Astral Apostle

Sixty This must be the Wood family seeking revenge!

A town in the north, hunter tavern.

With a creak, two tall and burly men pushed open the door and stepped into the lively tavern.

The noisy tavern immediately quieted down, and the people present subconsciously turned their heads to look at the two of them, and saw that the two visitors were dressed as alien hunters. Only then did the liveliness resume, and they frequently looked at these two strange hunters curiously.

One carries a spear and has flowing medium-length hair. One is carrying a giant axe with... sorry no hair.

It was Baron and Weiss.

The two came to the bar, and the tavern owner was chatting with a familiar hunter. Seeing the two approaching, he nodded and said:

"The two hunters are from out of town, what to drink? Or do you want to find some work?"

"Two cups of fire from the North... In addition, are there any clues or hunter recruitment recently."

Weiss sat down with familiarity and knocked on the bar.

Hearing the words, the tavern owner took out a booklet from the table drawer and handed it to the two of them, which recorded the latest hunter information.

Weiss took it and flipped through it, while Baron watched silently.

At this time, a hunter who was drinking next to him turned his head to look at the two and said casually:

"The two are free hunters?"

Baron has recently been autistic and has not spoken.

Weiss responded, nodded and said, "That's right."

The man looked at the two carefully, and suddenly smiled: "Is it from Baiyuan City?"

Weiss and Balon turned to stare at him at the same time.

Seeing this, the hunter laughed: "Don't be surprised, we all know what happened in Baiyuan City, and most of the hunters ran away. You are not the first to visit our town."

Hearing this, Balon and Weiss were in a complicated mood.

Although the efficiency of information transmission is extremely low, the sensational incident of the assassination of the lord by the alien hunter has long spread after more than half a year of fermentation. Hunters who run from Baiyuan City will be pointed and pointed wherever they go Watch the fun.

If they are not the parties, they can happily use it as a talking point, but now they don't want to mention it at all.

Good friend Jason was buried in this turmoil. The biggest suspect, Root, is safe and sound, and the empire has not dealt with it. This kind of sad past, the two will feel resentful every time they think of it.

At this time, both of them were silent and did not respond.

But the hunter didn't notice it, and said with self-interest:

"Speaking of which, the guy named Jason really did a sensational thing. In other words, why didn't any hunter kill the lord like him before? Even the lord of our town was suspicious for a while. Originally, we hunters could enter casually. City, I had to be interrogated during that time."

"If you don't do something wrong, you won't be afraid." Baron's tone was neither salty nor light.

The two left Baiyuan City these days, and they also discovered the impact of the Jason incident. Many hunters felt the same hatred, but some people felt that this was destroying the image of the hunter group.

I don't know if it's good or bad.

At this time, a hunter next to him interjected and sighed: "However, that guy named Jason is really amazing. I heard that he only experienced the first strengthening, but he killed six or seven alien blood warriors by himself, which is an incredible record. If he is alive, he might become a big man."

Baron: "..."

Don't say it, the more you say it, the more distressing it becomes!

Sensing that Balon's face was wrong, Whis hurriedly pressed his shoulders,

He whispered repeatedly: "Calm down..."

He still remembered that when Balon picked up the axe and was about to run to the lord's mansion, it was still a hunter who held him down. Whis was afraid that Balon would be stimulated, and he rushed back to chop people on an impulse.

Upon seeing this, the tavern owner suddenly said: "By the way, something seems to have happened in Baiyuan City recently. I heard that someone robbed the lord of Baiyuan City from the heavily defended castle. Later, the guards found it in the woods. Lord, has been killed."

When the voice fell, Baron and Weston were stunned.

Root was killed?

God opened his eyes!

The two looked at each other, and both saw surprises in each other's eyes.

"Who did this?" Baron asked eagerly.

"I don't know. The murderer didn't leave a name or was caught. No one knows his identity. I just heard that he has three enhancements." The tavern owner shrugged.

Baron and Weiss looked at each other.

