Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1274 1246 Yharnam Hunter

Chapter 1274 1246. Yharnam Hunter

Lan En, kneeling on the canvas, slowly opened his eyes in an orderly manner, but kept his eyelids down to prevent his eyes, which would shine in the dark, from being too conspicuous.

Lan En's attention glanced at the corner of his retina.

The Mentos timing system was projected on it.

It was only an hour and a half since he entered the [Meditation] state.

The night was still long.

But it was no longer peaceful.

A foul smell was drifting in from outside the alley.

In comparison, even the sewage covered by this disposable canvas seemed to have a precious natural scent.

The stench was a thick and sticky smell of blood.

Based on the experience of the demon hunter, it was human blood.

But the thickness and stickiness of the smell almost made Lan En begin to doubt his judgment.

After the special incense, the demon hunter felt a familiar smell again-

The smell of the blood of the beast patient!

Except for Lan's subconscious deep breath when he came out of the [meditation] state, the demon hunter's breathing has completely returned to normal.

Smooth and quiet.

But outside the alley, a heavy and irregular breathing is getting louder and louder.

Heavy, showing a strong lung capacity and athletic ability.

Irregular, it means that this thing is either not smart or a complete amateur.

It has both.

A series of "clang clang" noises suddenly broke out at the entrance of the alley, disturbing the crows that were resting on the silent Gothic spire.

The guy who broke into the alley smashed the messy wooden boxes and empty barrels.

The natural wooden boards that were at least two centimeters thick were like sugar coating that broke apart with a touch in its hands.

The stacks of boxes were smashed into pieces, and it was still rushing into the alley.

In the thick shadows, the opponent's full body of black became the best camouflage color.

Standing outside the alley and looking inside, you can only see a darker shadow leaping in a lighter shadow.

It is not a scene suitable for fighting at all.

The patient who has been highly beasted is still rushing straight in.

It is similar to the first beasted patient Lan En saw when he first came to Yharnam.

The body is strangely stretched and elongated by the disease, resulting in morbid skininess, and even large areas of skin can no longer cover it. After being torn, the bones are directly exposed.

And those vigorous and morbid black hairs are growing wantonly on it, even the bones without flesh and blood cover, and they are covered with those rough and smelly black hairs.

The sharp claws and the recurved legs are like a deformed werewolf.

But the skull does not move closer to the canine, but maintains the general outline of a human, so the combination looks even more weird.

It is running away.

The sharp claws just support the wall, and then leave deep and cruel claw marks.

But there are only two claws on its left hand.

From the throat, which was not sure if it still existed, came the grumbling and whimpering sound of the injured fleeing. It was a sound between that of a beast and a human, which made people feel uncomfortable after hearing it.

The beast patient covered with black hair rushed into the alley first, smashing the debris blocking the road into pieces.

Outside the alley, a hunter was stepping on the mist, standing outside the boundary between shadow and moonlight.

He quickly but quietly followed the beast patient to the entrance of the alley, and raised his left hand without thinking about the hunter's musket.


After the short gunshot, he could not see through the darkness and see whether the shot he fired along the beast patient's last trajectory hit the target.

The hunter frowned in the gap between the tricorn hat and the mask.

However, the hunters of Yharnam advocated a silent and swift way of fighting. They rarely vented their emotions in battle, and were more like cold and ruthless execution machines.

So the hunter's dissatisfaction with the shot just now was only this.

He didn't say a word from beginning to end.

There was a cut on his shoulder, on his leather windbreaker, and blood flowed out of the cut, all over his arm.

The leather windbreaker was covered with a layer of blood, giving off a glossy reflection. Bloody and wet.

At the junction of the shadow and the moonlight, the hunter's leather gloves slightly tightened the meat saw in his hand, and then loosened it.

Use the grip feedback to confirm whether his combat ability was affected by the wound.

He felt that the amount of blood loss and the injury were not serious, at least he didn't need to give himself a shot [blood collection bottle].

His chest rose and fell, as if he was using the method of deep breathing to build up his mental strength.

Then, he no longer hesitated, stepped forward, and crossed the boundary between the shadow and the moonlight.

As soon as he crossed that boundary, the light seemed to suddenly weaken.

The surroundings were dim and dark, and the hunter's leather boots made a "clicking" sound on the wet bricks. Fortunately, his breathing under the mask was relatively stable.

But in this alley, there were not only sounds made by the hunter himself.

"Click, click", that was the sound of the claws making brief contact with the bricks.

