Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1202 1184 Traction Storm

Chapter 1202 1184. Pulling Storm

"What the hell is that?"

Although Triss usually does not hide her temperament, and she is from the lower class, she never hesitates to use dirty words and curse when necessary.

But she was standing on the top of a small hill in the distance at this time. Even at such a long distance, she was still shocked by the wild and natural violence displayed by the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Under the moonlight, the Tyrannosaurus Rex roared to the sky in the dense forests of the mountains. The change in air density caused by the roar formed a visible air wave that spread far away.

It was as if even the moon in the sky was shaken by the wild and violent roar of this creature!

What kind of monster is this?

Her wine-red hair blew on her cheeks in the wind, but her eyes seemed to be shocked as she looked at the monster roaring to the sky.

"Focus, Triss."

Beside the red-haired sorceress, Tishaya had a calm face, and the magic light flashed on her slightly raised palm.

"This thick fog is very wrong. It is too resilient. We must continue to transmit the power of the typhoon on the sea to suppress it."

"Until Rita is transmitted here, neither of us can relax."

Triss was brought back to her senses by the calm and orderly voice beside her.

So she quickly rejoined the process of chanting spells and channeling chaotic magic.

In the process, Triss couldn't help but glance at the always calm Tissaya.

Even after seeing the true face of the Devil Rex, this oldest female sorcerer among humans only frowned slightly, just like usual.

One can't help but wonder what outrageous scenes she has seen in her long life before.

And apart from this calmness due to her wide knowledge, the magic in their hands also made Triss feel dry in the mouth.

Drawing the power of the typhoon on the sea, or inducing ocean currents and storms to turn, this ability is actually something that many coastal sorcerers can do.

But why emphasize "coastal sorcerers"?

Because those sorcerers live by the sea, they are familiar with the climate change of the ocean and the laws of monsoons and ocean currents.

And because they live by the sea all year round, they have plenty of time and opportunities to arrange rituals nearby or put together the conditions for large-scale magic.

Finally, this process is completed to eliminate disasters for coastal cities during typhoon weather or increase fishing catches.

And Tishaya

After Triss used the conical crystal given to her by Lan En to contact Margarita in Aretuza, it was Tishaya who first teleported over using the conical crystal as the coordinate.

This female sorcerer, who was dressed meticulously and even maintained a symmetrical structure in her hair style.

After teleporting over, she just glanced at the terrain, and then dragged Triss with one hand, and a short-distance teleportation came to the top of a nearby hill overlooking the entire scene.

Then, she seemed to use the conical crystal to ask Aretuza in the distance something.

"Rita, tell me the location of the typhoon closest to the land at sea."

Aritusa is located in the large port city of Gos Velen, so it naturally has the ability to influence storms and usually detects the location of storms.

Margarita easily mobilized this part of the information and briefly dictated it to Tissaya.

Then Triss saw that the sorceress who had taught her decades ago but had not changed at all now raised her hand and pulled part of the power of the typhoon at sea over.

This is the Mahakam Mountains located in the center of the inland area of ​​the four northern countries!

She raised her hand and pulled the power of the typhoon at sea over!

At this time, the wind that suppressed and blew away the thick white fog brought not only "fresh" air, but also the salty smell of sea water.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared again in the portal suspended in the air behind them and was closed.

Margarita's face was as cold as ice, and her smooth and white shoulders were like a noble lady wearing a bearskin shawl, standing on the land of the Mahakam Mountains.

After she teleported here, she immediately looked around.

She calmed down when she saw Lan En, who was far away from the hill, taking a deep breath amid the salty sea breeze and the roar of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

And soon a faint light of chaos magic appeared on her hand.

Without asking Tishaya to explain to her, Margarita understood what her teacher had done as soon as she arrived and immediately began to assist.

"What is this thick fog? It's very stubborn! Is there such magic?"

Margarita not only immediately began to help pull the power of the typhoon at sea here, but also sensed the white fog. She turned her head left and right to ask Tishaya and Triss.

The magic attainments of the three sorceresses were clearly divided into echelons at this moment.

"I don't know, but this is definitely not pure magic, so we need to continuously draw power over." Tishaya's eyes were empty, and she responded to her students, "I am trying to guide the power of the Mahakam Mountains for support."

"This is the territory of the dwarves. According to the agreement, we have not developed a spell to guide the power of the Mahakam Mountains. Do you want to create it on the spot?"

Margarita asked in a normal way.

"It's not difficult. I have compiled power-drawing spells for hundreds of mountains. Just follow the steps." Tishaya waved her hand, "Don't worry about the dwarves. Now we are solving their problems."

Triss looked at Tishaya and blinked blankly.

When they were still in Aretuza, they only thought that Tissaya was rigid and old-fashioned, and the stories about her power and stories were all in the most boring history books.

They had never seen what such a female sorceress would look like if she started fighting.

Just like when Tissaya taught Margarita a lesson before.

