Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1195 1177 Spreading Mist

Chapter 1195 1177. Spreading Mist

Yalpan can actually understand Buchter's anxiety now.

The leader of the Klinfield plunderers, although his right arm was shot by an arrow, when the special arrow was pulled out, the cut muscle weighed two taels.

Even if he was as strong as a bull, he would not be able to exert force for ten days or half a month if his arm muscles were injured like this.

He was lucky that his blood vessels were not scratched.

But being injured does not mean that he can rest assured. He has to think about the future.

They rely on their reputation to take jobs and make a living. Losing their reputation is equivalent to losing everything.

No matter what the hidden secrets of this operation are, they will retreat in the blink of an eye.

It is a big blow to the reputation of the Klinfield plunderers.

When they take jobs in the future, their employers can reduce their wages by about one-fifth.

Yarpan led a group of dwarves to do this kind of work, so he knew Buchte's current mood and unwillingness.

But it was useless to say all this. When the young clerk at the front of the team hung the gun flag on the gun barrel, the team was no longer allowed to have a second voice.

Although Buchte was full of complaints now, Yarpan believed that if he really went to the clerk to talk nonsense, he would be more strict than anyone else.

Laymen may not be able to feel the level of these ten knights, but these guys who make money on the edge of the knife know it too well.

So Buchte just complained.

Along the way, the light-traveled convoy sped non-stop, and several times it almost had a traffic accident because of the high speed and rushed out of the mountain road.

Their team entered the valley early in the morning and was attacked by the squirrel party after walking for a morning.

Then they rested for more than two hours to sort out items, repair vehicles, and treat the wounded. It was already afternoon.

After that, under the command of the Embers Knight, they marched quickly all the way, and finally ran out of the Pontar Valley at the ambiguous junction of dusk and night.


Yalpan let out a long breath. During the fast march, even driving was very tiring.

And the other horsemen, such as the few Klinfeld plunderers who were not injured, were now sweating as if they were greased with oil.

Most of the people in the caravan were like this.

On the other hand, although Sakia was also riding a horse, there was no sign of fatigue on her body, which made the dwarf exclaim that this woman had a great body.

Now they have arrived at the place where they camped last night. There are still scorch marks from the campfire on the ground, and there are also traces of stakes driven when setting up the tent on the ground.

It's only been one day, but everyone feels like they have survived a disaster.

This place is outside the valley anyway, so the people in the caravan simply started to camp yesterday. Some made fires, some fetched water, and they were all ready to stop and rest.

Yarpan saw the young clerk at the head of the team, holding a spear with a Cintra blue and golden lion flag flying on the spear. After talking to Duke Heward for a few words, he did not intend to take off his armor and rest.

Instead, he called together ten ember knights and started a small-scale discussion for a while, and then they quickly packed up their things, ate and drank to replenish their physical strength, and also replenished the physical strength of their horses.

The group of ten people was not large, and if no orders were issued, they would become inconspicuous in the caravan. Except for people like Yarpan who were always paying attention, no one else obviously noticed their actions.

The fires were lit one by one, and most of the people who had been rushing for a day were exhausted. They had no time to rest or eat since morning.

Now that they finally stopped, people were so tired and hungry that their eyes were staring.

Yarpan led the dwarves and the rest of the Klinfeld plunderers to light a bonfire, preparing to roast some meat and boil some water.

The people of the vanguard scout team were by this fire.

After the attack by the Scoia Party at noon, although they also fought with the Scoia Party, the team's rejection of non-human races became even stronger.

So in addition to the same people as last night, some elves and half-elves gathered around the bonfire.

When Yarpan brought firewood, he saw a male elf sitting not far from Sakia by the bonfire. The two of them were also looking at the bonfire and having a calm, non-eye-to-eye conversation.

The male elf was carrying a bow and arrow, and the biggest feature was that his right eye was covered by a red headband, which seemed to be blind.

Yarpan remembered that this was someone who had been in the forward reconnaissance team with him before. They chatted a little, but they didn't know each other more.

"You saved my life, but we still don't know each other's name."

The one-eyed elf said, throwing a piece of firewood into the fire.

"I'll go first. My name is... um, Io."


The female warrior responded calmly.

She sat facing the Pontar River Valley. She stared at the campfire in a daze, and sometimes raised her head to look at the river valley that was gradually sinking into the deep night.

