Astral Apostle

Six practice acceleration

According to these hunters, this forest is called the Black Shirt Forest, and it covers a vast area. Frostwood Village is located on the edge of the Black Shirt Forest, and in the outer forest not far from the village, there is an Earth Skeleton Den.

In the barbaric era, alien beasts were rampant, and human beings were divided into two groups. One group of people lingered on the ground, while the other group began to dig underground caves to live in order to avoid alien beasts. This is the origin of the Earth Skeleton People.

Different from terrestrial humans, Digu people rely on crypts and burrows to live. Due to the division of geographical factors, they are very closed and lack communication, resulting in uneven levels of ethnic intelligence. Some can build underground cities and trade with human tribes, while others are still at the stage of drinking blood, just like savages.

The nearby den of skeletons is the latter. It is savage and backward, like bandits who gather in the mountains and forests. There are often hordes of skeletons wandering in the forest, and sometimes they will walk out of the forest to rob passers-by. According to the hunters, Frostwood Village had always wanted to remove the den of the skeletons that threatened the security.

'This group of Earth Skeletons probably came from the nearby Earth Skeleton's lair...'

Zhou Jing vigilantly looked at the surrounding enemy.

Well, those hunters said that the Earth Skeletons are weak, and if it is a one-on-one fight, they can easily take care of each other... But the Earth Skeletons usually act in groups and are good at sneaking in the jungle, which is a deadly danger in the forest.

Just as Zhou Jing's thoughts turned sharply, the group of skeletons slowly approached with the help of trees.

"There are a lot of people, I feel cold... Don't, I haven't even fully understood the situation in this world."

Seeing that the group of Earth Skeletons were about to move, as if they were about to pounce at any time, Zhou Jing's heart skipped a beat.

I'm a newcomer to the whiteboard, but I don't have the ability to deal with this kind of situation...

This wave, this wave is a lot less chest.

I hope the information given by the panel is correct, and the death of the astral apostle will not affect the main body.

However, it is impossible to wait for death... Zhou Jing's eyes narrowed slightly, he clenched his dagger tightly, and was always ready to strike.

Although the spirit is on high alert, it does not mean to panic and retreat at all. Instead, the thinking runs faster and the mind becomes clearer.

As a good citizen of the interstellar era, living in a society ruled by law where personal safety is guaranteed, Zhou Jing has never faced such a life-threatening situation. Zhou Jing thought he would be nervous or timid, but when he really encountered it, he realized that he did not seem to have these emotions. .

Even vaguely excited about the bloody battle that may break out next, and... Can't wait?

It's strange, what kind of attitude do I have, I'm more excited than seeing beautiful women...

Zhou Jing was secretly surprised.

At this moment, Baron suddenly groaned, the sound was like muffled thunder, buzzing.

I saw Balon took two steps forward, holding the long-handled axe that never left his backhand, and suddenly swung in the air.


The strong force drove the giant axe, sweeping out a gust of wind, like a shock wave bursting out.

The fallen leaves all over the ground were lifted up in an instant, and they were swaying.

The wind pressure was strong, and the faces of the nearest skeleton people were blown away, and they took a step back in fear.


Balon exhaled violently, roaring like a giant bear.

The group of Earth Skeletons stirred up, as if shocked by the enormous power displayed by Baron. After hesitating for a while, they suddenly slowly retreated into the dark woods and disappeared into the range illuminated by the fire.

The dense rustling gradually faded away, and the group of Earth Skeletons quickly withdrew, just as quietly as when they approached sneakily.

"Okay, it's safe for now, they shouldn't come again."

Balon was expressionless, and put the giant axe on his back again. The hunters also breathed a sigh of relief, their tense bodies relaxed, and the chilling atmosphere dissipated.

Zhou Jing blinked, a little confused.

This, this run away?

Come here, let's shoot!

I was just a little excited, and you left suddenly, making me unable to get on...

Seemingly aware of Zhou Jing's surprise, Griff patted his shoulder and said:

"Earth bone people survive in the forest and need to preserve their strength, so they have always bullied the soft and fear the hard, and are very cunning. Once they feel that the enemy is too strong, they will avoid fighting.

Moreover, the skeletons of this lair know the existence of Frostwood Village. We hunters have met them many times in the woods, and he knows our fighting power. As long as there are enough of us, they don't dare to really do it, unless someone is alone, they will swarm. "

"So that's the case... Then why did you suggest that one or two people should send me out of the forest?" Zhou Jing nodded, suddenly thinking of this.

"You can't wait until you die... Fortunately, Captain Baron decided to take you, so you don't have to take your chances."

Griff winked triumphantly, apparently saying that on purpose.

