Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 805 Hall 787 Stove

Chapter 805 787. Hall Stove

Lan En began to untie the magic rune cloth and horse armor on Qilin.

The chest badges of the three demon hunters present began to tremble slightly.

"You put all these things on a horse?"

Geralt asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Although I also know that you are quite wealthy, and this horse does look really tall and strong. But... tsk tsk tsk."

His mature and hoarse voice can easily make people feel sarcastic when he says this.

Lan En felt that this guy must have suffered a lot and offended a lot of people because of this mouth.

Under the drapey rune cloth that had not been completely taken off, eyes like unicorn red crystals stared at Geralt, who was crossing his chest and commenting on it.

With a "whisper", Qilin snorted, and a tiny blue arc of electricity exploded from its fur.

Lan En, who was unloading the equipment on it, immediately had his silver hair explode.

"Hey! We agreed! Control!"

Lan En slapped Qilin's butt and complained.

"I don't have runecloth to protect me here!"

Qilin then shook his head, unhappy and chose not to look at Geralt.

And when Lan En removed all the equipment from Qilin's body, leaving only the magic leg rings, Geralt saw the entirety of this ancient dragon for the first time.

"For the sake of smallpox and plague."

At this moment, Bai Lang no longer had the energy to make judgments with his arms crossed.

His mouth opened uncontrollably, and his eyes, which were usually calm and steady, also widened.

"Unicorn? Alive?!"

The horns on Qilin's head finally grew back during this period of travel.

The spiral horn shows an energy-rich blue-purple color, like a section of radiant energy crystal.

"Isn't that what it says in the book?"

"Because it's not a unicorn."

Lan En said to the confused Geralt, while patting Qilin's flank.

The Qilin immediately neighed, raised its hooves happily, and ran towards Kaer Morhen's city wall.

And in a few moments, he jumped up the wall that was perpendicular to the ground, then jumped straight off the castle and went to play in the mountains.

"Why don't you come along and have some fun?"

Lan En turned around, leaned over and asked the flannel ball who jumped off Qilin's back and stood on the ground, looking around.

The flannel ball smacked its mouth and straightened its kitty helmet.

"It's not much fun to be with Kirin, nya. I can't wait to train now, nya!"

So energetic?

Fluffy Ball's conscious and hard-working words made Lan En despise Qilin even more in his heart.

I feel like this ancient dragon will not be able to defeat El Cat sooner or later.

Geralt, on the other hand, held his chin and looked at the velvet ball that spoke, stood, and moved like a human being.

At this moment, his high receptiveness to being constantly faced with gods and ghosts as a demon hunter also began to come into play.

"It seems that you encountered a lot of interesting things after that war?"

Lan En stuffed the magic equipment removed from Qilin into his alchemy leather bag, clapped his hands and spoke in a relaxed tone.

"Then we've had a good chat. Now, you can start entertaining the guests."

"I was invited by Vesemir in the first place, and I've been sleeping rough and sleeping in the open all this way. Do you understand what I mean?"

Geralt laughed so hard that his shoulders shook.

"Of course, of course. I happen to know that Vesemir hid a barrel of Nilfgaardian limoncello, and it was dated to 1237."


In the hall on the first floor of Kaer Morhen's main building, there is a large wooden table next to the fireplace.

The entire first-floor hall was empty and messy.

The high castle dome and the cracked marble on the floor all tell the story of how the castle once was brightly lit.

Now, even whispering a word can bring out an echo of loneliness.

The few remaining demon hunters are obviously not too particular, or they don't have the leisure to be particular about it.

Alchemy equipment, large wooden boxes for storage, storage tanks for monster organs, and even a disembowelled Kikimo, the corpse of a medium-sized dog-sized insectoid creature, was displayed on the table.

The social structure of this monster is similar to that of ants and bees. It is a species that invaded from the ancient celestial convergence period and is very destructive to the natural ecology.

And because this monster's body is so toxic, scholars among ordinary people believe that it is impossible to conduct anatomical research at all.

However, for a demon hunter, having a bottle of [white honey] on hand is considered to have completed the preparations.

And judging from the corpse of Qi Qimo, it is obvious that this skillful technique is not the first time it has been dissected.

Geralt added more wood to the fireplace in the hall.

The size of the stove matched the hall. It was nearly five meters long and deep enough to burn a large tree trunk directly inside.

"If there wasn't such a big stove, even the witchers wouldn't be able to survive the winter in this hall. It's too cold in the mountains. And over the past few decades, the weather has been getting colder and colder."

Geralt lit the fire, and the smoke from the burning wood would be discharged from the top along the flue of the castle.

Under the warm firelight, three demon hunters and a calico kitten sat at the large wooden table.

Geralt dug out Vesemir's wine collection, inserted a tap on the wine barrel, and poured it for everyone.

"Yours, kitten."

"Thank you, meow, but I don't drink." The calico cat raised its little paw and waved it. "A good warrior must be awake at all times, meow!"

"Heh, it's up to you. Anyway, all the good warriors I've met love this."

Geralt sat down with a cup. He was only wearing a white linen shirt today, with breeches and boots on his legs.

"You don't look too cold."

Lan En took a sip from the cup and said.

Berengar, who was next to him, did not drink, but turned his head from side to side frequently and looked at the hall with a complicated expression.

"Yeah, it's early summer now, and I'm very comfortable with this temperature." Geralt nodded indifferently. "But Xili can't do it. She's still young. The cold in the mountains is too strong. This stove is just for her. You can come over and make a fire to get some credit from her."

"Okay~" Lan En drawled and raised the cup in his hand, "Jing Xili."

The remaining two demon hunters were very proud and raised their glasses with a smile.

The flannel ball looked around blankly, then took the water bottle from his shoulder and touched it with a 'meow' sound.

After the first round of drinks, the atmosphere became completely heated.

There was no longer so much estrangement and sadness in Berengar's eyes. He began to stretch and relax in this familiar hall that he had not seen for a long time.

"Speaking of Ciri, where is she now?"

Lan En seemed to mention it unintentionally, and Geralt didn't hide it either.

"She's out there running 'Killer Road.'"

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