Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1179 1161 Unusual Identity

Chapter 1179 1161. Unusual identity

"Forgive me, ma'am. You are indeed stunningly beautiful, even in this warrior garb."

Faced with the other party's aggressive, outspoken and unpretentious words, Mr. Lan, a once simple country boy, was now calm.

He conveniently picked a handful of marigolds that he had just picked out of greed, stuffed a few flowers into his mouth, and then handed one to the other party.

"But this is a snack I found, not a prop for courtship. Do you want to try it? The flowers in this garden are of extraordinary quality!"

Sakia didn't seem to care. She reached out and took a marigold from Lan En's hand, then put it into her mouth and chewed it.

"My name is Sakia." The female warrior chewed marigolds and looked at Lan En with interest, "Sakia Sass."

Her eyes were fixed on the collar of Lan En's hooded cloak, where the silver roaring bear head necklace was looming at the collar.

A witcher?

she thought.

But it might just be a disguise, after all, the reputation of the demon hunter has skyrocketed compared to before.

A few years ago, noble and knowledgeable people like Foltest would have to ask the royal advisor to know some characteristics of these mysterious people.

But today, even the little beggars in the city know that these people have a pair of cat eyes that will glow slightly in the dark, and a necklace around their neck as a symbol.

Since there is a logo and a reputation, of course there are also people who imitate and impersonate.

Whether it's to conceal an already sensitive identity, or to defraud people of money for convenience.

Sakia's brows furrowed.

She looked at the witcher who seemed unaware.

"Learned sir, I have given my name. It seems you should respond?"

This is a hypothetical question.

"Hiding your head and showing your tail doesn't look like a decent, respectable person."

"please forgive."

He said sorry, but Lan En looked unmoved.

"But we should all be attracted by the news about the Pontar Valley, right? Maybe we are competitors? It's okay to chat at the moment. As for getting to know each other, maybe it won't be easy to do anything in the future."

"Don't worry, I have no interest in the bounty offered by Elland and Aden. We will not have a competitive relationship."

Sakia said in a relaxed tone.

However, her tone was relaxed, and Lan En looked at her in surprise under the hood.

Doesn’t this person know what ‘polite’ and ‘perfunctory’ mean?

Why does it feel like she takes what I just said seriously?

Emotional intelligence is a bit low

"Why are you reading this book?"

Lan En simply changed the subject.

"This book was very popular two years ago when there was no war. But after the war between the north and the south, it should now be the "Cintra War Chronicles" written by the former palace steward of Cintra, Haxo Linn. "More authoritative."

To others, this may be a bit harsh, but for Sakia, who has just been taught a lesson in the complex reality behind this book, it is just right.

Sakia, who was originally decisive and rational, suddenly fell silent for a while under Lan En's question.

She frowned before continuing.

"I know that reading this book at this time will basically make all northerners think that I am denying the fact of war crimes and atrocities committed by the Nilfgaardians."

"But in fact, my reading of this book has nothing to do with it. It doesn't matter whether others believe it or not."

"I'm just trying to find a place, or a system, that respects freedom and values ​​everyone's precious life."

"Of course what the Nilfgaardians did in that war was the most despicable beastly behavior, but I am also dissatisfied with the way the northerners treated inhuman races."

At the end of the sentence, Sachia curled her lips.

"Oh, I was lucky enough to think that the Nilfgaardians would be better off in a non-war situation."

"That might disappoint you, Saskia."

Lan En said lightly.

"At least one thing in this book is correct. The Nilfgaardians do not treat non-human races harshly. But the reason is that they are earlier, more ruthless, and more decisive than the northerners, and they treat the non-human races in their territory. The human race was wiped out.”

"The last Elf King, Difuthof, surrendered and pledged allegiance to the then human king Ludovic on behalf of his own species in Toussaint more than four hundred years ago."

"Then at the celebration of the second year, as a commemoration of the victory in the war, the human king ordered that the elves who had negotiated terms and surrendered to him for a year be slaughtered."

"According to records, those should be the last elves in the south."

Because he had been 'educated' by Lan En's words beforehand, his original concepts and understanding had been impacted, so when Sakia heard this kind of thing again, he behaved better than before.

He just closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then shook his head dejectedly and returned to his normal expression.

"Betrayal and use massacre as a celebration to end the war. It's really disgusting."

