of magic cloaks.

On the one hand, it is due to the story that Lann sang in the war, and on the other hand, this kind of magic cloak that confuses the body shape is also very practical.

Gos Velen is a large port city, and the merchant groups that come to buy Valyrian steel come from all over the world.

Here you can even see horses with black stripes on a white background from Zangweba, and giraffes.

Or the fine silk or spices from Ophir.

If there are some people wearing magic cloaks produced by Lann here, then it can be said that the influence of this kind of magic cloak is already world-class.

Although limited by the times, this "world" does not look big.

It is obvious that it is not the first time that people in the market square have seen these "cloak giants". Most of them walked away from these cloaked people as if nothing happened, or just looked at them in surprise.

"Hey! Can't you look down while walking? Aren't you afraid of stepping on stinky dog ​​shit?"

A dwarf teller in the bank ran past Lan En and almost bumped into him. He sped up again to save time and yelled angrily.

And Lan En withdrew his foot that he had deliberately moved to the side.

The other party's indifferent attitude was the effect he wanted to test.

This showed that the plan that Lan En and Dandelion and others had jointly planned when he came back last time was promising so far.

When people saw a man of his size wearing a cloak, their first reaction was definitely not "the legendary demon hunter appeared".

But: another guy who spent money to make himself look hard to mess with.

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