Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1162 1144 Blood Transformation

Chapter 1162 1144. Blood Transformation

Leaving the dragon scale sample for Berengar to study, Lan, who was just waiting for the blueprint, stood up easily.

"Are you free tonight?"

The young demon hunter said casually.

"What? Do you have anything else to do?"

Berengar, who stood up with Lan, was confused.

"Nothing." Lan spread his hands and smiled, "Rita said she wanted to come out for dinner at the Silver Heron Tavern. If you have time, you can come together."

Berengar was not opposed to friends' gatherings, such social dinners, after all, the people at the table were old acquaintances.

So he nodded, as a response to Lan.

Lan, who put on his hood again, walked out of the office and walked out of the workshop.

The Valyrian steel business has been launched for several years, but the demand on the market has always increased and intensified.

In the last Civil War, Valyrian steel weapons were still an absolute rarity, and even senior officers rarely equipped them.

But as the tense atmosphere became more serious, each side knew that the end of the last war was not the real end.

It was not even the beginning of the end, but the end of the beginning.

Arsenals in various places were manufacturing equipment in full swing, new soldiers were recruited in large numbers, mercenary groups were established one by one, and long-term contracts were signed with employers.

Before the situation was forced to this point, even the kings of various countries could not have imagined that they could integrate such a large force.

In the last Battle of Sodden Mountain, the total force of the Nilfgaard Empire and the Northern Kingdoms was only about 110,000.

And that was already the largest battle scale ever seen in this world.

But now, only two years later, the total force of the Northern Kingdoms alone will never be less than 110,000.

War is a propeller and a catalyst.

What is inconsistent with common sense is that a chaotic world will indeed cause a large number of deaths, but as the war progresses, the forces of all parties will continue to expand.

Lan En's historical knowledge makes him very clear about this fact.

In the history books describing the troubled times, many people are always written to have died, and even a large area was directly abandoned because of too many deaths, with bones piled up randomly on the ground.

However, while making such descriptions, if you focus on the descriptions of wars in the same period, you will find that the scenes of those wars are getting bigger and bigger.

It seems that no matter how many people die, how miserable and difficult the lives of civilians are, the army can always expand continuously.

At the beginning of the troubled times, a well-known and well-known strong man could only pull up a team of a few thousand people, which was extraordinary.

However, in the course of the troubled times, the military force of tens of thousands of people was just like waves, swirling up and down.

The Japanese Warring States Period, which was jokingly called the "Village War", was indeed called the "Village War" in the early stage, because the number of participants on all sides was really shabby.

Even if it was false reporting, intimidation of the enemy, and exaggeration of the number, these numbers were also shabby.

But after the continuous death, digging the river mouth to flood the city, plundering food by exhausting the pond, etc., which looked like extermination-style military operations.

In the end, the scale of the battle in the Japanese Warring States period had expanded to hundreds of thousands of people!

Because the number of dead people is always less than that of living people, and if the living want to continue to live, they have to do everything they can.

War will drive everyone crazy. The farmers who used to live honestly will be plundered and slaughtered, and his wife and daughter will be raped and killed.

If you survive this time, there will be another time.

The rebel army, the bandits, no one will show mercy.

And if you want to survive, you can only make yourself a member of the military force.

Even if you still want to live and produce steadily, you have to do it within the protection of the army and under the planning of the army.

So the more chaotic the world is, the greater the power of the army will be, and the power of violence will be strengthened.

Today, weapons and equipment of Valyrian steel have been quickly spread among the armies of various countries.

Although they are still luxury goods and valuables, at least they will not be seen.

The business of Valyrian steel is becoming more and more prosperous under the tense situation, but as the beneficiary of this business, Lan En does not feel relieved.

The forging sounds in the workshop behind him were in full swing and would continue to grow in the foreseeable future, just like the footsteps of war.

Every sound was bringing many people closer to death.


After returning to Aretusa from the workshop, Lan En went directly to the crystal cultivation laboratory.

At this time, there was no one in the laboratory. After Tishaya and Felicia finished the daily work in the laboratory and imported the experimental data given by Lan En into the equipment, they did not have to wait all the time.

After many rounds of improvement, the crystal cultivation project has become a mature process. They only need to record the experimental results at the end.

In the dim laboratory, only in the container on the crystal plate, a tiny tissue floated in the nutrient solution.

If this rice-sized tissue is not carefully observed, it may be regarded as an impurity in the nutrient solution.

Lan En took out the [Blood Regeneration Organ] from the culture solution and observed it in front of his eyes.

