Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1204 1186 The Restraint of Sword Oil

Chapter 1204 1186. The restraint of sword oil

The Devil Tyrannosaurus held against Lan En's big sword, and the eyes of the man and the dragon were not giving way to each other.

There was only a fog monster right behind Lan En.

Under the crushing of the two's strength and tough bodies, its body was crushed to death by Lan En's back on the broken trunk of a tree and dissipated.

The battle between the Devil Tyrannosaurus and Lan En was like two steamrollers destroying everything.

The soil, trees, and even rocks around them were not hard enough for them.

In the process of their entanglement, the fog monsters appeared one by one, but disappeared one by one because they were affected.

The Devil Tyrannosaurus completely crushed without distinguishing between enemies and friends, of course, sweeping away a large area.

Even Lan En, who was small in size, was forced to retreat by the power of the Devil Tyrannosaurus every time.

If he had a fog monster behind him, and there was an obstacle behind the fog monster, it would be enough to crush the fog monster to death.

Ordinary monsters are too fragile in a battlefield of this level.

But Lan En was still inevitably disturbed by the fog monsters.

The fog monsters themselves would cheat in battle, and then take advantage of the gap when the demon hunter could not distinguish the phantoms to attack suddenly.

It can be said that they are the type of monsters with more combat wisdom and the ability to seize opportunities.

And the group around the Devil Tyrannosaurus Rex doesn't care about life and death.

Their ability to see and seize opportunities in battle is certainly far less than Lan En's.

But their indifference to death and their large number of characteristics still allow them to seize some key time points and interfere with Lan En's tactical arrangements.

For example, several times before, they took advantage of his unstable center of gravity and wanted to overturn him directly.

Under the restrictions and harassment of the fog monsters, Lan En found it increasingly difficult to achieve results on the Devil Tyrannosaurus Rex.

But because of his own quality and skills, the Devil Tyrannosaurus Rex has spent half an hour with him so far, and has not eaten a piece of meat.

Lan En began to consider whether to retreat temporarily.

He has now obtained some information through [Spiritual Vision]. If he does not use this information to make arrangements, it will be a complete waste.

And the danger and difficulty of this Tyrannosaurus will undoubtedly remain at the highest point!

The demon hunter's cat eyes watched the other party's acidic saliva flowing more and more and more sticky.

And the Tyrannosaurus' body was uncontrollably twitching due to unbearable hunger. It gave people the feeling of acid reflux in the stomach and trembling all over the body.

And this is just the Tyrannosaurus's most ordinary state, the most ordinary appetite.

As the hunting process was prolonged, the Tyrannosaurus's originally cold-blooded reptile pupils were constantly expanding, losing consciousness, condensing, and losing consciousness again.

It was just like a state of being tortured to madness by pain, or a state of being overdosed by anesthetic powder!

And if this state continues. Lan En tried his best not to think about that terrible development.

The amber cat's eyes quickly swept around.

Mentos has understood the main body's intention. It uses many conspicuous lines to plan routes on the surrounding scenes, providing Lan En with the choice of which route is suitable for temporary retreat.

Hunting is a long and patient process. Only well-prepared hunters can safely and effectively resolve the counterattack of prey.

Demon hunters and biochemical intelligence are aware of this.

But just when Lan En had begun to plan the retreat route, a neat sound of horse hooves came from the mountain road below.

The sudden typhoon in the mountains and the roar of monsters that did not belong to this world seemed to be unable to cause any hesitation to these horse hooves.

It even became a guiding light.

The horse hooves turned from the mountain road without hesitation and went up the mountain along a slightly gentle slope.

The typhoon from the sea was still blowing, and there were dragon beasts and monsters around, but Lan En only felt a sense of comfort at this time, even happy!

Because no matter what, his loyal friends and warriors would always come to him.

"My Lord, please forgive me for overstepping my bounds, but do you need help?"

Lincoln's young voice was blown erratically by the typhoon, but his tone was not at all flustered by the shocking scene in front of him.

"I need it, Lincoln!" Lan En shouted with a big laugh, "I need help!"

"Then the Embers will respond to your call!"

A team of ten knights rushed up the gentle slope plowed by the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

There were only ten people, but their momentum dared to charge at any opponent!

"Help me kill those fog monsters! This thing is mine!"

Without restrictions and interference, Lan En and the Tyrannosaurus Rex began to look at each other with a kind of fiery look.

The small shield emblem of the fifth period of the New World Investigation Corps on the waist, the [Early Recovery Guardian Stone] in the center was emitting a glimmer of light.

He can enjoy hunting!

"Understood, my Lord!"

The Embers Knights and their horses began to charge at a low speed.

Although the riding skills of the Embers Knights were generally higher than Lann's, this area was originally mountainous. If it had not been ravaged by the Tyrannosaurus for a long time, it would have been flattened.

Then they couldn't even rush up on horseback.

But now, facing the gullies left by the Tyrannosaurus on the ground and the huge rocks that it turned over like a bug, the knights could only move at a normal trot.

