Astral Apostle

Seventy-one shut out and improved formula

The Imperial Workshop is divided into different research institutes according to their functions. The most important research on alien blood medicine and alien beast equipment is carried out in the imperial hunter station.

In the Furnace District of the Royal Capital, there is also a branch of the Imperial Workshop, which is responsible for most of the conventional products, the medicines used by ordinary people, ordinary equipment and weapons, and so on.

It is rumored that there is also a research institute located in a more secret area, closed to study more confidential technology, he has only heard about it.

Zhou Jing wandered around the city, and finally came to the workshop in the capital.

Knowing that this person is another pharmacist who applied to join the workshop, the guard's face was as usual, and he reported it proficiently.

Soon, a little old man in a workshop uniform came out and looked up and down Bill's friendly appearance.

"You want to join the workshop? What's the boy's name? What kind of pharmacist? What formula do you know?"

The little old man didn't greet him, he just threw out a series of questions, making it look like an interview.

"My name is Bill, and I know more than a dozen formulas, most of which are common potions, including two hunter potions..." Zhou Jing introduced himself.

The little old man nodded without any other expression, and asked:

"Looking at your young age, you haven't been a pharmacist for a few years, right? Who taught you?"

"In the beginning, I studied with local doctors in my hometown, and occasionally made potions for the villagers. I accumulated a lot of experience. I came to the capital some time ago and talked with my colleagues before I decided to come to the Imperial Workshop to seek a position, hoping to have a stable job. You can concentrate on your work..." Zhou Jing took out a set of remarks.

To be honest, I have only been a pharmacist for a month, and I will definitely be rejected, so I still need to do some artistic processing, at least the "working years" should be raised.

"Well..." The little old man shook his head and said, "Your conditions are relatively ordinary, and they are not enough to join the workshop. We only accept elites."

Zhou Jing was not surprised, and asked, "Can you let me make a bottle of potion to actually show my level?"

"It's not necessary." The little old man still shook his head: "If you have a high level, we will know. Since you have come to the capital soon, let's get acquainted with this place first."

After finishing speaking, the little old man turned his head and went back to the workshop, not wanting to continue to waste his words on Zhou Jing.

In fact, when he came out to deal with Zhou Jing, he was thinking of sending people off, and he didn't even bother to tell Zhou Jing his name.

Every year, many foreign craftsmen come to apply to join the Imperial Workshop, which is not uncommon.

There are too many craftsmen who want to join the workshop. Every year, there are a large number of candidates to be selected. For unfamiliar craftsmen who come to the door, the workshop basically refuses, and rarely accepts such unknown and unknown outsiders... Unless you are famous in the industry.

The biggest source of new recruits in the workshop every year is actually the students trained internally and the apprentices brought by each workshop member. Because the character and ability are clear, it is more reliable to use.

The normal way for outsiders to join the workshop is actually to find a workshop member, become his apprentice, get the moon first, become half of the workshop's "own person", and strangers suffer from innate disadvantages, but this is also common sense.

In the eyes of the little old man, the "Bill" who came to the door was just another young guy who tried his luck in a whimsical way.

Seeing this, the guards came up to chase people, but they weren't rude, they just persuaded: "Okay, the workshop will not recruit people casually, don't hang around nearby, go back."

Zhou Jing was not too surprised.

Joining the workshop was not smooth, and it was one of the expected results.

Even if the degree of civilization is quite primitive, the Imperial Workshop is in a sense the National Academy of Sciences, and you cannot enter it as you want. After all, as long as you want to learn pharmacy, you can learn some fur, which is not as high as the threshold of alien hunters.

He rolled his eyes, took out a few silver coins from his arms, quietly stuffed them into the hands of the guards, and said kindly, "Brothers, I want to ask, how can I join the workshop?"

Several guards suddenly lit up.

This person is OK, sensible, and able to handle.

The guards silently put away the silver coins, and they didn't sting about information, and chatted with each other.

They keep watch at the Imperial Workshop all the year round, and naturally they know a lot of things.

