Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 844 826 A compromise plan

Chapter 844 826. A compromise plan

"It's really a groundbreaking idea to combine the fight against the plague with political advocacy."

Socrates rubbed his beard on his chin with two fingers.

"Although this makes me a little worried, do the people attracted by such political propaganda care about politics or the 'benefits' that come with it? Do they really care about the future of the city-state, or do they only care about what they get now? "

"And will participating in political activities with such an attitude be beneficial to the long-term future of the entire city-state?"

Socrates' vision is always accompanied and combined with his biting irony.

Therefore, everyone in Athens who invited him to the cocktail party was eager for his wisdom to help with the problems they encountered, and on the other hand, they hated him for ruining the atmosphere of the cocktail party.

"Integrate and compromise ideas, and then make a decision that is consistent with the actual situation and that no one is opposed to."

Lan En spread his hands.

"This is the limit of my ability."

"People can't live in either-or forever."

"Yes, yes." This time, Socrates did not express his usual objection.

Because he also knows that philosophy must obey reality when facing practical problems.

Lan En's plan is already the best choice so far.

“So who should we let get this political power?”

Suddenly, Aspasia, who was pacing with her head down because of excitement, suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" Lan En asked in confusion. "What happened to Pericles?"

"That's the problem, Lan En." Socrates said in a low voice. "Pericles has contracted the plague, and he is not too young."

"Although I have tried my best to take care of him." Aspasia covered her forehead and said weakly. "But now he refuses to see me or take good care of me. He just keeps mumbling that he wants to go to his beloved Parthenon."

"I think he must have felt something himself, right?"

Aspasia expressed some unlucky meaning in a somewhat evasive manner.

"Now that people are excited outside, he no longer has the strength to defend himself. He will die without honor!"

So now, the political group that Pericles originally represented must find a new spokesperson immediately amid Cleon's fierce pursuit.

Pericles' reputation was too great, and not everyone was qualified to replace him.

"I kind of get it."

Lan En said while shaking his head.

"But unfortunately, I am not the person you want me to be. I do not belong to Athens and I am not an Athenian citizen. On the contrary, there is a very suitable person here."

Following Lan En's gaze, everyone's eyes focused on one person.

Alcibiades had a look of surprise on his pretty, lightly made-up face.

"Me? Hey, stop joking!"

"I think you should stop joking." Lan tilted his head in the direction of Alcibiades.

"Now you are still pretending to be just waiting to die, with no ambitions and no interest in politics. Are you really not afraid of wasting opportunities?"

Cassandra, who was standing next to Alcibiades, saw a special expression on that cynical and ambiguous head that seemed to be thinking about the next three ways for the first time since she met this young and handsome Athenian boy.

It was a feeling like the tide slowly receding, revealing the true appearance of the reef underneath.

Although it was only for a moment, the thoughtfulness and seriousness on Alcibiades's face were real.

Alcibiades is a politician and military strategist who can leave his mark on long history. As long as the Peloponnesian War is discussed, he cannot be avoided at all.

Lan En didn't believe that such a person had no political ambitions at first.

From the moment he saw this man and heard his name, he didn't believe it at all.

Using dissolute and shocking behavior, concealing oneself and making secret arrangements before the time and power are ripe, this is not a new strategy.

Maybe it's still new in this era, but Lan En can see through it anyway.

Alcibiades actually looked down upon the democratic system established by his adoptive father, Pericles.

He hopes to lead others as an irrefutable leader.

But Lan En analyzed it based on the ridiculous things he usually did. Alcibiades is a person who is willing to adapt to the environment. This kind of person is usually called a smart person.

Since Athens is already a democratic system, he will adapt to it. At most, he will play tricks on the existing democratic system to make himself the ideal 'commander'.

"Oh, you are really a monster that can arouse people's desire, Lan En."

Socrates sighed while pinching his beard.

"In addition to the fire of sensuality, my students' eyes now also contain the fire of ambition that has been ignited."

"Young people should be a little ambitious." Lan En retorted without looking back, "Maybe he can really accomplish something big?"

"Humph." On the contrary, Alcibiades spread his hands with his usual frivolous smile.

"Don't tell me, it's like you all saw it clearly. I didn't know I was as scary as you said."

"Are you talking about me? I can't even figure it out."

Faced with Alcibiades' nonsensical pretense, Lan shrugged.

"Anyway, you have heard the whole plan we put together."

"Whether or not you want to follow this plan and formally come to the stage is your own business."

"What Socrates just concluded, you also have all the advantages I have in political elections."

Lan En counted on his fingers.

"You are well known in Athens. Your reputation is not great, but at least it is big enough. And your appearance is excellent."

Alcibiades was a famous handsome boy in Athens when he was a child.

According to Athenian custom, a young man who is about to reach adulthood will choose a mature man to teach him and serve as his teacher.

Because people at that time believed that mature men were responsible and experienced superior humans. Only then are qualified to educate boys.

And in this process, mature men often have "something happen" with the young boys they teach. This is also a social trend that is generally considered "romantic and natural".

When Alcibiades came of age, many mature men in Athens came to his door and wanted to be his teacher. The scene can be described as a rush.

In terms of appearance, Lan En is of course better than Alcibiades, but in terms of mass base, he has an advantage after having been together in Athens for such a long time.

"Anyway, here's the plan."

Lan En knocked on the top of the big wooden table, making a 'bang bang' sound. This voice seemed to go straight into the heart.

Aspasia, who was next to her, looked at Alcibiades with a deeper expression.

This outstanding woman, who was unable to enter the political arena due to gender issues, seems to have more plans.

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