Astral Apostle

Twenty-seven different blood enhancement

"Hey, this stupid is lucky. The low success rate of ordinary people has hit him."

Zhou Jing tsk tsk.

He heard Baron say that among the fifty untrained ordinary people, maybe only two or three people have been successfully strengthened with abnormal blood. Ross's lucky value is indeed a bit consecrated.

Does God have a special favor for fools? When a door closes, a window opens?

Zhou Jing shook his head and ordered, "Take off your clothes and give me Kangkang."

Ross took off his shirt expressionlessly.

I saw that his originally ordinary body now had streamlined muscle lines, a muscular but lean body.

"You're in good shape...let's put it on."

Zhou Jing nodded and took note of the apparent changes in Ross's body.

It's not a big change, but it's okay to wear clothes, and it's not that easy to be discovered.

After watching the whole process, he already knew the general process of strengthening the alien blood. After the medicine begins to metabolize, the body will begin to transform. There is a certain amount of pain in the process, but the ability to move is still retained. The strength will continue to increase in this state until the effect of the medicine is fully exerted. The whole process takes about three or four hours.

This wave made Ross win the drug test, and Zhou Jing was quite excited.

Ross got extraordinary power, and this follower was finally useful.

Although the enhancement range is limited, and it is a whiteboard with no other combat skills, it can be regarded as a combat power, at least it is no problem to bully ordinary people...

"Night vision, light action, night camouflage... It's suitable for stealth, reconnaissance and concealment. It really is the direction of reinforcement."

Zhou Jing looked at the introduction on the panel.

The super power system of [Alien-Blood Warrior] will bring some characteristics each time it is strengthened, depending on the different-blood potion used and the effect of this strengthening.

Ross's three characteristics are all suitable for sneaking, and with his popular face, the whole person's sense of presence has dropped significantly.

He chose this alien blood potion for Ross because he wanted Ross to take the stealth route. In some situations where it is inconvenient to dispatch himself, Ross must want to do it for him.

He has a good heart and doesn't want Ross to lose the opportunity to make contributions.

Such as monitoring and tracking, as well as exciting and exciting monsters, etc... He knew that Ross likes to do this kind of work the most, with willingness written all over his face.

This kind of ability is not suitable for frontal combat, at most it can play a role of containment, Zhou Jing also guessed.

He didn't expect the follower to be able to carry the alien beasts as soon as they were strengthened. After all, the follower was the initial attribute of ordinary people, and there was no attribute basis for the astral apostle. Even if the strengthening was successful, the frontal combat power was still limited.

Moreover, with Ross' rigidity, Zhou Jing didn't dare to let him alone, so he might as well be an assistant.

"Ross is suitable for night operations. Although he has the foundation of extraordinary strength now, he has no skills at present, and he has to practice more before he can enter actual combat."

"Then it's up to me to strengthen... um, wait for Baron to come back."

Zhou Jing calmed down and remembered Baron's instructions.

He asked Ross to think about it in a low-key manner, while he silently adjusted his physical state.


Baron did not return to his hotel room until the guards rang the bell and began a routine curfew.

Zhou Jing opened his eyes, shook his head and said, "Why did you come back? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Baron touched the back of his head and smiled rudely:

"Haha, I'm sorry, I met a few friends and chatted for a while... Are you ready here?"

"I'm fine, I can use the Different Blood Potion."

"Then I'll be watching. If something goes wrong, I'll... um, there's nothing I can do if there's a problem. I can only help you guard the door."

Or collect the corpse... Baron didn't say the second half of the sentence, which is not very lucky.

He moved a chair and sat by the door with his arms folded, his eyes staring like copper bells, like a doorman.

Zhou Jing retracted his gaze and took a deep breath.

Pick up the Leopard Potion and drink it dry.


It was as if he had swallowed a mouthful of lightning, and his body was shaken like an electric shock.

After a while, the medicine slowly took effect, and the blue veins on his face burst out. He felt his flesh and bones twisted into a twist like a towel was twisted, and waves of pain rushed out like a flood.


Zhou Jing took a breath, gritted his teeth and endured it.

A force after another was born simultaneously with the pain, and he could feel his body slowly getting stronger in the pain, and his physical fitness seemed to break some boundaries and climbed steadily.

However, it obviously feels very painful, but it doesn't seem to be that hard... I'm afraid it's not the body's [tenacity] talent that is in effect?

Baron stared at him, worriedly watching.

Although he felt that with Zhou Jing's exaggerated physique, it was impossible to strengthen failure, but before it became a reality, he still had to be apprehensive and worried.