"I have a question, Sakia."

The elf's only remaining left eye glanced at the other party secretly.

"Why did you save me first?"


Sakia frowned and asked in confusion.

"At that time, I was holding on to the cliff and about to fall down, and there was a human being who was crushed by the overturned car and was about to be trampled to death by the crazy horse. Why did you save me first?"

At this time, the male elf no longer concealed his gaze, turned his head with a serious face, and looked directly at the other person with one eye.

Like waiting for the answer to an important question.

Sakia's answer was as casual as a matter of course.

"You are close to me and easy to save."

The words she spoke were so relaxed and matter-of-fact, as if she was saying something like, 'Of course you have to pay for your meal.'

"After rescuing you, didn't the two of us quickly push the overturned car away and then save the human?"

The male elf's one eye blinked, and the eyebrows above it frowned fiercely.

"Is that why?"

Even in the dim flickering of firelight and shadow, the disbelief was evident on his face.

"How easy is it to rescue because of the distance?"

"Otherwise?" Sakia looked at him strangely, and then suddenly realized, "Oh, you think: I think you are a non-human race, and I am the kind of human being who has a compensatory attitude towards non-human races. That’s why I saved you first?”

"No, man. I think life is life, and humans and humans are the same to me."

Sakia shook his head: "Even if it was Yalpan who was pressed in the distance at that time, I would save people in this order."

With a "bang" sound, the dwarf threw the firewood he was holding next to the bonfire, and bowed to the female warrior in a funny way: "Thank you for treating everyone equally, madam. This is really important to me."

"You're welcome, Yarpen Ziegelin."

The joking conversation between the two people did not affect the one-eyed male elf. He frowned fiercely and looked at the female warrior since Saskia answered his doubts.

"Look." Suddenly, Yalpen's joking tone turned serious. "It looks like they are leaving."

He subconsciously patted the sawdust on his beard and raised his chin towards a short distance.

Saskia and the one-eyed elf both looked in that direction.

I saw that ten Ember Knights had changed their horses after a brief rest and mounted their horses again.

After lining up in a fast marching formation, they ran towards the river valley.

"Are they crazy?" Nischuka among the plunderers exclaimed in a low voice while holding a pot of freshly brought water, "It's going to be night soon, and they want to march quickly on that damn mountain road in this light? !”

"Do you want to die? Can the light of the torch illuminate two meters away?"

But at this time, Sakia, who had been looking in the direction of the river valley just now, also stood up from the campfire.

She pointed towards the river valley, with a tone of surprise and confusion: "Over there. What is that?"

Dwarves, Crimfield raiders, and more and more people in the camp.

At this time, they slowly put down the firewood and buckets in their hands and looked towards the direction of the river valley.

A white mist is slowly spreading down from the Mahakam Mountains.

The mist reflected the moonlight in the sky, giving off a disturbing and misty light.

The scope and height of the fog were so great that even those of them who were already outside the valley could see it spread out and spread outward.

Most of the sounds in the night sky seemed to disappear as the fog dispersed.

The sound of rushing water in the river valley and the cries of various creatures were usually ignored by people, but until now.

After these sounds suddenly disappeared, people suddenly realized that the world was unexpectedly quiet!

"What's going on?" Zoltan frowned, "The sudden silence made me a little flustered."

And when the world suddenly became quiet for a long time, the sound of horse hooves became even more prominent.

Ten horses carried ten Ember Knights, led by Lincoln without any hesitation or delay.

With the reflection of the moonlight increased by the huge fog, they rushed straight into the river valley in front of everyone's eyes.

"I have something to do, so I'll leave for a moment."

After a moment of silence, Sakia walked away from the bonfire after saying hello and walked towards the darkness outside the firelight.

Yalpen's lips under his beard murmured, but in the end he just frowned and said nothing more.

The fog in the river valley was getting thicker and thicker, and Yalpangang and Zoltan worked together to boil the water and put the dry food on the fire to roast.

When he turned around, he discovered that the one-eyed male elf was nowhere to be found.

"Where are the people? Why are there so few people? Are you going to eat or not?"

Zoltan shouted while scratching his short-haired comb.

"Okay, stop screaming." Buchter, who was lying half-lying with his arms covered, looked at the river valley in the distance and said nonchalantly.

"Both of them are not simple. Why do you care about them? Let's take care of ourselves."

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