The younger generation of sorcerers had no accurate understanding of what kind of "monsters" their predecessors were.

Because ancient wizards like Tissaya and Heng Gedimitis really haven't fought for a long time.

"Then you'd better finish it quickly, Tissaya." Margarita said in a dangerous and calm tone. "I really want to free my hands now and kill that ugly thing."

"It's not that simple." Triss shook her head and interrupted, "This kind of monster has never been seen before. If it was really that easy to kill, Lan En wouldn't be entangled until now."

Margarita tightened the bearskin cape on her body, gritted her teeth unwillingly, but in the end she could only breathe a sigh of relief.

Because what Triss said was true.

The Devil's Dragon is not an easy monster to kill, especially this one!

The wind from the sea howled in the mountains, suppressing the stubborn and growing thick fog.

Although the wind was loud, it was already a very ideal combat environment compared to the milky white thick fog that was almost dead and affected the vision just now.

After the roar, the Devil's Dragon flattened its huge long body again, looking down at the enemy who resisted its eating.

The pair of bloodless and tearless dim yellow eyes of the reptile swayed in the dark night like a demon.

It was a spring night in the mountains, plus the typhoon from the sea.

The temperature was basically in the single digit.

But at the corner of the Devil's Dragon's mouth, the hideous wound that Lan En had just cut with [Sweep Slash] was now emitting hot white smoke at this temperature.

The sound of "sizzling" was like frying.

The unique wound caused by [Turbid Stream·Destruction] is a mixture of crushing, tearing, cutting, and dragon-attribute energy corrosion.

But on the body of the Devil Rex, the huge gap is healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The torn flesh is closed and healed again, and the broken teeth are re-emerging and bursting through the jaw to escape from the epidermis.

In the end, only a hideous and thick scar is left on the jaw of the Devil Rex.

Lan En's eyes narrowed slightly.

He still remembers the vigorous vitality of the monsters in the New World.

It is precisely because of the magical creatures in that magical world that he has the confidence to make his own characteristic improvements in the enhanced surgical procedures of the Space Marines.

And the peculiar vitality of the Devil Rex is also a typical extraordinary in the New World.

The reason why the Devil Rex is tortured by its own appetite throughout its life is because their metabolism is too fast.

Not only is their metabolism fast, but their bodies are also too strong!

The body consumes a lot, and the capacity is still large, so it can't be filled no matter what.

At the moment, the wound of the Tyrannosaurus Rex opposite that was hit by [Turbid Stream·Destruction] has healed in a breath, which is a manifestation of this metabolic speed.

And this also means that it is even hungrier!


Another violent collision that shook the rocks!

The Tyrannosaurus Rex's lower jaw is even larger than its upper jaw and skull!

And now, it dived down and shoveled its lower jaw into the ground.

Then the thick dark green body was like a spring that was bent and stretched back.

The ferocious lower jaw was like a shovel, directly penetrating into the rock bed of the mountain! It smashed and pulled out a rock the size of a house!

It crashed straight into its enemy!

Without the barrier of the magic mist, the movement of this action alone was more violent than the large catapult on the battlefield!

The squirrel party, who came to their senses, immediately fled like frightened rabbits.

Facing this rock that came with a fierce roar, Lan's expression was calm and confident.

Without the obstruction of the white fog, the various qualities displayed by the Devil Rex were still within his understanding!

The demon hunter held the big sword in one hand, and the projectile on his left arm armor pointed high.

After all, the Mahakam Mountains are lush with vegetation. Although the Devil Rex has been messing around here for a long time, there are still towering trees that survived.

The mechanical structure of the hook snapped! The claws penetrated into the wood at the top of the tree.

Lan, at the same time, took advantage of the mechanical contraction force to jump up.

Ordinary trees, of course, could not withstand his weight and strength, and the wood dug into by the hook immediately began to tear.

But Lan only wanted this moment of lift.

[Light Body Breathing Method] can be deployed at any time, combined with the demon hunter's strong leg muscles.

Lan jumped up to a height of nearly fifteen meters!

And the next moment, 'bang! ! ! ’ with a loud bang!

The rock dug up by the Devil’s jaws flew past Lan En’s feet.

The thick tree trunk was smashed like a wafer by the rock, and the remaining force did not decrease.

The huge rock rolled continuously until it hit the rock wall on the other side and stopped after being embedded in it.

And Lan En fell down along with the broken tree.


The sound of the fighting spirit bursting and the light red light appeared at the same time!

In mid-air, his body stretched back like a bow! Strong muscles wrapped around the reinforced bones, and the steel cables on the tendons stretched and twisted skillfully.

In Lan En's ears, he could even hear the sound of his muscles exerting force, like steel squeezing each other, steady and powerful!

[Powerful Slash in the Air]!

And just before his landing point, the Tyrannosaurus Rex attacked frantically, and the head bit forward along with the stone it lifted up!

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