Astral Apostle

Forty-five suspicion and estrangement

"What happened here?!"

Many hunters looked at the messy castle hall with shock on their faces.

Everyone saw that Zhou Jing stood on the corpse of the inch-headed man and drew a long knife.


Weiss exclaimed.

The rest of the people recognized Zhou Jing, who was covered in blood, and their hearts trembled.

During the day, Jason was drinking and chatting with them in the tavern. Why would he start a killing spree in the lord's castle at night? It also hurts both people!

What happened in half a day!

Because they couldn't figure out the situation, many hunters didn't know what to do. They stopped at the open door and didn't move. They stared blankly at Zhou Jing dragging blood and moving step by step.

In front of everyone's eyes, Zhou Jing staggered and walked towards the stairs leading to the second floor.

His vision was blurred, his jaw was shattered, and his nerves were aching.

The chest and abdomen were severely hit by the inch-headed man, and he didn't know how many ribs were broken, and his internal organs were also broken.

After being hit by such a heavy blow, the injury was added to the injury, and he was already at the end of his force. Before, he was holding his breath to maintain the lightning strike, squeezing the last strength from the cracks of the bones, and then using the only chance to revive the follower to exchange the injury. Kill the inch-headed man.

After he succeeded at this time, Zhou Jing couldn't hold his breath any longer, his strength was fading rapidly, bleeding was everywhere in his body, and he couldn't even lift the knife.

This body injury is fatal, and with the collapsed genes, it is no longer possible to live...

Life is like a candle in the wind, death is close at hand, and the only life left is probably in seconds.

Zhou Jing knew that the time of death was approaching, dragging his broken and heavy body towards the direction of the lord.

Dozens of guards crowded in front of the stairs. Seeing Zhou Jing staggering approaching, they hurriedly retreated up the steps and crowded into the corridor on the second floor.

Every time Zhou Jing took a step forward, many of the guards hurriedly took two steps back.

After seeing the battle just now, they were all heartbroken, and at this moment there was only fear for Zhou Jing.

Even if he was seriously injured and on the verge of death, it seemed that anyone could knock him down, but none of the guards dared to step forward to make up for it and kept shrinking.

At the end of the corridor behind the crowd, Root was pale and his teeth were chattering.

He wanted to turn his head and flee upstairs, but his legs would not obey him.

Before, the inch-headed man had always had the upper hand, so Root always watched the battle calmly, not at all afraid that Zhou Jing would threaten him.

But he didn't expect the good situation to take a turn for the worse, and his greatest confidence would be killed on the spot!

His entire attention was on Zhou Jing and the man with the inch head. After Ross was easily killed, he didn't pay attention to the corpse lying across the battlefield, he just thought it was a miscellaneous soldier who was sent to death.

So when Ross came back to life and quietly attacked the short-headed man, Root didn't understand the situation at all. He also didn't notice how Ross's head grew back. The first reaction was that he was dazzled. The one-inch man was careless and didn't kill Ross. It gave him the strength to get up.

At this moment, no one around can stop Zhou Jing!

Root finally panicked.

Although there are more than 30 guards in front of him to separate himself and Zhou Jing...

Although Zhou Jing only had one breath left...

But as Zhou Jing, who was suffocating and shaped like a ghost, slowly approached, Root still felt suffocating fear!

He seemed to be able to see Zhou Jing walking through the crowd and nailing himself to the wall with one knife!

How are you feeling now...

Regret, quite regret!

The seven different-blooded guards died, and even the inch-headed man hated him!

Who knew this guy could fight like that? !


Root stammered and suddenly saw the many hunters gathered downstairs, his eyes suddenly lit up, and hope was ignited, as if he had found a life-saving straw.

He shouted loudly towards the many hunters who were stunned:


Stop him now! He wants to kill me! "

When the words fell, a few hunters subconsciously stepped forward, and they were about to rush up to the second floor to stop Zhou Jing.

But the next moment, Weiss suddenly raised his hand and stopped a few people.

Several people turned back, their voices surprised.

"What's the matter, don't you stop Jason?"

"He's going to attack the lord, we can't just watch, right?"

Weiss didn't respond immediately, he looked at Zhou Jing who was dying, his face twitched.

From his eyes, he could also see that Zhou Jing's injury was imminent.

