Astral Apostle

Eighty-six appreciation

The Imperial Court of Terra is located in the inner city of the royal capital. It is a group of castles covering an extremely wide area. The main castle is the most towering and conspicuous. It is the administrative core for the king and the imperial council to exercise power. There are four annexed castles around, each with its own function and mutual benefit. The bridges are connected together.

A circle of high walls separates the palace from the commoners. It is guarded by heavy troops and cannot be entered by outsiders.

In the mouth of the people of the royal capital, this castle is generally called "Golden Castle". The meaning of this name is mainly to praise the golden spirit of the Tarn royal family. In fact, the palace castle is not golden at all, but slate blue. Banners with Tarn's coat of arms and imperial insignia hang everywhere on the outer walls.

After wandering around in the world of alien beasts for so long, this was the first time Zhou Jing set foot in the imperial court.

He followed Kreber into the gate of the inner city, followed the main road known as the "Road of Glory", all the way to the gate of Jinbao, where he temporarily disarmed under the supervision of the guardian of the king's city. was able to enter the golden castle.

It was only late in the evening, just after nightfall, the golden castle was brightly lit, and the guards who had just changed the guard were patrolling diligently.

The Golden Fort is heavily guarded. In order to prevent the supernatural from sneaking in, there are a large number of alien blood enhancers guarding the Golden Fort, guarding the royal city and guarding the royal family.

Generally, a normal blood enhancer with several ordinary guards is a regular patrol team, and there are guards entirely composed of alien blood enhancers.

Alien hunters were not allowed to walk around in the golden castle. Zhou Jing and Kreiber followed the two teams of Wangcheng guards all the way to the Imperial Conference Hall.

This was not an official meeting, but an emergency meeting. After learning of Kreber's report, King Becky Tarn immediately called the members of the Imperial Council to discuss, and called Zhou Jing, a party, to ask about the details of the Deep Rock City Rebellion.

At this time, as soon as Zhou Jing stepped into the imperial conference hall, he found several important officials waiting here. Many of them were familiar faces, all of whom had met when they used the identity of Bill. Among them was Roman.

"Your Majesty, the ministers, this is the imperial hunter Jess. It was he who personally stopped the atrocities of the gangsters and prevented the Deep Rock City tragedy."

Kreiber stepped forward and introduced Zhou Jing.

King Becky and many ministers looked at Zhou Jing in unison. In their knowledge, it was the first time they met, and they looked up and down.

Zhou Jing also pretended to meet and recognize people for the first time, and glanced at everyone's faces.

"You did a good job." Becky nodded calmly: "I am very happy to see a hero with a sense of honor and responsibility like you in the team of imperial hunters."

Zhou Jing nodded slightly, with a calm attitude, not excited by the king's award.

Because "Jason" is different from "Bill", this is a powerful hunter who has experienced many battles and life and death. Powerful and stable is the image that he needs to play.

Seeing his flattering appearance, everyone is not surprised, the strong have temperaments.

Becky didn't mind, and asked about the details of the Deep Rock City Rebellion. Zhou Jing concealed Lynn's existence, and the others told the truth.

After listening to the specific process, Becky's face showed a hint of surprise, and asked:

"There are nearly forty alien blood warriors in this gang of gangsters called Sons of Alien Blood, most of whom were killed by you alone?"

Many ministers present also cast suspicious eyes.

They had heard the report before, and it was this that made them question the most.

Aware of the distrust of many ministers, Kreiber helped and explained:

"You don't have to doubt Jace's strength. He is also one of the top elites among the hunters who have been strengthened three times. After joining the hunters of the empire for more than half a year, he has already become the strongest among the hunters of the empire. It’s not necessarily a sure win. The most important thing is that Jess still has the determination to continue strengthening. I’m very optimistic about him. Maybe he can become another five-time strengthening hunter after me!”

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look at Zhou Jing in surprise again.

It's not easy to get Kreber's high evaluation. They didn't expect Kreber to be so optimistic about this hunter named Jace.

A beast hunter who has determination and potential, and may reach five enhancement levels in the future, everyone pays a higher level of attention.

The chief guard of the royal family, Irene Tarn, who was standing silently next to him, also cast an interesting look.

"Hehehe, you're a respectable old hunter. I hope your future enhancements go well, and let the empire have one more pillar who has been strengthened five times." Roman smiled and said some polite words.

"I'll try my best." Zhou Jing didn't say much.

King Becky waved his hand, did not continue the topic, said solemnly:

"Jess, you have made a lot of credit. If the son of alien blood succeeds, it will make other gangsters feel that it is easy to do evil. Fortunately, you foiled their conspiracy and did not let things continue to deteriorate, otherwise the success of son of alien blood will be More people will imitate it.”

After speaking, Becky paused, his expression was both angry and helpless:

"But even if these gangsters fail, what happened in Deep Rock City will still have a bad impact, triggering more people's ambitions to do evil. With the first time, there will be a second time, and there may be more alien blood in the future. A newcomer of power, choose to trample the law..."

Roman agreed in a timely manner: "Yes, this is just like Jason of Baiyuan City. That person failed to assassinate the lord. Although he died, the impact has already been caused. Later, the lord of Baiyuan City was kidnapped and killed because someone imitated him... … Once this kind of thing is first done, it can’t be undone.”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

At the beginning, the assassination incident in Baiyuan City was deeply disgusting for everyone present.

In the position of those in power, they will never allow their own safety to be threatened. All those who dare not abide by this rule are the public enemies of the ruling class, and they are all mobs.