After all, it was the first time that he had seen that the basic body strengthening was not weaker than that of ordinary people of the alien blood warriors, and he did not know what would happen.

As time passed, Zhou Jing trembled slightly, sweating like a bucket, and wet the floor.

After about three hours, the pain gradually subsided, turning into a tingling like ironing.

Zhou Jing only felt a kind of reborn feeling, and his whole body was filled with a strong sense of power.

He couldn't help clenching his fists, having the illusion that he could smash anything he saw.

"There are no unpleasant symptoms... The reinforcement is successful."

He took a breath, glanced at the panel, and saw that the message had already been swiped.

[Get the extraordinary power system [Alien Blood Warrior]]

[[Different Blood Warrior]: One enhancement (Lightning Leopard)]

[Effect: Physical +12, Resistance +9, Perception +6]

[Current Attributes: Physical Strength 26 (Tier 1), Resistance 20 (Tier 1), Perception 11 (Tier 1), Spirit 6 (Tier 1), Energy 0]

[Incidental features: [Quick Stance], [Quick Response], [Low-level Electric Shock Resistance], [Lightning Strike] (special)]


[[Quick Stance]]

[Effect: Your movements are more agile, and your attack, parry, and movement speed are improved in all directions]


[[Quick response]]

[Effect: Your nerve conduction speed is faster and your reflexes are enhanced]


[[Low-level electric shock resistance]]

[Effect: You have slight resistance to electric shock]


[[Thunder Strike] (Special)]

[Effect: Your instant explosiveness is greatly increased. When you hold your breath, you can enter the "thunder attack" state, consume a lot of physical strength, and gain further enhanced explosive power in a short period of time]

"Four characteristics, the strengthening effect should be very outstanding."

Zhou Jing was overjoyed.

The characteristics conferred by the alien blood enhancement depend on the alien beast from which the medicine comes from. How many abilities a alien beast has, and how many additional characteristics there are.

However, when two people use the same different blood potion, the actual characteristics obtained may not be exactly the same. It depends on factors such as the quality of the potion, the basic physical quality of the enhancer, and so on. The stronger it is, the more likely it is to inherit more powerful characteristics.

And his basic physical quality is far beyond ordinary people, the result of this strengthening is quite impressive, far better than Ross.

"26 points of physical strength, 20 points of resistance, my current level, has far surpassed Baron, it should be the alien blood warrior who crushed the reinforcement once... I don't know if it has reached the standard of the second reinforcement."

Zhou Jing's thoughts turned slightly.

After strengthening, the attributes have increased significantly, but the suffix is ​​still first-order, and I don't know what the dividing line is for the time being.

He took a closer look at the changes brought about by the strengthening. The reaction speed was extremely fast, and there was always a feeling of being overcharged.

The body is very light and the strength is quite full, especially the momentary movements can produce huge explosive power.

He casually punched the afterimage in the air, and with a snap, the rubbing of the sleeves was like a popping sound.

Seeing this, Baron finally felt relieved, smiled happily, and his beard shook.

"I said that you will definitely be able to successfully strengthen, how do you feel now?"

"I feel like I can hit ten now." Zhou Jing moved his shoulders.

"Haha, it's normal. I felt the same way when I first strengthened. The body that suddenly strengthens will become uncontrollable. Only after getting used to it for a certain period of time, understanding what can be done after strengthening, and understanding the new limits of the body, can it recover again. control."

Baron speaks of experience.

Zhou Jing blinked.

Is it difficult to control, why doesn't it seem like this... I have to find a time to test it.

However, he did not refute, nodding and listening to Balon's teaching.

"With your physique, I'm afraid you're catching up to the level of the second reinforcement now. You still need to practice control." Baron was envious and congratulated: "From now on, you are a blood warrior, no longer an ordinary person. Tomorrow, I'll take you to replace a piece of equipment, and then buy some medicine or something... I'll lend you the money first, and I'll pay it back later."

"Okay." Zhou Jing didn't reject Baron's kindness, he really needed some help.

"You have a good rest tonight, take it easy."

Baron nodded and said nothing.

He had also experienced reinforcement, and knew that Zhou Jing would definitely want to study his own changes excitedly at this time, so he stopped staying in the room and returned to the next room, leaving Zhou Jing's private space.

Although he was curious about Zhou Jing's enhanced level, he restrained his curiosity after thinking about it.

The person who has just been strengthened is neither serious nor serious. He feels that it is too late and does not want to disturb the neighbors.

——It’s impossible to be a coward, I just think it’s unnecessary at night, there’s no need…

After sending Balong away and closing the door, Zhou Jing did not continue to sullen his expression, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

He took off his shirt and looked down at the changes in his body.

