Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 857 839 Leaving Athens

Chapter 857 839. Leaving Athens

Although the situation in Athens is now in a mess, Alcibiades has inherited Pericles' political reputation and has begun to apply Lane's suggestions.

This allowed him to still retain considerable influence in the city of Athens.

So Pericles and Aspasia did not encounter any obstacles when they headed to the dock.

Pericles left, and Aspasia was leaving with him.

Because in this era, women were the vassals of men. Even Pericles, known as the "Father of Democracy," publicly expressed his contempt for women, believing that they were born with a lack of logical thinking.

Although Aspasia was highly respected by Pericles, she was completely dependent on Pericles in the political system of Athens.

Once Pericles left, if she could not get the protection of Alcibiades, it would be difficult for her to survive, because many people wanted to liquidate her.

But if she accepts the protection of Alcibiades, with the reputation of the famous promiscuous young man in Athens, and her identity as a courtesan and lover of Pericles, there is no need to even think about what kind of rosy rumors can be spread.

Even with the open concept of sex and love in ancient Greece, there is no doubt that this kind of thing will have a major blow to political reputation.

So in the end, even though Aspasia was still very ambitious, she had no choice but to leave Athens.

After all, times have limited this woman's development.

"So you're not going to leave either?"

Before getting on the boat, Lan En looked down at Fubo.

And the little girl looked directly at him without evading.

"I am not carefree now." Fu Bai smiled and spread his hands, "I am not a little girl on Kefalonia Island who dared to take home a 'patron saint' of unknown origin. .”

Lan En smiled unconsciously.

The 'patron saint of unknown origin' in Fu Bai's mouth was Fu Bai's recognition of his identity when they first met.

And in the blink of an eye, the little girl who was still hungry in Cephalonia now has an 'industry' in Athens.

"Alcibiades has a good relationship with me, as well as Socrates, Hippocrates, and Aristophanes. Don't worry. With so many connections, my people and I will definitely not be hungry!"

"It's best not to be hungry," Kassandra stood nearby, looking at Fubo with his arms crossed and saying.

There was also sadness in her eyes. After all, she was the one who raised Fubai, and now she was running around the Aegean Sea, looking for her mother.

And this little girl who was brought up by herself has now made her own name. It's really a wonderful thing.

Kassandra remembered something. She took out a wooden eagle sculpture from her bag and gave it to Fubo.


The little girl screamed in surprise.

This wooden eagle was a toy she had been carrying since her days in Kefalonia, born out of a desire for Icarus on Cassandra's shoulder.

"You've had your own adventure, Furbo."

Cassandra held the little girl's hand, smiled and put the wooden eagle back into its owner's hand.

"You no longer need to keep Chara with me so that he can experience my adventures for you."

The little girl accepted it gladly, nodded to Lan En, Cassandra, and the flannel ball who was waving hard, then took a few steps back and climbed to the roof of the warehouse in Piraeus Port, and finally disappeared. In the night.

Her actions, even from Lan En's perspective, were nothing to fault.

Walking onto the ship, Aspasia and Pericles were already sitting in the back seats of the Adrestia's command seat.

As Lan En observed during the previous naval battle, the devices and items on the decks of ships sailing in the Mediterranean in this era were still very simple.

The command seat is only a small piece of the stern, slightly higher than the deck.

Kassandra usually stood here to give orders, and on the floor was a map of small islands in the Aegean Sea.

You can study navigation routes by standing and looking at the floor.

"Ah! Lan En! My friend! The great demigod!"

The one-eyed old sailor Barnabas, the first mate who was actually in charge of navigation matters on the ship, came up and hugged Lan En very enthusiastically.

While hugging him, he said slightly proudly to the side.

"Look, Herodotus! Whether you admit it or not, or believe it or not, great characters and stories from myths are happening right in front of us! In the era we live in!"

"Containing the plague, the battle with the enemy destroyed the Parthenon! Look! I bet, even a thousand years later! This story will still be immortalized across the vast sea!"

"I really can't imagine what kind of battle can actually bring down the temple that is praised and envied by the gods."

After saying this, he added something to Herodotus with evil intentions.

"Even if it is not recorded by you, it will be immortalized!"

And true to form, Herodotus has learned not to lose his temper with his old friend.

“But how could I not keep records?”

His tone was still gentle and calm, and he walked to Lan En and shook each other's forearms.

"If I don't record such a big event and such an anecdote, then my book will be written in vain before the deadline."

"It's so nice to see you still in good health, my friends. It scared me when I first arrived in Athens."

Lan En said with a smile.

"So are we." Herodotus was hugged by Barnabas' shoulders, the sailor said with a heroic smile, and the historians echoed.

"Wait, is this the legendary magical cat?"

Barnabas bent down curiously and cautiously, looking at the flannel ball.

Lan raised his eyebrows and smiled. It seemed that Barnabas' superstition was quite different from what he expected.

On the other side, Cassandra also got news about her mother from Aspasia.

Since the situation in Athens was slightly under control, Aspasia began to worry about Cassandra's affairs.

She used some unknown method, but she uncovered Cassandra's target.

"If your mother used the pseudonym Phoenix and traveled across the Aegean Sea, this would undoubtedly be the most likely place to settle down."

Aspasia's feet clicked on the island map on the floor.

"According to my information, she is now the leader of Naxos."

Cassandra pursed her lips and nodded.

This news is not surprising.

This is an era of pioneering wilderness. A soldier who wanders away from his hometown after a naval battle may become the king of a certain island after many adventures.

Kassandra knew how powerful her mother was and did not find it difficult to accept that she could become the leader of Naxos.

"Then I'm going to Naxos. What about you? Are you and Pericles going somewhere?"

Cassandra looked up and asked.

"Of course there is a place to go. Now that Pericles is no longer the consul of Athens, those properties can be used. We will live very comfortably."

Aspasia waved her hand, indicating that Cassandra didn't need to worry.

And the face that looked just like Cassandra showed a kind of determination.

"But if you want to continue to deal with the Cult of Kosmos, then count me as one. Members of the Cult of Kosmos are deeply entrenched in many places, and you will need an advisor who is knowledgeable about politics. Pericles is low on energy right now, but I still have plenty of energy. "

The sailors set sail and sang a boat song.

The cheerful and melodious singing mixed with the sound of waves lapping against the side of the ship, making Cassandra's mind wander like Icarus in the sky.

The flannel ball was scratching the side of the boat and curiously looking at the ripples and waves beside the boat.

Lann walked over to Cassandra.

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