Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1169 1151 Departure

Chapter 1169 1151. Departure

Sixty good fighters fight without armor

Lan En even doubted whether the people standing in front of him could gather ten bones that were not broken.

But the final result was surprisingly good.

There were many Ember Knights with broken bones, but most of those standing in front of Lan En were just sweating a little and their silk shirts were a little messy.

This means that they were not touched by their opponents during the very short armorless sword fight just now.

They sent their opponents off without injury.

This kind of battle may have a component of luck and performance.

But ordinary officers would not dare to say that they could leave without injury when fighting with a farmer who had never held a sword.

The level of the ten of them was undoubtedly very strong.

Lincoln was among them.

"I am surprised." Lan En said as he looked at the honorary swordsman who had just been selected standing in front of him. "You are not used to using long swords, which are completely different from the weapons you were trained to use in Cintra for more than a decade before your death."

"But you still use them well in such a short time, and even have your own ideas, transferring the characteristics of Cintra's swordsmanship to the long swords."

Just like Temeria has the Temeria standard long sword, Velen has the Velen long sword, and Novigrad, a chaotic and prosperous free city, has the Novigrad short sword.

Although the shape of weapons tends to evolve in a similar way, they are different in shape after all because of different enemies, different battlefield environments, different combat requirements, or simply because of the characteristics added to highlight the party to which the weapon belongs.

Most of the people in the Embers Knights were originally descendants of Cintra's nobles. After the city of Cintra was breached, they were gathered by the court steward Haxo and mixed with Stuart's formation to cover the escape of civilians.

In the first half of their lives, they received the most orthodox Cintra Knight training.

Cintra, with its tough folk customs and close to the sea, has always had a lot of exchanges with the Skellige Islands. It doesn't matter whether this "exchange" is robbery or friendship, anyway, the influence is mutual.

So as a continental country, although Cintra still uses swords because of the knight culture, it has actually absorbed many styles of the Skellige people using battle axes.

Their swords are thicker and heavier than those of other countries, and are generally called Cintra longswords.

In the sword fight just now, their style is also mostly using powerful and heavy, upright slashing, without many fine techniques when using long swords.

But just such a performance has already shown that the Ember Knights are not a group of idiots in swordsmanship. On the contrary, they have a foundation, talent, and even creativity.

Let Lan En feel very interested.

"Put on armor, get ready to go."

The concise and crisp command was issued, and the Ember Knights seemed to have returned to that glorious battlefield.

The corners of his mouth unconsciously revealed nostalgia and excitement.

Contrary to Lan En's expectation, he came with light luggage, but took ten fully armed knights with him when he left.

Lincoln returned to Lan En's position as a clerk.

And this guy really listened to Lan En's previous advice. In this state of going out to fight, he installed a steel book corner on his large notebook that was like a messenger bag on his waist.


Ten ember knights joined the journey to the vicinity of Elland. Although it is inevitable that ordinary cavalry will slow down Qilin's speed.

But this time error is still within the margin reserved by Lan En in advance and is acceptable.

Qilin is also happy to slow down.

Recently, it always feels that the horns on its head seem to grow faster than the last time the horns were broken.

At night, when the horse lies down to sleep, it seems that it can hear the fine "click" sound of the crystal growth and condensation on its head through the conduction of the skull.

In this case, it certainly hopes that it can grow its horns well before officially dealing with the troubles in that abnormal area.

It is no longer the little Qilin who eats terrestrial kelp carefree on the coral plateau of the New World.

After several adventures with Lan En and traveling through several worlds, Qilin feels that his knowledge may be better than that of his parents.

He has seen a lot of strange things, and now he has to deal with an abnormal area with unknown conditions. Of course, he wants to appear in his prime to feel safe.

Originally, after coming to the Magical Middle Ages, he felt that the vitality of the creatures here was quite weak, and it was completely incomparable to the New World. Qilin also ran away and played for a while without restraint.

Qilin dared to run deep into the Blue Mountains behind Kaer Morhen. Qilin also dared to deviate from the explored route to explore the endless ocean behind Aretuza.

But as his horizons broadened and he saw more, he now settled down.

This world is indeed not very full of vitality, but the magic ability of people is strong and weird!

In terms of magic and supernatural power, Qilin is still completely confused.

In the world of fire, it stayed in the darkness with the flannel ball, and the discomfort and fear from the soul almost scared it silly.

It didn't even encounter an enemy, it was purely affected by the natural environment.