Originally, he was a strong figure with huge muscles, but now his muscles are streamlined, with clear lines, eight-pack abs with distinct blocks, deep mermaid lines, and overall more coordinated.

You can clearly feel that a strong body is more explosive.

On the panel, an achievement is also displayed simultaneously.

[Trigger achievement [step into the extraordinary (unique)]]

[Get 1000 astral points! [Qualification Improvement-Comprehensive (Small)] x1! ]

——Obtaining the first extraordinary system, you can trigger this achievement, and there is an achievement reward for a small increase in all qualifications.

The ability to strengthen the body is also an extraordinary power. The first time I experienced it, the feeling was really different, and the energy was extremely strong.

Although more than three months have passed since the world of alien beasts, most of the time was spent in placement according to their own plans, and the main world actually only passed about four days.

The difficulty of obtaining this power is not as difficult as he expected.

Zhou Jing was excited and dragged Ross to test the current physical limit.

Ross is the best tool person, once the level of reinforcement, is simply the perfect test subject, no matter how you treat it, there will be no complaints.

Zhou Jing tested it several times, and had a clearer understanding of his own physical limit and the level of reinforcement represented by Ross, and made an accurate comparison.

I have a good foundation, my strength is even higher after strengthening, and my physical fitness can crush Ross in all directions, which is almost as simple as a father beating his son. If you replace it with another one-time-enhanced alien blood warrior, you will probably be able to deal with multiple levels of enemies.

As for the specific number of hits, it is hard to say, after all, I have not tried it.

The destructive power was also tested. Zhou Jing went to the hotel to ask for some materials. The solid wood in his hand could be broken easily, and it could be crushed into pieces with force. Stone bricks were also fragile in front of his fists.

"With such physical fitness, it should be very easy to flatten the buildings of this era."

Zhou Jing had a vague concept. When fighting against alien beasts, hunters might fight hard, but if they made trouble in the city, they would be like bulldozers.

However, the alien world does not have various instruments in the main world, so he cannot test the specific physical parameters, so he can only estimate as much as possible.

Zhou Jing dragged Ross to and fro to study all night, discovering the current changes in his body, and never tired of it.


Early the next morning, Zhou Jing and Balong walked around Baiyuan City briefly and bought some things.

There are three most important items for alien hunters, armor, weapons and potions.

Generally speaking, weapons and armor made of exotic materials are better quality, but quite expensive.

Unlike alien blood potions, which can be exchanged for free, alien equipment requires money, and even hunters who bring back their prey have to pay processing fees.

Zhou Jing was shy and had no plans to buy exotic animal equipment for the time being. Instead, he borrowed some money from Baron and bought a standard leather armor for an alien hunter.

Black and green, with shoulder pads, in addition to being cut and stab resistant, it also has good portability.

Then I went to the blacksmith shop. After picking and choosing, I bought a hundred-forged long knife with a slightly curved arc.

Because he practiced swordsmanship and followed the high-sensitivity and high-explosive reinforcement route, Zhou Jing felt that it was a good choice to use a weapon with a high attack speed to give full play to his own advantages.

However, although the Thunder Strike Leopard Potion mainly strengthens agility, the strength brought by 26 points of physical energy is still far higher than that of an alien blood warrior who is strengthened once. Zhou Jing also does not intend to give up heavy weapons and use them when hunting some huge alien beasts Get it.

After walking out of the blacksmith shop, Zhou Jing was already dressed in a similar fashion.

Brand new black and green hunter leather armor with two knives on his body, the long knives slung on his waist, and the original heavy knives still on his back.

There is no assembly line process in the world of alien beasts, and the hand-made equipment is really not cheap. It cost Baron nearly 20 Terra silver coins to replace it, which is the general currency of the Terra Empire.

This amount of money is a huge sum for ordinary farmers, and the hunter sells an ordinary exotic beast to the workshop, and the price is generally around 80 Tera silver coins. The alien hunter is a high-income group.

Balon looked up and down and nodded with satisfaction: "It looks a little bit, then we have to go to the pharmacy and buy some hunting potions."

"Don't go to the Hunter Workshop?" Zhou Jing was curious.

"The workshop only processes exotic animal materials. The hunter potion we use when hunting is made from medicinal herbs. You can't buy it in the workshop. You have to go to a serious pharmacy."

Barron explained.

When hunting beast hunters, they will use some potions to temporarily enhance themselves, called hunter potions. There are different properties, some are to reduce pain and increase excitement, and some are to treat injuries and restore physical fitness.

