Astral Apostle

57 Sneak and the Butterfly Effect

The layers of yellow clouds and the setting sun dipped down, giving Baiyuan City a layer of blood.

The pedestrians on the street gradually became sparse and deserted.

Zhou Jing hid in the corner of the house, looked at the lord's longhouse across the street, and roamed the windows of the castle.

He has been stepping on the spot all day, and now he has a general understanding of the situation around Root.

Because of the fright for half a year, Root has been staying in the castle. If he wants to kidnap him, he can only sneak in. He has arranged several guards in the castle for a long time, working in two shifts during the day and night, standing guard at the key roads of the castle. In addition, he also deployed a new batch of alien blood guards to protect his safety.

On paper, the castle is so heavily defended that it is difficult to enter without a sound.

However, people will be lazy... The garrison has lasted for half a year, and no danger has occurred. The guards have long been slack, and it is impossible to expect them to tighten their nerves for a long time.

In the past few months, there were people who were afraid that the world would not be in chaos, or were quite dissatisfied with Root, expecting a hunter to follow Jason and assassinate Root.

However, now that Baiyuan City is depressed, and a large number of hunters have left, even the civilians feel that it is impossible for any assassination incidents to break out.

Tight on the outside and loose on the inside, he judged the castle defense like this.

"Wait until the middle of the night before starting." Zhou Jing was sure and disappeared around the corner of the house.


The night came as scheduled, and Baiyuan City gradually fell into sleep.

As time passed, the guards standing guard at the gate also began to blatantly fish, yawning from time to time.

In a low room on the side of the castle, there are two guards hiding here, eating some kind of nuts while chatting casually, occasionally turning their heads to lift the curtains, and observing the castle through the window.

Their task is to monitor the outer walls of the castle, preventing people of extraordinary physical fitness from climbing the outer walls, sneaking into the castle through the windows, and ringing the bell immediately if they find it.

It's only been half a year, this post has long been slack, and it's a shame not to sleep directly.

"Tsk, the last time there was a riot with alien beasts, there were not enough hunters, so the army had to be used, and many people died. When there were enough hunters in the past, where would we need to work hard." One of the guards grumbled dissatisfied.

Another guard shrugged: "Fortunately we were chosen to guard the castle,

You don't have to fight with alien beasts, it's much safer here. I think Baiyuan City is almost over, save more money here and settle down in other towns. "

Although they are town guards, they are also dissatisfied with Root, just for life, complete loyalty does not exist.

At this moment, a figure seemed to dangle outside the curtain, and flashed in the corner of their eyes.

The two turned their heads subconsciously, opened the curtains to find out, but found that there was no one outside.

Just when the two of them thought that staying up too long had made a mistake, someone suddenly knocked on the door behind them.

"Duh duh."

The two instinctively turned back.

At this moment, a figure came in from the eaves above the window, and fell silently behind the two like a civet cat, his hands sticking out like ghosts.

Snapped! Snapped!

The mouths and noses of the two guards were covered, and they couldn't shout.

The irresistible force directly pulled them into someone's arms behind them, and then the arms on the neck tightened sharply.

The vision of the two fell into darkness in an instant, and they lost consciousness.

Zhou Jingle stunned the two guards, put them on the ground lightly, and then pulled out the latch, letting Ross, who was knocking mechanically outside, also enter the room.

"Change clothes."

Zhou Jing gave an order and changed into the guard's clothes by himself.

He has been to the castle several times before, and he is not unfamiliar with the structure inside. This is a four-story castle. Root's original bedroom is on the third floor. It is most convenient to climb through the window from the outer wall.

But he felt that Root was so frightened that it was unlikely to leave such an omission, and he would definitely take some measures to prevent the enemy with extraordinary physical body from climbing the outer wall and touching his room directly.

So when he stepped on the spot during the day, Zhou Jing thought in a different position, thinking about how to take precautions with the lord's resources, and the final result was to rely on human surveillance... Under his intentional search, during the day, he found the outer wall of surveillance around the castle. 's sentry.

He has quietly settled all the exterior outposts he found so that the wall climber wouldn't be easily spotted.

Zhou Jing and Ross quickly changed the guards' clothes, took off some of the armor leaves that were prone to rubbing noises, and then found thick ropes from the room to tie the two naked and unconscious guards together, and blocked them with coarse cloth by the way. mouth. He is generally measured against ordinary people, but it is enough for two guards to sleep for a long time.

