Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1218 1200 Traitors and Heroes

Chapter 1218 1200. Traitor and Hero

The one-eyed elf's fingers unconsciously rubbed the tattoo on the side of his neck. The flower tattoo was obviously exquisitely crafted.

And it has the artistic style of the elves. It should be from the hands of the elves.

And Iorveth himself just sneered at Sakia.

"You have been with humans for a long time, but because of your identity as a green dragon, you also identify with and sympathize with the Squirrel Party."

"You understand our nature very quickly. Do you know why?"

"Because we are also a group of brats! Youngsters! Greenheads!"

Iorveth's action of calling himself a 'brat' did not make Sakia angry. Instead, she looked at him seriously at this time, ready to listen to his thoughts.

But Sakia obviously didn't expect that the other party would describe herself and the group she led in this way.

Wasn't the word 'brat' just now an insult to me?

"We were instigated. Someone took advantage of our impulsiveness and stupidity and deceived us with the slogan of 'freedom'. Do you think no one among us has heard such words? No one understands?"

Looking at the stunned expressions of Sakia and Margarita, and Lan En who had been silently stuffing food into his mouth since he started talking to Sakia, Iorveth smiled, not knowing whether he was mocking himself or others.

"I said we are a group of fools because we know everything in our hearts, but we cannot overcome the anger and hatred from our hearts, and still follow this path planned by others."

Iorveth used emphasis when saying the word 'others'.

He obviously not only knew that his squirrel party was instigated, but also knew what role this 'other' played.

"We can't overcome our inner emotions. That's what we call impulse."

"We all know the truth. People always say 'don't be impulsive', but who can really do it?"

Iorveth seemed to let go at this point. He drank all the remaining Vermentino red wine in his glass in one gulp, and even reached out to Lan En across the bonfire.

The demon hunter also calmly reached out and poured him another glass.

Margarita, who was originally lazy and indifferent, seemed to frown, and her expression was a bit serious and serious.

And from her petrified lizard leather handbag, she took out another bottle of unopened Livia cherry wine.

"The slogan of driving humans back to the sea is really easy to remember and easy to spread. When people in my team are emotional, they often shout this slogan to boost their morale. But Ella and I know in our hearts"

"This slogan is not for us, the Squirrel Party, to boost morale."

"The target of this slogan is humans! It is to ignite human anger! Let those originally neutral and relatively peaceful humans hate us and hate us!"

"We, who are not the target of propaganda, ran to the battlefield in a frenzy, and became the so-called Squirrel Party."

Iorveth spread his hands, and a smile appeared on his face. A sad smile.

"Now many non-human races regard us as heroes in private, which of course satisfies my vanity and sense of honor."

The sad smile seemed to be fixed on his face and could not be shaken off.

"On the contrary, people like Yarpan and Zoltan would think we are stupid and shameful, just like a young man who sees a woman with her legs spread and dives in without thinking about who the woman is or whether her legs are clean."

"Especially because this action will implicate others."

"But maybe in a few years, people like Yarpan who have made efforts to live in peace with humans will be called traitors, and we will be openly regarded as heroes."

"In this world, in our history, the role switching between traitors and heroes is not new. Yarpan and others know it in their hearts."

Margarita looked at Iorveth seriously, and Sakia seemed to be unable to feel the injury on her shoulder at this time. The decisive and neat beautiful face clenched her back teeth, and the masseter muscle bulged.

Obviously, they didn't expect that the commander of a squirrel party actually thought so deeply about the situation and the situation.

Cut into the whole thing from different angles and then think about it.

Margarita was fine, she just didn't care before.

Sakia was even more shocked.

Because obviously, she felt that after several discussions with Lan, she had a system of thought that had made great progress, but it still seemed not deep enough and comprehensive enough in front of Iorveth.

This was not a gap in wisdom and intelligence, but a gap in the position, experience and vision of putting oneself in another's shoes.

When Sakia thought of this, she turned her head and looked at the demon hunter who was still silent and just lowered his head to eat.

He seemed to be the only one who was not surprised by Iorveth's explanation. It was as if he had seen it a lot and it was no longer new.

"Aileran." Iorveth suddenly said to Sakia, "Carson had the opportunity to shoot you directly on the mountain road, but he hesitated at the time and shouted this name. Do you remember?"

