Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 220 Let’s keep up the good work

The life of a Zerg warrior is short, but the life of a god-given seed is almost infinite.

Long Bai has long guessed that there are wild God-given seeds preserved in other forms in Citi Mountain.

After Cao Long answered his questions, he suddenly became enlightened.

Hidden deep in the Douglas Hill Passage is at least one king-level wild god-given seed, which survives to this day in the form of a tree heart or a seed.

What’s a little hard to understand is, doesn’t Citizen have the Force?

Why should we turn into the heart of a tree or the form of a seed to continue our life?

Could it be that the force power of the king-level wild god-given seed is too great, and the force point of Citizen Mountain is too small to maintain it?

Assuming this is the case, then all other questions will be easily solved.

It’s not that the warriors of the Shield Tribe haven’t passed away, but when they are about to pass away, they took out the king-level wild god-given seeds and sowed them.

Then, the king-level wild god-given seeds wait for the new shield warriors to be born, and impart various knowledge of the tribe on their behalf.

This is the ‘second plan’ to ensure the continuity of tribal inheritance that Huang Yao hesitates to talk about.

However, the second option requires the consumption of massive amounts of raw stones.

Therefore, Huang Ya couldn't restrain himself and asked Long Bai many times whether he could get the original stones. He also ordered Long Bai to dig up the ruins of other tribes and search for the original stones.

This also shows that Citizen Hill has insufficient rough stones to maintain its heritage, and may even have exhausted them, putting it at risk of becoming obsolete.

Long Bai can also guess the thoughts of Huang Ya and Yun Shan.

With traveling merchants trading, they must all have the idea of ​​​​evolving to a higher level. They plan to cultivate wild God-given seeds to obtain resources.

——How many king-level wild god-given trees survive in Citi Mountain?

——Is there any magic product?

——How many rough stones are needed?

"I still have a little question. Why does the god-given seed give Mo Lan such a powerful, terrifying, soul-trembling bad feeling? Does a plant that cannot move have fighting power?"

Long Bai thinks that the next time you travel for business, you can try to bring some rough stones to Citi Hill.

Everyone is trapped in Yunji Continent. There is no point in guessing like this. Frankly speaking to each other and working closely together are the smart choices.

The transaction with the Flame Spider Tourist was successfully completed this spring.

The army started and returned to Xianglan Mountain.

The Ruler Throne set off immediately, carrying Qing Ma and Hong Ma, and returned to Kiwi Mountain overnight.

During this time, Juniper was not idle. He directed the worker ants to help them dig a biogas pit with a width of more than one meter and a depth of about two meters.

Green and red kiwi seeds from the gods and six paths of life were sown into the soil.

Long Bai did not leave in a hurry. He sprinkled some powdered branches and leaves of Long Bai's god-given seeds and stayed to continue to observe.

In just one night, the green and red kiwi seeds sprouted the next day.

In one day, roots sprout, and the tips of the shoots burst out of the ground.

In another day, the cotyledons unfold and the tips of the true leaf buds emerge, absorbing the sun's energy and growing rapidly.

The first true leaf unfolds, followed by the second and third.

In just three days, the new seedlings grew to a height of 10 centimeters.

A plant with super strong vitality.

On the other hand, the seeds of Liudaomu sown at the same time have just broken out of their shells and sprouted from the soil.

Long Bai cut down four cypress trees from the forest, cut off three-meter-long tree trunks, dug holes and filled them in to make wooden stakes, and stretched spider silk ropes to guide the vines to climb.

Subsequent management is to use wood piles to guide the main vines to grow along the ridge and guide the sub-vines to grow to both sides of the ridge.

It was a very simple job and there would be no big problems. After Long Bai briefly explained to Qing Ma and Hong Ma, he took Jun Bai and Yin Bai back to Xianglan Mountain.

Deep in the ant nest lies the treasure trove of the kingdom.

Let’s count the statistics together.

There are 50 scrolls of Spider King Silk, each with a denomination of 1,000 rough stones, and a total value of 50,000 rough stones.

The treasure house storing rough stones has been expanded to four, with 29,000 rough stones in stock.

Compared with last year, the stock of force food has decreased a lot, with a total value of only 113,000 rough stones.

"The total wealth of the treasure house this year is 192,000 rough stones."

"However, we still owe Citizen 20,000 rough stones, which is covered by a metal box. We will have to redeem the rough stones later."

"Total calculation, our total wealth this year should be 172,000 rough stones, which is a slight increase compared to last year's 155,000 rough stones."

