Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1293 1265 Exact Time

Chapter 1293 1265. Exact time

"How are you living in that old house?"

Henrik said casually as he adjusted the collar of the lining of his suit jacket under his windbreaker.

"Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm just worried that living there won't be good and I won't be able to repay your favor."

"Anyway, I'm very grateful." Lan En nodded to him and said, "That house is not bad. Mark just moved away. How bad can it be?"

After a brief chat, Henrik turned his head and looked at the increasingly dim and gloomy sunset with his eyes sandwiched between the mask and the three-cornered hat.

He said as he took out his hunter's musket from under his windbreaker and loaded mercury bullets into it.

"What about you? Became a hunter?"

The 'click' mechanical sound of the pistol being loaded naturally carries a cold murderous intent.

But whether it was Lan En or Henryk, they obviously didn't care much about this kind of movement.

"I am indeed the hunter of Yharnan now."

With that said, Lan En also took out the document Maria gave him and showed it.

Although Henryk only glanced at him, Lan En could feel that although his tone was still habitually cold when speaking, he was actually much more relaxed.

"Then what are you doing back at night? Sleeping?" Henrik whispered softly, his voice muffled by the mask, "Night is the time for hunters to work."

"Unfortunately." The demon hunter waved his hand and said, "I am currently working in the research hall that studies gray blood disease."

Henrik nodded his dark three-cornered hat up and down: "Then you are really unlucky and unlucky that you can't have blood spilled on you. You can't feel the flow of blood from the beast's body."

But his voice, which was muffled by the mask, now carried a strong smell of blood.

Lan looked down at him.

No matter what Henryk's character is, he is still the hunter of Yharnan.

And as long as there is a hunter in Yanan, there is no one who is not addicted to blood.

At least, not young Henrik.

"Being a hunter in Yanan, there will always be opportunities." Lan En said calmly.

Then, the topic that the witcher had prepared a long time ago came up very naturally.

"Isn't the church preparing for a big hunt recently? Shouldn't the hunters be left in a place like the research hall at that time?"

Hearing this, Henrik first raised his eyes and looked at the witcher in surprise, as if he didn't expect that he would get this news just after he became a hunter.

But just thinking about it casually, Henrik shook his head.

"Then you are thinking wrong."

Looking at the increasingly dark sky, the young hunter took off the meat saw knife wrapped with a blood-stained bandage as an anti-slip from his waist, held it and turned his wrist.

A dull laugh came from beneath his mask.

"That was no ordinary hunt, stranger."

Henrik called out the Yharnamite catchphrase in a teasing tone.

"All old hunters who have slaughtered wild beasts for at least ten years are eligible to join the hunt. The leader is the glorious first hunter of the church, Ludwig!"

Speaking of the church's number one hunter, Henryk, a rare local hunter in Yanan, could make Lan En feel proud even on his face covered by a mask.

"The old hunters are gone, but what night can Yharnam live without the hunters? The history of lycanthropy is with this city."

"So there must always be newbies left to take charge of normal hunting."

Henrik nodded to himself while holding the hunter's musket, then stretched out and touched Lan En's arm with the barrel of the gun.

"That's us."

"That would be a pity. I also want to see what it looks like for the church to spend so much effort and recruit so many people to hunt the beast."

Lan En spoke calmly, but the pauses in his sentences and the control of his tone were all perfectly controlled by him.

It makes people feel like they want to answer the call.

Although only a slit of Henryk's eye was exposed, Mentos was able to sort out a lot of emotional data for reference just by relying on the tiny muscles under the skin around his eyes.

Sure enough, Henrik was caught with his words and strong emotional perception.

"Yes, I really want to see the blood flowing out of that beast, suck it~ or even smell it?"

Like an addict, Henrik sniffed and said in a low voice.

This action made Lan En frown subconsciously, but he still did not interrupt him.

Immediately afterwards, Henryk said: "We can only see if the souvenirs brought back by the old hunters in three days are still stained with the bloody smell of the beast."

The key information was captured by Lan En's ears in an instant, and Mentos archived it immediately.

It is expected to ‘bring back the trophies’ in three days. In other words, this big hunt happened within two days?

After the exact time was known, Lan En immediately realized the urgency of his current time.

Although his previous meeting with Simon made him understand that this was a nightmare, it was still Yanan's deepest and most dangerous nightmare.