There was also the heavy breathing of the beast, and the bloody stench from the beast's internal organs was released to the outside world along with the breathing.

The hunter only moved forward three or four meters before his steps began to hesitate.

He really wanted to hunt this beast patient.

Its beast disease has progressed to a very deep and serious stage. If he, the discoverer, does not care, how many more people will it kill this night?

Moreover, in order to avoid happening in front of the public and causing panic, the hunters' hunting actions should be carried out away from the crowd and in secret.

This place is just right.

However, he was a little too confident in himself. He overestimated his eyes' adaptability to the dark.

I should have brought a torch.

The hunter thought to himself.

Although he couldn't hold a gun with his left hand with a torch, it was better to have one less long-range auxiliary weapon than to be in the dark now.

Thinking of this, the hunter's footsteps had stopped.

He began to prepare to retreat cautiously.

Hunting the beast patients who were already hopeless was important, but his own life was equally important.

He could retreat outside the alley and make a temporary torch with the broken wood blocks. This alley was a dead end, and the beast patient couldn't escape.

But the current situation is that the hunter wants to leave, but his prey is not ready to let him get away so easily.

The blood flowing from the hunter's wound smells like beautiful notes singing to the beast patient!

So just when the hunter's pace slowed down, he had some cautious tendency to retreat.

"Da Da Da~"

A series of claws stepping on the stone brick floor sounded quickly.

The beast patient couldn't help but open his mouth, and saliva flowed down his skinny face.

The stench of the beast was carried between his breaths.

"Woo Ao!"

Its cry was full of eagerness and hoarseness.

Two slender arms with hairy sticks rushed towards the hunter with sharp claws!

Three fingers on one of its hands were cut off by the hunter, but there were only seven fingers left, so it wouldn't take much to tear a human body alive!

But from the perspective of the hunter, he only felt a foul smell of fishy wind rushing towards him.

But his vision could not capture the complete movements of the beast patient.

The rough and tough black hair on the other party was mixed with the shadows.

The hunter could only roughly see that the main body of the hunter was approaching him, but he could not see clearly what the thin and long arms were doing.

Under the sharp sound of the wind, the hunter's slightly panicked eyes suddenly condensed.

With a "whoosh", the leather windbreaker was blown up by the wearer's violent movement.

It is the core skill of the Yharnam hunters' combat system-that quick and swift super-fast dodge!

No matter what weapon is used, no matter which faction they are in.

Whether it is the Sawtooth Gang or the Gunpowder Keg Gang. Regardless of the hunting concept, this combat core that was laid down and passed down from the first hunters in Yharnam has always been a technique that hunters have never given up.

The hunter's movements were fast and decisive.

However, under the harsh conditions of losing the initiative and vision, he was still injured by the claws of the beast patient.

A large cut was made on the left hand holding the gun, and blood was splashed in a fan-shaped area under the involvement of the claws.

But he didn't just take the beating.

The injury made the hunter roughly understand the position and movement of the beast patient.

After dodging with a super-fast backwards move, he immediately rushed forward along the same path, also using a quick dodging move!

As the distance closed, in the lightless darkness, accompanied by the sound of the mechanism, a handful of sparks suddenly burst out!


[Meat Saw·Transformation Slash]!

The meat saw, which was originally folded up like a large folding knife and used the outer blade teeth to hurt people, suddenly opened during the swing!

While increasing the attack distance, the mechanical elastic force was also superimposed with the force of swinging the weapon, making it more lethal.

If this knife really hit, then with the extraordinary physical fitness of the Yharnam hunter and the superposition of mechanical force, it is estimated that the beast patient could be chopped directly away!

However, there is no "if" in reality.

Taking advantage of the momentum of the forward movement and taking into account the width of the alley, the hunter used the method of slashing from top to bottom to counterattack.

The opened meat saw did not produce a solid feeling of cutting into flesh and blood in mid-air, but only produced a slight resistance before swinging to the bottom, with a "clang" sound, making the sound and sparks of metal and brick collision.

The hunter's eyes, sandwiched between the mask and the brim of the tricorn hat, immediately widened in fear.

The beast patient let out a painful roar of injury, but in this pain, there was still a madness of thirst for blood.

The previous [Transformation Slash] slash only cut off the beast patient's hand that was rushing forward.

The hand that the hunter had chopped off three fingers before!

And the opponent's other intact claw, after being injured, grabbed the hunter's head and face in an even more impatient state!

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