Astral Apostle

forty-two serenity

Looking at Zhou Jing's vicious aura, several of the lord's guards backed off a bit.

One person has already been broken, and although the guards are angry, they also feel the chill.

This is very different from what they expected when they set off. I just want to teach the hunters to vent their anger, and I don't plan to work so hard here.

Even though Magogie had undergone plastic surgery, it was the time of rage, but Zhou Jing, who was even more ruthless, was a little shaken.

Who is this!

Before waiting for a few people to tangle, Zhou Jing took the initiative to launch a fierce attack.

"Put him down first!"

Magogie roared, his voice mixed with panic that he didn't even notice.

A few people couldn't care about the others, and could only deal with Zhou Jing's swift series of offensives.

Many lords and guards still wanted to attack Zhou Jing as before, but Zhou Jing rushed out, and it was not so easy to surround him again, not to mention that they had already reduced the number of two.

Without the space limitation of the encirclement, Zhou Jing finally no longer has to deal with the combined attacks from all directions at all times, and only now has the opportunity to exert his speed.

Wandering with two knives, interspersed among several people, it suddenly became flexible and deadly.

The weapons were clanking and slashing incessantly, and from time to time there were daggers coming out from tricky angles. The speed was so fast that several people were shocked and sweaty. They were barely able to block them with their proficient combat skills, but some people still had extra flesh and blood. cut.

However, several people also know how to approach each other to support each other. As long as Zhou Jing attacks one person, some of the others will help to resist, some will save him if they attack, and use their advantage in numbers to fight single-handedly.

"Back to back!"

Maggi growled.

Everyone understood, and immediately put their backs against each other, forming a circle, with their weapons facing outwards.

The speed is not easy to deal with, but the opponent is only one person after all. They form a back-to-back formation and help each other. Even if the opponent has an extraordinary speed, it is impossible for the mouse to pull the turtle.

Unless everyone can instantly react to the alert, they can quickly kill one person or directly break their formation, otherwise there is not much chance.

With this kind of shrinking attitude, everyone also showed weakness, hoping that Zhou Jing would retreat in spite of the difficulty... They no longer wanted to continue fighting with this Leng Touqing who was obviously not afraid of death.

Afraid of being stunned, stunned and afraid of death, Maggi and the others were already a little terrified of Zhou Jing.

Facing the formation of several people shrinking back to back, Zhou Jing found a direction and slashed down with both knives.


The guard who was attacked raised his sword to block the two knives, and the huge force on the knives made him want to retreat.

But other companions on his back provided him with support.

The lord's bodyguard suddenly took advantage of his strength, holding Zhou Jing's double knives in midair.

At the same time, the weapons of the two people next to them also stabbed out, one of them also parrying the double sword, and the other poking at Zhou Jing's chest.


Both sides were empty, and before the attack came, Zhou Jing had already withdrawn and retreated, avoiding the edge.

He roamed and attacked several times, and the result was the same.

The alien-blooded guards don’t hunt alien beasts, but they practice hard every day. It’s hard to say how good they work together, but there won’t be too many omissions. You can still understand how to fight.

However, several people lost the first move in ambush, and there was no good way to deal with Zhou Jing, who was slipping away after getting out of trouble.

The two sides couldn't help each other for a while, and could only cut passionately.

The weapons splattered with sparks, and the tinkling was very lively, but no one added any new injuries.

Seeing Zhou Jing attacking repeatedly, one of the lord's guards became anxious and shouted:

"Stop it, don't make such a fuss!"

It's all like this, why are you still fighting? You all rushed out of the siege, and you can withdraw at any time if you want to run, why don't you run away?

Do you really want to fight to the death with us here! There is no such deep hatred between us!

You drank the blood potion,

Why not run and find a place to digest it? What do you have to do with us here? !

You can't get to this point if you don't want to die!

Zhou Jing turned a deaf ear.

If it weren't for these few people who felt that the situation was not good, they might not have thought about how to knead him today.

It's hard to catch a chance to fight a pain, how can you stop it when you say it is stopped.

