Astral Apostle

Sixty-eight, what, I still have a talent for animal taming

Killing a hyena that doesn't even count as a beast, you don't have to blink your eyes, and your heart is not disturbed.

Zhou Jing grabbed a large handful of weeds and wiped the blood on his hands. Suddenly, his heart moved, and he found that the [Item Analysis Function] on the Apostle interface lit up.

Looking at the panel information, an item introduction popped up.

[a mass of blood-stained grass]

[Type: Plant, Weed]

[Rarity: Available everywhere]

[Introduction: A common weed growing in the wild, I don't know who took it to wipe my hands, and it was stained with blood. If you don't dislike it, you can use it to satisfy your hunger]

[Craft value: extremely low, medicinal, weaving, combustion-supporting...]

"It's not a cow or a horse, who would eat grass without any problems."

Zhou Jing complained in his heart, playing with the grass and testing the [Item Analysis Function].

This auxiliary function can intuitively display the information of an object. In addition to a brief introduction, you can also query more detailed parameters, such as weight, density, volume, and so on.

Not only can you quickly learn about unfamiliar objects, but also has unique advantages in manual manufacturing, directly reaching the level of the eighth-level fitter with the same precision as the machine.

"This function is very suitable for being a mechanic. In this world of black technology, it is a magical skill."

Zhou Jing had a novel look on his face, scratching the grass, scratching the soil, not even letting go of the hyena's corpse.

With a move of his nose, he smelled the smell of blood dissipating. He didn't stay in place any longer. He identified the direction of the sun, stepped forward, opened the panel, and looked at the current attributes.

[Astral Apostle: Bill (No. 003)]

[Attributes: Physical 18, Resistance 14, Perception 10, Spirit 7, Energy 0]

[Qualifications: knowledge [blue], pharmacy [blue], eloquence [dark green], craftsmanship [green], natural affinity [green]...]

[Talent: [Curiosity], [Pharmacist]]

[Auxiliary function: [pet function], [item analysis function]]

"Apostle No. 3's starting attributes and aptitudes have improved a lot, and I have already roughly figured out the situation in this world, so I shouldn't encounter too many difficulties in the initial development... At most, I need to learn the language aspect. , Although there is no skill blessing, I have basically mastered the northern dialect of the Terra Empire. I have deliberately said a lot of vocabulary, and it is not a problem to choose words and sentences every day. This time I can also learn the southern dialect, anyway, I have the eloquence qualification. "

"It shouldn't be far from the capital. Go to Jason first to see what the form of contact and placement of the apostles is, and then find a way to become a pharmacist apprentice in the capital later."

Zhou Jing thought about the plan as he walked.

No. 3 Astral Apostle Bill takes the technical route. One of his goals in life is to "build a monopoly-level industry". The biggest competitor is actually the lord, and the bigger the city, the more difficult it is to complete, and it is the most difficult in Wang.

The reason why I put it here is that I don't have any plans to make a life goal in the short term. I came to the king to learn knowledge... If you want to make money, you must first have craftsmanship.

It is best to join the Imperial Workshop, but he used Jason to inquire about it. Most of the apprentices in the Imperial Workshop are trained from childhood, and if they are hired externally, they will only recruit elites who already have a high level of pharmacist.

Fortunately, the capital is prosperous, and there are many pharmacies. You can find a teacher from the private sector. You can get a decent level. With your own qualifications and advantages, you can quickly master it with a foundation.

"I am an outsider, and it is not so simple to want to be an apprentice to others.

The pharmacist won't easily teach him how to eat, so he must use money to clear the way... It seems that he needs to borrow some money from Jason. "

Zhou Jing was thinking silently, suddenly his ears moved, he heard a creature approaching from the side, turned his head to look, and found another hyena in the grass.

There are quite a few beasts around here... It's a coincidence that the alien hunters only fight alien beasts, but this kind of beast is not their target, and they won't make a special trip for it.

Therefore, there are occasionally wild beasts in the outer suburbs of the capital, threatening the residents or pedestrians in the town, and usually they will only be exterminated when ordinary hunters or guards are dispatched.

The hyena-like beast bared its teeth and let out a low growl in its throat. It didn't jump up immediately, but circled around Zhou Jing vigilantly, and turned to his back before trying to approach.

