Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 807 789 Goodbye of the Old Demon Hunter

Chapter 807 789. Goodbye of the old demon hunter

"It sounds like you don't welcome outsiders, Mr. Lambert."

Lan put one elbow on the table and joked to Geralt.

Berengar curled his lips and made a comment: "In every issue of The Witcher, there will always be some thorny things."

White Wolf seemed very relaxed: "Don't call him Mr. Lambert, his mouth doesn't deserve this title. Just call him Lambert."

The door to the main hall of the castle was opened, and two tall and one short figures filed in.

And when the door just opened, Lambert's mocking and ironic voice came out.

"Oh, yes, Lambert doesn't deserve to be called 'Sir'. I think only our famous [White Wolf] Geralt is qualified to be called 'Sir', right?"

The witchers' extraordinary senses allowed them to hear the discussions in the room before they opened the door and entered.

Lane and Berengar turned from the table to the door.

Vesemir still looked the same as before, wearing his stocky and sturdy hybrid armor. His rosacea seemed to be a little worse than when they last met, and he looked redder.

Xili is in the age of growing taller. She has already grown a little taller after not seeing her for half a year, and her mouse-gray hair is styled into a small braid.

Wearing a leather jumpsuit that is sewn or glued together.

The workmanship is enough to make tailors who value this craft scream in horror and despair. Only a few items on her body were relatively new and well-fitting: knee-high boots, a belt.

No sword.

It's just that Lan En and Berengar compared the current Ciri in their minds with the woman they met at the Crossroads Hotel. She was indeed a transformed woman.

On the side, the demon hunter carrying the dead goat was undoubtedly Lambert.

He was wearing a black leather jacket, and under the leather jacket was a combination of close-fitting mail and cotton armor for protection, and occasionally plate armor was embedded in important parts.

Standard witcher style gear.

There was a long and narrow scar on his face, and he had a straight haircut, but his hairline had developed into an M shape.

Although he looks much younger than Geralt, Geralt's hairline is much more optimistic than his hairline.

There are very few witchers who don't have scars like Lan En.

When facing all kinds of strange monsters, if you are not careful, you will leave scars that will look hideous even after healing.

Geralt had several of them on his face, but they were not obvious or ugly at ordinary times.

But once the potion is used, when the poison accumulates in the blood vessels, it will not only accumulate near the eye sockets, but also remain on the scars.

As a result, scars that were not obvious at first will turn into light black on the pale skin, making them conspicuous and hideous.

"Ah! Lan En!"

Shirley first noticed the people sitting at the big table by the fireplace. She cheered in surprise and ran towards Lan En.

Girls generally develop earlier than boys. Although Xili is only twelve or thirteen years old now, she is already about 1.5 meters tall.

But in front of Lan En's body, she still looked like a petite doll.

Lan En was taller than her even when sitting, so when Ciri rushed towards him, the young demon hunter just stretched out his hand, and Ciri easily ran into his arms.

The two gave a simple but passionate hug, and Shirley jumped happily from his arms, her feet not touching the ground, and chirping with laughter.

The life here in Kaer Morhen is very adaptable to her. She has never wanted to be a 'delicate princess' in the conventional sense. The projects taught to her by the witcher are exactly what she wants. Except for theoretical knowledge.

But after all, she was at an age when she longed for social interaction, and Kaer Morhen was inaccessible, and it was on the edge of the civilized world.

So she would be very happy to see an acquaintance here, even if it was an acquaintance who did not have a deep relationship with her like Lan En.

But now that Lan En is here, she is even happier.

"Are you here to see me! This is great!"

Shirley jumped around Lan En and picked up the flannel ball sitting next to Lan En.

The calico kitten let out a 'meow' in an unexpected situation, and its four little paws instinctively scratched in mid-air.

"Did you bring me a cat? And you dressed it up in armor!"

Shirley was simply pleasantly surprised.

But then.

"No meow! The flannel ball is not a doll, meow!"

"." Xili's laughter stopped suddenly, and she stared blankly at the calico cat in her arms.

At this time, Lan En, Geralt, and Berengar had not yet lowered their raised hands.

"Wow! The cat spoke! It's a monster! Uncle Vesemir! It's a monster!"

Although the flannel ball was very cute, Ciri's first reaction after experiencing the education of the witcher was to immediately let go and run away.

It has to be said that this kind of reaction is something that many ordinary people cannot do when facing strange monsters.

But Vesemir is an old demon hunter who has seen countless storms.

He first patted Ciri on the head, and then smiled at Lan En.

"I didn't expect you to look like this now, Lan En."

The oldest known witcher looked up and down at Lan En, who stood up and said hello to him. The last time they met, Lan En's stature was far from surpassing that of a human being.

But Vesemir still welcomed him as the master of the castle.

"Welcome, Lan En. It seems that you have experienced many interesting things during this period."

He looked at the flannel ball that fell from Shiri's arms and was arranging his helmet.

"And this kitten, you're welcome too."

"Thank you, meow!"

Fluffy Ball politely thanked him, which surprised the few people who had just entered.

Then, Vesemir's eyes turned to the other old demon hunter who turned his head away and drank by himself.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time, Berengar. Your skills are really outstanding now. You are no longer at the level where you could break a sword in two swings like you did back then."

Vesemir stepped forward and patted Berengar on the shoulder, speaking softly and calmly.

"How does it feel to be home?"

When Vesemir's hand just fell on it, Lan clearly saw Berengar's body trembling.

"No, this is not my home, it's just a place with horrible memories."

Berengar said coldly.

Lambert had just put the beaten goat on the ground, and when he heard this, he loudly agreed without even straightening up.

"Ha! You're right! This is a shitty place."

But Vesemir and Berengar ignored him.

After a period of silence, Berengar handed the wine glass in his hand to Vesemir who was standing next to him.

During the conversation between the two old men, there was only the crackling sound of firewood burning in the huge fireplace next to them.

"This is the only drink that's pretty good."

Vesemir looked at the old man in front of him, suddenly smiled, took the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

"You found my barrel of Nilfgaardian Limoncello, but it's not good enough. I changed the year on the barrel."

Under Geralt's dull gaze, Vesemir said easily.

"Do you really think I can be seen through by a little brat like Geralt? Hahaha!"

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