Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1250 1222 [Sage] Completed

Chapter 1250 1222. [Sage] Completed

Using two metaphors in a row, Tishaya vividly distinguished [Sage] from ordinary warlocks.

This description may be exaggerated, but the gap in power and knowledge should be real and huge. According to Lan En's understanding of Tishaya's rigorous character.

"[Sage] is actually an abbreviation. Its correct full name is [Elf Sage]."

At this time, Lan En had also extracted his understanding of this word from Mentos' memory retrieval and said.

He tilted his head: "As far as I know, the only Elf Sage known to people in the world now is Ada Amin Aipu Siweni, who is rumored to live in the Blue Mountains."

Lan En emphasized "now" because the source of Ciri's bloodline, Laura Doron, also has the title of Elf Sage.

But the title of Elf Sage was no longer useful after she fell in love with the human wizard Craignan. Both races were chasing the couple at that time.

"Yes." Tishaya praised Lan's broad knowledge and extraordinary memory, "Only elves can be called [sages]."

"Or, only the elves of the past can cultivate [sages]. Therefore, there is only the title of [elf sage]."

"Even you, or human warlocks like Hen Gedimitis, are so far behind the elven sages?"

Lan asked with interest.

"Most elves are not as old as you."

"But Ada Amin is definitely not one of them." Tishaya picked up the big wooden cup with both hands and took a sip, saying decisively. "I have communicated and worked with Francesca. But Ada Amin still looks like her elder."

"Of course, Ada Amin doesn't seem to have a warm relationship with anyone, even her own people."

"Gedimitis and I are not the 'bonfire' of ordinary warlocks, but in front of the 'volcano' of the elven sage, we are just 'mountain fire'."

Tishaya said with emotion: "The most talented people among humans, the first to come into contact with chaos magic and subdue it, may be able to gain equality in power in front of Ada Amin, but in terms of knowledge and vision, they can only be called immature."

"But now."

Tishaya said while raising her palm and staring at it intently.

Lan En could see that she seemed to be casting a spell.

But it's impossible!

The young demon hunter's eyes revealed uncertainty. He even turned on [Spiritual Vision] to look at Tishaya's body, and then looked at her hands specifically.

It's indeed only the magic that was sucked from her side.

There is no chaos magic in the environment of the new world. The magic that Tishaya uses to calm her body is still drawn from Lan En's body.

How can she still cast spells?

Sure enough, things turned out as expected.

Without the support of magic, Tishaya could not make her palms light up even a little bit of supernatural light even if she focused her mind.

The sorceress calmly put down her palms, and in Lan En's frowning and puzzled eyes, she smiled thoughtfully.

"'Sages will never be bound by chaos magic'. I now understand this sentence a little bit."

"I want to thank you, Lan En." The sorceress turned her head to her side and said seriously. "If I hadn't come here, I might never realize this."

At this time, let alone Lan En's original knowledge and wisdom, even if he just guessed, he probably understood something.

The so-called [Elf Sage], listening to the meaning of this sentence. It turns out that he can control various energy systems, or in other words, a caster who can switch and control various energies freely?

If we look at the advanced technology of cross-world teleportation before the decline of the Ain Sidi elves, they may have traveled in various worlds with different energy environments.

And therefore, they realized the differences in the environments of each world, and then made great leaps and bounds in their spellcasting abilities and systems.

Compared with ordinary human warlocks, this is indeed the gap between "bonfire and volcano".

Even the first generation of human warlocks like Jan Becker can only achieve temporary "equality" with the elven sages in the world of the magical Middle Ages.

But once they leave the environment of chaotic magic, the elven sages are still not weaker, or even stronger, spellcasters relying on their own knowledge and experience.

But how can a human warlock who has not even been to multiple worlds adapt to the energy environment of another world?

It was just a matter of a moment.

Lan En's divergent thinking was sorted out by Mentos one by one, forming various speculations and records, which were archived in the database.

"I'm just a demon hunter, I don't really understand these things anyway." Lan En said casually, "But congratulations, Tishaya. It seems that you have gained a lot."

Tishaya didn't believe what he said about "not really understanding". The crystal cultivation project can't be advanced by studying biology alone.

If you don't understand the magic device, it's useless to say anything.

But she was in a good mood now, so she just glanced at Lan En, smiled, stood up, and walked towards the wooden stairs to leave.

After Tishaya left, Lan En concentrated on enjoying the chef's craftsmanship and the excellent ingredients of the New World, the vitality that burst out in his mouth.