"Want to dig my anus?"

Zhou Jing subconsciously tightened his gluteus maximus and felt a chill.

This beast not only looks like the second brother, but also has similar habits.

Although it's a bit disgusting... but I just used it to test the [pet function].

Without saying a word, he turned his head and jumped up.

The hyena was already on guard and was about to dodge, but the speed was a lot slower than Zhou Jing, and the next moment he was squeezed by a big hand around his neck, and he was pressed to the ground.


The hyena could not help whimpering in panic.

Zhou Jing controlled his strength, slapped the hyena twice, and then showed a kind smile.

"Little baby, lie down and don't struggle, or I'll have to kill you."

Technical tame, he hasn't learned yet.

But physically tame, everyone learns without a teacher.

I don't know if it was out of natural affinity or out of fear, but the hyena was really moved.

Then don't dare to move.

Seeing this, Zhou Jing let go.

The hyena rolled over and sat up, squatting on the spot with its tail tucked in, looking left and right and kept licking its lips, occasionally glancing at Zhou Jing pitifully, wanting to escape but not daring to.

If it's a pet dog, it's quite cute, but unfortunately this is a second brother...however you look at it, it stinks.

Zhou Jing held back his disgust, smiled, and spread out his palms.

"That's right, let's hold a claw and be a good friend."

The hyena looked at the hand handed over, trying to understand, lost in thought.

After thinking for a few seconds, it turned around and prepared to pull a lump in Zhou Jing's hand to provide the other party with food.

Zhou Jing: "..."

Bah! The monster looks at the palm!

Snapped! !


Three seconds later, the hyena returned to its original sitting position and squatted in front of Zhou Jing tremblingly, with a large tuft of hair missing from its head.

"Paws." Zhou Jing's smile remained unchanged, with blue veins stretched across his forehead.

The Hyena was lost in thought again.

In the end, the survival instinct overcame the idea of ​​taking a bite. It hesitantly raised its paw and placed it in Zhou Jing's palm.

At this moment, the panel reacted.

[Do you designate this beast as a pet? ]

"Designate one to take a look." Zhou Jing did not hesitate.

Anyway, pets can be changed, so he improvised.

[Successful designation... Current number of pets: 1/1]

[Pet: Black Spotted Hyena]

[Talent: Carrion, Sensitive Smell]

[Dominant Tendency: Teeth, Nose, Stamina]

[Skills: Biting Lv3, Digging Anus Lv3]

[Cultivation potential: very low]

[Cultivation degree: 0]

[Tacit understanding: 6/100]

[training level: 0/5]

[Comprehensive combat power: Tier 1]

"It's out." Zhou Jing was overjoyed, and carefully explored the pet panel, and soon had a clue.

Talent as the name suggests, needless to say. The dominant tendency is the prominent body part and the direction of expertise. Targeted training in these directions can improve the level of related skills or learn new skills.

Cultivation potential represents the value and rarity of the organism, as well as the efficiency of improving cultivation.

The training degree is improved through daily training, fighting, killing enemies and other activities, which is equivalent to general experience points. It can be used to improve skill levels, strengthen dominant tendencies, enhance a certain talent, etc. It is one of the most critical items.

The tacit understanding is similar to the favorability level, which is capped at 100 points. The higher the tacit understanding, the more cooperative the pet will be, able to execute more complex commands, and the training will be more efficient.

The training level is equivalent to the pet's "personal level". Different potentials have different cap levels. The higher the training level, the stronger the pet's basic attributes... The pet's specific attributes are not displayed on the panel, but comprehensive combat power, calculation skills, Talents, attributes and other factors, give the current combat power level judgment.

The rank of a pet's comprehensive combat power is a concept similar to that of a normal person. A black-spotted hyena's first-order comprehensive combat power means that its combat power does not exceed the level of its first-order attributes.

"It's not impossible to see the specific value, just spend 10 points to detect it."

Zhou Jing nodded secretly, and basically figured out the mechanism of the pet function.

He immediately looked at the hyena and found that after being designated as a pet, the hyena no longer wanted to run away, but still did not dare to look at him.

It must be the reason for the lack of tacit understanding.

"Well, ugly is a little ugly. Let's make do with it for the time being. Let's call you Xiao Hei... er, let's be Xiao Hei No. 1. I don't think you will live long."

