Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1216 1198 Corpses

Chapter 1216 1198. Corpse

"Really killed meow!"

The flannel ball was the first to jump off Qilin's body, and happily jumped onto Lan En's shoulders. He stood on tiptoes and looked at the corpse of the Dino Tyrannosaurus next to him, where even the blood flow had stopped and solidified.

"I thought that because I ran out of [golden rosin], you would be in trouble here, meow. So I quickly grabbed Qilin and took a detour to bring Margarita here first, meow!"

As he said this, Flannel Ball still wrinkled his face, looking a little remorseful.

Lan En raised his hand and patted its little head: "It's nothing. Finally, I discovered something new."

With that said, Lan En briefly told the flannel ball about the situation where he had just used the [Thunder Sword].

"Meow?" The three-flowered Ellu cat tilted its head, and the triangular ears on its head also flapped, "But don't I remember that those spells are complicated anyway? You used them right away, meow?"

Lan En himself shook his head: "I don't know what the situation is, but it's used anyway. It's a good thing anyway, right?"

Fluffy Ball nodded hurriedly.

"That's right! It's a good thing, meow!"

"Anyway, just kill it!" Margarita said on the back of Qilin who was gradually approaching.

She first used the levitation technique to bring Sakia down, sat on the ground and let the flannel ball support her, and then dismounted.

Although the injuries in the green dragon state were only slightly related to the human form, the Dino Tyrannosaurus bit her shoulder and shook her arm, basically breaking all the bones.

Now in her human form, her left shoulder is also broken, and she can't use it at all. A slight twist of the bone may cause additional damage.

And Margarita, who got off the horse, stood next to the thigh of the Dino Tyrannosaurus that was sunk into the ground.

It was exactly the same as Lan En's posture just now, supporting the body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, stretching his head and looking down.

"Oh, it's still an elf relic."

After the sorceress commented with interest, she turned her head and looked at the witcher who had walked beside her.

Then she asked seriously: "Is everything okay?"

Lan En shook his shoulders, twisted his neck, and said with a smile, "No problem."

When he finished saying this, Margarita relaxed and hugged his waist.

"This thing scares me to death! I've never seen such a monster before. Are you dealing with this kind of thing over there?"

She sounded very worried.

"No." Lan En blinked and explained, "This Dino Tyrannosaurus is a very powerful character no matter what."

After calming down the sorceress who was calm and indifferent on the surface, but actually very uneasy inside, Lan walked up to Saskia.

While he began to remove parts of the opponent's armor, he began to touch the opponent's left shoulder and left hand to feel the condition of the bones.

"Hiss~" Sakia took a breath, but she still forced a smile, "You should expose my left breast, Duke Lane. I feel like there is something wrong with my entire left upper body."

At this time, she was covered in cold sweat, and her dark gold and black hair and red and white headband were soaked.

"Just call me Lan En. I'm sorry that I didn't introduce myself to you before. After all, you know now that I'm mainly here to solve problems, not for ostentation."

Lan En was still examining the opponent's bones while dealing with the opponent lightly.

"Your breasts are very beautiful, Sakia. But there's no need. I have a lot of medical experience and there's no need to touch your breasts. The ribs underneath are fine."

"Really, I feel really sorry for you."

"Well, I heard that your tone was a bit prickly." Lan lowered his voice and shook his finger at Sakia, who was looking at him.

"Although I don't know why, I suggest you not to mess with Margarita at this time. This is for your own good, Miss Green Dragon."

Although Lan En did not examine Saskia's left breast, given the style of her armor, most of her plump and round fleshy balls were already exposed after examining her shoulders.

Lan En took out a simple medical tool from the alchemy leather bag and slightly fixed the position of her broken bone so that Saskia would not be hurt by the bone stubble due to small movements.

"The rest requires more formal medical treatment." Lan En patted his hands that were still stained with Saskia's cold sweat and stood up, "Or maybe you real dragons have some other methods to help you recover quickly?"

"Transformed into human form. I have to say, this move really opened my eyes."

Lan En crossed his arms and showed interest in Saskia.

The same goes for Flannel Ball and Qilin. They leaned next to Lan En and looked at the female warrior.

None of them have ever seen a monster that can turn into human form.

Sakia gritted his teeth and pushed himself to his feet.

"You want to know? Not every true dragon can transform into human form."

She raised her hand to push away the dark blond hair that stuck to the side of her face due to cold sweat.

"I can transform because of my adoptive father. He is a golden dragon."

"Golden Dragon?" Before Sakia could finish speaking, Lan En raised his eyebrows in surprise, "I always thought it was a legend!"

"He is a genetic mutation and may be the only golden dragon in the world. It is not wrong to say that it is a 'legend'." Sakia did not refute. "Note: Every story has a little bit of truth in it."