"Could it be the former Hunter Companion of White Plains City?" Weiss whispered.

"Unlikely, none of them have been strengthened three times, and no one intends to kill Root."

Baron shook his head, feeling secretly excited.

This mysterious murderer didn't know whether it was out of righteous indignation or other personal grievances that acted on Root... But no matter what, this mysterious man did what he wanted to do, and he even wanted to thank the other party.

Hearing the news of Root's hiccup suddenly, Baron felt the stagnant anger that had been smoldering in his chest vented out, and he felt comfortable from head to toe.

At this time, Weiss' eyes moved: "You said, could this murderer be someone Jason knew before?"

"'s hard to say."

Baron was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered Jason's rather mysterious origin and surname.

During the time we got along, Jason kept it a secret, never talked about it much, and kept it quite mysterious.

Baron only learned of the family motto of the "Wood Family" from Griff's mouth - die well without regrets!

With this kind of family motto... the whole family should be full of men, right?

And Jason seems to have mentioned that everyone in their family is born with divine power.

So it makes sense for this "Wood family" to have a three-time-strengthened powerhouse?

So, is one of Jason's family members who heard rumors from all over the world and sought revenge in anger?

Yes, it must be the revenge of the Wood family!

Baron took a deep breath, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the case had been solved.

But he didn't plan to say it... If he guessed right, wouldn't it cause trouble for Jason's family?

It is better to keep this secret and let outsiders continue to keep in the dark about the identity of the mysterious person!

Baron secretly made up his mind.

When his mental activity was intense, Weiss suddenly remembered something and hesitated:

"By the way, Root is dead, and Baiyuan City will change to a lord, so shall we go back?"

Balon was stunned and hesitated a little, but his face quickly became firm.

"Now that you're a freelance hunter again, there's no need to go back... Travel around, just like those old days."

He's not one to go back and forth, and once felt settled, but Jason's death made him discover the throbbing still hidden deep in his heart.

Rather than continuing to live in a remote village, Baron just wants to go back to the nomadic life a few years ago and see how the world has changed in the past few years.

He felt like he had changed back to the bohemian prodigal son...even though his image didn't match up at all.

Baron grabbed the wine glass and threw it on the ground under everyone's astonished eyes, as if paying homage to something, and muttered to himself:

"Did you see Jason, someone has avenged you!"


"I saw it, I saw it..."

On a broad avenue, Zhou Jing, with a helpless expression on his face, pressed Ross's straight arm pointing forward.

There is such a big town in front of you, you can see even if you are not blind, what way are you pointing...

At the end of the dirt road, there is a "royal city". The tall city walls and continuous buildings are incomparable with Baiyuan City in terms of area and style.

The capital of the Terra Empire, Tarn City!

It has been two months since he left the Baiyuan City area. It only took about ten days to go straight to the capital on Zhou Jing's footsteps, but he stretched the journey to two months. As long as there are other towns along the way, he will take a detour. Visit and buy a map entry panel locally by the way.

For him, it only took two crossing cycles, two days in the main world.

Today, the area of ​​the known area of ​​the alien world on the panel has expanded dozens of times. A wide and crooked curve extends from Baiyuan City in the north to Tarn City. There are scattered towns in the middle, some of which are like Baiyuan City. Ordinary ordinary towns, some are larger fortress cities.

But the towns I saw along the way were not comparable to the city of Tarn in front of me.

The capital of the world's civilized regime is itself the greatest fortress of mankind!

The chief fortress city named after the royal family name!

"It's finally here, let's go, idiot, and follow me into the city."

Zhou Jing greeted him and walked along the road to the city gate, with Ross following behind.

Soon a long dragon appeared in front of him. Farmers, merchants, residents and other people of all shapes and sizes were waiting here to be interrogated and entered the city, and they were exhausted out to the two li land.

Zhou Jing came to the gate of the city, which was extremely crowded. At first glance, there were twenty or thirty guards performing the inspection of entering the city. There were also archers patrolling the pedestrians passing in and out with eagle-like eyes on the crenels of the inner wall. The city is several grades higher.