Because the physique of alien hunters is different from that of ordinary people, the medicinal effects of hunter potions are generally quite violent, and it is difficult for ordinary people to use them. Therefore, making hunter potions is a major category in the world's pharmacy. How to configure herbs can ensure that hunter potions work without causing too many side effects. It is a knowledge.

Therefore, the pharmacists in this world are roughly divided into three research directions, one is to study the technology of different blood medicine, the second is to study the recipe of hunter potion, and the third is to make ordinary potions used by ordinary people.

The two chatted and walked, and soon came to the pharmacy in the central area of ​​the town.

The pharmacy occupies a large area, with people coming and going, business is booming, and there are two teams of eight guards patrolling at the gate.

"There are really a lot of people." Zhou Jing looked around, tsk tsk.

Baron shrugged: "There is only one pharmacy in the city, you can only buy medicines here, of course there are many people."

Zhou Jing raised his eyebrows: "Why don't you open a few more? There will always be pharmacists who want to open their own shops, right?"

"Lord Root has an order that pharmacists are not allowed to open shops without permission. If you want to sell medicines, you can only cooperate with this pharmacy, either sell them to them, or become their cooperative pharmacists. It is said that this law is to protect the residents of the city. The quality of the medicines bought prevents some pharmacists who are not skilled enough to sell medicines of poor quality at will, and run away when they are sold out.”

Hearing this, Zhou Jing's eyes moved slightly.

The reason is quite good...but this is still a monopoly, right?

"Let me guess, this pharmacy is the lord's business?"

"Who knows, but it must provide taxes to the lord." Balon stroked his beard.

In this era of the alien world, most of the anti-monopoly laws do not exist, and the lord is the largest local monopoly, with a series of tax collection rights.

Zhou Jing didn't have any ideas either.

Seeing that the two were armed, the pharmacy guards immediately came to interrogate them, and this time they were much stricter than the city gate guards.

After finally coping with the interrogation, the two walked into the pharmacy.

But as soon as he entered the door, he happened to encounter someone who bowed his head and walked out in a hurry.

Zhou Jing responded quickly, swiped sideways to move away, and ducked.

This talent found out that he had almost hit someone, and was startled. Suddenly he lost his foot and rolled down the steps with a groan.

Watching this scene, Zhou Jing couldn't help but elbow Ross next to him, and said in surprise:

"Look, I found someone who is even more stupid than you."

Ross: (→_→)

The man grinned and stood up. Only then did Zhou Jing see his appearance. He was shriveled and thin, with a goatee and a chemist's coarse uniform. He seemed to be an employee of the store.

"Why don't you look at the road?" The goatee man rubbed his knees and complained subconsciously.

However, as soon as he looked up and saw Zhou Jing's appearance, his expression suddenly changed.

The man with the goatee immediately shut up, didn't say anything, turned his head and hurried away.

"Is he afraid of me?"

Zhou Jing touched his chin and wondered if he was that scary.

Baron was not surprised: "It's normal, UU read Our alien hunters are respected and powerful. You are dressed like this, of course he doesn't dare to conflict with you."

"I understand." Zhou Jing nodded.

He is not surprised that the power user in the main world occasionally receives similar treatment in his life.

Zhou Jing didn't take this matter to heart, and followed Baron into the pharmacy to the shelf of Hunter's Potion.

The selling price of hunter potions is generally three Tera silver coins, and some potions marked as "potent" can even go for more than ten Tera silver coins.

"Isn't it a bit ridiculously expensive..."

Zhou Jing secretly grinned.

Hunter potions, ordinary people will definitely not buy them, and hunters are not very cheap, so the price is relatively high. Is this because of accurate customer positioning?

He wasn't quite sure about the cost of the hunter potion, but he always thought it was a lucrative industry.

No wonder the lord is in his hands...

While he was thinking about it, Baron had already bought four bottles of hunter potion and gave half of it to Zhou Jing.

"One bottle continues to be excited, and the other bottle has the effect of temporarily suppressing injuries. These are the two most commonly used in our hunting. Take it."

"Thank you, when I earn money from hunting, I will pay you back."

Zhou Jing collected the potion and silently calculated his debt to Baron, which was about twenty-five silver Tera coins.

There is not much money, and you can pay it back after a single hunt, so there is not much pressure.

Zhou Jing calmed down, nodded and said: "Everything is ready, where shall we go next, find a place to test our physical fitness?"

"No, let's go to a nice place."

Saying that, Balong grabbed Zhou Jing's shoulder and said:

"That's the most important thing to our hunters... Hunter Tavern!"

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