If you are hacked to death, your skills are not as good as others, and if you explain it, don't blame us for not stopping, and don't talk about martial arts.

The head is not iron, what kind of martial arts do you play.

They blocked Zhou Jing's increasingly violent blow, and saw that Zhou Jing had no intention of stopping, and several people were angry and annoyed.

Damn it, this guy is crazy!

This way, there is no way to escape. If you want to run away, you will only be chased and hacked to death one by one.

Since you don't want to let us go, let's fight!

The determination is certain, and everyone has to cheer up the fighting spirit.

When the eyes meet, killing intent is intertwined.

The sun gradually slanted westward, and the two sides fought fiercely in this grove until evening.

The setting sun covered several people with a layer of blood.


The five lord guards, including Magogie, gasped for breath, with scattered stab wounds on their bodies.

Zhou Jing's chest rose and fell violently, his arms trembled slightly, and the blade was already slightly curled.

Ross had already climbed up and wanted to come up to help, but the frontal battle was a little tricky. He was slashed a few times, and Zhou Jing kicked him aside, preventing him from giving his life to hug the enemy's thigh.

Not used yet.

The lord and guard who were knocked out were directly replaced by Zhou Jing because they were left alone.

In any case, Ross still made some merit.

The remaining five people were clinging to each other, and they would never spread out to give Zhou Jing a chance to defeat them.

After all, fighting is not a math problem. Although the guards have been reduced, but in such a battle, it will make it more difficult for Zhou Jing to achieve the victory.

However, the different blood medicine in Zhou Jing's body continued to take effect, continuously providing new power, and several guards continued to consume physical strength in the fierce battle.

Under this situation, the balance gradually tipped to one side.

"What's the matter with you?"

Magogie was panting like a cow, and his face was horrified.

These guards have also experienced the enhancement of different blood, and most of them are painful. They originally thought that Zhou Jing's strange operation of drinking medicine to strengthen in battle was completely dead.

During the fierce battle, everyone was waiting for Zhou Jing to be vulnerable because of the severe pain.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Jingming showed signs of strengthening on his body, but he seemed to be unaware, cutting all the way from day to evening.

This person's eyes can't dry... ugh, does this person feel pain?

Or has the endurance reached the point of exaggeration? !

Maggi and others couldn't believe it.

The blue veins on Zhou Jing's forehead throbbed vigorously, the intensified pain mixed with a sense of strength, and waves reverberated in the body, just wanting to let it out.

[Toughness] The talent suppressed the pain of strengthening the alien blood, but instead made him fierce, and his whole body was full of inexhaustible energy, just like taking stimulants.


At this moment, as if the quantitative change caused the qualitative change, the power in the body suddenly erupted like a volcano!

Zhou Jing jumped out, and the speed of the charge increased sharply.

The double knives rolled up in a gust of wind and crashed down.

One of the guards still blocked it as before.

boom! !

The five-person formation suddenly exploded, and they were all broken apart by Juli, like a pile of pins hit by a bowling ball.

With a bang, the lord's guard who resisted this attack was directly cut off with a weapon, and a deep blood line appeared from the top of his head to his chin, followed by a rush of blood, and he fell to the ground on his back.

Without bells and whistles, the power of this knife actually broke through the five-person retreat.

The other four staggered back, looking at the corpse of their companion's head separated from the family, the cold air was blowing.

Oops, the alien blood enhancement is fully effective!

Zhou Jing's eyes were bloodshot, without any pause, he took advantage of the situation to pursue the nearest person, and slashed with both knives.


The long sword used to block flew out of his hand.

The knives crossed and the head of the lord guard ran away from home.

The lord's guards, who could have survived a few tricks, were directly defeated by the front, and the gap in physical fitness was instantly widened.

The remaining three were finally scared out of their minds, they turned around and ran away without caring about anything else.

The consequence of being single is to be caught up by Zhou Jing, whose speed has risen sharply.

Two more lord guards struggled uselessly and were smashed to the ground on the spot.

Only Maggi was left, and the weapon was knocked away by Zhou Jing.


