Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1172 1154 Knights Culture

Chapter 1172 1154. Knights Culture

"Who killed him?"

Lan En asked with a frown.

"No one saw it, so who can know?" Taller said, akimbo.

His pity for the young messenger ended here. After all, the matter of dead people was nothing new, and he was still used to seeing cruel and dirty intelligence chiefs.

"Perhaps it was a robber or robber on the road who tried to stop him but failed. In the end, he shot an arrow at his back."

"Or maybe it's the Scoia'tael hidden in the woods on the roadside, who specialize in intercepting and killing humans passing by. It's possible. The arrow has no identifiable characteristics."

Lan En was silent for a moment and shook his head.

"It's a pity indeed. The world is really chaotic."

"Who says it's not?" Thaler echoed, "It was supposed to be recuperating after the war, but a lot of things have been sorted out for two years. I don't know when they will be sorted out. Now the Pontal Valley is about to be fucked again. Something happened."

The Ember Knights rode out of the village of Darkwater.

There were no entertainment activities at this time. When the children in the village saw such elite and high-spirited knights, they kept running around the knights' horses.

Lincoln speeded up slightly before the team could get away from the entanglement of the children.

"grown ups."

The Ember Knights who came out with supplies all approached Lan En, with Lincoln shouting at the head.

The sound of horse hooves approached, and he lowered his head and glanced at Taler, who was standing next to Qilin.

This Temerian intelligence chief came over to say hello, and probably wanted to inquire why Lan En did not stay in the Dark Water when he came back this time.

But since the famous Ember Knights have been brought out, and the leading young knight still looks very wary, he naturally has a very eye-catching look.

"I wish you all the best, Sir."

Taller took a few steps back under Lincoln's gaze, a natural smile on his face.

Lan En, who was sitting on Qilin's back, also nodded slightly to him. He was used to Taller's swear words.

"Good luck to you too, Taller."

After saying that, the group of people continued on the road, heading east.


It’s time to travel again. The spring rain is a good thing for farmers and fields, but for pedestrians on the road, it can only cause complaints.

Fortunately, Lan En and the others were much more relaxed and tough than the caravans and guards that had become on the muddy road.

Along the way, Lan En has taught [Wei Mingliu] to the ten honorary swordsmen around him.

The knowledge of this sword technique is not complicated and difficult. Ashina laid the foundation for this sword technique with his undivided attention, drive and recklessness in slashing, coupled with his talent.

It can be said that the basics of this sword skill are quite suitable for novices and reckless men.

Otherwise, given the average education level in Wei Ming Country, it is open to question how many of the Wei Ming people who followed him to learn swordsmanship could be literate and distinguish their left and right hands.

But even so, no matter whether Wei Mingren is strong or not, [Wei Mingren] can still play a few tricks. It can be seen that getting started with this sword technique is really simple.

Although honorary swordsmen still have many skills that need to be practiced and these skills need to be imprinted on the body and become a habit.

But the knowledge and key points of these techniques are already in the minds of the honorary swordsmen.

Lan En gave them permission to teach this sword skill to others when they returned to the Knights.

Lincoln recorded this order in his large notebook.

But when Lan En leaned over to read it, he always felt like this guy was writing a novel.

He solemnly called this task 'teaching swords'.

After the names of the ten of them, in addition to the internal title of [Honorary Swordsman], the title of [Swordgiver] was added.

"It's too exaggerated for you to do this." Lan En looked at the young knight who was immersed in writing in front of him speechlessly. "And won't this lead to confusion in the titles, ranks, and authority within the knights?"

But at this time, Lincoln picked up the usual ethos of the Ember Knights. While respecting Lan En, he is very independent and subjective.

"No, this represents the diversified development of our Knights! Isn't it normal for the same member to have different titles and ranks in different fields?"

Lincoln insisted so persistently.

And then there’s a whole bunch of ‘That’s what the Knights have to do! ’, ‘Otherwise, where would the Knights culture come from! ’, ‘This is a part that has to be appreciated’ and other difficult words.

Lan En raised his eyebrows and didn't say much, but privately told Flannel Ball to do some hard work for Lincoln tonight.

Eluma was very excited, and immediately on Qilin's horse, she used her furry body to perform a set of cat punches.

"Leave it to me, boss meow!"

The days of sleeping in the open and on the road soon passed.

At the average speed of Ember Knight and Qilin, they rode for a little more than a week from Dark Water to the range of Elland.