Then it came to Arda. Smaug's scales, evil spirit, and dragon fire were okay, but what about Zorgluin's claws? !

Space cutting!

Even if the Qilin was surrounded by thunder and strengthened, it couldn't resist it!

So the ancient dragons from the New World didn't dare to go too far to play.

Let's just leave it at that. Isn't it better to be safe?JPG

As they marched along, the quality of the Embers Knights ensured that they did not fall behind or fall behind when the Kirin controlled the speed.

Starting from the High Hill Castle, which was originally located in the southeastern hinterland of Velen, adjacent to the ancient oak tree on Mount Bald, they had reached the middle of Velen by night.

This area is even more primitive and undeveloped by civilization.

The woods are dense and sultry, and the swamps and meadows are mixed. You may fall into them if you take a wrong step. As night fell, there were strange sounds around, as well as wolf howls and monster shouts.

Only the outline of the dirt road that was already faintly visible on the ground and trampled by people could show that this place was still passed by people and was not a completely wild place.


The sound of a sharp blade entering the flesh was crisp and clear, followed by the blade being pulled out of the body, and the smell of blood spread from the wound into the air.

The precise and decisive technique made the blade not make a dry sound of rubbing against bones, but was very smooth.

"This is the last wolf nearby." An Ember Knight said, taking back the spear in his hand and wiping the wolf blood, wolf hair and grease on the spear head. "Are we going to eat wolves tonight?"

"Too troublesome, or not." Lan En said indifferently, "I put a lot of supplies in my bag, it's not worth the effort."

So the Ember Knight put away the spear and came to the lit bonfire.

The Ember Knights respected Lan En as if they were worshiping gods, but the relationship between them was not alienated.

When they cooperated in guerrilla warfare in the occupied Cintra border area, they had been eating and living together.

When they were relaxing, the knights would also joke with Lan En, such as his age was actually younger than most people in the Knights.

Lincoln was shaving with a bitter face, holding a small mirror.

Lan En said that his awkward beard period was too ugly, so it would be better to shave it clean.

Although Lincoln always wanted to make himself look more mature, he had no choice but to hold the mirror and let the knights behind him shave it with a smile.

"Come and eat, meow!"

Beside the campfire, the small three-color cat was shaking the pot and shouting energetically.

"Butter fried bread slices with bacon and cheese shreds! I also found some wild leeks nearby, chopped them up and added them meow!"

Flannel Ball also helped in the kitchen of the chef cat of the New World Survey Team. Whether it tastes good or not is another matter, but the proficiency of the operation is there.

With the help of the other two knights, it quickly finished the work with the efficiency of a big pot meal.

"Thank you, Lord Flannel Ball."

"Ah, there is no need to call me so seriously, meow! I am a little embarrassed, meow!"

When Flannel Ball heard this name, the triangular ears on his head shook uncomfortably.

It is hard not to like the brave, optimistic, active, and labor-loving nature of the Fey Cat.

The two Embers Knights who made fire and cooked with it were originally a little unfamiliar and reserved and distantly respectful because it was with Lan En, but they soon started talking and laughing.

Although Lincoln was ordered to shave his beard and became a young man of 17 or 18 years old with no hair on his mouth, he still arranged the night watch and guard shifts and distributed food.

Kirin bent his four legs and lay behind Lan En. His chin with a bristle beard rubbed on the ground boredly.

It was not until the demon hunter stretched his hand back and put a piece of hard-looking thing to its mouth that Kirin snorted happily, opened his mouth and took it and began to chew it.

That was the special ration made by alchemy to meet the material needs of the rapid growth of bones after Lan En implanted the [Bone Strengthening Organ].

After the rapid growth period of bones, he didn't eat much, but there was still a box of brick-like stocks under the bed of the secret culvert.

This thing is indeed hard enough to be used as a brick to support the bed.

But after coming back this time, Qilin took advantage of the fact that there was no one in the secret culvert, and somehow he dug it out and started to eat it.

According to it, it suddenly felt that the taste of this place was a bit delicious, so it overturned the bed and started to eat it after finding it.

Although it had smelled the taste of these special rations before, it had no interest.

The fish and kelp in the sea are obviously more delicious.

I don't know if the current situation has anything to do with the fact that its horns grew particularly fast this time.

However, Lan En knew the outrageousness of the creatures in the new world, and he was ready to see what Qilin could do after he was free to play.

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