Astral Apostle

Ninety-one, this wave, this wave is called seduction

The king arranged a room for Bill in the main castle, and even built a pharmacy table specially, so that someone could bring a whole set of pharmaceutical tools from the workshop as Bill's exclusive workbench.

In the future, Bill doesn't even need to go to the workshop to check in and go to work. He does research directly in the Jinbao. If he wants any materials, he will directly have them transported from the workshop.

Seeing that King Jinwu Zangjiao's determination was so firm, Zhou Jing had to temporarily accept the arrangement and live in peace.

For the next two days, accompanied by the two guards Harder and Lake, he carefully walked around the Golden Fort, quietly incorporating the topographic details into the panel records.

In addition, knowing that his "chief pharmacist" was staying, many blood relatives and court ministers of the royal family came to visit one after another these days, all with the idea of ​​​​establishing a good relationship.

Zhou Jing did not refuse anyone who came, and he happily met a lot of people. When the visitors left, he even gave each of them an energy potion as a gift.

Most of the people pretended to be evasive, and happily accepted the gift, and some even quietly asked if they could get more for their friends.

On this day, Zhou Jing, as always, was walking dogs and hawks surrounded by guards, just like a playboy who led Huang Qingcang. When walking through a corridor, he met Roman who was also walking. It seems to have met by chance.

"What a coincidence, Master Bill." Roman smiled and greeted: "Remember me?"

"Haha, Minister Roman, of course I remember that the last time we met was a few months ago. We had a good chat. I always wanted to meet and chat with you again." Zhou Jing took the initiative to release his goodwill.

Aware of Zhou Jing's enthusiasm, Roman was a little surprised.

The two had only met once, and it was a few months apart. He thought Bill was too busy to forget him, but he didn't expect that he left such a deep impression on each other.

Is it because of his outstanding personal charisma that Bill thinks he is very compatible?

Roman was overjoyed and felt that he had made a good start, and his tone was close:

"It's the same with me. When I saw you at the time, I felt kind. I heard that you lived in Jinbao two days ago. I wanted to visit, but I have some things at hand. I met you on the way..."

Zhou Jing felt Roman's goodwill, smiled secretly in his heart, and responded cordially on the surface.

He knew the details of Roman Reigns, and knew that Roman Reigns came to contact him mostly to try to win over.

The two stopped chatting in the corridor,

Each has their own thoughts, and each has a set of similar meanings, and this wave has become a two-way run.

Mindless and unhappy did not avoid suspicion, standing around with the guards turned their backs to the two, seemingly guarding, but actually listened to the content of the conversation between the two.

Roman tried his best to use his knowledge, and he talked all over the world, chatting hotly.

Under Zhou Jing's deliberate enthusiasm, he consciously got closer to Zhou Jing and said with a smile:

"I thought you would achieve success sooner or later, but I didn't expect it so soon. The king appointed you as chief pharmacist, invited you to stay in the golden castle, and even wanted his daughter to marry you. Such an appreciation is amazing, I I haven't congratulated you yet, from now on you will be the top figure in the empire."

Hearing this, Zhou Jing's heart moved, and instead of showing joy, he was a little melancholy:

"Yeah, I didn't expect the king to "value" me so much, alas, I only feel grateful."

He deliberately accentuated his words.

Others didn't realize what was happening, they just took it literally, but Roman kept noticing the change in Zhou Jing's face, and couldn't help but startled slightly.

This emotional reaction... It seems that Bill is not very happy to get the treatment that ordinary people can't ask for?

The royal family's bid didn't impress Bill? Could it be that Bill, despite being a profit-seeking generation, places more importance on freedom and realizes the real goal of the royal family's house arrest, so he doesn't like the benefits given by the royal family?

Could it be that you really have a play? !

Roman's eyes lit up.

No wonder he made up so many brains. With the guards monitoring him, he felt that even if Bill was dissatisfied, he would not dare to express it clearly. He felt that he could only analyze the other party's true thoughts from Bill's detailed performance.

Roman suppressed the restlessness in his heart and continued to laugh:

"Yeah, the king is really generous to you. He has taken care of all your future needs, no lack of wealth, no lack of power, so that you can live comfortably and have nothing left. It's not like we have to worry about all kinds of affairs every day. ."

Zhou Jing rolled his eyes, suddenly changed the subject, and asked, "Minister Roman, what do you think of wealth and power?"

Roman was taken aback by the question. He couldn't figure out what Zhou Jing meant, and he said after deliberation, "It's all about the control of resources... The things one can use and the manpower that one can command are one's wealth and power."