After all, he was a companion who had taught for three months and fought side by side. Seeing Zhou Jing's tragic appearance, Weiss was shocked and angry.

The traces of this bloody battle for the rest of his life cannot be faked.

He really wanted to know what happened to Zhou Jing in the half-day after saying goodbye to him.

Since Jason killed the lord's castle, there must be a reason, and it must be related to the lord!

"I don't know what's going on, don't do it." Weiss said solemnly.

Someone hesitated to say: "How can you not do it, after all, it is the lord, you can't watch Jason kill him, right?"

Hearing this, many hunters looked at each other in dismay.

They didn't know why Zhou Jing fought with the lord's people, but something must have happened.

Kroot is the lord, and everyone doesn't know what to do.

It stands to reason that they should protect the lord, but they should stand in the position of hunters, and they should protect their own people.

It's impossible to help Jason kill the city lord without knowing it.

After all, there has never been a precedent for an alien hunter to kill the city lord!

Seeing that many hunters hesitated and did not intervene, Root was in a hurry and hurriedly called out:

"I don't know what's going on at all. He killed my bodyguard inexplicably, and then suddenly rushed into the castle to want my life. I don't even understand what's going on! If you have any questions, stop him before asking!"

Hearing this, several hunters felt reasonable, no longer hesitated, and rushed to the second floor to stop Zhou Jing.

The rest of the hunters had to follow.

One of the hunters rushed to Zhou Jing's side in a few steps and immediately held Zhou Jing's shoulder.

"Stop first, what's going on?"

Zhou Jing stopped and turned to look at him.

The hunter's heart suddenly burst, and for some reason, he let go of his hand subconsciously.

Zhou Jing ignored him, his eyes passed over the dozens of trembling guards, his eyes became more and more blurred, and he looked at Root who looked nervous behind.

The body has no strength to move forward.

This is the final blow...

He raised the knife with difficulty and threw it with his hand, as if he had exhausted all his strength.

call out……

The blade spun and flew through the crowd.

But halfway through, he lost his strength and fell from the air.


The blood-stained long sword fell in front of Root.


Root slumped on the ground, looking at the long knife on the ground in horror, trembling all over.

At the same time, Zhou Jing's body also fell down and fell to the ground with a thud.

Many hunters were startled.

Weiss squatted down in a hurry, supported Zhou Jing, took a breath, and said in a painful tone, "Dead."

Hearing this, the faces of many hunters changed, and they didn't know what to say.

Feeling sadness and anger over the death of a fellow hunter, but also unstoppable confusion.

"He... is he dead?"

Root heard from a distance, and a dangling heart suddenly dropped.

The mood was ups and downs, and the whole person almost collapsed.

The underwear was wet, and unknowingly, a cold sweat broke out from fright.

Root was terrified.

Fortunately, the man with the inch head and this hunter fought a battle and lost both sides, and they basically died together. If this man still has fighting strength, it seems that today he will not stop until he is killed.

Seeing Jason's death, Root's regret suddenly faded a lot, and turned into joy and fear.

It seems that his fate is not dead, and luck still favors him...


At this moment, Webb suddenly strode closer, pushed away all the guards, and stood in front of Root.

"What exactly happened?"

Weber's tone was solemn.

Many hunters followed silently, passed through the guards who dared not move, and surrounded Ruth.

Root gasped for breath and swallowed.

Because of Zhou Jing, these hunters who usually trusted him suddenly felt dangerous and brought a strong sense of oppression.

He suddenly realized that the trouble was far from over.

If Zhou Jing was caught behind closed doors and solved quietly, then this matter would be much easier to handle, but now that many hunters have witnessed it, this is not good.

However, when Jason died, no one knew that Magogie accepted his order to intercept him, and it seemed that there was still a chance to get rid of the relationship...

Root quickly suppressed his inner tension and stood up forcibly, pretending to be puzzled:

"I don't know. Jason suddenly came to the door and took the heads of several of my different blood guards. He said he wanted me to give an explanation, but I didn't know what happened. I saw that he killed my guards, so I planned to Let's catch him first, I didn't expect it to develop like this..."

"Magogie?" Webb frowned.