"It's undeniable." Lan En nodded noncommittally: "But this is the king."

After he finished speaking, Lan tilted his head and looked at Sakia with amusement in his eyes under his hood.

"But what makes me even more surprised is..."

"Sakia, ordinary warriors and mercenaries don't think about the problems you are troubled by now."

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, the face of the female warrior who had been sitting leisurely reading a book with her firm buttocks on the fence of the pavilion suddenly became slightly unnatural.

Although she tried her best to suppress the change of her expression, this suppression seemed too weak in front of Lan En's observation and emotional observation.

Not only did the subtle muscles on her face tense briefly, but her body also showed a moment of discomfort.

In the sound of friction between the armor and the ground, the slender legs that were originally stretched out and stepped on the ground were retracted, and Sachia stood up.

When the psychology fluctuates violently, people often use body movements to relieve tension.

This "conspicuous" performance made Lan En raise his eyebrows.

It seems that this lady is not only not an ordinary warrior or mercenary, but also has a special identity?

What kind of people are ordinary warriors and mercenaries?

Lan En does not mean to discriminate, but the general education level of this group of people is really not high.

Although some of them may have insights from life experience because they have seen a lot of the world and experienced brutal battles.

But there is no doubt that these insights are not profound. Both the direction and depth of the exploration are lacking due to the lack of educational support.

They think more about how to make more money and make more money after becoming more famous.

Those who can think of "having a greater reputation and then becoming a knight or a noble" are considered to be those who pursue higher and have a longer vision among this group of people.

As for the pursuit of ideals, most of them will remember to pray to God before fighting.

The belief in the eternal fire also has a group of fanatics among the warriors, and the doctrine of the eternal fire is their ideal.

Therefore, like Sakia, "I want to find a place or system that respects freedom and values ​​everyone's precious life."

This kind of thing that can be called an ideal is really unlikely to appear in ordinary warriors and mercenaries.

Sakia smoothed the dark golden braid on his shoulders and walked out of the pavilion.

As he walked, he seemed to speak calmly.

"Now that I think about it, what you said does make sense. We are not familiar with each other, so it is better for us to go our separate ways."

She held the hardcover book in one hand and put one hand on the hilt of the knight's two-handed sword at her waist, and walked towards the building complex not far from the temple without looking back.

That should be where Nennek arranged accommodation for outsiders.

Lan En did not stop her. He just tilted his head and watched with interest as this female warrior, whose identity should be extraordinary, walked away.


Dinner in the Meliteli Temple started on time.

It must be reiterated that the Meliteli faith is more about showing the gentleness and motherhood of women, so it is not a very strict religion.

There are also few restrictions on clergy.

So in the large dining hall of this temple, priests, priest apprentices, and people who have sought help and received food and accommodation in the temple during this period, all eat in this hall.

Several solid wood tables are put together to form a long row of large dining tables. These tables have been used for a long time.

There was oil stains that had merged with the wood. The black spots could not be wiped off unless you used a scraper to carefully scrape the wood chips.

This row could seat at least thirty people.

And there were four rows of tables in the dining hall.

The priests in the temple sat with the guests, and their food and utensils were no different.

Dinner was red vegetable soup with bread, which was not exquisite but easy to make and eat.

When Lan En came in, the whole dining hall was noisy, just like every restaurant.

Some people took ceramic bowls and wooden bowls to serve rice, while others sat at the long table and buried their heads in eating.

The mercenary, whose hair was already shiny and tangled, stuffed the bread soaked in soup into his mouth and complained that it would be nice to have a glass of beer, even if it was just a small cup.

And Nennek sat between the priests and the priest apprentices, and from time to time he used a spoon to knock on the foreheads of the girls who were staring at the men.

She also warned them loudly that even if they slept with a man here, they were not allowed to delay their usual homework and work, and if they did not want to have children now, they had to take contraceptive measures.

Nenneke also said not to get emotional easily, and not to think that the sweet words blurted out by those men when they enjoyed sex were true.

She had seen too many priest apprentices in this temple who believed it and followed men out, and ended up living a miserable life.

Then the kind fat woman also warned the men that men and women were allowed to make love in this Meliteli temple, but it must be consensual and not involve transactions.

If any man felt that he was strong and got too excited and couldn't control his penis, she would make the man's lungs grow hair in his chest.

Everyone was horrified.

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