After doing this, Zhou Jing took Ross around to the back of the castle, and under the cover of the night, he quietly swam up the wall, and his movements were extremely agile.

But Zhou Jing did not go in directly from the window of the lord's bedroom on the third floor.

He felt that since Root was guarding against hunters in the city, he probably wouldn't dare to continue living in the same place. He might have moved to a room without a window, and the original lord's bedroom might have been turned into a vacant room or a bait.

Zhou Jing climbed directly to the roof, looked through the crenel, and found that there were indeed several guards standing guard on the roof, but they were basically taking a nap.

The only one who didn't sleep, was taking off his shoes and concentrating on picking his feet, smelling his hands from time to time.

"It's delicious..."

Zhou Jing twitched the corners of his eyes, and suddenly turned to the rooftop with force, and with a single sprint, he jumped over a distance of several meters and threw himself in front of this person.

The guard had just sniffed his finger and was intoxicated, and he didn't have time to react.

Before he saw the figure, he was beaten with a knife by Zhou Jing, his eyes rolled and he passed out.

The whole process took only one second, and there was almost no movement, and the rest of the guards were still asleep.

Zhou Jing made up his swords one by one, emptied the garrison on the rooftop, leaving only one guard, and vigorously shook him to wake him up.

"Uh...a change of guard?"

The guard opened his sleepy eyes and spoke subconsciously.

He suddenly felt the coldness of metal on his neck. He looked down and found a long knife pressed against his neck, and his sleepiness was instantly frightened away.

The guard glanced to the side and saw that all his companions fell unconscious on the ground, and suddenly trembled all over.

"Don't shout, tell me what's going on in the castle, I'm only here for Root."

Zhou Jing spoke in a low voice.

The guard nodded tremblingly, daring not to resist, and told the information he knew in the usual way.

Just that little salary is not enough to support his loyalty.

Because he thinks Root has changed rooms, Zhou Jing needs to find out Root's location, and the guards stationed inside the castle should know.

The rooftop guards were on a rotating basis, and the guard did know how many floors Root was currently living on.

Listening to what he said, Root changed the room as expected, but it was still on the third floor. It was originally the servant's room without windows, and it was changed into a new bedroom. In the original lord's bedroom, several alien-blooded guards lived.

In addition, every room with a window in the castle has a latch outside the door, which is locked from the outside, and even if you turn in through the window, you have to hit the door. And the entire three-story window, the guards are the strictest.

"It seems that it is easier to go down from the castle than to turn in from the outside."

Zhou Jing thought to himself, but without any hesitation, he raised his hand to knock the person unconscious.

After dealing with the tail, he took Rose down the stairs from the rooftop to the fourth floor and entered the castle.

The defenses on the fourth floor were not strict, and only occasionally could see guards patrolling or standing guard, all of whom were fishing for fish.

Although he was dressed as a guard, it was used as insurance. Zhou Jing listened to his breath with his extraordinary senses, figured out the distribution of guard posts, and walked around as much as possible.

The two quickly came to the stairs to the third floor, where someone was guarding and could not get around.

Zhou Jing pressed the round helmet and walked straight with Ross, ready to deal with cross-examination or even attack.

However, the guard guarding the stairs just glanced at the two of them, and saw that they were dressed as guards, so he didn't care anymore, chatting with himself, and letting the two go downstairs.

Zhou Jing did not look sideways, and walked with Ross, knowing it in his heart.

Sure enough... the inside of the castle has been quite slack.

When they came to the third floor, there were many guards here. Zhou Jing circled around for a while, without disturbing others, and quickly found the target.

It was an inconspicuous location. The corridor extended out a narrow staircase leading down to the room. There were four guards standing guard at the entrance of the stairs, and there were two other people standing guard at the door. Root lived here.

"It seems that the guards with different blood all live on this floor. There may also be guards with different blood in Root's room. These people can't be led away, and it seems unlikely that they will not cause any movement at all... But they are here, as long as they get close to Root. , catch him and run away without worrying about being discovered."

Zhou Jing pondered for a while, then resolutely led Ross to the stairs.