Zhou Jing kicked him.


Magogie slumped on the ground, hurriedly raised his hand in front of him, his face full of horror.

Zhou Jing pointed at his eyes with a long knife that almost turned into a serrated blade. He didn't cut it down immediately, and said solemnly:

"Tell me, how did the lord let you come here?"

Maggi's teeth were trembling, and he didn't dare not to explain, exposing all the brief conversations between the lord and him.

Zhou Jing nodded, not interested in talking to Maggi any more, and thrust the blade straight through Maggi's head.


Knife out.

Magogee threw himself down, a look of fear on his face.

He still wanted to beg for mercy and defend himself, but he didn't even have a chance.

Seven corpses lay on the ground, and there was no movement in the field.

Zhou Jing closed his eyes slightly, and while reminiscing about the sword, light and sword shadow, he enjoyed a moment of tranquility as if the world had returned to harmony.

so quiet...


Zhou Jing opened his eyes, spit out a mouthful of blood, his body swayed, and he quickly stood up with the knife.

He looked at the corpses all over the place and pouted.

Well, the lord's guards seem to have been wiped out and killed by himself.

This time it can't be good... although he doesn't care about that.

Moreover, this group of people stopped them, which has already explained the problem. The information Magogie disclosed basically proved that the lord could not escape the relationship.

"The reward given to me before, and the reason given to me, are probably used to stabilize me..."

Zhou Jing was expressionless.

Root...will have to find him sooner or later.

At this time, he had time to look at the panel, and the news had already been swiped.

[Sync rate +10%]

[Trigger Achievement [First Kill-Different Blood Warrior (First Enhancement)]! ]

[Get 500 astral points! [Quality Enhancement - Physical Fitness (Small)] x1, [Quality Enhancement - Resistance (Small)] x1]

[Extraordinary System - [Alien Blood Warrior], level upgrade]

[Different Blood Warrior: Secondary Strengthening (Wind Howling Tiger)]

[Effect: Physical +14, Resistance +10, Perception +7]

[Current attributes: physical strength 40 (+3) (first-order max), resistance 31, perception 18, spirit 6, energy 0]

[Secondary enhancement with features: [Toughness of muscles and bones], [Rapid wind], [Tiger bravery], [Low-level wind element resistance]]

[Life goals [Secondary Alien Blood Enhancement], [Senior Alien Beast Hunter] have been completed]

[You get 70 information state particles]

[Current Apostle Constant Standard Progress: 100/110]

"The customs clearance standard has not been reached yet?!"

Zhou Jing stared.

It seems that I judged correctly at the beginning, the goal of life is only the most convenient way to obtain information-state particles, UU reading www. may not be able to fully meet the customs clearance requirements.

The rewards given to each life goal are different. The more difficult the life goal should be, the more information particles are given.

Then sometimes completing a difficult life goal can directly pass the customs.

Sometimes you can't pass the level after completing all your life goals, and you need to find a way to get more information-state particles.

Now it's a bit difficult to do...

Zhou Jing was thinking about it, and suddenly a sharp pain that went deep into his bones swept his whole body. This time, even his [Toughness] talent couldn't hold back.


He suddenly bent over and spit out a mouthful of black blood.

His nose was a little wet, he reached out to touch it, and found that black blood was flowing unstoppably from his nose.

Watching this scene, Zhou Jing suddenly understood.

The strengthening of his own blood did not kill him suddenly, but it did not really succeed.

The body can't bear it, the genes collapse...

How many days, hours, or minutes?

Zhou Jing's mood was fluctuating, his eyes narrowed.


At this time, Zhou Jing suddenly grinned.

He has never used other ways to obtain information-state particles. How can he use other ways to obtain new information-state particles before he is killed?

No clue.

However, since it is to cause a large enough impact,

What I can think of at the moment... try to cut a lord?


Zhou Jing suddenly shouted.

Ross covered his wound and silently came over.

"Find a place nearby and bury the money."

Zhou Jing said, looking back at the way back.

"It's better to hit the sun if you choose another day. Let's talk to Root now."

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