At dawn, the cold morning wind swept through the forest, and the air seemed to see floating light blue cold fog, and the thick and dense canopy of the black-shirted trees rubbed the sound of rustling, as if the forest was slowly waking up. .

In the seldom-traveled forest, a piece of rotten wood that had been dead for an unknown period of time lay across the thick humus and was almost hollowed out.

In the silence, a faint light spot appeared out of thin air and landed on this rotten tree.

The dead wood suddenly and silently turned into flying ash, but the dust did not drift away with the wind, but converged toward the light spot, gradually transforming into a human shape.

At first, it was just a human-shaped outline composed of a mass of ash, but soon, the ash became solid, and gradually turned into the color of the skin. The facial features and hair quickly emerged, and finally turned into a man with deep eye sockets and a high nose bridge. There is also a bird-shaped tattoo on his arm, and he is dressed like a homeless in rough cloth clothes.

Zhou Jing was in a trance, his consciousness had already descended on this body, and he stumbled and almost lost his balance.

He quickly supported the tree next to him and swallowed quietly, unable to hide the shock in his eyes.

"This, is this material reorganization?"

Zhou Jing's consciousness remained awake all the time. On the way, he saw the whole process of the formation of the astral apostle, as if he had decomposed a piece of rotten wood and turned into a human body.

Taking a look at the bird-shaped tattoo on his arm, Zhou Jing's expression changed, and he suddenly bit the inner wall of his mouth with a ruthless pain.

"It seems that it is still flesh and blood, not a wooden man."

Zhou Jing smacked his lips, his mouth full of blood.

Matter reorganization stuff... well, he doesn't get it, but he's blown away.

‘It seems that this body is the astral apostle I created, the carrier used to walk in this world. ’

Suppressing the surprise in his heart, Zhou Jing took a deep breath, and the cold air was immediately poured into his lungs, and all the senses were very fresh.

Controlling the body of the astral apostle, there is no stagnation, and it is no different from his own body.

Hmm... It can't be said that there is no difference, this Star Sea Apostle's senses are sharper, and he feels an unprecedented sense of power, as if his body is full of energy.

"It should be agility talent, and the effect of 9 points of physical strength... Really strong."

Zhou Jing moved his hands and feet, not only without stagnation, but even some muscles that he had not exercised on his body could feel and mobilize himself.

He twitched the chest muscles that he had never had before, and he quickly remembered the panel and tried to call it in his consciousness.


The panel emerges, constantly in a certain area of ​​the line of sight, as if engraved on the retina. He turned his head, and the translucent panel followed, even if it came into contact with the trees, it would pass through, as if it were a virtual projection.

"It's a bit like augmented reality, so others shouldn't be able to see it."

Zhou Jing blinked and tried to operate it, so that the panel disappeared from the retina and only appeared in his mind.

"It feels better this way, lest people watch me operate against the air..."

Zhou Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

After he came to the astral apostle, he found that the panel interface had changed. The previous pinching interface, delivery interface, and map interface could not be opened. At this time, only all the information of the star sea apostle "Will Wood" was displayed.

Compared with the original file, there are two new items.

[Estimated length of stay this time: 5~7 days]

[Current synchronization rate: 10%]

"Does the sync rate start at ten percent, not zero?"

Zhou Jing took another look at "Will Wood"'s trait profile.

Suspicious and cautious personality, conservative style, lawful, moral, pursuit of power and honor... As long as your behavior conforms to these characteristics, try to act as this 'Will Wood',

can improve the synchronization rate.

It seems that I have to use these traits as my code of conduct for the time being... Although I am not exactly this kind of character, but acting as another character and looking at things in a different way feels quite special... I am just not sure if I can do it arrive.

Zhou Jing carefully observed the surrounding environment.

Each of the nearby trees is ten or twenty meters tall, quite tall, and the branches and leaves are lush. Only the weak sunlight can penetrate, making the forest look a little dark. The grass is full of grass on the ground, and the slope of the terrain is relatively gentle, so it should not be a continuous hilly area.

The line of sight stretched out, except for the woods or the woods, it was impossible to tell the direction.

Zhou Jing suddenly discovered a big problem.

- Where is my introduction?

He doesn't know the current location, and he doesn't know which way to go. The panel shows that he will stay for five to seven days. Who knows if he will be able to get out of this forest... No, it is not certain whether he can survive in the woods.