Originally, ten people and ten horses, this kind of meat should be more attractive to the Dino Tyrannosaurus than Lan En alone.

But for some reason, it just stared at Lan En.

Among the Ember Knights, the sound of slight collisions between armor and equipment was heard.

For different types of enemies, senior warriors will change their armaments to appropriate weapons before going into battle.

"Gun blades and sword blades should be oiled! And arrows too!"

Lincoln was at the front in an orderly manner, doing the operations himself while reminding the Ember Knights behind him.

Although judging from the average quality of the Ember Knights, it seems that there is no need for such a reminder. But as the temporary commander in the current situation, Lincoln requires himself to do a lot of things.

"Attention! The enemy is a mist monster, use [Zombie Creature Oil]!"

The knights took out glass bottles from the leather bags on the saddles of their horses, which contained a thick oily liquid.

Their movements are professional and neat, almost like the demon hunters who often use these things.

In fact, these actions are indeed standard actions for demon hunters.

They have all asked Lan En for instructions and want to conduct the Demon Hunter's Green Grass Trial. Of course, these combat-related techniques have long been integrated into the daily training of the Ember Knights.

Not only did they rely on Lan's connection with Berengar to learn some of the alchemy and professional moves of the witcher from the old witcher, they also began to learn monster knowledge.

Lincoln's judgment on the mist demon is very standard, and it can be called "academic" among demon hunters.

But when the Ember Knights were about to apply sword oil on their weapons, Lan interrupted Lincoln's arrangement.

"Don't use [Corpse Oil], use [Curse Oil]."

An abrupt and unreasonable order.

This made Lincoln frown.

But he still immediately changed his order.

"Use [cursed oil]!"

The fog monster is a corpse-eating creature. This is a clear common knowledge about monsters.

But now Lan En asked them to use [Curse Oil] to deal with cursed creatures.

Normally, the Ember Knights would have their own understanding of Lan En's orders, and sometimes they would even behave in such a way that he would feel speechless.

But at the critical moment, their execution of orders was absolute.

Now is the critical moment.

In a uniform movement, the Ember Knights immediately changed the bottles in their hands.

The oily liquid in the new bottle was quickly applied to the weapon.

And then, the Ember Knights finally came into contact with their first target.

Lincoln put the spear under his arm, and his superb riding skills caused the horse under his crotch to jump up and over a tree trunk that had been smashed but was still not small.

The cold light spear blade piercing diagonally from above carries a layer of oily sheen.

A fog demon didn't react at all. It even turned sideways to face the knight.

As a result, the gun blade was able to penetrate through its chest without any hindrance, all the way to the ribs on the other side of the body.


The screams of the mist monsters are as harsh and disgusting as their evil laughter.

The fog demon, which was about the same size as a normal person, was almost picked up by Lincoln's gun blade after his horse landed!

At the same time, the Mist Demon, who originally only appeared from the fog throughout the entire process, dissipated into the fog after his death, without any other abnormal behavior.

At this time, the wound pierced by the gun blade turned obviously black!

It's like the white mist is polluted by black smoke.

As for the mist demon itself, it had already suffered many tragic deaths, but only this time it let out a painful scream.

After a round of charge, every knight had a harvest in his hands.

Lincoln and the other knights also showed unexpected expressions.

Because these mist demons were obviously restrained by the sword oil.

Although sword oil is a means for demon hunters to weaken and attack monsters in a targeted manner, it is basically highly toxic.

But the monsters themselves are no longer normal creatures. If the sword oil is wrongly targeted, the monsters will probably not be decisively affected.

Among the sword oils, [Ghost Oil], [Constructed Bio Oil], [Curse Bio Oil], and [Residue Oil] are all more special.

Because the things they target are not affected by 'poisoning' in the conventional sense, not even fleshy bodies.

During the production process of these types of sword oils, more attention is paid to the mystical significance of alchemy. Instead of conventional herbal medicine.

But now, the Mist Demon that should have been restrained by [Zombie Creature Oil] is restrained like this by [Curse Oil]

Lincoln, who always had a flexible and thoughtful mind, began to think about the meaning behind this phenomenon.

In the eyes of Lan En, who occasionally glanced back during the struggle with the Tyrannosaurus, all this became even clearer.

After being nailed to death by Lincoln's shot just now, the fog demon screamed and dissipated into white mist, and the time it took for it to regroup was greatly lengthened!

Compared to the indifferent appearance of just going on and on and reappearing after death.

The clearing speed increases, but the reappearance speed of the fog demon decreases.

The number of fog monsters on the scene began to become sparse in a straight line!

"Others continue to fight."

Lan En used [Iron Mountain Knuckle] to block the head swing of the Dino Tyrannosaurus. Such huge power made his palms numb even if he used the right technique at the right time, but his mouth was full of enthusiasm. shouted.

"Lincoln, I have something for you to deliver to the ladies on the hill!"

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