Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 838 820 Bronze Hammer Spear

Chapter 838 820. Bronze Hammer Spear

"Are you okay, Phidias?"

Lan En asked easily from behind the mud wall.

The sculptor across the wall was still a little shocked.

"No, I'm fine."

"Thank you, thank you! Zeus, if it weren't for you, I would definitely die today!"

"Watch it, man. The way things are in Athens these days, you should be thanking Apollo."

Lan En reminded in a joking tone.

"Yes, yes, Apollo! Thank you, the god of prophecy and foresight!"

Phidias said with his tongue almost tied.

There was the sound of dragging heavy flesh from behind the mud wall, and Phidias's ability to associate, belonging to an outstanding artist, made him seem to have witnessed Lan's actions of handling the corpse with his own eyes.

Cassandra, who was still in the hall on the first floor, slowly loosened the bowstring and put the longbow behind her back again.

"It seems that Socrates is right."

Lan En said while dragging the corpses of several cult guards he had killed.

In order to prevent the plague from harming Phidias, he was not going to talk to him face to face across the wall.

"Now because of the chaos in the city of Athens, everyone wants to take advantage of the chaos to do what they want to do."

As the saying goes: It’s easy to fish in troubled waters.

Phidias knew that Lan En was reminding him, but he could only huddle behind the wall and smile bitterly.

"Who says it isn't? If the situation is stable, I will go to Pericles' mansion every few days to attend banquets and show my face. These religious guards don't have the guts to come and kill me openly. Ha, the plague is really a picture A good fig leaf.”

"Many rich people have died in Athens now, and thieves and bandits took advantage of this opportunity to break into many empty doors. There are also defenders who specialize in robbing dead people of their money and have initiated many lawsuits against dead rich people."

"Socrates once said to me very prophetically: Those bandits and thieves will not live well if they take the money of the dead, because the plague makes people panic, and no one knows who will survive to the next day, so they will do whatever they want. Spend, squander. Live every day as if it were your death.”

"Who can be more unscrupulous than a person who thinks he is going to die?"

"And if there are too many unscrupulous people like this," Lan En added in a deep voice, "then the order will be over."

"Who says not?" Phidias smiled bitterly, "No wonder Socrates has always missed the days of talking to you. What you two said is very different."

Lan En shook his head subconsciously.

It wasn't that he hated Socrates, that fat man who was bohemian and extremely wise was quite interesting to talk to.

It's just that Alcibiades who often comes over smelling the smell is a bit unbearable.

"Change the topic." Lan En started. "You have now learned not to have contact with others during the plague. This is a good decision. Who told you?"

As he spoke, Lan En threw the corpses of the cult guards down the stairs to the first floor and clapped his hands.

"Oh, you think of this method?"

Having said this, Phidias became energetic. After all, this method has indeed made him feel less uncomfortable since the outbreak of the plague, so he now trusts this method very much.

"This was taught to me by a doctor from Macedonia. Pericles asked him to treat Athens. But unfortunately, compared to this doctor, more people still hope to pray in front of the gods."

"Doctor from Macedonia?"

Cassandra suddenly asked in confusion below.

Lan En asked strangely as he walked down briskly.

"Do you know this doctor?"

Cassandra raised her eyebrows: "Is his name Hippocrates?"

"Oh, Cassandra! Do you know him too?"

Phidias said in surprise.

"Of course. When Socrates asked me to go to Argolis to find the priest of the god of medicine to inquire about my mother's traces, he specifically mentioned this person."

Cassandra nodded. It seemed that she had a good impression of Socrates and Hippocrates.

"He is indeed a good doctor. He is much more useful than the priests in the temple who only pay tribute."

"Thanks, Phidias. We know what to do next."

Lan En had already walked to Cassandra again, raising his head and speaking to the sculptor in the corridor on the second floor.

"You'd better find another place to live. You have a lot of money, right? Cover your mouth and nose on the road, don't touch the sick, and you still have water and food. The plague won't end in a short while, and the cult will definitely not mind. Take advantage of the chaos and clear out all the people you want to clear out of the city of Athens.”

"We have to go. Goodbye, Phidias."

"Take care, too. Goodbye, Cassandra. Goodbye, Lan."

The sculptor in the corridor on the second floor watched the two friends walk out of his workshop with a melancholy expression on his face.

And then, he had to cheer up and start packing his things, preparing to leave this no longer safe place.

He had nothing to bring with him, just precious gold, silver, jewelry and savings.

With his skills in making the statues of Athena in the Acropolis and the Parthenon, he could become rich and powerful everywhere.

Lan En and Cassandra walked out of the workshop, and the witcher waved, and the flannel ball that had been guarding the side window of the workshop ran over on all fours.

It just heard the sound of conflict and consciously guarded the only exit besides the door.

"Here is this for you, see if you can use it?"

Lann handed Kassandra a hammer spear, which was the artifact worn by the tall divine cult guard just now.

Although it is an out-and-out heavy weapon, Lan En feels that with Cassandra's current physical condition, it should be quite easy to use.

Sure enough, after the falconer got it, the bronze hammer spear, which was mixed with the remaining technological materials of the Isu people, had a performance that far exceeded the current era, and it appeared even more dazzling than when the previous owner used it. Golden light.

This made Lan En wonder again: What is the level of Cassandra's Isu bloodline?

Except for Harpalos, who was affected by the combination of the Elf Beacon and the Ankh Cross, so that his body shape changed, and a golden circuit pattern grew on his chest, all the artifacts in her hands will only become brighter and stronger. Dim, ineffective.

"Ha! Thank you!"

After receiving the gift, Cassandra jumped up and pushed Lan En's head down, then nibbled on it enthusiastically.

Receiving a hammer spear capable of smashing a bison's head seemed to make her happier than receiving expensive jewelry and flowers, making her feel loved.

Maybe this is the Spartan?

"This hammer spear can emit concussive power, which can penetrate the enemy's armor and affect the flesh. It's great! My sword is about to expire. It's just on top!"

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