His behavior of not lining up to observe, was quickly noticed by the guards, and the two guards immediately surrounded him.

"If you want to enter the city and queue up at the back, don't hang around near the city gate!"

Seeing this, Zhou Jing asked, "I am an alien hunter, can I enter the city directly?"

"Alien beast hunter?" The guard looked at Zhou Jing carefully and waved his hand: "That's not good either. There was an order recently that anyone must go through an inspection before entering the city, especially those who have experienced alien blood enhancement."

Zhou Jing didn't change his face, secretly said sure enough.

Since the news that he killed Lute spread, many towns have been in a state of turmoil. Under the order of the lord, the hunter's privilege of not being subject to inspection has been temporarily cancelled, but will be strictly inspected.

However, there is no problem in Wangdu doing this. After all, it is the capital. It is too unstable to let people with extraordinary powers enter at will.

Zhou Jing was about to line up at the back, but heard a reminder from a guard:

"Foreign hunters must go to the imperial hunter's station to register and check before entering the city."

Zhou Jing heard the words, asked a little, and then figured out the situation.

Empire hunters are an important force to maintain the security near the capital, but they are not stationed in the capital, but have established an attached city not far from the capital, where they train, live, and cultivate newcomers. Similar to a military camp, it is an empire Hunter's headquarters.

Only a small number of imperial hunters who are absolutely trusted, as well as the guardians of the royal city, palace guards, guards of various tribes, etc.

One of the goals of Zhou Jing's coming to the capital was to become an imperial hunter and obtain the highest quality extraordinary resources. The formalities and tests for enlisting the imperial hunter must be completed at the resident, and the resident hunter will verify whether he can join.

He asked about the location and set off immediately. After walking for a while, a camp appeared in sight.

It looked like a heavily guarded town, with hunters coming and going all wearing different beast equipment, and the ratio was higher than ordinary people for the first time.

"Inexplicable feeling of being at home..."

Zhou Jing shook his head and brought Ross closer, but was quickly stopped by the soldiers standing guard at the door.

"This is the imperial hunter station, don't approach it at will."

"I'm a free hunter. This is my companion. I want to join the army. Do you know if the imperial hunter is still recruiting?"

Zhou Jing went straight to the point and reported his intentions.

Hearing the words, the gatekeeper asked Zhou Jing to wait for a while, and then immediately ordered his colleagues to report.

After about three minutes, a hunter who seemed to have a high status came out and looked at Zhou Jing:

"You want to be an imperial hunter?"

"With this idea, UU Reading does not plan to continue to wander outside."

Zhou Jing nodded and said something serious.

Balon told him before about the difference between imperial hunters and free hunters. Free hunters are more inclined to mercenaries or volunteers, while imperial hunters are similar to regular troops. They are organized and receive systematic training. What they learn is the integration of the Terra Empire. A comprehensive training plan summed up by multiple tribes cultivating hunter skills.

All kinds of hunting skills, information on exotic animals, wild survival, weapon memory, hunter's breathing... all included.

So although the free hunter is a tradition, it is now a wild way, and the imperial hunter is the orthodox academic school... Of course, this academic school has a lot of actual combat, not just on paper, it is really more comprehensive.

Many imperial hunters have been selected to settle in the camp since their apprenticeships, and after years of boring training, they use the alien blood enhancement.

But there are also a considerable number of imperial hunters who are transferred from free hunters, and the Terra Empire has always been keen to include "wild" hunters.

So hearing Zhou Jing's request at this time, the hunter who came to negotiate was not surprised and said:

"Okay, then come with me, you can call me Cole, I'm one of the resident stewards... What's your name?"

Zhou Jing raised his brows.

"My name is...Jace."

Cole nodded, then looked at Ross, who was expressionless behind Zhou Jing.

"What about your companion?"

Zhou Jing's face did not change:


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