Zhou Jing touched his chin and gave a random name.

He got up and took a few steps forward, then looked back, and found that Xiao Hei No. 1 hesitantly followed, still showing fear.

"Hey, this has really become a starting dog."

Seeing the pets will follow, Zhou Jing no longer pays attention to it, and rushes ahead on his own.

After walking for a while, one person and one dog soon came to the edge of the wilderness, the road was in sight, and they could reach the capital city of Tarn by walking down.

Zhou Jing was about to walk on the road when he heard the sound of grass falling down again.

brush brush...

He looked at the source of the sound, and it seemed that the three black-spotted hyenas wandering nearby noticed his scent and rushed over.

"Isn't it? Is the environment in the outskirts of the capital so bad now? Is it the migration of hyenas recently or what?"

Zhou Jing's mouth twitched, and he simply turned his head to face the enemy.

Soon, the three-headed hyena stopped not far away, and confronted Zhou Jing in the distance, making a low roar as they circled.

Xiao Hei No. 1 seemed to be stimulated, took a few steps forward, stood in front of Zhou Jing, and howled threateningly at the three enemies.

The three-headed hyena barked for a while, a little dazed.

...What's the situation, we are all hyenas, why are you yelling at us?

Seeing this, Zhou Jing's eyes suddenly lit up.

By the way, pet killing seems to be experienced.

"It's up to you, Xiao Hei No. 1! Pick three for me!"

Zhou Jing casually pointed at the three-headed hyena, in high spirits.

Xiao Hei No. 1 couldn't help but look back at Zhou Jing.

Although it is just a dog, its eyes reveal a humanized disbelief, as if saying, "Are you serious?"

At this moment, a hyena on the side saw the flaw in its turning back and rushed up.

"Come on, Xiao Hei No. 1, use collision!"

What collision? I won't? !

Xiao Hei No. 1 was stunned, and suddenly felt light, and Zhou Jing stopped him by the waist and held him in his hands.

Before the dog could think about it, the next moment he found himself flying, and was thrown out by a huge force.

boom! !

The two dogs collided, resulting in one death and one injury.

[Your pet kills an enemy and gains 2 training points]

"it works!"

Zhou Jing's eyes lit up.

He ran to the side of Little Black No. 1, who was struggling to stand up, in three steps and two steps, grabbing its dog legs without saying a word.


you! want! Do! Varied! What!

In the horrified howl of Xiao Hei No. 1, Zhou Jing directly swung it up.

The other two hyenas were so frightened by this strange scene that they wanted to flee... Anyone who sees the same kind being thrown around by the enemy as a weapon will panic a lot.

However, they didn't escape. The two hyenas were caught up by Zhou Jing and were killed one by one with the "Xiaohei No. 1 Hammer", taking their heads.

Snapped! Snapped!

[Your pet gains 4 points of training]

The victory was impressive, Zhou Jing akimbo looked at the three hyena corpses and nodded in satisfaction.

What, I really have a talent for animal taming.

As long as I brush it, won't I be able to quickly improve the pet's strength? Wonderful!

Of course, the effects of force are mutual.

Even if Zhou Jing used some cleverness, Xiao Hei No. 1 was seriously injured and was dying.

[Your pet's tacit understanding is reduced, currently 1/100]

"Hey, the tacit understanding hasn't returned to zero yet? Are you licking a dog?"

Zhou Jing looked at the tragic state of Xiao Hei No. 1, and he was calm and did not feel sorry at all.

... This is a beast that wants to rip out his anus. If he wasn't strong enough, and his testicles have been cut, how could he feel guilty, and it would be good if he didn't kill this thing.

"Okay, since you're not dead, I'll take you with me first, and I'll give you a cure when I finish my studies."

Zhou Jing shrugged and treated Xiao Hei No. 1's injury at will, then carried him on his shoulders and continued on his way.

The little black dog's face is numb.

Please, please let me go!


After trekking for a long time, Zhou Jing carried the blood-spitting hyena, passed a town attached to it under the strange eyes of passers-by, and finally arrived at the imperial hunter station with ease.

Apostle Bill No. 3 was an unfamiliar face, and was stopped by the guards stationed at the door.

"Who are you and what are you here for?"