But Simon didn't tell him the exact time when the incident occurred.

It's not that he doesn't want to say it as the Riddler, but he doesn't know it himself.

He only knew that the dream should end with the iconic event of the hunting night that burned down Old Yharnam, but he was not sure when this event would occur.

He himself died in this nightmare so much that he forgot how many times he had gone back.

This shows that something in this nightmare must be constantly changing.

It is impossible to remember everything by just relying on the mechanical "backboard".

That's why he came to Henrik, hoping to get the accurate time in a way that is as inconspicuous as possible.

The big hunt that made the old hunters come out in full force happened within two days, so the hunting night must not be far away!

After sorting out the time, Lan's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Eh? Are you leaving now?" Henrik looked at the demon hunter who walked away quickly after chatting for a few words in surprise.

And Lan raised his hand and waved without looking back: "Sorry, I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do, so I have to go first."

Henrik muttered a few words, but he had already grabbed the hunter's musket and meat saw in his hands.

At this time, in the gaps between the high and low Gothic spires of Yharnam, the last ray of sunset that was shaped into sharp lines through the interlaced gaps had disappeared.

The night enveloped Yharnam again, just like many nights in the past.

There were few windows with lights on the rugged and complex streets, but all the windows were equipped with iron bars and chains locking the iron bars.

The people of Yharnam have always lived like this.

In the outside world at night, only those dirty beasts and ruthless hunters would walk outside.

But tonight, there was a person who believed that he did not belong to either of them, and he was moving quickly.

With a "whoosh", Lan's cloak covering his armor was blowing in the wind.

And the sound of his boots hitting the stone bricks was even more sonorous.

The hem of the dragon skin skirt sometimes brushed against the tombstones piled on the side of the street.

The night in Yharnam was quiet and deserted, which was just right for secret actions.

After clarifying the current time limit, Mentos immediately re-arranged the time according to Lan's meaning and the roughly sorted out clues.

At the same time, the biochemical intelligent brain also synchronously guided Lan to move forward in this complex and gloomy city.

And Lan's destination was also very clear.

- The alley where he met Simon.

The alley where all the people in the alley died of gray blood disease.

The purpose of going there has nothing to do with Simon, it is just because this is the most recent gray blood disease death area that Lan En has seen with his own eyes.

The gray blood disease patients who were not able to be treated in the research hall in time and had to die outside. Will they be different from those patients who are receiving so-called "treatment" in the research hall?

Rushing all the way, the demon hunter soon arrived at the door of the alley.


A beast disease patient with a long saw in his hand, with rough and tough black hair that had been cut through his clothes, flashed past the entrance of the alley.

It was kicked away.

The body left the ground and hit another wall outside the alley. There was a muffled sound of "dong" and a scream.

"Woo wow!"

The sound of the deformed vocal cords was turbid and hoarse, which made people feel disgusted.

Judging from the shriveled but tougher body of the beast patient, there was a large footprint-shaped depression on its side.

That was the mark of Smaug's boots.

The beast patient, who was unable to control himself and wandered out, was kicked directly against the wall by Lan.

But before it bounced back to the ground after hitting the wall, a hand armor that showed a bone-white luster in the moonlight clamped the saw blade in its hand with a sharp sound of metal rubbing against each other.

Then the hand armor was raised casually, and the blade of the saw was placed on the beast patient's neck full of black hair.

Then with a "swish", with the sound of flesh tearing and blood splattering, the beast patient's entire head was cut off by the saw in his hand.

Everything happened quickly, the beast patient's screams stopped abruptly, and the head with a broken neck and the body falling back to the ground were only one second apart.

Lann casually withdrew his hand. The dragon scales used as armor on his hand were not even stained with the smelly blood of the beast.

When he first came to Yharnam, he had to use close-range fist and kick techniques to fight against the beast patient whose condition had progressed to a state where his whole body was covered with black hair.

In front of him now, he was just an enemy that he could easily run over when passing by.

The beast patient's dirty blood left a large splash-like mark on the wall, but Lann was not interested in watching.

His face became a little pale at this time, and the blood vessels on his neck exposed from the collar of the armor were a little black.

This was the reaction of the demon hunter's body to the toxicity after taking the potion.

[Advanced Cat's Eye] allowed Lann to see more clearly and even sensitively under the good moonlight.

With the clanging sound of boots, he walked into the dark alley with a calm attitude.

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