Zhou Jing nodded and shook his head again:

"You are right, but not entirely right. In my opinion, power is the greatest wealth and power. In other words, only by having power can one maintain one's own wealth and power."

Roman raised his brows, and the two guard captains Harder and Lake also turned their heads and looked at Zhou Jing strangely.

At this time, without waiting for others to speak, Zhou Jing continued to speak with emotion:

"Don't look at me, I like money very much and pursue wealth, but in my heart, I have always had a dream, that is, to gain extraordinary power like the alien blood warriors, to have a powerful body like them, and to be able to do all kinds of magical things. Things... This is also the original intention of my research on alien blood medicine.

It's a pity that I didn't have the guts to drink the alien blood potion I made, and I wouldn't dare to gamble even if there was only a small chance of failure... Maybe the extraordinary power will never be for a coward like me. Alas, maybe I'm too greedy, how can there be a way in this world to gain power without risking your life? "

No... there really is.

Roman's eyes flashed, and he stared at Zhou Jing.

When I said it just now, Zhou Jing had a longing look on his face, and his eyes were full of the brilliance of dreams, but after speaking, he seemed to feel that he was whimsical.

Seeing this, Roman's mind came alive.

It turns out that Bill's pursuit is not only a worldly interest, but actually a person who desires power... Roman is not surprised, there are too many people in the world who want power but dare not take risks.

For most people, this is daydreaming, and it is no different from imagining windfalls from the sky and getting rich directly.

But the difference with Bill is that even if he does not dare to take risks to obtain power, he can allow more people to obtain power and make contributions far beyond his own desires.

Roman really knows the extraordinary power that can be obtained without risking his life like a different blood warrior - he himself is such an example, mastering a power called "witchcraft", which is a secret he has been hiding for many years.

'This chip might impress Bill? ’

Roman's heart was up and down, and he felt that he had obtained key information.

He didn't doubt that this was Bill's deliberate temptation. Bill couldn't know that he had the power of witchcraft, and naturally he couldn't try him with words.

His mind was spinning rapidly. After thinking about it, Roman calmed down and didn't plan to use this chip to win over Bill for the time being.

Witchcraft powers are his personal secrets that cannot be easily revealed, and he is not yet sure if Bill is worth revealing the secret himself.

In addition, who knows if Bill is just talking, he may not be moved by this chip. And even if they were moved, people might be skeptical, fearful, etc., and would rather be content with the status quo rather than offend the royal family, so it would be a waste of money.

Most importantly, Roman wasn't sure if Bill was the king's bait for fishing law enforcement to catch out the members of the court who had wooed Bill in private, to determine who could not be trusted and who had dissent.

However, vigilance is only out of habit, Roman tends to trust Bill, and is quite satisfied with the harvest of this tentative contact.

In this wave, he found at least two entry points to win over Bill:

One is that Bill advocates freedom, rejects house arrest, and may be dissatisfied with the king's arrangements. The second is Bill's desire for power, but he doesn't want to risk it...

Seize these two needs and solve Bill's problem, maybe you can take advantage of the situation and take away the leeks trapped in the ground by the royal family!

Roman's thoughts flew, but his face showed no expression. He suppressed his inner excitement and continued to chat with Zhou Jing.

After chatting for another ten dollars, Roman took advantage of the story and left in a hurry.

Now that he has a direction, he rushes back to figure out new ways to win over.

On the other side, Zhou Jing smiled and said goodbye to him, watching the back of Roman quickly leaving, the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

He could see that Roman received the information he deliberately released, and the big fish took the bait.

I know the details of Roman's secret opposition to the royal family, and know that Roman is an external force, but Roman is not aware of this.

Therefore, in Roman's view, it was impossible for Bill to seek his help. He knew that all the information was due to him, and he would not suspect that Zhou Jing deliberately disclosed it.

The speaker is intentional and the listener is intentional. Because of the different information they have, Roman can accurately receive the information he wants to release, so he is not afraid that the guards listening next to him will understand the subtext-these guards who are monitoring do not know that the two are in their eyelids Under the child, a key information transfer was completed.

Zhou Jing did this to give Roman a hope of winning him, so that Roman felt that he still had a chance to "conquer" him.

With such external help, I have a better chance of getting out of the house arrest situation of the royal family.

In addition, in the case of Lynn, Zhou Jing suspected that Roman was also a wizard, and he was several grades stronger than Lynn.

If you can learn more secrets about witchcraft from Roman, it is naturally more reliable than Lynn's wild way.