The guards routinely questioned and couldn't help but look at Zhou Jing...especially the hyena he carried on his shoulders.

What shape is this?

Zhou Jing said politely: "I just came to the capital, I came to find a hunter I know, can you help me with the news?"

"Okay, I'll have someone notify who you want to find." The guard nodded.

"I'm looking for Jace, do you have this person here? He should be an imperial hunter now, right?"

"There is this person, you wait." The guard agreed, not suspecting him.

After all, he was just a messenger, and it was normal for hunters to know anyone.

Zhou Jing waited with an uneasy mood, and not long after, three figures walked out of the station.

In addition to Jason and Ross, who was inseparable from him, Cole also followed curiously.

Zhou Jing made a move... There were outsiders coming, so he had to be more cautious.

It was the first time that he used another apostle to contact an apostle placed in it. At present, the mechanism is still unclear, and he is a little unsure.

Soon, the three came to Zhou Jing.

"Jace, he was looking for you," the guard said respectfully.

Jason nodded and looked at Zhou Jing without speaking.

Zhou Jing blinked and said tentatively, "That... do you remember me?"

"Remember." Jason nodded.

"This is your friend?" Cole on the side was curious.

After getting along for a few months, he had limited understanding of Jason's past. Today was the first time someone came to look for someone, so he put down the training at hand and ran over to accompany him.

Jason was silent.

"Yes!" Seeing this, Zhou Jing took over the conversation and said, "I'm from out of town, and I used to have some interactions with Jess."

After speaking, he paused, and seeing that Jason didn't respond, he continued to speak tentatively.

"Do you still remember that once you were injured while hunting and passed out in the wild. I picked you up and brought you home for treatment, and lived with you for a while..."

"Yes, I remember you."

Jason continued to nod and said very few words, but he didn't refute what Zhou Jing said.

Seeing this, Zhou Jing became a little more courageous, remembering the characteristics of the new apostle, pretending to be a philistine, rubbing his fingers, he said:

"You told me that there are many opportunities in Wangdu, so I also came to Wangdu to make a fortune here. I came to you this time to borrow some funds..."

"How much do you want?" Jason asked calmly.

"Hey, of course, the more the better!"

Isn't this a favor? Cole looked at Zhou Jing's greedy face and was a little displeased, but he couldn't say anything as an outsider.

I thought it was Jason's friend, but Cole came over curiously, but now that he found out that he was just a cheeky person asking for money, he was not interested in watching.

"You guys talk first, I'm going back to training."

Cole greeted Jason, and after receiving a nod from Jason in response, he returned to the station on his own.

Seeing that others were gone, Zhou Jing put away the philistine face he made deliberately, and pulled Jason to the side.

Jason did not refuse and let Zhou Jing take it with him.

When he walked to a secluded place where no one was paying attention, Zhou Jing breathed a sigh of relief and studied the situation of placing the apostles. UU Reading

As long as the apostles controlled by themselves are in close contact with other placed apostles, they can command them through verbal commands, which is basically the same as the follower function.

And when you come into contact with the placed apostles, you can also read the experience log of the other party just like touching a follower.

But the difference is that Jason is still the performance of the placement plan, not as rigid and rigid as the followers.

There is induction between the astral apostles, which is reflected on the small map. The astral apostles in the same world can see their respective positions on the map, and can issue a summoning signal to let other apostles move to their own positions spontaneously, but they cannot be far away. Giving detailed instructions from a distance...meaning that you can only call people over, and you can't command others to do things remotely.

During the arrival, the apostles who were controlled by themselves could not be directly switched. Only by returning to the shuttle preparation space, in the delivery stage, could the body of the consciousness descending could be re-selected.

"It is equivalent to a special follower with high intelligence, capable of executing complex plans, usually independent, and completely obedient when in close contact..."

Zhou Jing felt joy in his heart.

Although it is not possible to command and place the apostles from a distance, and can only give verbal instructions like ordinary people getting along, it is already very useful.

After all, they are essentially themselves, and the priority of obeying their own orders is higher than the placement plan.

A lot of things can be done that way...

Zhou Jing relaxed in his heart, a lot of usages suddenly turned around in his mind, and then he smiled:

"Go, give me three hundred silver coins, and then help me enter the capital!"

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