Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1224 1206 Super Organ Knowledge

Chapter 1224 1206. Super Organ Knowledge

"Tyrannosaurus is famous for its insatiable appetite and the violent character caused by its appetite. Among them"

"A Tyrannosaurus can easily eat a region that was originally rich in ecology to the point of collapse, and it will basically take no more than a month"

Through Lan's description, coupled with the corpse of the real owner that is now in front of us.

A violent and terrifying creature and ecology that is strong and tenacious, and is driven crazy by its own powerful body, is presented to everyone.

Most of the ember knights looked at the corpse of the Tyrannosaurus with a mixture of shock and scrutiny, but the sorceresses were not like that. They were shocked and curious.

Tishaya obviously liked the rigorous wording revealed in Lan's expression, and the research and observation process from the inside out.

The scholars in the New World do not know magic, but their research on nature, food chains, and monster ecology is very in-depth and professional.

Each research report reveals the rigor and logic that has been precipitated and tempered over time.

The Scribes have a complete and perfect process for the study of monster ecology.

Once a new species is discovered, as long as they follow the process step by step to observe, investigate and summarize, even the inexperienced Scribes can come up with a research report that is worthy of being stored in the archive.

This means that their research process has even reached the point of being standardized.

For Tishaya, listening to such a disciplined and rigorous research report is really a pleasure.

"There are many reasons for the large appetite of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Its body has also evolved to satisfy its large appetite."

Lan En's finger gestured at the body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex in mid-air, first pointing to its neck and back muscles.

"Its entire body has a terrifyingly high metabolic rate, which is so fast that it can even raise its body temperature to a level that can scald humans to death."

"Secondly, it is its bottomless stomach. Super elasticity, super high digestion speed, and super strong nutrient absorption rate."

Then, Lan En's finger pointed to its chest.

"Because it eats all kinds of meat, all living things are regarded as food by the Devil Rex, so in order to prevent it from losing its ability to eat due to eating something inappropriate, its body has evolved its strong kidneys."

"This kidney makes its body's ability to metabolize harmful substances extremely terrifying, and it can even excrete heavy metal poisons. Few toxins can cause damage to it in the body of the Devil Rex."

This is also the reason why Lan En did not apply sword oil when fighting with the Devil Rex.

According to his habit, any means that can increase damage must be used.

And the stomach sac and kidneys of the Devil Rex that he emphasized on are actually the targets he is eager to study.

That is why he subconsciously mentioned these two organs.

As early as when he was still adventuring in the New World, Lan En had a bold idea at the time through the super evolutionary performance of the two monsters [Fiery Claw] Manjaw Dragon.

Integrate the super organ capabilities naturally evolved by these monsters into his own surgical procedures.

To do this, he needs to learn about monsters, and dissect and understand the powerful organs of these monsters in detail.

So far, he has understood the knowledge of the super organ [Secretory glands of the Fiery Claw Jaw Dragon].

Although he doesn't know if it can be used, it is at least a knowledge reserve.

As for the stomach sac and kidneys of the Devil Rex, he is sure that he can use them.

Among them, the stomach sac of the Devil Rex and the [Pre-placed stomach] in the Space Marine transformation surgery can form a technical support.

This was originally a large implanted organ located in the lower part of the chest cavity, which can pre-process highly toxic or almost indigestible substances, so that they can be digested and absorbed when entering the stomach.

With this organ, the breadth of the Space Marines' diet has expanded dramatically, and they can easily use things that cannot be absorbed by organisms as a source of nutrition.

The breadth of the Devil Rex's diet is not much less than that of the Space Marines, and it may be even stronger in the field of specialization such as organic life.

The stomach sac with terrifying digestive ability is obviously worth learning from.

The kidneys of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, which are the powerful detoxification and metabolism organs that allow the Tyrannosaurus Rex to remain safe and sound in such a messy diet, are obviously of great significance to the Pebble Kidneys.

This bioengineered organ is in the shape of a reddish-brown heart. On the one hand, it can improve and regulate the internal circulation system of the Space Marines.

Like many previous surgical procedures, it is responsible for making the patient's body a physiological environment that allows many modified organs to fully exert their capabilities and is suitable for their long-term operation.

On the other hand, the professional ability of the Pebble Kidneys is to filter blood with super high efficiency, enhance the metabolic rate, speed up the detoxification rate, and improve toxin resistance.

The body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex fully reflects these powerful characteristics.

Lan En said with great interest, and he was already eager to try the corpse of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

However, he was still worried. He certainly couldn't cut the corpse of the Tyrannosaurus Rex into pieces and conduct research in this world where chaotic magic was everywhere.