'If he is cautious enough, he will not come to me for a showdown without several months of investigation, probing and confirmation... It seems that we can only wait and see when Roman Reigns takes further action...'

Zhou Jing narrowed his eyes.


After talking with Roman, everything was calm and did not attract attention, and the bodyguards were only regarded as a normal social interaction.

Two days later, the king summoned Bill and said that he had adopted his suggestion and selected three potion enhancers among the imperial hunters. In the end, three people were willing to try it, so he asked him to check.

As soon as Zhou Jing came to the living room, he saw three hunters standing in the center of the room, and one of them was the No. 2 Apostle Jason who was being placed.

"Master Bill, you are here."

King Becky was also in the room, and when he saw Bill coming, he put away his majestic face and greeted him with a smile.

"Your Majesty the King, Irene Chief Guard." Zhou Jing greeted them politely.

Becky waved his hand and said:

"Don't be so polite, let's get down to business, they are willing to use new-style potions, but since it's the first time, I'm worried about what will happen, so I want to ask you for any advice. By the way, let me introduce you, this is..."

Becky opened his mouth to introduce the hunters. Except for Jess, the other two hunters were secondary enhancements and were not too familiar with them.

When it was Jace's turn, Becky stopped, smiled and said, "I won't introduce this one, you should be familiar with him."

"Yes, Jace and I are old acquaintances."

Zhou Jing was not surprised. Many people knew about this matter, and the king must have investigated it.

He grinned at Jason and pretended to be polite:

"It's been a long time since we saw each other, how are you doing?"

"Not bad." Jason's words were short, and his emotional reactions were generally few in the placement mode.

Zhou Jing glanced at the other two and said loudly: "Do you know the effect of this new medicine? It can give special abilities to alien beasts, but the fatality rate of failure is higher than the original version. Are you sure there is no problem?"

Jason was the first to answer, expressionless: "No problem."

The other two also expressed their opinions immediately.

Zhou Jing nodded and said sternly:

"Okay, because this potion is quite special, I need to know what different blood potions you have taken before. Based on your previous enhancements, I can screen out the special abilities that are suitable for you and customize them."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Jing asked someone to bring a pen and paper, and asked the three to write down the past blood potions.

Although he knew about Jason's strengthening route, he was not pretending, he was still a bit ethical, and he didn't plan to fool the other two hunters.

Soon Zhou Jing got three pieces of paper, glanced at them, and put them away.

At this time, Zhou Jing remembered one thing and looked back at King Becky: "Your Majesty, I want to ask, do you plan to let them strengthen under the surveillance of others?"

Becky hummed and didn't deny it.

On the one hand, he wanted the pharmacist to observe the strengthening process of the three-type potion, and on the other hand, he was afraid that the hunter would run away after getting the new potion... The original potion did not matter, but he was worried about the leakage of the new potion.

Zhou Jing shook his head: "I suggest not to do this. It's better to let them strengthen according to their own habits. This is helpful. If a person who strengthens the habit alone is watched, it may affect the success rate."

"And this kind of statement, why haven't I heard of it?" Becky frowned, doubting it.

"The medicines are all developed by me. Believe me, no one knows new medicines better than me."

Zhou Jing confidently spread his hands.

Becky hesitated for a while before agreeing: "Okay, then listen to you."

Hearing this, Zhou Jing's face remained calm, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He almost forgot about this, UU reading www. If Jason failed and died suddenly and was seen by others, then he would no longer be able to continue to be an imperial hunter as "Jess", and he would still have to implement the private strengthening plan.

Of course, it's still a bit risky. Even if Jason died quietly, it would take a certain period of time to re-launch it, which would make the king wonder if he ran away with a new type of potion.

If it really happened, I'm afraid it's hard to explain, maybe we can make a big move, let Jason recognize Roman as the eldest brother, Bill hugged the royal family's thigh, and changed the object of the two boats... Zhou Jing shuttled these days. , becoming more and more handy, and more understanding of what it means to act flexibly.

Appropriately instructing the three hunters to talk, Zhou Jing ended the meeting.

Now the three of them just have intentions, not to strengthen them right away. It is necessary to give the three of them time to adjust their state... When someone feels that they are ready, they can apply for the medicine at any time.

The guards sent the three away from the Jinbao. Zhou Jing watched this scene, rolled his eyes, and said secretly:

"You can't let Jason strengthen in the placement mode. If you don't do it, you will be a fart. It's better to wait for the next shuttle cycle to switch astral apostles, and wait until I get on Jason's body before applying for enhancement."

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