Sakia nodded. She still remembered that the elf archer of the Scoia Party was still shouting this name before he died.

"Aileran." Iorveth repeated the name, and the complex emotions in his tone made Sakia unable to distinguish at all.

"She is an elf, a brave elf. Two hundred years ago, she led the elves to attack humans."

"But the elders among the elves disagreed with her actions, because they knew that their population was sparse and their race could not afford to fail. Once they failed, they would be doomed. The elders wanted to protect their people and let their race continue to survive. But."

"How can an old man compete with a young man? Especially since the young man is beautiful and eloquent, her proposal is glorious and fearless!"

"So the young elves followed Aileren to the battlefield and were slaughtered. Ruthless slaughter."

"Those young people shouted her name before they died."

Iorveth said calmly, sipping wine from time to time.

"Just as she promised, they died bravely, gloriously, and decently. But the result was only devastation and the tragic fate that our race was destined to have."

The one-eyed elf calmly scanned the beautiful bodies of the demon hunter, the female warrior, and the female sorceress, but there was not even a trace of lust in it.

"Elves have a long lifespan, but only young people among us have fertility. Then, these precious young people followed Aileren to die on the battlefield."

"The elves are hopeless."

"Humans are intoxicated with lust, which is much more intense than that of elves, which allows humans to mess around day and night, regardless of place or object. Human women can get their bellies bulging as long as they sit on men's thighs. In our eyes, the fertility rate of humans is just like that of rabbits!"

"Historical experience tells us that only the races that are best at getting women pregnant and slitting other people's throats can grow strong and become kings."

"And in terms of murder and sex, humans are indeed unmatched."

"And Aileren." Iorveth smiled, not knowing whether it was sarcasm or sadness, "She became a hero."

"Legend has it that when she died, she was begging someone, saying 'Forgive me, forgive me'. And if you ask me..."

The expression of the one-eyed elf suddenly became fierce and disgusted.

"Let her go to hell! It's better to just die than to beg for forgiveness after doing something bad!"

"Or just like me! Knowing that your race is hopeless, just go for it! Don't care about anything! Don't regret anything!"

"Indecisive and capricious." Iorveth's fingers subconsciously rubbed the flower tattoo at the base of her neck, even rubbing her skin red. "She deserves to die!"

"Aileren has mixed reviews among the elves, which is normal." Margarita was also holding the wine glass in a daze, but forgot to put it in her mouth.

"But now, you, a squirrel party, are doing this to her. This is really..."

The sorceress had a complex expression that was difficult to describe.

Obviously, this scene was beyond her understanding.

But if you think about it carefully, there is nothing unreasonable about the cause and effect relationship and logical order.

Iorveth really hates humans and really wants to retaliate against humans with violence.

But what made him start to act without scruples and with the mentality of breaking the jar and killing two to get the money back was actually the impulsiveness and failure of Aileren two hundred years ago.

If he had not foreseen the doomed bleak future of his race, with his rationality and understanding of the situation, he would probably not have become a Scoia Party now.

"But let's get back to the point, Iorveth."

Finally, Lan En, who had just been eating silently with his head down, suddenly spoke.

This action naturally caught the attention of everyone else.

"You dared to take the risk and follow the traces left by me and the Devil Dragon to run here. It shouldn't be to explain your racial concept, right?"

"I promised Sakia that I would help her keep the secret of being a green dragon. And your next answer"

Lan En put the last bite of the ham and cheese sandwich in his hand into his mouth and said to the one-eyed elf.

"This may affect your fate, Iorveth."

The demon hunter shrugged and subconsciously wanted to suck his greased fingers, which showed that he was in a relaxed state.

But the sorceress leaning on him smiled charmingly, and then pulled the demon hunter's hand over in an unrejectable manner.

Buried his fingers in the strong and bright red lips.

When the sorceress enjoys herself, she never cares about others.

And the one-eyed elf, after a slight silence, pursed his lips and nodded, and put the wine glass in his hand next to the campfire.

He said seriously.

"I came here just to seek an opportunity."


"Yes." Iorveth's face, which was so cold and hard that it didn't look like an elf because of the scar and the one-eye, turned to the demon hunter and the female warrior one after another.

"A chance to really save my race!"

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