Astral Apostle

Ninety-three Thunder Fire!

When we returned to the imperial hunter station, the sky was already bright.

Zhou Jing went straight to the workshop, found the staff on duty, informed him of the success of his strengthening, and asked them to inform the king.

Then he went to the townhouse where the hunter lived without stopping, found Kreiber, who had just woken up to exercise, and told the news.

"Have you completed the four enhancements?"

Crabbe put down the stone pier of equal height in his hand and looked at Zhou Jing in surprise.

Zhou Jing nodded: "My luck has always been good."


Crabbe's expression was subtle, but he hesitated.

He still remembered that Jess became an imperial hunter less than a year ago, and when he first joined, he was only strengthened for the second time.

In less than a year, he has been strengthened for the third time and the fourth time in a row. In the end, he really succeeded and became a level second only to the peak of the current hunter... This person is too reckless!

Few people will continuously strengthen in a short period of time, because it is easy to increase the probability of failure. Especially after the strengthening level is high, it is common for each strengthening to take several years to prepare.

When Kreber himself performed the four reinforcements, he had to exercise and prepare for three years before he had the courage to do it.

He didn't know what to say about Jace's continuous reinforcement that didn't take his life as his life -- it wasn't a sudden death, and he was lucky!

Crabbe had no choice but to give a thumbs up with mixed feelings, secretly thinking that the little brother was playing a real pervert.

This time it was really a knife to pull his butt, and his eyes widened.

"I'm strengthening this time, using a new type of different blood medicine, do you know this?" Zhou Jing asked.

Crabbe picked up his mood and said sternly: "I heard the king say that your success is of great significance to the entire hunter group."

Since the king decided to use the new type of medicine for the imperial hunters, the news blockade has gradually been released. Now it has not been announced to the outside world, but has only been spread in a small area. Some high-level people who have access to the new type of medicine have already known about it.

Saying that, Crabbe was a little curious: "It is said that the new type of potion can give special powers, and what the effect is, let's use it to see."

Zhou Jing shook his head and smiled: "If you want to see it,

Have a fight with me in person. "

Crabbe was stunned and said in surprise, "Are you trying to learn from me?"

"How about it, are you interested in moving your old bones that are about to rust?" Zhou Jing raised his eyebrows.

Crabbe was also interested: "Yo, the boy is arrogant, it seems that you need an experienced old hunter like me to teach you a lesson."

He was curious about the effect of the three-type potion, and his hands were itchy at the same time.

As a five-time enhancer of the current hunter's peak, because he could not find an opponent of the same level, except for hunting, Kreiber rarely had the opportunity to do it.

Other hunters wouldn't ask him to learn from him. As the chief hunter of his empire, it was not suitable for him to take the initiative to ask his subordinates to learn from him.

The only opponent of the same level in the capital, Irene, is the head guard of the royal family. She is rarely free and is not a suitable opponent to challenge. Therefore, Kreber is often empty and lonely, and he very much hopes that someone can satisfy his desire to fight.

Now that Leng Touqing has been looking for a fight with him after a long absence, Crabbe can be said to have been in a drought for a long time.

As if afraid of Zhou Jing's remorse, Craiber quickly said, "That's it, we can't use it here, let's go to the arena to fight!"

"Okay." Zhou Jing nodded and added: "The king is very concerned about the effects of the new medicine. I haven't had time to tell him, so I'll just invite him over to watch the battle, just to see for myself."

He thought about it last night, and used this reason to let the king watch the battle, show his strength, and brush up on his importance in the king's eyes. After all, the life goal of the [Empire Chief Hunter] is still counting on the king.

"No problem, I'll go to inform the king." Crabbe immediately set off.


Three hours later, in the outskirts of the capital, the gladiatorial arena.

Not long after King Becky got up, he received a notification from Kreber, and quickly asked Irene to assemble the guards and come to the arena to watch together.

Bill was also specially invited to observe the effects of the new medicine. He was arranged to sit beside the king, surrounded by a team of guards, and the security was quite tight.

In addition, some high-level imperial hunters received news, and many hunters who had been strengthened three or four times also came to watch out of curiosity, and the king expressed his acquiescence.