While the two were chatting, Baron came over, looked at Zhou Jing with a slight surprise, and said:

"Are you the first to discover the Earth Skeleton?"

"Yes, I vaguely sensed that something was approaching, and to be cautious, I called everyone to get up."

Zhou Jing thoughtfully answered.

He didn't forget the "rules of action" of this astral apostle, and tried to be as close to this personality as possible.

"You did a great job, the forest is the home of the Earth Skeletons, and they are good at sneaking in the shadows. Everyone is an old hunter, but you found out earlier than us and didn't let them sneak up... Anyway, It proves that you are very observant."

Baron nodded approvingly and let out a gruff laugh.

"I'm really flattered by your compliment. If you were on vigil, they must have been discovered by you long ago. After all, you are an alien hunter who has officially taken alien blood medicine, and your senses are much sharper than mine."

Zhou Jing knew very well that he was flattering, and he raised his hand without changing his face.

He usually doesn't say such compliments, but at this moment in a world where no one knows him, and wearing a "Will Wood" vest, he feels that his face also thickens, and he opens his mouth to come. .

Just as soon as the words fell, many hunters looked strange, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh.

"Cough, it's because I'm sleeping..."

Baron coughed to hide his embarrassment.

He was too embarrassed to explain to outsiders that his perception was actually not as good as that of several old hunters who were ordinary people.

The alien beasts extracted from the alien blood potion are different, and the direction of reinforcement is different. If the quality of the potion is average, then the weakness of alien beasts may also be inherited by alien blood warriors.

The different blood medicine that Balong took greatly enhanced his strength, endurance, and defense, but it also brought a side effect, that is, the decline in perception, especially in the forest at night, he was almost deaf and blind.

His position in the hunter team is only a heavy warrior who confronts alien beasts.

Generally, it is Dean who is in charge of the reconnaissance position... Obviously, Dean's observational skills are not as good as Will Wood, the strange man he picked up halfway, who discovered the Earth Skeleton later.

Dean's eyes twitched, and he felt a little ashamed that his job was being compared by an outsider.

But he didn't say anything. Although he still thought Zhou Jing was suspicious, he also knew that they had prevented a sneak attack, which was a good thing for the team. He had no other thoughts.

At this time, Balong patted Zhou Jing's arm and said with a smile:

"With such a keen perception, you are very suitable to be a scout. If you are willing to stay in Frostwood Village, we welcome talents like you to join the hunter team, and your body is very strong, you will have a good fighting ability with a little training... , but it's too early to say that, let's talk about it when we get out of the forest."

This invites me to an unknown stranger? Zhou Jing was a little surprised.

But on second thought, he kind of understood.

It may be that the living environment in this world is difficult, so human beings are accustomed to sticking together to help each other. In contrast, it is easy to trust their compatriots, but it is much simpler than the interstellar era.

Zhou Jing rolled his eyes and followed the stick on the snake: "Since this is the case, can you teach me a little knowledge of survival in the wild, or simple combat skills on the way?"

Baron was stunned.

Seeing this, Zhou Jing didn't wait for him to answer, and quickly added:

"I don't know how to survive in the wild, so I want to take advantage of the gaps on the road to learn as much as possible, so that I can have more self-protection in the mountains and forests. And if you encounter an accident, you may not be able to take care of me, you don't need a burden ."


Baron didn't speak, just wiped his bald head.

Griff noticed Baron's embarrassment, thought for a while, and said at the right time: "It's okay, I'll just watch him, it won't take much effort."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Baron was used to flying big bricks and didn't want to worry about this problem, so he agreed.

After all, Zhou Jing had just helped out, and it was a little unkind to directly refuse. People had no sense of security in the forest. For self-protection, it was quite normal.

And teaching him a little simple field knowledge is better than ignorant and making mistakes and causing unnecessary trouble.

As for learning combat skills, it will become dangerous... It's not that Baron looks down on people. Which of the hunters present has not been trained for many years before they master the use of bows, hunting knives, daggers, short whips and other weapons, and have good combat skills .

It's only a few days, and I have to hurry, can I practice it?

It is good to be able to master the four grips of the dagger.

After chatting for a while, everyone did not dare to delay any longer, and divided the labor to dismantle the camp. Although the Earth Skeletons retreated, the location of their camp was exposed, and everyone decided to travel overnight.


A few firelights floated in the woods.

The crowd walked quietly in the woods at night. Because they were worried that the torches would be too bright to attract attention, the group used simple candles made of animal fat to illuminate them with weak candlelight.

Zhou Jing and Griff landed at the back of the team and chatted in a low voice.

"By the way, I forgot to return this to you."