"Everyone keep up the good work! Next year we will break the 200,000 mark."

Long Bai made an annual summary and waved his tentacles to cheer everyone up.

We have to wait until next year——

Juniper raised his paw and asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, can you pay back the 20,000 rough stones you owe to Citi Mountain?"


Long Bai waved his tentacles and started to fight.

——It’s you every year.

——You have a lot of questions.

——Keep up the rhythm and see if I don’t beat you to death.

After giving Juniper a hard lesson, he looked up again. Sure enough, everyone was much happier.

Without waiting for Long Bai to speak, Xiang Bai first carved a record on the stone wall. According to the rules, this year's reward is still 1,000 rough stones and 1 grain of rice.

Currently, juniper, juniper, and giant cypress are all in the 1st age and receive a salary of 1,000 rough stones every quarter, which is 4,000 rough stones throughout the year. Plus the 1,000 rough stones as a reward, there will be an income of 5,000 rough stones in a year.

The force food required for the evolution of the command ant is only about half of that of the king ant. For the first instar to advance to the second instar, the force food required is about 10,000 raw stones.

Long Bai calculated it for them. The current distribution mechanism is just right. The basic evolution speed is two years and one age, which is very safe. There are also income-increasing projects such as dinner celebrations, reward enhancements, and sharing of God-given seeds. Their evolution frequency will be less than two years, but never less than one year, and they will always be within the safety line.

Safety first.

Seeing that everyone's joy was a little too forced, Long Bai added: "The force food required for advanced stage evolution increases significantly with age. I will improve the basic salary rules of our Pandan Mountain Kingdom."

"The 1st to 3rd instar senior command ants are still worth 1,000 rough stones every quarter."

"Senior command ants between the 4th and 6th ages will be paid 1,500 rough stones per quarter."

"Senior command ants between the 7th and 9th ages will receive a quarterly salary of 2,000 rough stones."

"I agree!"


"The king is mighty!"

Juniper, who had just been beaten, became more conscious and took the lead in cheering.

Long Bai added: "The basic salary of the Mountain Lord-level commander ants is 1,000 rough stones per month, which is fixed. After the Mountain Lord level, if you want to continue to evolve, you mainly rely on the share of the God-given seeds. You cannot cultivate new ones. God-given seeds... just wait to die of old age!"






Six guys with droopy antennae.

The most depressing thing is that Yinbai was born a few months late, and did not catch up with the birth of the god-given seed of Cuihua Hanlan.

Juniper, juniper, giant cypress, fragrant cypress, and emerald cypress already have the revenue share of a god-given seed. Just wait for the second king to sleep and evolve once, sow the seeds and reap the harvest, and there will be some share of income...

Long Bai waved his tentacles and gave an order, saying: "Cedar, juniper, go prepare for the dinner celebration."

Long Bai twisted up the spider silk bag containing the god-given persimmon seeds, turned to Mo Lan and said:

"This is the biggest harvest from the transaction with the traveling merchant this year. There are 100 pills in total, and there are 97 pills left. The next step for Ghost Fan is the Mountain Lord level, and I will give it 50 pills."


Mo Lan: "Okay!"

Long Bai: "I will eat the remaining 47 pills."


Not evenly divided?

Long Bai explained: "According to Caolong, the Yizhao fruit matured and was harvested at the end of autumn last year and was auctioned once. Calculating, the next ripe fruit harvest should be six years later. There is only one fruit in six years. Every opportunity Nothing should be wasted, and I plan to entrust the Zeqi Spider King to help with the bidding through Luojin next year."

"I ate this batch of God-given azure persimmon seeds, and then 100 fruit pandan seeds, and evolved steadily at the rate of one age per year. In six years, I was promoted to the Mountain Lord level."

"If the bid from the Painted Spider King is successful, I can eat it as soon as the fruit is delivered. If the bid fails, I will continue to wait for the second or third time. My idea is to speed up the evolution. Try to get one more chance to bid.”

Mo Lan: "I understand what you are thinking..."

Mo Lan worriedly asked: "Long Bai, isn't this too hasty and too risky? I'm one age older than you, so let me do it instead."

Long Bai: "I will be careful. The strength talent of the ant tribe is consistent with the comprehensive physical enhancement, so I am more suitable."

Long Bai: "I am accelerating my evolution, and I am considering the comprehensive consideration of growing the ant kingdom, reclaiming wasteland, and exploring the land of the Force and the Zerg ruins."

Mo Lan thought for a while and agreed hesitantly: "Okay..."

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