Tishaya gained academic and magical knowledge by passing through the celestial sphere intersection rift, but Lan En also gained a lot.

[Knowledge of strengthening organs: stomach of the mist nest master Tyrannosaurus], only a little bit is left to complete.

The understanding of the spell [Double Cross of Alzu] can be completed in the future, but the knowledge of strengthening organs cannot be left behind.


The sound of wooden plates rubbing and moving on the stone bar was heard.

Lan En glanced to the side and saw no one, only two furry little paws trying to reach the bar, pushing Tishaya's plate aside, and then putting his own plate.

The plate was a mess, with poisonous monster bird meat, but also seafood and dragon meat. This is not a set meal, but more like an employee meal.

"Huh, I'm finally done! Let's eat!"

The fluffy ball jumped onto the stone pier where Tishaya was sitting just now, and clapped his paws happily.

Lan En reached out and moved the milk cup that the fluffy ball had pushed too far when he was arranging the plate just now to its side.

"You seem to be busy and happy."

"I'm back to work with Cotton and Honey Dew, of course I'm happy, meow!"

The little paw of the fluff ball first took off the headscarf on his head, and then said happily.

For the Felynx, they like this comfortable busy state very much.

"How are your teammates now?" Lan En also remembered the other two Felynx in the fluff ball thief adventure group.

"They are all fine, meow!" The fluff ball laughed while eating, "Although they don't dare to fight, they also like their current work very much, meow!"

"But they have their work, and it's time for us to work too, meow!"

Looking at the calico kitten beside him who was inexplicably ignited, jumped up and stood on the stone pier with one hand facing the sky, Lan En blinked.


"Eh?" The fluff ball looked at Lan En and was also a little stunned. "Didn't the leader of the second group tell you, big boss?"

"Although the Flame King Dragon is in the arena he built, he is very happy. But since the accident, he has to send people to throw a lot of explosive barrels into it every day."

"Plus, the Flame King Dragon is an ancient dragon with many sightings in the Old World, so the observation and research on it will soon be over."

"In order to prevent the Flame King Dragon from thinking that the arena is a good place to supply gunpowder all the time, and coming back to make trouble from time to time, it is best to drive it away! This requires a powerful hunter to take action, meow!"

"No one has informed me at all." Lan En scratched his head, "Besides, I have no equipment now."

In order to open the eyes of the craftsmen in the New World, Berengar borrowed Lan En's master-level bear school armor and never returned it.

It seems that during the process of cooperative forging, it has been used as a sample for explanation.

The fluff ball just sat down from the burning state to eat two mouthfuls of the employee meal, and when he heard this, he immediately turned his furry head to Lan En.

"But didn't the boss ask you to get the new equipment tonight, meow?"

"." Lan En pursed his lips and licked his lips with his tongue. "So I was the last to know about my equipment?"

"Then I don't know, meow." Flannel Ball waved his hands quickly, opened his big watery eyes, and indicated that he was completely innocent.

The news that the new equipment was ready immediately made Lan En's mind break away from the continuous research state in the past few days.

He shook his arms and neck, and the muscles in his body suddenly became active.

Lan En also knew why Flannel Ball ran out of the kitchen to sit at the same table with him today. It turned out that Kitty was going to come out of the kitchen and re-enter the adventure and battle.

He and Flannel Ball were both warriors, and they didn't hesitate at all. After finishing their dinner in a few bites, they walked towards the processing house on the second floor of the Star Base together.

At this time, the remaining red light of dusk was gradually sinking below the sea level near the Star Base, reflecting the sea surface in red, and the sky was already dark.

Only inside the processing room, there was still a fiery glow, and noisy mechanical sounds and forging sounds.

It was just that everything was in order, and there should be someone watching over each casting process.

At this time, the apprentices gathered in a group in the processing room, looking inside.

When the tall Lan En stood there, they suddenly realized it, and then made way for them even more lively.

The evil dragon Smaug, if measured by the level of this world, is at least an ancient dragon level.

And the use of an ancient dragon material that has never been recorded to forge a whole set of armor, the technology used is mostly "magic" craftsmanship from another world.

It would be strange if these technology fans were not excited.

There is currently no set of armor made of ancient dragon materials in the entire Star Base.

Although Winder has strength, his energy has been on exploration and exploration before, and he did not deliberately fight with ancient dragons.

The flannel ball followed behind Lan En, and at this time, his mouth opened and exclaimed "Wow".

And he got on all fours and trotted forward impatiently.

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