The physical senses of the astral apostle are exactly the same as the main body, and they also need to eat and rest, and consider the problem of survival.

A gust of cold wind blew through, freezing to the bone, Zhou Jing shivered slightly.

——According to the current situation, "Death of Cold" defeated "Death of Starvation" and "Death of Thirst" with an overwhelming advantage, and it is not bad that it is currently the most likely way to die.

"The most important thing is to find the traces first. It is said that the race of this astral apostle is displayed as a Terran, which should mean that there are living people in this world. The problem is that I don't understand the language here, how to communicate with each other..."

Zhou Jing was thinking about it, and suddenly noticed that a light spot was flickering in the lower right corner of the panel.

He focused his consciousness there, and suddenly several messages popped up from the lower right corner.

[Trigger the achievement [First Shuttle]! ]

[Get 300 astral points! ]

[Trigger achievement [First time here]! ]

[Get 100 astral points! [Auxiliary Tools - Quick Language Analysis (Skill Edition)] x1]

[Auxiliary Tools - Rapid Language Analysis (Skill Edition)]

[Function: quickly parse a language]

[How to use: When you learn a language from a book, or when you communicate with an object, you can consume this tool to quickly parse the relevant language, perform language translation in daily use, and generate skills]

Zhou Jing's eyes lit up.

He learned from the information on the panel that when the astral apostle walks on the plane, certain actions may trigger "achievements" and gain benefits. Most of the time, it is the astral point, and occasionally he will get different types of achievement rewards.

The completion conditions of these two achievements, [First time shuttle] is the first time to travel between planes, which is a unique achievement. The definition of the entry for "new arrival" is a repeatable achievement that will be triggered every time you enter a new star realm.

Achievement types are divided into uniqueness and repetition. The panel can open the [Achievement List] to query the completion conditions of many achievements and complete them in a targeted manner. At the same time, there are also some hidden achievements, which cannot be directly inquired about the completion method. Only when the requirements are unexpectedly met, the trigger will be prompted.

Different types of achievement rewards outside the Astral Point do not take effect immediately, but are stored in the achievement warehouse, waiting to be used.

"It seems that the panel does not directly solve all communication problems. Fortunately, there is this achievement reward... In other words, this achievement says that each new plane can be triggered once. Should it be the benefit of solving communication problems in each new world?"

Zhou Jing secretly speculated.

He was worried just now that if the language is not fluent, others will be able to understand his fancy sign language, but now he is relieved.

I am unfamiliar with my life and have no information about the current star realm. It is the top priority to find someone to communicate with and understand the situation.

Zhou Jing calmed down, picked and picked on the ground, found a dead stick that weighed his hand as a crutch, chose a direction, and moved forward cautiously.

He has no experience in wild survival, and he has no confidence in his heart. He can only believe in himself and a little luck.

Fortunately, this body has 9 physical attributes. It is very strong and has abundant physical strength. If it encounters danger, it also has a stronger ability to deal with it.

'I am an ordinary interstellar society civilian, and I was suddenly pulled to the field to survive in the wild... Although the death of the astral apostle will not affect the main body, but to be on the safe side, it is better to try to keep yourself alive and alive before returning. ’

Zhou Jing rubbed his arms vigorously, as if he could rub off the biting cold.


After walking on and off for about three or four hours, the temperature in the forest gradually warmed up, not as cold as it was at dawn.

When Zhou Jing was trudging through the forest for a long time, his nose was flushed red from the cold, and he kept breathing white mist when he was breathing.

"Fortunately, I have a set of clothes and pants, otherwise I'm afraid I'd be frozen..."

The style of the clothes I carry with me is very simple, only a single shirt and a single trousers. The fabric is very rough. After a long journey, the shoulders and neck are rubbed with red marks, itchy and prickly, and then the cold wind blows, it feels really good Extremely sour.

He lives in the interstellar era. Although he is not pampered, the living materials he uses are all modern industrial products, and he has no experience of surviving in the wild wearing a single coat. He has never suffered this crime.

Zhou Jing gritted his teeth and endured it, trying not to think about modern comforts and trying to adapt-he was mentally prepared before entering, and now retreating is not a consideration at all.

Come on, it's done!

Stopping and going all the way, Zhou Jing tried to identify traces in the wild and look for traces of people.

He has not learned field reconnaissance, and can only judge by feeling, but it seems that the talent of [Agility] is playing a role, and occasionally he can notice some invisible traces.