At this time, Becky was sitting on the stand of the arena, overlooking Jason and Kreiber, who were facing each other in the arena. With anticipation, he said curiously, "Finally, there is a winner of the three-type potion, I don't know what the strengthening effect is. Erin, what do you think will be the outcome of their fight?"

"Kreber will definitely win, it depends on how long Jess can hold on."

Irene didn't even think about it, her tone was natural:

"Anyway, Kleber has also been strengthened five times. I know his strength very well. Even if the three-type potion works well, the gap brought by the strengthening level is difficult to make up. Besides, Kleber is extremely experienced. Old hunter."

Becky also believed in Irene's judgment and nodded: "Well, after all, Crabbe is the chief hunter that I personally named, of course it is very powerful."

Eileen paused and added: "Although it is impossible for Jace to win, we mainly observe the strengthening effect of the three-type potion to see what kind of power Jace can exert... Even if he is not Crabbe's opponent , As the first hunter in history to inherit the special abilities of alien beasts, it also has extraordinary significance and deserves to be cultivated."

"Of course I understand." Becky waved his hand, and then became a little curious: "You seem to speak for him?"

Irene coughed lightly: "No, I'll tell the truth."

Becky raised her brows and took a closer look at Jace's strong and upright body and masculine face, and suddenly understood.

The captain of his bodyguard, I'm afraid he has taken a fancy to Jace?

For a time, Becky felt a sour feeling in her heart.

Eileen was both his bodyguard and cousin of his clan, and he watched him grow up. Because of her extraordinary talent, Irene has been rigorously trained since she was a child to become a warrior of the royal family.

As Irene became stronger step by step and became a "royal guardian", she basically lost her private life and had a heavy responsibility, and she has no partner until now.

Only the strong can match the strong. The only one of the same level, Kreber, is a short old man, and Irene dislikes her.

People's desires always have to be vented. It's not a problem to hold back all the time. Now a strong Jess has popped up, and he looks good. Becky suddenly thinks that it's normal for Irene to have ideas?

'This imperial hunter has outstanding strength, potential, and loyalty. If something happens to Irene, it may not be a bad thing. Maybe he can become half of the royal family...' Becky's mind drifted away unconsciously.

Bill sat on the side with a smile, his eyes were like a camera, and the conversation between the two was completely recorded.

Neither Zhou Jing nor Kreiber knew the subtle changes in the stands, and they were facing each other in the arena at this time.

"Come on, let me see what's so special about the new potion."

Crabbe took off the hexagonal-cone warhammer on his back, moved his shoulders, and beckoned, signaling Jason to take the lead.

He was used to letting others attack first, and as a five-time enhancer, he always had to let others go a little bit.

If he attacked by himself, with five times to strengthen his physical strength, the opponent could only be too tired to deal with it, and it would be difficult to show his strength. Craber never mind giving young people room to play.

Seeing that Zhou Jing was not pretentious, he took out his two knives directly, Crabbe smiled and said to himself:

'When the fight starts, you need to take some strength. Don't get too excited. You can't control your strength and hurt Jace...'

However, the moment he gave birth to this idea, Zhou Jing, who was opposite him, suddenly disappeared.

A strong sense of crisis suddenly rushed into my heart.

Craiber's expression changed, and he suddenly swung the hammer to block his side, and the next moment, there was a humming and oscillating metal clash.

clang clang!

Zhou Jing seemed to disappear out of thin air, and suddenly appeared beside Kreber like a ghost.

The two knives slashed out like lightning, hitting the handle of the hammer, and the heavy force made Craber's wrist shake violently.

"So fast!"

Craber's heart froze, and he could hardly see the process of Zhou Jing rushing over.

The first time I saw such a fast hunter!

He pressed his astonishment, turned the handle of the hammer, trying to use the hammer to jam the two knives, and then hit Fei Zhoujing with his shoulder.

However, he only moved. Zhou Jing's figure suddenly disappeared from sight, and in the blink of an eye, it opened a distance of more than ten meters. It was like a flash of lightning that passed quickly, leaving only a faint electric trace on the retina.

Before Kreiber could react, Zhou Jing turned around and rushed back.

With the starting energy driven by the starting distance, the high-speed blade fell head-on, and the strong wind pressure hit the face, like two heavy thunders.

Crabbe's heart was alarmed, and he raised his hammer to meet him.


Like a giant bell struck by lightning!