The road in the woods is no different from the previous one, because it is adjacent to the Pontal River and carries a gloomy humidity.

Coupled with the gloomy sky, it makes people feel even more unhappy.

From time to time, something could be heard moving quickly in the woods on both sides of the road, and the sound of something scratching against the branches and leaves of the trees could be heard.

I don't know if it's an ordinary beast or some kind of monster.

Anyway, the Ember Knights and Lan En didn't care much.

Occasionally, I passed by a signpost, and the emblem pattern attached to it showed that this was no longer an ordinary Temeria territory.

Unlike the Temeria white lily pattern, although Elland was a vassal kingdom, it still retained its own characteristics on the shield emblem.

It was a small shield with red lines on a yellow background, and a large shield with Temeria white lilies on the edge.

In heraldry, it symbolizes the vassal and asylum relationship between Temeria and Elland.

"I have never been to the Principality of Elland, my lord." The knights flashed by, and Lincoln retracted his eyes from the road sign he passed by and said to Lan En in front. "But looking at the road sign, Elland City should be not far ahead."

"I haven't been here either." Lan En said without looking back.

"Then should we go to meet Duke Heward first?"

Lincoln thought with the usual practice of noble communication.

"In theory, you are here to help at the invitation of King Foltest of Temeria. We are also members of the Cintra Knights living in Temeria."

"When we come to the dukedom, we have to meet and greet each other, and have an explanation."

"And he is the one who is most involved in this matter, isn't he?"

The location of the Pontar Valley is too important.

If Temeria and Aedirn cannot figure it out and deal with this matter in time, then it is almost inevitable that Redania and Kaedwen will be interested in this place.

The Pontar Valley is a key location that the four northern countries have been fighting for. If you two countries can't defend it well, who can you blame?

Although the four northern countries fought together against the Nilfgaard Empire when it was under pressure.

But when the Nilfgaard army retreated, it would not be surprising if they turned around and stabbed each other in the back the next moment.

But Lan En shook his head after thinking for a while.

"Duke Heward, I haven't met him, but I've heard of him." Lan added, "From Geralt."

"Master Geralt?" Lincoln was surprised for a moment, then asked, "What is the reputation of this man in the master's mouth?"

"Not ideal, Lincoln. Very not ideal." Lan said, not knowing whether he was mocking or feeling.

"At that time, Geralt had just completed the commission of the vampire bird that made him famous, but because he faced the vampire bird with his bare hands, his neck was cut open and he went to Elland City to recuperate."

"As a result, a guest who was properly entertained and injured was unreasonably driven away by the knights under the Duke."

"The knights declared that the witcher was the source of disaster, the trouble carrier, and the disgusting mutant. In any case, he could not stay for a minute and had to get out of the city immediately, preferably out of the duchy."

"Fortunately, the respectable person who entertained Geralt did not sit idly by and watch her guest suffer such unreasonable treatment. This allowed Geralt to recover from his injuries before leaving."

"But even so, Geralt was surrounded by knights when he left the city, forcing him to have a completely unfair duel."

Lincoln's face was calm. This happened many years ago, and he had fought side by side with Geralt two years ago.

The witcher master had certainly overcome that difficulty.

"It seems that Duke Seaward is a discriminator." Lincoln concluded.

"Although it cannot be ruled out that his knights acted on their own, it is certain that he does not look favorably upon demon hunters and non-human races."

"But there is still a question, sir. That is"

"After the appearance of people like you, will he still, or can he still maintain a discriminatory attitude?"

"It's hard to say, it's hard to predict how people change." Lan said in a deep voice, "But we still need to know what happened in this area recently. The information given by Foltest is still too vague after all."

Lincoln nodded: "So we need to find a credible and powerful person with a wide range of news in the local area. Do we know such a person?"

"I think so. There is one?" Lan said uncertainly, "It was introduced by Geralt, who was also the one who entertained him in Elland at that time. But I don't know her."

The rumbling sound of horse hooves began to slow down, and this place was close to the city.

The woods were left behind, and on both sides of the road in front of us were neatly plowed farmlands, people working on the farmlands, peddlers walking back and forth, and livestock making noises.

"Who is that?"

"Aunt Nenneke." Lan En uttered a name and put on a hooded cloak.

The shadow of the hood covered his face and hair.

"The Temple of Meliteli in Elland is the most well-known temple under the name of this goddess. Nenneke is the chief priestess of this temple."

"Although I haven't seen her yet, she is at least a non-discriminatory person, right?"

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