The invasion of cross-world creatures is not only dangerous, but also very troublesome to deal with.

However, just as Lan En was enthusiastically introducing the stomach and kidney functions of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Lincoln, who was standing next to him, suddenly had a bright look in his eyes, and then he picked up the huge notebook that he had slung over his shoulder like a messenger bag and started flipping through it.

"Please wait a moment, sir." He turned to a page in the notebook, and an excited smile of "as expected" appeared on his face.

"When I was learning about demon hunters, I once took notes on some medical and alchemy knowledge. One of them said..."

"Some ingredients or raw materials of antidotes come from the bodies of creatures with excellent resistance to toxins, mostly visceral grindings or secretions."

Lan En blinked and nodded.

This concept has appeared in many alchemy and medical fields.

But he didn't know what Lincoln was saying now.

Using the stuff in the body of the Devil Rex as an antidote? Now the Embers Knight doesn't have to face any enemies with toxic means, so is it unnecessary?


In an instant, Lan En seemed to react a little, and he glanced at his young and thoughtful adjutant.

Lincoln was still excited. He slammed the big book in his arms shut.

"My Lord, the most dangerous thing about the Green Grass Trial is the excessive damage to the body caused by the toxicity, right?"

As soon as the words fell, the other Embers Knights, who had not reacted just now, suddenly raised their eyes at the same time, and they were shining.

"If you think along these lines," Lan En did not avoid the question, but pinched his chin with his fingers, and the Mentos in his mind began to cooperate in supplying computing power.

"Using the antibodies extracted from the body fluid of the Devil Rex as the base of the antidote, this antidote, or slow-release agent, should indeed be enough to steadily suppress the toxicity of the Green Grass Trial."

He had already made his attitude towards this matter clear to the Embers Knights in Gaoqiu Castle.

Although Lan En and the Embers Knights had some differences in their pursuit of the Demon Hunter mutation, the differences were small.

It was mainly because Lan En was worried about their safety, but they themselves did not care much.

But if there is a way to safely conduct the Green Grass Trial, he has no reason to continue to object.

"Then, sir," Lincoln continued to ask cautiously, "Does this mean that we may have an idea to safely conduct the Green Grass Trial?"

The demon hunter waved his hand. After all, his young adjutant was a knight whose main job was fighting, and he still knew little about academic research and innovation.

"Ideas are ideas. If you want to complete the final product based on ideas, you still have to work hard."

"And even if you can suppress the toxicity of the Green Grass Trial stage, it does not mean that it is safe. Before the formal Green Grass Trial, your body will still undergo hormonal mutations. That can't be suppressed with sustained-release agents."

The demon hunter's mutation process is divided into several stages.

Among them, the initial physical fitness training and adaptive medication are naturally needless to say, and the formal physiological mutation begins with the collapse of the body's original hormones and immune system.

If the demon hunter wants to have a stronger body system, he must break down and reconstruct the original system.

During this process, the warlocks in the school will deliberately introduce a virus into the apprentice's body so that it can destroy the hormonal balance and immune system in the apprentice's body, so as to facilitate reconstruction in the future.

Destruction is the original purpose of this stage, so it cannot be suppressed.

The experience of "monster hunters can only mutate from children" is also derived from the experimental data of this stage.

Because adults have lost the ability to redevelop their bodies in childhood, the destroyed hormonal balance and immune system cannot be rebuilt.

Although Lincoln is not professional in research, he is also a steadfast warrior who will not be hindered by trivial matters.

"The problem will always be solved one day, but obviously, the body fluid of the Tyrannosaurus Rex is our first step, sir."

When Lincoln said this, the eyes of the other ember knights who were communicating with each other immediately froze.

They have no disagreements among themselves.

Other things are easy to say, but if it involves allowing them to become demon hunters and be closer to Lan En, they don't want to take the body of this Tyrannosaurus Rex to hand over.

It just so happened that Lan En didn't want to give it to his comrades.

"I'll think about how to use it." Lan En touched his chin and said thoughtfully. "But this Tyrannosaurus Rex definitely can't stay in this world. I'm afraid it will cause more trouble in the future."

"You mean," Lincoln speculated a little uncertainly, "to send it back to the world on the other side of the intersection of the celestial spheres?"

Lan En nodded first, and then the Embers Knights raised their eyebrows but nodded.

Although this statement is a bit outrageous, if it is Lan En who said it, then they believe it is true.

"I will send it to its 'home'. The creatures there are very knowledgeable. I will also find a way to deal with your affairs there, don't worry."

The Demon Hunter concluded.

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