The giant force exploded, and Kreber's feet sank directly into the ground, shoveling out a ravine several meters.

The two knives pressed all the way to the handle of the hammer, and the two wrestled face to face.


Irene in the stands, as well as the many hunters watching the battle, suddenly opened their eyes and leaned forward subconsciously.

The chief hunter who had been strengthened five times was actually repelled in person? !

Little did they know that the shock in Craber's heart was more intense than theirs.

Crabbe suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhou Jing who was close to the weapon in amazement, a storm surged in his heart.

Not right! This person's physical quality is not much worse than him!

Maybe even better than him!

The terrifying speed that he almost couldn't react to, and the strength that would not suffer from a head-on confrontation... This kind of physical fitness is definitely not the level of four enhancements!

At the moment when his thinking sparked, Crabbe immediately dispelled his thoughts... He suddenly realized that if he didn't do everything he could, he might not be able to stand up to Jess!


Crabbe let out a low growl, his muscles tensed, and he violently shook Zhou Jing away.

Zhou Jing did not continue to compete, and with a double knife, he opened up the distance.

About ten meters away, he didn't rush up immediately, he played a knife with his backhand, looked at Kreiber, who was like an enemy, and said with a smile:

"How are you, have you warmed up yet?"

"...I underestimated you, come again!"

Crabbe's eyes were fiery, and his fighting spirit was high.

If he still had the attitude of instructing the younger generation just now, then he really regarded Zhou Jing as a worthy and good opponent, and just wanted to fight the pain.

The corner of Zhou Jing's mouth twitched, his footsteps stomped, the speed exploded and the ejection started, and the ground was stepped on and cracked!

He seemed to be transformed into a flash of lightning that flew back and forth in the field, swept past Kreiber again and again, and wiped out the sparks of weapons.

The clanging sound of the collision sounded frequently.

Zhou Jing did not collide with him head-on, and gave full play to his speed advantage.

Crabbe couldn't keep up with the speed at all, so he could only stay where he was. There was nothing he could do for a while, so he could only passively take Zhou Jing's high-speed double-blade slashes again and again.

A knife is heavier than a knife!

Everyone in the stands was stunned. They didn't expect that Jace could beat Kreber.

Only a few people were able to capture Zhou Jing's figure, and most of them could no longer see his movements.

"Is he so fierce..."

Becky muttered to herself, a little lost.

He has always heard others say how powerful Jace is, and now he has an intuitive impression when he sees it with his own eyes.

The speed of Zhou Jing's eruption at this time was far faster than before, and it was not a star and a half.

The advanced lightning resistance allows him to completely exempt the side effects of [Internal Discharge], which can already be used as a long-lasting conventional combat method.

And under the blessing of [Internal Discharge], the [Fast Electric Induction] brought by the four enhancements is always on, and the reaction speed and agility are further improved.

At the same time, he also used [Lightning Release] to further stimulate his physical energy. The consumption of this state is much smaller than that of releasing an electric shock attack, but the bonuses to speed and agility are extremely considerable, and the cost performance ratio of energy utilization exceeds.

After four times of strengthening, various characteristics are linked, and finally there is a qualitative change.

It can be said that Jason's high-sensitivity and high-explosive route has not really taken shape until this moment, and the speed has improved by more than a grade!

As Kleber strengthened five times, the attribute that really opened the gap between the two was resistance. Zhou Jing's resistance was 58 points, but Kleber reached the second-order limit with 80 points, which was a big difference.

But in terms of physical fitness, Jason is 5 points higher than Kreiber!

And Kleber is not known for his speed, but also widens the gap... So in terms of physical fitness, Zhou Jing is actually better than Kleber!

The only bad thing is his ability to fight, but his speed is too fast, making it difficult to hit.

Since it can't be hit, how much meaning does the resistance level have? Kreber simply cannot play to his own strengths!

Therefore, in actual combat, the gap in total attributes was compensated by the suppression of the style of play. Zhou Jing was confident, precisely because this wave was based on the long and the short!

However, Kreber's resistance is not a decoration. Although it is quite passive and fights quite embarrassingly, he is almost uninjured and extremely strong.

Zhou Jing took the initiative by virtue of his speed, and he had an undoubted advantage in the scene, but every time he was blocked, he was unable to break through Kreiber's defense, causing actual damage to him, not even scraping.