"I see a lot of people like you every year. If I feel that I have some skills, I can join the workshop. How can it be so easy."

"Not counting those apprentices, thirteen people who came to the door this year were admitted to the workshop. Sounds like a lot, right? But more people were rejected, at least 200 people."

"The workshop only recruits elites, but what counts as elites? Of course, they are famous in a field. How did this fame come from? Do you think these thirteen people made it out of their own level? , the more people in the workshop listen to it, the more fame will naturally rise."

The guards talked about the mountains, and if there was another cigarette, it would be the security guard who was chatting with fish.

Zhou Jing was thoughtful.

Outsiders need fame to join the workshop, and the most feasible way for ordinary people is to get to know some members of the workshop, build a good relationship with them, make a good circle, praise each other, and then pass them word of mouth to let more members in the workshop Know your own character.

As long as your business level is not too high, when the time is right, you can get the qualifications for internal recommendation.

"Circle culture is indeed human nature. If you have a relationship, you will have a circle. It is impossible to eliminate it."

Zhou Jing pouted.

Maybe there will be workshop members who will turn this kind of internal recommendation into an industry, collect money to do things, and make some extra money.

Although I am not poor in money, I have eloquence and aptitude and are not afraid of communication, but I don't like this practice in my heart.

There is a time for ushering and sending, it is better to study skills, and at least the output will be produced.

"It's better to have some hard stuff."

Zhou Jing touched his chin.

If in the realm of pharmacists in the capital city, they can become famous by their abilities, then the workshop will even invite them to join, which will not only increase their daily income, but also attract more attention.

Saying goodbye to the guards and returning to the residence, Zhou Jing began to think about the plan and secretly analyzed:

"If you want to become famous, one is to be innovative in technology, and the second is to let more people recognize it, that is, to have a market... I have the talent of [Pharmacist], the success rate and quality of making medicine are higher, and there is [Item Analysis] function], maybe it can improve the formula?"

Zhou Jing rolled his eyes, took out a notebook to write and draw, and silently wrote down more than a dozen formulas he had mastered, thinking inwardly: Gu

"Other pharmacists need constant trial and error to improve the formula, and they fail again and again, and they are not necessarily successful in the end, but my analysis function can grasp the most subtle changes in materials during production, and intuitively obtain the properties of herbs, and directly discover each other. Conflicting or merging parts..."

This kind of feeling is like, others can only grope for making potions, while myself is like a novice help mode, bubbles constantly pop up during production, prompting what can be put, how much should be put, and the result of the finished product can be adjusted at any time...

As long as you know enough herbs, the prompts will be more detailed, there are a lot of permutations and combinations.

"The auxiliary function is really magical."

Zhou Jing was very happy, if only relying on the [Pharmaceutics] skill, if he wanted to improve the formula, he would have to go up several levels to be eligible.

In the next few days, Zhou Jing went to the market to buy a lot of medicinal herbs and stored them at home to study new formulas in retreat.

He mainly focuses on three formulas, two general potions of healing potion and energy potion, and hunter potion for pain relief.

If you want to gain fame quickly, you have to open up the market. The two universal potions he deliberately selected are the most in-demand products for ordinary people.

The capital is very big, and there will always be some minor ailments in life. Everyone likes the medicine for healing. For the sake of the body, it is natural to buy high-quality ones.

As for the energy potion, drinking a bottle can be very powerful. Many people who come to buy it are from the wealthy class, and they like to use it to talk about love.

As for the hunter potion, it is to attract the hunter's attention. Although the market for hunters is not large, it can be more "authoritative". After all, it is closely related to the workshop, and it is easier for the reputation to spread to the workshop.

"And with Jason bringing the goods, as long as a high-quality hunter potion is made, it won't be noticed by all the imperial hunters in minutes." Zhou Jing thought to himself, hehe smiled.


After a few days of testing, Zhou Jing finally changed the formula of the three medicines and added some catalytic ingredients, which improved the effect of the medicine by more than 30%.