It's just that these discoveries made him nervous. On some trees, old paw prints were found. Obviously, there are unknown beasts in this forest, and his situation is even more dangerous.

But what surprised him was that the physical quality of this body was better than he expected. After walking for three or four hours, he was only slightly tired and still maintained sufficient physical strength. And after staying in the cold environment for so long, the body joints are slightly stiff, which is already very resistant to freezing.

Turning around a big tree, Zhou Jing suddenly stopped, his eyes locked on the ground not far away, and there were a few human footprints extending all the way.

"Finally see the traces!"

Zhou Jing was overjoyed at first, but quickly calmed down.

The owner of these strings of footprints does not know whether it is good or bad.

It's just that only humans can communicate in the wild forest, and they need to be contacted as appropriate. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get out of the forest without intelligence.

This was the first time Zhou Jing had experienced such a thing, but after weighing the pros and cons on the road, he encountered either beasts or people in the forest, and the latter was always better than the former.

He raised his guard secretly, and followed the footprints, carefully groping forward.

The spirit is highly tense, pays attention to the surrounding wind and grass, and is always ready to deal with possible accidents.

After walking for about half an hour, suddenly a sharp roar of wind rang out.

Zhou Jing reacted quickly, and quickly ducked behind the nearest tree.


An arrow stuck on the ground a few steps ahead.

At the same time, a man's roar suddenly sounded in the forest ahead.


- Unsurprisingly, I didn't understand it.

Zhou Jing clenched the dead branches in his hand, and looked from behind the tree to follow the sound. In the forest ahead, five figures emerged from behind the tree, all holding bows and arrows, aiming at the tree where he was hiding.

These people are different in height, short, fat and thin, but their clothes are almost the same. Their heads are shawls and hoods, they are dressed in thick cloth, and they are covered with simple leather armor. At the waist, with hunting knives and daggers, and long boots on his feet, he looked either a ranger or a hunter.

'This dress style and weapon... Medieval period? Or is the world at a similar stage of development? ’

Zhou Jing's heart moved. From the clothing styles of these people, he thought of a certain historical stage of the mother star era recorded in the history books, but the surface remained calm.

At the same time, the panel flashes once and a new message pops up.

[When an unknown language is discovered, does it consume 50 Astral Points and activate [Auxiliary Tools-Language Quick Analysis (Temporary Version)]? ]

[Auxiliary Tool - Quick Language Analysis (Temporary Version): When someone communicates with you in this language, you will understand the meaning of the other party's expression. The meaning you want to express will be automatically converted into that language when you export it. (Note: but it does not mean that the language has been mastered)]

[Hint: It is only applicable to one language. When encountering a new unknown language, you need to activate the temporary auxiliary tool again, which consumes 50 astral points each time, and so on]

[Hint: Temporary assistance cannot form skills and cannot be inherited. After switching astral apostles, it needs to be activated repeatedly]

"If you don't have the skill version to parse the language, you can only spend points to activate the temporary communication function. Repeating it would be a waste... There's no need for that. Use the previous achievement rewards first."

Zhou Jing realized that without hesitation, he opened the achievement warehouse in the panel in his mind and used up the previous special achievement reward.

[Discover unknown languages, use [Auxiliary Tools-Language Quick Analysis (Skill Edition)]! ]

[You get the skill [Terra Empire Language, Northern Dialect Edition]! ]

[Current Mastery Level: Lv2- (Proficient)]

[The name of this skill can be customized, do you want to change it? ]

"No." Zhou Jing refused in his mind.

At this time, the five hunters saw that Zhou Jing did not answer. Among them, the burly hunter who seemed to be the leader asked again, but this time they could understand.

"who are you?!"

Zhou Jing did not feel any language knowledge emerging in his mind, so he dared to speak, and found that he almost instinctively spoke a language he had never learned, fluently and naturally:

"I'm just a lost person."

"be lost?"

The burly hunter frowned and shouted, "Get out from behind the tree!"

Zhou Jing opened his hands, indicating that he had no weapons, walked out from behind the tree, and stood still a meter away.

The burly hunter looked up and down at Zhou Jing carefully, and when he saw that he was dressed like a homeless man, he couldn't help but wonder: "Why are you here? What are you doing?"

"I got lost in the forest, and I finally saw the footprints, so I followed the footprints... Who are you?"

Zhou Jing probed carefully. When he was on his way before, he had guessed several possibilities of encounters, and thought about how others would question him.