The four guards standing at the entrance of the stairs noticed the approach of the two, and their eyes fell on the two with scrutiny, trying to identify the two.

Zhou Jing quickly approached the four of them, and without waiting for the four of them to ask questions, he took the initiative to say:

"Carl called us over, it's time to change shifts."

"...Who is Carl?"

The four of them were stunned for a moment, and when they were about to say it, the questioning got stuck, and they subconsciously wondered if there was someone named Carl among the people they knew.

At this moment, Zhou Jing violently attacked, moving like a rabbit!

Taking advantage of the brief moment when the four of them were stunned, he punched out his fists like sharp arrows, slamming into the chests and abdomens of the four of them one after another.

Bang bang bang!

Shen Hun's strength penetrated into the body, the bones of the four were broken, and they fell to the ground screaming.

The face of the guard who was standing guard at the door not far from the house suddenly changed, and his originally listless state instantly became tense, and he shouted without thinking:

"There is an enemy attack! There is..."

After the two had shouted for a while, Ross, who was behind Zhou Jing, had already rushed forward, colliding like a bull.


The two guards couldn't help but were knocked back by Ross, slapping their backs on the door, making a muffled sound.

Ross kept walking, slamming against the door against the two of them.

slap! ! spanstyle\u003evalley/spanstyle\u003e

The sound of wood cracking exploded, and the door was smashed into pieces by three people.

Ross crushed the two guards with broken bones and rushed into the room.

A sudden loud noise woke the people in the room.

Root was frowning and had nightmares, in which he played Chasing Me with Jason, who had no chin, again in the dream.

Suddenly, the dream was shattered by a loud noise, and he suddenly opened his eyes, but before he woke up, he stared at the broken door with dazed eyes.

On the soft collapse on the other side of the room, a different-blood guard was resting here, protecting himself, and was awakened at this time.


The alien-blooded guard shouted in rage, pulled out his long knife sharply, and killed Ross who was getting up from the ground.

However, before the blade hit Ross, a figure suddenly appeared in the diagonal stab, and a side kick was as fast as lightning, almost making him unable to react.

Bang! !

The next moment, the foreign-blooded guard only felt severe pain in his side rib, and the terrifying force seemed to break half of his rib, and the whole person was kicked and flew out.

With a bang, he flew out and smashed the wall, and the long knife flew out of his hand.

The whole person slumped to the ground, spouting blood, struggling to get up.

Zhou Jing succeeded in one strike, without pausing, chasing after him was a straight kick that went straight to the head.

The guard was so in pain that he only had time to raise his hand to protect his face, his arm was immediately kicked, and his bones were instantly broken.


A kick with explosive force like a cannon shot, directly across his arm, cracked his skull.

The back of his head slammed into the wall, smashing a pit, and a circle of floating ash appeared.

The different-blooded guard Qiqiao bleeded and fell to the ground, without the strength to fight again.

Zhou Jing's face was expressionless, and he stepped on his foot again, breaking his neck, and then stopped.

When dealing with alien blood warriors, he is not as "gentle" as dealing with ordinary people, and he will kill him if he can.

This guard only has the level of one-time reinforcement, and his own foundation is excellent. The effect of secondary reinforcement is much higher than that of ordinary people. His physical quality is almost crushing, and the opponent is not his opponent at all.

A successful raid can instantly kill the enemy.

At the same time, the movement here also alerted the guards and alien-blooded guards on the entire floor.

"Ta Tata..."

Messy footsteps sounded outside the door, approaching quickly, and soon the two of them would be blocked in this room,

Zhou Jing's expression remained unchanged, and the majestic strength from the secondary enhancement of the [Tiger Courage] characteristic carried through his arms and slammed into the wall.


Walls burst, bricks flew, and holes suddenly opened.

A gap with a burst of cold wind appeared, and outside was the scene of Baiyuan City.

Although this room has no windows to retreat, breaking through the walls can still lead to the outside world. Before his extraordinary physical fitness, demolishing a house and breaking a wall was as easy as drinking water.

Root was too frightened to move on the bed.

In the blink of an eye, an alien blood warrior from a tribe was instantly killed by the enemy, and Root did not dare to act rashly, for fear that he would also be punched and killed by someone.

He was horrified. He didn't expect that after half a year, someone would follow Jason's example and attack him.

