Astral Apostle

Seventy-seven Roman, I will be my big brother from now on!

Looking at the attributes displayed on the panel, Zhou Jing's mood was messy.

"What's wrong with you?"

Roman held Zhou Jing's hand, keenly aware of Zhou Jing's momentary stiffness, and couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"Cough it's fine, I'm just curious, an important minister like you will have something important to do when you see me."

Zhou Jing pretended to withdraw his hand naturally, and suppressed the corner of his mouth that wanted to twitch.

"Haha, it's nothing special, I just want to get to know Master Bill." Roman smiled softly.

"I can't be called a master yet."

Roman said slowly: "With your skills, you will become a master of pharmacy sooner or later, no one will doubt this."

The two sat down again, Roman led the conversation, but didn't say anything serious, but chatted with Zhou Jing all over the world.

This person is fat, and his speech has an inexplicable bearing, which makes people feel friendly, but he can't help but attach importance to each other and generate respect... Compared with King Becky, he is a different kind of big man temperament.

The king's privy minister, an extremely high-ranking official position in the court of the Terra Empire, is one of the seats in the king's royal meeting, with a wide range of power, and is a real official.

Roman is very knowledgeable and quite talkative. Zhou Jing learned a lot of interesting anecdotes in this world from the casual chat.

The other party seemed to simply hold the goal of making friends and chatting for about half an hour before getting up and planning to leave, and left a sentence with a smile:

"In the future, if you encounter any problems in the capital, you can come to me. For example, in business matters, your pharmacy is very good. If you have ideas for expanding your business, I will be happy to help."

"Okay, I remember it."

Zhou Jing hurriedly nodded and watched Roman's back disappear from sight before his tense nerves relaxed.

If he hadn't known Roman's strength, he might have been deceived by Roman's peaceful appearance, just like everyone else, thinking that he was just an ordinary person.

Perception and spirit are both at 90, and energy even exceeds 100... What kind of powerful attribute is this, five different blood enhancements can't beat it, right?

On the bright side, Crabbe and Irene are the strongest in the empire. I am afraid that few people know about it, and there are hidden bosses like Roman.

'What's the matter with this man? ’

Zhou Jing's face twitched.

He originally thought that the most difficult thing was to contact someone with a high level of authority, thinking that they were ordinary people who could be rounded and flattened at will.

It was only at this time that I realized that I was wrong. They were obviously just a guy who pretended to be a pig and eats a tiger!

...Speaking of which, is it still too late to follow Roman?

So far, I have only met the other party once, and I haven't been against it yet.

Zhou Jing shook his head,

Throwing out these out-of-tune thoughts, doubts and curiosity emerged one after another in my heart.

'Roman's attribute distribution is completely different from the alien warrior, and it is not the same as the one-inch man. Could it be a new super power system? Where did he get his power from? He is so powerful, but he is hidden in the palace, pretending to be an ordinary person, what is his true identity? ’

Zhou Jing couldn't help but think of the plan revealed by Root. Roman took the lead in collaborating with the tribal lords from all over the world to achieve independence. What motive could his strength have.

Is it really because of ambition? It seems to make sense.

'Fortunately, I know the details of the other party, otherwise I will do things rashly, I am afraid that I will end up pitting myself. ’

Zhou Jing let out a sigh of relief and rejoiced.

This proves that his plan to lead the snake out of the hole has worked. Using Bill's "talent", he seduces the other party to take the initiative to meet and make friends.

I have gained a lot, at least I know the foundation of the other party, and Roman is still in the dark, I don't know what to do, this is my advantage.

Zhou Jing recalled the information revealed by Root, and his mind quickly turned.

Roman's power may be related to an alien life form, and maybe even he is an alien life form?

If you are a person who knows the local situation, it is not impossible to pretend to be the aborigines of this world.

'There are alien lifeforms in this world, and any changes they bring are possible. ’

Zhou Jing murmured in his heart, feeling that he still had to be careful, and he had to be cautious when he was in a wave. This is the famous duality of wave and counsel.

But soon, he got a little excited.

The more secrets he hides, the happier he is.

Roman's attributes, it is suspected that the new super power system is a new way, after having been around for so long, I finally saw the clues of a new system.

Deal with Roman more, and maybe you can figure out what kind of power this is.

Compared with doing things, getting a new power system is more important to the ontology.

If there is a chance, you can let one of your astral apostles embark on this path, and turn the new super power system into an optional cultivation route, instead of being a simple muscle stick.

'Roman secretly and the imperial royal family are two camps, opposing each other, and sooner or later a conflict will break out. At that time, Roman may jump to the front and break with the empire. I can only stand on one side... But I have more than one apostle, Why can't you bet on both sides? ’

Zhou Jing's eyes were shining and he made a decision.

Not to mention anything else, I unilaterally announce that after today, this guy Roman is my Bill's good brother!

If you can't beat it, join in!


Roman naturally didn't know what Zhou Jing was thinking. At this moment, he was sitting in the carriage returning to the palace, closing his eyes and recalling the meeting just now.

"Bill... I always think it's not easy, get in touch and see."

Roman said to himself, his eyes changed.

In any case, it is a loss to leave such a talent to the royal family.

Now is not the time, when you are more familiar with it, when the time is ripe, maybe you can take the other party under your command and become your own.

Mere wooing is not enough to impress a future pharmacist who has been given an important position by the royal family. Perhaps it is necessary to make a scene, involving this person in an incident, in order to impress him, dig the corner of the royal family, and make this person surrender to him... …

But speaking of it, in the exchange just now, he could feel that this person named Bill seemed to have a good impression of him... Maybe it would not be difficult to conquer this person.