The optimization of the formula not only improves the quality, but also allows the three medicines to produce new effects by adding auxiliary herbs.

Healing potion increases healing power, energy potion reduces side effects, and increases sensitivity along the way, and pain relief potion increases physical recovery.

However, more herbs are needed for better effects, and the cost goes up as a result, which is inevitable.

But he didn't lose at all.

Because a normal pharmacist pays attention to the success rate when making potions, even a pharmacist who is a few grades higher than him cannot guarantee a 100% success rate.

Moreover, if the weight is well controlled, the perfect effect can be achieved, and a "potent" potion that is better than ordinary potions can be made, but a normal pharmacist may not be able to make a "potent" potion in ten times... Although they There are also measuring tools, but for the same type of herb, there are individual differences in years, quality, nutrition, growth environment, etc., it is difficult to judge carefully, even if you can control the amount added each time, there will be subtle differences.

However, through the item analysis function, Zhou Jing completely explored the best material ratio for each formula, almost keeping zero errors, and intuitively found the details of the individual differences of each herb, and calculated a more suitable weight.

Not only the success rate of making potions is nearly 100%, but also the probability of making "powerful" potions is more than 50%.

Over time, although the cost of the formula has increased, there is almost no loss of failure, and the profit margin is even greater.

It took "Bill" to repeat the work and prepare a lot of potions in stock. Only then did Zhou Jing go out to the street, inspect the location, and prepare to rent a store.

Residents of the Royal Capital rarely buy potions that are sold privately, and only having a store can make people feel at ease.

It takes money to improve the formula, manufacture inventory, and rent the store. The three hundred silver coins that were borrowed at the beginning have been spent, and Zhou Jing asked Jason to take four hundred silver coins as funds.

Jason, who is a hunter, rarely has any money, which is just to support the third apostle Bill's business.

Because the funds are abundant, there is no need to find a shabby remote place, but directly rent a shop at a high price on a busy street in the furnace area.

After temporarily hiring two coolies to clean the shop, Zhou Jing put the potion on the shelves.

He restrained the desire to raise the price and set a standard price for the medicine.

Although setting a high price can attract attention, the residents of this world have a simple intuition and a very solid demand. They only consume what they can afford, and do not eat high-priced marketing.

He has studied the market and found that high quality and low price are the mainstream strategies in the pharmacist industry, but good and expensive products have no market.

That is to say, the hunter group is very generous, and it is a group of good sons who only buy good ones.

But in order to gain fame and avoid being seen as breaking the rules of the industry, Zhou Jing decided to behave normally.

After tidying up the house, Zhou Jing clapped his hands, looked at the well-ordered pharmacy, nodded with satisfaction, and was quite excited.

"I can open the door to do business... I hope it can be sold."


On the lively street of the Furnace District, a new pharmacy has quietly opened. The wooden sign reads "Bill's Pharmacy".

Because the location is very good, on the first day of opening, many nearby residents noticed it. They entered the store curiously and found that the store only sold three kinds of medicines, and the proportion of powerful medicines was large.

Although the passenger flow is not small, everyone just came in and strolled around, and no one bought the medicine for the time being.

Residents of Wangdu are inherently uneasy about newly opened pharmacies, and take a wait-and-see attitude - pharmacies that have not accumulated a good reputation have no business, which is the norm in the industry.

The owner is a young man who looks quite friendly. He is very enthusiastic and speaks well. The residents of the Royal Capital who come in are willing to chat with him.

But young, it means inexperience, and this is a foreigner, not a familiar pharmacist, so everyone is even more afraid to buy it, and they are all waiting for the first try.

This kind of situation of just watching and not buying has continued for several days.

It wasn't until the fifth day that a turnaround occurred.

A hunter with a seemingly powerful aura became the first consumer to buy a bottle of powerful pain relief potion.

The next day, the surrounding residents were surprised to see that dozens of hunters came to the furnace area, with excited expressions, heading straight to Bill's pharmacy.

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