Precisely because both the demon hunters and she knew about the real dragons in this world, they knew how rare the concept of a 'golden dragon' was.

Only green dragons, red dragons, black dragons, and rare white dragons in the extreme north are recognized to exist in this world.

If it weren't for her adoptive father, Sakia might also doubt the existence of golden dragons.

"Anyway," the green dragon female warrior subconsciously wanted to shrug, but because of her injuries, her face turned pale. "My adoptive father can transform into various forms. I have been inspired by magic since I was a child with him, but I can only transform into this image."

At the end, Sakia begged.

"Please keep this secret for me, okay?"

"People regard dragons as the natural enemy of intelligent life, and think that we are the most cruel, vicious, cunning and dangerous type of monsters. When they see a dragon, they can't wait to kill it immediately. But I still want to stay in this society you have built for a while."

But in fact, humans rarely hunt real dragons for "eliminating harm".

More for the legendary treasures gathered by real dragons, as well as dragon blood, dragon teeth, and dragon tears, which can be made into longevity drugs, cosmetics, special aphrodisiacs and other hot things through alchemy.

Roasted dragon tail is also a famous delicacy that shows status.

Warlocks are eager to use these things to gain more power and wealth for themselves.

"The Embers Knights are all my people, and neither they nor I will say anything. I also have some influence on the sorceresses."

Lan En nodded to Sakia, which made the green dragon warrior feel relieved for no reason.

"You have proved that you are not a cold-blooded monster. I will respond to your previous help with loyal help."

Margarita, who was still looking at the body of the Devil Rex next to her, suddenly interrupted.

"That's great, you just made the promise for me."

But after Lan En turned his head and smiled silently at her, the dean of Aretuza raised his eyebrows and stopped talking.

"Don't talk about 'help'." Instead, Sakia blushed, "I didn't expect it to be so terrifying. In the end, I wanted to help, but I was saved."

"It's very strange, like a natural life, but it's a bit crazy to be like this." Sakia asked uncertainly. "Did the wizards do this?"

She looked at the body of the Devil Rex in shock. When she was injured, the flannel ball and Margarita had no time to explain the whole story to her.

"No, it was the intersection of the celestial spheres." Lan En shook his head. "It has nothing to do with the wizards' magic experiments. It's normal that you haven't seen it."

Sachia knew that she was still very immature in terms of experience, so she just nodded to show that she knew.

"Then what should we do with this body? Just throw it here?"

"You were invited by Foltest to come to Pontar Valley to solve the problem. This thing is proof that the problem has been solved, right?"

Speaking of this, Lan En couldn't help but get serious and walked to the body of the Devil Rex.

At this time, its muscles had completely returned to normal, and the heat on its body was taken away by the cool air circulating in the elven ruins.

The dark green bast and scales were full of dirty blood that had oxidized to black, and there was a stench.

But the ferocious temperament was still not weak at all.

Margarita covered her nose with a perfumed handkerchief so that she could stand by and focus on observing this terrifying creature.

"No." Lan En's palm and fingertips slid across the slippery and dirty skin of the Devil Rex, and suddenly said. "This thing can't stay here."

"It's better not to let others see it."

"When it was alive, it took less than a month and a half to destroy the ecosystem of one-fifth of the area of ​​the Mahakam Mountains."

"Now that it's dead, this corpse shouldn't cause more waves."

Whether it's because of the special nature of this Devil Rex itself, or the common super evolutionary ability and adaptability of the monsters in the world where the New World is located.

It has caused great damage to this world.

The appetite of the Devil Rex is at the level of biological extinction no matter where it is placed.

A Devil Rex ate a group of fog monsters at the magic gathering point of this world, and the curse was triggered and it became like this.

One-fifth of the ecology of a mountain range was destroyed.

If it recovers naturally, it may not be possible to complete the ecological restoration in fifty years.

After all, with the cursed fog monsters as its "eating organs", the Devil's hunting range even covers small creatures.

It kills and eats everything without leaving any grass.

After causing such a big commotion, if the body of the Devil's body is made public, some people will have ideas about the body and the knowledge and power contained in the body.

Even if these are ignored, will the body of the Devil's body react to the chaotic magic scattered in this world?

Lan En felt a headache just thinking about it.

"Will others agree?" Margarita put her handkerchief on her nose and said lightly, "After all, it is related to the Pontar Valley, and everyone is nervous."

And Lan En's tone was calmer than hers.

"If you don't believe it, go into the mountain yourself to see if it's done. What else is there to say?"

"And you" Suddenly, the demon hunter who was talking turned his head to a bush outside the elf ruins. "Sir, as a witness, won't you come out and say something?"

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