It is like a piece of extremely hard steel, and it can only leave a slight scratch on it.

Crabbe didn't mean to fight back either, so he just took it hard.

"I've been moving at a high speed, and I'm in a burst state, which consumes a lot of physical strength, and he only needs to stand in place to block my attack, which saves more effort than me... He wants to use up my physical strength, as long as the block is correct, It is to slowly move towards victory, the old hunter is still stable, this is indeed the most suitable style of play for him."

Zhou Jing quickly analyzed while running, and quickly saw Craiber's plan, and his mind was calm.

Want to hit the ground running? Also ask my knife if it will answer!

He stopped slashing back and forth at high speed, suddenly gave up the speed advantage of guerrilla attack, and attacked directly, sticking to Kreber and fighting close to him.

clang clang-

Swords and warhammers danced up and down, dazzling, sparks splashing everywhere.

"Can't hold your breath?"

Kreber flipped the hammer, separated the blade, and laughed.

His hammer skills are quite proficient, and the bulky warhammer is quite delicate in his hands. The range of action of each attack and block is very small, but it is just right to achieve the effect. The short distance of force did not affect his force at all, each strike was like an inch strike, and it was a thrilling solution to Zhou Jing's violent double-knife slash.

Zhou Jing didn't respond, and the two knives slammed the warhammer again. In the gap between using the force to switch the path of the knife, he suddenly threw a lightning bolt of full power.


The silver-blue lightning struck Craiber directly, causing his hair to explode.

The blue electric snake roamed around Crabbe, and his movements were stagnant.


Zhou Jing took this opportunity, stabbed with both knives, and went straight to Crabbe's chest.

In an emergency, Kreber was shocked, and instantly scattered the electric snakes all over his body.

Although it avoided the front, the breastplate was still cut open by the blade, leaving a bloodstain.


The blade stabbed in the air, and there was a clear sound of the knife.

Crabbe didn't care about anything else, and while the double stabs had not been retracted, he quickly raised his hand to clamp Zhou Jing's wrist under his armpit, and controlled Zhou Jing's arm, otherwise he would continue to attack.

"This is the special ability given by the three-type potion? Can you discharge like some alien beasts?" Crab's eyes widened, his face full of surprise.

Just now, he was so excited that he almost forgot that Zhou Jing was no longer the original hunter who could only fight meleely. If it wasn't for his amazing resistance, he would have been paralyzed by the sudden electric shock, so he explained it directly.

The corner of Zhou Jing's mouth twitched: "My electricity is stronger than that of other beasts!"

After saying that, he didn't hesitate, and suddenly burst out the stored electricity, and guided it to Kreiber along the parts of his body that he touched.

Crackling! !

The lightning flashed, and several consecutive full-power lightning bolts were not missed, and all five lightning bolts hit Kreiber.

Crabbe was covered in electric snakes and shivered from the blast, his whole body was numb, a cloud of black smoke came out of his mouth, and a burning smell permeated.

Under the series of high-voltage electric shocks, Crabbe lost control of his body for a while, and he didn't have the strength to continue to clamp Zhou Jing's arm, and staggered away uncontrollably.

At this moment, lightning flashed in Zhou Jing's eyes, and the lightning attached to the blazing blade along his arm.

The high temperature brought by the lightning instantly filled the "heat tank" of the fire!


like a lighter,

Lightning flashes, the fire core explodes!


The turbulent flame erupted along the hole of the knife, like a pillar of fire!

Without saying a word, Zhou Jing raised his hand and slashed.


Crimson red and bright blue covered the fan-shaped space several meters in front of Zhou Jing, and the ground instantly turned black.

The scorching flames pierced out like a crescent moon, mixed with electric light, and hit Kreber head-on.

The thunder and fire were intertwined, and at the moment of hitting Craiber, the light flashed, and a bomb-like shock reaction suddenly occurred!

Bang! !

The next second, Kreber flew straight out like a cannonball, smashing the wall of the arena with his back.


Half of the wall collapsed, and the gravel buried Kreber's figure.

Zhou Jing's face was expressionless, and there were still tiny electric snakes wrapped around his body. He threw the knife casually, extinguishing the flame attached to the blazing blade, and then retracted the knife into the sheath with his backhand, and nodded slightly:

"Sorry, it seems to be a bit heavy."

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