I don’t know anything about the world, so I definitely can’t make up a calendar. It’s easy to tell nonsense, so I just say I’m lost and try to ask for help.

Hearing this, a tall and thin hunter next to him said in a vigilant tone: "If you have no problem with your eyes, you should see that we are hunters."

Zhou Jing narrowed his eyes, and without waiting for the other party to continue his questioning, he quickly took over the words and slowed down his tone:

"I'm just making sure... Dear hunters, I'm lost in this forest. I hope I can find someone to take me away. Can you be kind enough to take me with you?"

"We're not interested, you'd better leave immediately!" The tall and thin hunter said nothing.

Zhou Jing gritted his teeth, but instead of retreating, he advanced, and took another step forward:

"Look at my appearance... I dress so thinly and have nothing to eat or drink. I have no other choice but to seek your help. Everyone is in trouble, so we finally meet in the wild and support each other. Kindness will be rewarded.”

On the way, he made up his mind that if others did not attack at a single word, and showed room for negotiation, then he would follow others.

There is no way to do this. After finally catching a group of people who can communicate, I can't let them escape.

If it were placed in the main world, Zhou Jing felt that he could not do such a thing. He was a little socially afraid, and he rarely took the initiative to meet strangers.

But in the current situation, it seems that thin skin cannot be tolerated, and he has to make changes. He decided to grit his teeth to overcome the discomfort in his heart, and put aside all the shame.

Speaking of which, he changed his face and came to another world, and no one knew him, as if his face suddenly thickened, as if he suddenly lost his burden and psychological burden.

Hearing these words, the leading burly hunter hesitated for a moment, put down his bow and arrow, and hesitated.

Seeing this, the tall and thin hunter couldn't help reminding his companions: "Hey, this person is too suspicious, who would run into the black-shirted forest wearing only a single shirt? Let him follow the risk, drive him away! "

The burly hunter shook his head and said, "I think he may really be in trouble. It will take two or three days to get out of the forest from here. If we drive him away, he is almost dead, so we can't help him."

The tall and thin hunter looked at the burly hunter, and his tone was a little anxious: "Put away your overflowing kindness, don't forget that we don't have so much time to spend here."

The burly hunter turned to look at the tall and thin hunter, just as he was about to respond, his expression suddenly changed.


Suddenly, a dense rustling sound suddenly sounded in the grass not far away, as if a group of creatures were walking through the grass, approaching rapidly.

brush brush --

A dozen black-gray beasts suddenly sprang out from the grass. They landed on all fours and looked like wolf dogs. They were about the height of human knees. They had sparse fur, and their muscles were knotted. , the mouth is still dragging sticky saliva, very vicious.

"Withdraw, lead them to the trap!"

Several hunters whistled and immediately fled in the other direction, trying to attract this group of beasts.

The burly hunter was about to follow, but when he caught a glimpse of Zhou Jing's figure, he gritted his teeth sharply, and the escape route immediately turned a corner, heading straight for Zhou Jing, grabbing his arm.

"Follow me!"

The burly hunter grabbed Zhou Jing's arm and ran away.

He didn't forget to take the lost guy with him. If he left this guy who suddenly popped up here, his plan to attract the beast to the trap would fail, and he would also kill the stranger.

Although carrying a fuel bottle will slow down his speed and fall to the end of the team, it is difficult for him to die.

However, after only running a few steps, the burly hunter realized that something was wrong.

Zhou Jing, who was dragged by him to run, actually jumped ahead of him in two or three steps, running faster than him.

Not only that, but this guy also grabbed his arm in turn, and dragged him to the front of the team under the bewildered eyes of several other hunter companions.

Yiqi Juechen, let others eat the exhaust.

The scene in sight quickly regressed, and the burly hunter was a little stunned.

What happened?

Didn't I pull him to run, why did it suddenly reverse?

Zhou Jing walked like flying, and his physical fitness at 9:00 was fully exerted, like a gallop.

He even glanced back and had the energy to urge:

"Don't be stunned, I don't know the way, in which direction is your trap, show the way!"

The burly hunter subconsciously pointed in a direction, and suddenly there was a burst of force in his arm, and Zhou Jing directly dragged him towards it.

He hurriedly staggered to keep up, and was almost dragged to the ground, his face full of surprise.

This person's body is too strong, shouldn't he be a different blood warrior like the captain? !

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