"I'm not too sure. It seems that Maggi and Jason had some conflict. Maybe he didn't hide it from me and did something in private, so Jason came to me... I'll investigate."

Root barely maintained his composure, and his words were mixed, and he just wanted to stabilize the many hunters.

Even if he wanted to throw dirty water on Zhou Jing, he wouldn't dare to do it now.

Everyone was silent and dubious.

In the past, they were quite happy to cooperate with the lord, and everyone had a foundation of trust.

But Zhou Jing was so determined to kill the lord today, which shook everyone's thoughts.

Although I don't know what happened, Zhou Jing is one of them. There must be a reason for this, and the lord must have done something.

And despite all the reasons, Jason died in the hands of the lord... The lord killed a hunter of alien beasts, and everyone couldn't think that it didn't happen.

Jason is the most talented person among them. Everyone thinks that he has a promising future and has the opportunity to become a legendary alien hunter.

But I didn't expect such a genius to die like this, not on the battlefield fighting against alien beasts, but in the lord's castle.

What a pity this is!

Looking at the silent hunters, Root became more and more nervous and did not dare to show any signs of guilt.

After a long time, Weber slowly spoke:

"We're waiting for you to explain this matter, if it doesn't satisfy us..."

The rest of the words need not be said, the meaning is already obvious.

Root didn't dare to say anything, he could only promise and promise, and he didn't dare to assume the attitude of a lord like before.

After Weber finished speaking, he turned around and left, returned to Jason, and picked up Jason's body by the waist.

The hunters followed and crowded around.

Seeing this, Root couldn't help but ask:

"Where are you going to take him?"

"Nothing to do with you."

Weiss coldly dropped a sentence.

They couldn't just sit and watch the corpse of a fellow hunter and just hang it here.

They only have one idea now, which is to bring Jason back to Frostwood Village.

The hunters took Jason's body and walked away.

Root opened his mouth, but did not dare to say any words of dissuasion.

He could guess that everyone would probably take the corpse to Frostwood Village.

However, there is also a Baron in Frostwood Village who is half-informed. If the hunters join him and synthesize the information, they will learn about the corruption of the medicine, and thus become more suspicious of Jason's experience. Then doubt yourself.

There was no way for Kroot to stop him.

The power that he could use in his hands was almost cut off by Zhou Jing alone, and now he can't do anything about Balon.

The people of the tribe are too far away to mobilize so quickly...and he dare not fight against so many hunters.

If Balon dies again, these hunters 80% will soon understand the situation and will definitely settle accounts with him... Root no longer dares to act rashly.

The goatee must be hidden or silenced, and Baron must not be allowed to see this man in the city...

Root's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he could only try his best to find a way to remedy it. UU Reading

He has been trying his best to have a good relationship with most hunters, but now the changes brought about by Zhou Jing have caused the hunters to estrange him, almost all previous efforts have been abandoned, and many hidden dangers have been buried.

However, although the subsequent situation was bad, he breathed a sigh of relief.

‘Anyway, it’s not me who died, at least I’m still alive. ’

Root covered his heart, his heart pounding, full of happiness for the rest of his life.

On the other side, many town residents were also attracted by the sound, and despite the curfew, they came to the lord's longhouse one after another, looking at the mess here in amazement.

Many residents whispered, commotion and noise.

In the crowd of onlookers, an inconspicuous man saw the body of a short-headed man on the ground, his pupils shrank immediately, and he immediately slipped out of the crowd and quietly left.


After the death of Jason Wood, the astral apostle, Zhou Jing's consciousness returned directly.

After passing through the streamer tunnel, Zhou Jing quickly returned to the shuttle preparation space.

As soon as he came back, he received the panel information that was brushed out like a waterfall:

[This campaign has ended! ]

[The actual length of stay: 9 days]

[This resource collection situation: 980 star boundary points, 12 information state particles]

[The experience log has been archived, and the relevant exploration results are entered in the illustrated book]

[Detected dead "Jason Wood" (number 002)]

[The apostle's constant standard progress: 140/110]

[The progress has been reached! ]

[Currently the astral apostles are in the process of being constant... the constant is over! ]

[File update! ]

["Jason Wood" (number 002) - transformed into [Eternal Apostle]! ]

[[Eternal Apostle]: The files are retained after death and can be re-launched! ]

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