Roman thought about it.


In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

After meeting the king and Roman, life seemed to have become calm, and the top management of the workshop did not bother him again. He could brush the indicators leisurely, and chat with the two guards every day to amuse others.

But Zhou Jing knew that this was just an appearance. The royal family was observing. When the inspection ended, he would not be able to be idle, and he would definitely be given a heavy responsibility.

For more than half a month, Zhou Jing has switched the shuttle cycle once. In addition to brushing the workshop tasks, he has learned a few alien blood potion formulas. He also stopped by the alien beast farm and asked for a low-risk alien beast.

In principle, the empire does not allow private breeding of exotic animals, unless it is a relevant hunter, but that must be reported.

But Zhou Jing's reason was that he needed to observe the habits of alien animals for a long time for research, and he had the special care of the king, so he finally obtained a charter and got a small alien beast that had been domesticated almost.

Coincidentally, he had also studied the medicine of this exotic beast, and the exotic beast obtained from the farm was the sword-tailed eagle.

The pet that the farm gave him to the king's celebrity was naturally not a second-class product, but a carefully cultivated exotic beast with good quality.

Zhou Jing also officially transferred the only slot for the pet function from Xiao Hei No. 1 to the newly acquired Sword-tailed Eagle.

The original Xiao Hei No. 1 was not released either. Although he lost the pet bonus, he still kept it... At critical moments, he would take out the enemy's vital dog things, which is somewhat of a combat power.

Zhou Jing's residence in the workshop has been changed to a room with a higher specification. At this time, he is in the room, teasing a little eagle standing on the table.

This is a small eagle with gray and black feathers, a yellow beak and a white head, and its feathers are like clusters of arrows.

At this moment, the sword-tailed eagle tilted its head and looked at Zhou Jing, blinking occasionally.

"Bring an eagle, this style is handsome, not only can peck people, but also fly high-altitude reconnaissance, what is it like to bring a hyena."

Zhou Jing looked at the appearance of the sword-tailed eagle, and couldn't help kicking the dog lying under the table.

Xiao Hei No. 1 yawned and turned over to face Zhou Jing with his butt.

Zhou Jing ignored it, turned on the pet function by himself, and looked at the current pet.

[Pet: Sword-tailed Eagle]

[Talent: Flying, Eagle Eye, Iron Tail]

[Predominant Tendency: Wings, Tail Feather, Beak, Eagle Claw, Vision, Speed]

[Skills: Flying Lv4, Sword Tail Slashing Lv4, Peck Lv3, Claw Lv3]

[Cultivation potential: medium]

[Cultivation degree: 0]

[tacit understanding: 12/100]

[training level: 0/10]

[Comprehensive combat power: Tier 1]

"The training potential is good, and the upper limit of the training level is doubled. Although it has not yet been trained, the comprehensive combat power is still Tier 1, but there is a difference between Tier 1 and Tier 1. The sword-tailed eagle itself is a strange beast, and it has the advantage of flying. Killing dozens of hyenas is no problem."

Zhou Jing was quite satisfied, took out a medicine bottle from the box next to it, poured the creamy yellow viscous liquid inside into a wooden bowl, and brought it to the sword-tailed eagle.

The sword-tailed eagle looked curiously, seemed to smell something, and lowered his head to drink.

[Your pet is eating a certain potion, training +2]

[Pet training degree +3]

The water-like information was brushed out, and the sword-tailed eagle was just drinking the potion, and the cultivation level kept beating.

Zhou Jing's mouth twitched.

These days, he didn't forget to develop his own drug-addicting animal-training mode. With his greatly increased pharmacy skills and auxiliary functions, he fiddled with a nutritional potion, which is very beneficial for pets, and can increase by 20 points after one meal. about the nutritional value.

This kind of nutrient potion can replace regular food, but unfortunately you can't eat it all day long, otherwise it will easily break down... Zhou Jing has already tested it on Xiao Hei No. 1.

By the way, he named this nutritional potion, it was called animal breeding potion, and he did not submit a formula patent to the workshop.

"I have to give you a name. I'll call it Xiaojian in the future... I won't add a number. I feel like you must live longer than this dead dog." Zhou Jing stroked the head of the sword-tailed eagle with his fingertips.

The sword-tailed eagle tilted his head, wondering if he understood.

Xiao Hei No. 1 raised his ears, not paying attention.

——Laughing to death, after so much destruction, do you still think Lao Tzu is as fragile as before?


A few days later, UU reading www. Before the end of this shuttle cycle, Zhou Jing finally received an order from the royal family.

The transfer order requires him to leave the Imperial Hunter Workshop, go to a secret location, enter a secret workshop, and really participate in the research and development of a new type of alien blood medicine.

This time, the secrets of the Terra Empire, the research progress of the new type of alien blood medicine... was finally open to him.

"I don't know if I can overcome the problem of the new type of alien blood potion. If it succeeds, the No. 3 Apostle Bill may be famous in this world, and I myself will get a new Eternal Apostle..."

Zhou Jing calmed down, packed his luggage, and brought his eagle and dog. One evening, he followed two guards to board the carriage of the guards who were waiting at the gate of the hunter's station, and bumped all the way to an unfamiliar destination.

At the same time, inside the hunter station.

Jason, who had just completed the last hunter's breathing technique, slowly raised his head and looked in the direction where Zhou Jing left.



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