Mentos observed this tiny super organ himself through the eyes of the subject and compared it with the normal form in the database.

"Confirmed, the [blood regeneration organ] manufactured this time is qualified and meets the implantation standards."

The biochemical brain stamped a "qualified" stamp on the retina for this rice-sized organ.

Lan En nodded and immediately began to take off his clothes.

He took out a complete set of surgical instruments from the alchemical leather bag.

For both Lan En and Mentos, this was already a piece of cake.

The biochemical brain gave precise surgical instructions, and the surgical site was set in a main blood vessel on the side of the neck.

Under Mentos's plan, Lan En needed to open his artery horizontally to reduce blood flow.

At the same time, the [blood regeneration organ] was connected to the inner wall of the blood vessel in a very short time.

He could not throttle the blood flow on both sides of the surgical site of his aorta, because this would affect his brain wakefulness.

This is a very delicate and dangerous technique.

The blood flow of the aorta is very large, especially in Lan En's strong body.

And the powerful self-healing ability brought by the [Belisarius Furnace] may even become an obstacle during the operation.

But both Mentos and Lan En are already very accustomed to this.

Although biochemical intelligent computers have always advocated caution, Mentos has learned to face all kinds of unsatisfactory things in life calmly since he watched the main body, which had nothing at the time, cut off and reconnected its heart vessels and connected it to the [Gene Seed].

The opening of the aorta is a small scene.

Mentos doesn't know whether the intelligent computers of the same model as him can understand what "numbness" means.

The precise swordsmanship makes Lan En's technique impeccable, and his calm mind greatly slows down the blood flow.

Although he can keep his mind calm when cutting open his neck and the aorta inside, it is terrifying in itself.

And there is no need to worry about the connection of the super organ to the blood vessel wall, because this organ will automatically attach to the blood vessel wall at the beginning of its design, and the interface will grow together.

This is really a very common operation for Lan En's current technique.

After the operation, Lan En, with a slightly pale face, covered his bloody neck and raised his head to drink a bottle of [High Pure White Rafad].

Under the healing power provided by the potion and the self-healing power of the [Belisarius Furnace], Lan's neck almost made a 'crackling' sound of burning fat.

And with this sound, the cut of the aorta healed quickly. Lan also began to wipe the blood off his body.

But it was obvious that his breathing was now louder than before.

And it was getting louder.

This breathing sound was close to panting, but Lan did not feel any discomfort.

He pressed his neck and took his changed clothes to wipe the blood splashed on the floor.

Mentos timely projected the physical condition to the upper left corner of Lan's retina.

On his aorta, the [Blood Regeneration Organ] has begun to activate and operate because of the connection to the body system.

The blood flow marked with different colors by the biochemical intelligent brain gradually appeared from the surgical site and spread into the blood system throughout the body.

These are the 'high-efficiency blood' transformed by the [Blood Regeneration Organ], which carries more oxygen and nutrients to maintain the consumption of many super organs in the body.

Provide a suitable high-energy environment for the physiological activities of these super organs.

However, the upper limit of oxygen and nutrients that can be carried in the blood increases, but these substances will not appear out of thin air in the body.

So Lan En will now unconsciously breathe heavily, asking for more oxygen from the air to fill the increasing high-energy blood in the body.

However, this process is also controllable. If Lan En deliberately maintains the previous breathing state, it will only slow down the oxygen filling process in the high-energy blood.

Unexpected situations are unlikely to occur. After all, Space Marines can still fight normally in a low-oxygen environment.

Its greatest feature is toughness and endurance.

Slightly suppressing the spontaneous breathing of the body, Lan En moved his body.

His fists clenched and relaxed, and the Mentos reflected his physical changes on the retina, while his [Spiritual Vision] penetrated the flesh and looked directly at the internal activities of his body.

"【Second Heart】, 【Bone Strengthening Organ】. Well, the activity of the super organs has indeed increased."

Mentos gave a timely supplementary explanation: "If the blood transformation is completely completed, the activity of these super organs will be further improved."

"At that time, your body will be a truly suitable environment for these super organs to carry out physiological activities, sir."

"How long is expected to complete the blood transformation?"

Lane asked. He cleaned up his surgical instruments and put them away. There was no blood on the ground.

As for bacterial infection caused by not disinfecting or performing surgery in a sterile environment. When the [High Pure White Rafad] was poured, the toxicity of the potion had already killed the bacteria that invaded the wound.

This is more powerful than pouring disinfectant directly on the wound.

"It takes about three days to transform the blood completely, sir."

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