Zhou Jing took out the dagger and handed it to Griff.

Griff shook his head: "No, you take it, anyway, I will teach you how to use it."

"Okay." Zhou Jing nodded, but didn't take back the dagger, and said cheekily, "Then... why don't you just tell me how to fight with the dagger now?"


Griff was a little confused.

We are still on our way at night. You are too anxious. My wife and I are not as active as you when we sleep.

"Early practice and early meeting, efficiency is life, maybe the point of learning more is the distance between life and death."

"What you said makes sense."

Griff thought for a while, but did not refuse. Anyway, while rushing and pointing, it won't delay anything, and it can relieve boredom.

He whispered about the technique and gave pointers from time to time. Although his vision was blurry at night, Zhou Jing still took Griff's pointers seriously.

Most of the main world uses firearms, and cold weapons are already backward, only some power users use them. But there are no firearms in this world, and cold weapons are the only way to protect oneself. It can only be used for what. Zhou Jing thinks clearly, and naturally he will not be picky or disgusted.

In addition, although the main world is civilized and developed, it has summarized many cold weapon skills, but most people rarely check this kind of information, and if they want to learn, they need to ask teachers for guidance. If they do not choose special occupations such as soldiers and police, it is difficult for ordinary people Get professional training, up to the level of a hobbyist.

And the human beings in this world are still relying on cold weapons to protect their ethnic groups to this day, and they are rich in actual combat. Even if there is no scientific training system, their skills should be unique.

Zhou Jing thought clearly that he was not arrogant just because he had the knowledge of the interstellar age, so he worked up his spirits and carefully followed the instructions.

At the same time, information emerges from the panel.

[Learning [Weapon Mastery - Dagger]]

[Skill level: Lv0- (not entry)]

[Consumable astral point, open the practice acceleration function]

[Calculating [Weapon Mastery-Dagger] rarity, mastery level, template-related qualifications...Calculation completed]

[Minimum cost of learning acceleration: 25 star point]

[Hint: Practicing the acceleration function will greatly increase the improvement rate of this ability, and the increase effect and minimum cost are all affected by the relevant qualifications. When the ability is upgraded, the acceleration function ends, and the star can be turned on again by re-consuming astral points]

Zhou Jing was overjoyed.

When exploring the panel, he knew some uses of the astral point, such as adjusting the values ​​of the template when pinching people.

However, when the star realm apostle is actually generated, the role of the star realm point changes. It is impossible to directly change the template parameters like pinching a person, but instead it becomes to speed up the growth and improve the growth rate of this body practice skill.

According to the level, rarity, power and other factors of an ability, the minimum activation cost of the acceleration function is different, but there is no upper limit. The more astral points consumed, the stronger the acceleration effect.

However, no matter how many Astral Points are consumed, the training acceleration will only take effect before the next level. Once the skills are upgraded, the acceleration will end and need to be renewed.

——Equivalent to each level of the skill, the cost of learning the acceleration function is calculated separately. It just reaches the next level of mastery of the skill faster, not continuously.

The language skills acquired before, [Tara Imperial Language Northern Dialect Edition] actually also has a training acceleration function, but the minimum activation fee is 50 astral points, and Zhou Jing has few points in his hand. I'm not sure how difficult it is to get astral points, so I didn't invest.

After all, raising the level of language skills is of limited help in the current situation. He wants some ability to help himself protect himself to test this function.

[25 astral points have been consumed]

[[Weapon Mastery-Dagger] has enabled the training acceleration function]

Zhou Jing was instantly refreshed, as if a clear spring was flowing through his limbs, cool, refreshing, and full of vitality.

Originally, because of the exhaustion of the day's journey, my concentration has been a little slack. At this moment, I suddenly became highly focused, as if I had entered a state of flow.

All the surrounding disturbances seemed to be separated by a screen, like the noisy background sound reducing the volume, only Griff's voice explaining the technique of using the dagger was clearer, as if he could not forget it, and it became easy to understand.

My own comprehension and learning ability seem to have improved several steps

But most importantly, the physical changes.

He originally gestured the dagger awkwardly, but the unfamiliar feel was quickly fading, and his body was quickly getting familiar with this weapon.

Originally, it took years and months of exercise to form a muscle habit. At this time, the process was condensed. In a short period of time, his body was rapidly generating the muscle memory of using a dagger.

"This feeling... hiss."

Zhou Jing was so relieved that goosebumps all over his body.

I don't know what words to use to describe this feeling, but I can only say...comfortable, good chicken is comfortable!

It's like being constipated for many days, and the waterway is suddenly dredged up!

For the first time in his life, Zhou Jing experienced the exhilaration of learning God, and he couldn't stop.

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