Although everyone knew that the lord of Baiyuan City had made a mistake first, they still regarded Jason as a criminal... If the first person resisted by assassination, more people would feel that they had this choice in the future.

The words of defending the people are better than the reasoning of defending the river. These former ministers vaguely understand, but unfortunately even if they have the idea of ​​stopping the public from talking about this matter, they cannot put it into action. After all, the development of civilization is limited, and the kingship cannot control it too far. Unlike high-tech civilization, it can seal everyone's mouth at any time.

That is to say, Jason, the initiator, is already dead. Otherwise, he would have been wanted all over the country, and he would never die, but the mysterious murderer who later killed the lord of Baiyuan City, they still haven't given up the pursuit.

However, what these imperial ministers didn't know was that the murderer they were looking for had come before them, but no one recognized them.

Zhou Jing's expression was calm, as if he hadn't heard.

It's Jason, it's none of my business, Jace.

Becky coughed, making everyone quiet down, and said slowly:

"In any case, the matter of Deep Rock City will spread sooner or later, so I decided to hold a public execution, and the leader of the son of alien blood will be tried and executed in public, so that everyone can see the end of the bandits and the strength of the imperial hunters!"

Everyone was not surprised. Before Zhou Jing arrived, they had already discussed the plan.

Since there is no way to stop the spread of the news, it can only reverse the wind of rumors and emphasize the fate of the gangster and Jason's "hero" image.

At this time, Becky looked at Zhou Jing and showed a rare smile: "Jess, you have done a great job this time. I will give you corresponding rewards to thank you for your dedication. Do you have any requirements?"

Zhou Jing pretended to think for a moment, and said, "Nothing else, I don't care about money, this is the duty of the imperial hunters. Compared to this, I want to execute Doton personally."

Hearing this, Becky was a little surprised. After pondering for a few seconds, she didn't refuse: "Okay, since it's the criminal you caught, it's up to you to solve it."

After speaking, looking at Zhou Jing's calm appearance, Becky loved it more and more, and added:

"You are very good, I will always follow you."

Zhou Jing nodded in greeting and put Gao Leng to the end.

After talking about things, the meeting ended. Zhou Jing said goodbye to the king and others, and followed Kreber to leave the Jinbao, thinking secretly in his heart.

'The king knows that there are people like me, and in the future, if you stand on the line of the empire, the road will be easy. ’

This time, there are many eyes and mixed eyes, Zhou Jing did not reveal the meaning of independent clan information, and the first time he met the king, his trust was not enough.

Although he didn't take the opportunity to make trouble, he was appreciated by the king and let the king remember him as a character, and it would be feasible to find a reason to ask for a meeting in the future, unlike the previous failure to establish contact with the king.

If you want to reveal the conspiracy of tribal independence, there is already a channel, waiting for the opportunity to do things... Zhou Jing thought to himself.

He has decided to pedal two boats, Bill will take Roman's dry road, and Jason will naturally take the Empire's waterway.

Now the situation is not clear, just bet on both sides, risk hedging.

Watching Zhou Jing's back go away, Roman withdrew his gaze, his eyes flickering.

A hunter with the potential to strengthen five times... It's a pity, although it is worth attracting, but this kind of hunter often has a firm goal, and it is difficult to be bought or subdued.

And the potential is just something that didn't happen, maybe the next time he strengthens, this person will die violently...

Roman shook his head, not intending to make deep contact with Jace for the time being.

Powerful hunters are important, but that's what he sees.

Bill, who can develop a different blood medicine, is a more worthy target. In comparison, a hunter is nothing at all.

Roman has already prepared a plan, and intends to start a fierce pursuit after Bill finishes closed development, and must bring this extraordinary pharmacist under his command.


A day later, the capital posted a notice to publicize the chaos in Deep Rock City.

The news caused shock to the residents of the capital, and a single stone stirred up a thousand waves, which soon became the main topic in the streets and alleys.

Because advocating positive influence requires a model, the empire emphasized Zhou Jing's contribution in the notice, intending to establish a heroic image to divert the world's attention from the gangsters.

The title of "Deep Rock City Savior" was certified by the empire and placed on Zhou Jing's head.

The name "Jess" quickly spread throughout the city, UU reading www.uukanshu. com became a celebrity among hunters and was hotly discussed by the residents of the capital.

As the Empire's notices were sent to other cities, the fame of "Jace" gradually spread, and the incident of the Deep Rock City Rebellion was known to more people, causing a sensation all over the place.

For Zhou Jing, the most direct manifestation is that the popularity of the career deed [Rebellion in Deep Rock City] has been continuously improved, and soon reached 5 points, which is equivalent to providing an additional 5% daily income bonus. There is still room for further improvement.

Zhou Jing did not care about the propaganda of the empire. He helped Lin En to settle down in the capital, and occasionally went to Lin En to discuss the remnants of witchcraft. At other times, he stayed at the imperial hunter station, waiting for the public execution of Doton with peace of mind.

The Imperial Hunter's breathing technique has been roughly completed. Zhou Jing has already planned to let Jason strengthen it four times, but he is not in a hurry, because Bill is installed in the workshop and is developing a new type of abnormal blood medicine.

He intends to let Jason use a new type of abnormal blood medicine, which should be strengthened more than the normal abnormal blood medicine.

There are people inside, once the research and development is successful, they can enjoy this benefit first and become the first "new style enhancer"!

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