Haven't all the dissatisfied hunters gone, where is this rude man?

"Stun him and take him." At this time, Zhou Jing didn't turn his head back.

Ross heard the words and immediately bullied Rutte.

Root was frightened and could only save himself when he saw this. He wanted to delay the time, so he dared to speak:

"You... don't mess around, attacking the lord is a felony, don't take the road of crime..."

Hearing this, Zhou Jing turned his head, did not speak, and smiled playfully.

Previously, he fought against the foreign-blooded guards, and his movements were so fast that Root couldn't see his face clearly, but at this time, he was able to see Zhou Jing's appearance clearly through the moonlight.

At this moment,

It seemed that a big hand grabbed Root's heart violently.

Boundless fear spread from the bottom of my heart.

"Jay, Jason?!"

Root's eyes widened suddenly, unable to believe what he saw.

How could it be that this man was killed by his own eyes!

Even if you don't die, your jaw can't grow back!

ghost! Devil! Come to my life!

The nightmare that haunted me for half a year suddenly appeared in reality

Root opened his mouth in a daze, his mind was blank, and the coldness penetrated his bone marrow, leaving only an indescribable deep horror that almost suffocated him.


Ross, regardless of his reaction, faithfully implemented Zhou Jing's orders, stunned Root directly, and then wrapped Root in a sheet, holding Root under his arm, like an expressionless flower thief.


Zhou Jing said nothing, and greeted Ross to jump out of the hole and quickly disappeared among the continuous houses in the town.

From kicking the door, breaking the wall to kidnapping and running away, the whole process takes less than ten seconds, and the efficiency is extremely high.

When the other alien-blooded guards and guards on the same floor arrived, they were faced with a cluttered room that was only empty, and a hole that was constantly flooded with cold wind.

"Oops, the lord was kidnapped!"

"Follow me now!"

Numerous foreign-blooded guards were shocked and angry.

However, they turned to look at the body of their companion on the ground.

In such a short period of time, you can kill a foreign-blooded guard...Is this the level of three enhancements? !

When did such a powerful person come to Baiyuan City?

The lord is gone, the dragons are leaderless, and the many guards are at a loss for a while, not knowing who should give the order.

At this time, the captain of the guards from a tribe gritted his teeth and said loudly:

"Immediately notify the city guards, search the city, and keep the city gates tightly guarded so no one can escape!"

This person is considered to be the small leader of the tribe's guards, and the guards that Root transferred from the tribe are basically under the command of this captain.

Seeing someone stand up to preside over the overall situation, many guards quickly obeyed their orders.

The tribal guard captain looked at the other alien-blooded guards and shouted:

"Let's follow the trail immediately and stop this person!"

Hearing that, although many of the alien-blooded guards were afraid of the thief's skills, they became courageous in their activities together, and immediately jumped out of the hole, chasing Zhou Jing's trail.

The other tribal guards were about to act, but this man reached out to stop everyone, and whispered:

"Don't be too concerned, the main thing is to protect yourself... It doesn't matter if Root can't be rescued."

The eyes of several tribal guards flashed, vaguely understanding something.

In the past six months, Root has been troubled by troubles, the sunset is in the west, but he is still occupying the position of the lord, and there are probably many people in the tribe who want to replace him...

Whether it's for the sake of ascending the throne, or to restore the "business" of Baiyuan City... Root has instead become a member of the clan's interests.

Several tribal guards nodded silently before joining the pursuit force.

At the same time, the messenger sent by the backer behind Root also rushed over.

He also settled in the castle tonight, and was awakened when the accident happened, but it was too late to support him.

Seeing the current situation at this time, the messenger's face changed drastically, and the whole person was messy.

Someone really attacked the lord, did they succeed? !

The identity of the perpetrator is a mystery, what is the origin? for what purpose?

Root knew the overall plan. If he was tortured and revealed, wouldn't it implicate the adults and risk exposure of the plan behind him? !

The messenger set off a storm in his heart, turned his head and left.

He was determined. Prepare to rush back to the capital overnight.

The accident here must be reported to the adults immediately!

Regardless of whether the thief intentionally or unintentionally, the overall plan of the adults must be adjusted!

The messenger gritted his teeth and cursed inwardly.

Root...why didn't this dude kill himself sooner? !

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