Astrology Card Maker: Start with Pleiades Star Official

Chapter 634: Immortal God Realm, to all students of Starry Sky Academy

"By the way, have similar vitality been found in other areas?" Jiang Zhao asked further.

"Not yet," Bai Dajin responded, "Other forces have also evolved many areas, but there is no sign of vitality. It seems that only our area has vitality."

"Really?" Jiang Zhao thought thoughtfully.

Originally thought that there was still vitality in the deep of the Netherworld, but now it seems that only their area has vitality.

Thinking carefully, it may be related to the depths of the Savage Tower.

If the connection point on both sides can be found later, this mystery may be solved.

Bai Dajin then added: "In addition, according to our observations during this period, this vitality is likely to have grown from deep underground, that is, when we observed those tiny worms, a large number of worms had already grown deep underground.

Now those worms that keep popping up are mostly from deep underground."

"I see," Jiang Zhao's eyes flashed wildly, "You try to control it first, and wait for me to go back."

From this point of view, the vitality of that area is likely to be related to the connection point on the Savage Tower side.

Even this vitality comes from the secret hidden deep in the Savage Tower.

After hanging up the call, the space node of the Immortal Worker Divine Realm is already in sight.

Just as the two were about to land, they saw a group of people approaching the space node with great fanfare, looking like a group of caravans escorting goods.

Jiang Zhao and Ruan Yunyun looked at each other, secretly helpless.

This situation was both unexpected and reasonable.

But they didn't expect to run into it.

"It doesn't look like the people of the Santong Merchant Group," Jiang Zhao observed the outfits of this group of people, as well as the signs and flags in the caravan, "Let's go and meet them."

"Ah? Is it really okay to go there so openly?" Ruan Yunyun said worriedly.

Jiang Zhao chuckled and said, "We are all friendly merchants who come to do business with the Immortal Worker Clan. What's there to be afraid of?"

As he said that, he controlled the Beidou Emperor to land.

The other caravan saw someone approaching and immediately became alert.

The middle-aged man and woman in the lead frowned, ready to go, "Who are you?"

Jiang Zhao calmly put away the Beidou Emperor's carriage, and politely clasped his fists, "You must be delivering goods to the Immortal Worker Clan, right? I am Jiang Zhao from the Great Xia Chamber of Commerce. I wonder which friendly business team you are from?"

"Great Xia Chamber of Commerce?"

The middle-aged man and woman in the lead were secretly shocked when they learned that the two were from the Great Xia Chamber of Commerce.

"That's right." Jiang Zhao nodded and smiled.

Seeing that the two had no hostility, the caravan members also relaxed a little, "So you are friends of the Great Xia Chamber of Commerce. I'm sorry. I didn't expect to meet friends of the Great Xia Chamber of Commerce here.

I am Zhao Qianyuan from the Fudu Chamber of Commerce, and the one next to me is my wife Xue Qian."

"Fudu Chamber of Commerce?" Jiang Zhao was shocked, "But the Fudu Chamber of Commerce in Zhongzhou?"

When communicating with Wan Tianchou before, I heard about this Fudu Chamber of Commerce more than once, and it has a very deep foundation.

You know, not just any chamber of commerce can survive in Zhongzhou.

Even the previous Santong Merchants Group encountered obstacles everywhere in Zhongzhou.

Wan Tianchou had thought about entering Zhongzhou before, but was blocked by Fudu Chamber of Commerce.

Daxia Chamber of Commerce has so many monopoly-level commodities to pave the way, but it can only get a share of the high-end market, and can't squeeze into the low-end market and bulk commodities.

The forces in Zhongzhou seem to have set their sights on Fudu Chamber of Commerce.

"If there is no second Fudu Chamber of Commerce in Zhongzhou, it should be us." Zhao Qianyuan nodded with a smile.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect to meet friends from Fudu Chamber of Commerce here. It's a great honor." Jiang Zhao couldn't help but look at the caravan in front of him again.

"My friend, you are too polite," said the beautiful middle-aged woman Xue Qian with a smile, "Who in the upper divine realm doesn't know your Daxia Chamber of Commerce? Compared with your chamber of commerce, our Fudu Chamber of Commerce is just a small fight."

"You are being too modest. Who doesn't know the name of Zhongzhou Fudu Chamber of Commerce?"

The two sides praised each other, which invisibly eased the tense atmosphere.

"Speaking of which, your chamber of commerce only sent you two here? Could it be that the cooperation with the Immortal Worker Clan is not going well?" Zhao Qianyuan asked in surprise.

"That's not the case," Jiang Zhao explained, "We may have fewer goods, so we don't need so many people."

"I see." Zhao Qianyuan didn't seem surprised.

Although the products of Daxia Chamber of Commerce are awesome, the production is limited, and there is really no need to go to such great lengths like them.

To put it bluntly, the reason why Zhongzhou can defend against Daxia Chamber of Commerce is also because of this.

If the production of those heaven-defying products of Daxia Chamber of Commerce is increased a little, their Fudu Chamber of Commerce can't stand it at all.

During the greetings, Jiang Zhao also noticed the cargo on the Fudu Chamber of Commerce's vehicle.

It looked like there was only one vehicle, but in fact it was a whole vehicle of storage cards.

Yes, you heard it right, a whole vehicle of storage cards.

Although they were all five-star storage cards, such a vehicle of storage cards was no joke.

I don't know what was in it, why did the Immortal Workers need so many goods?

It's not that the Fudu Chamber of Commerce can't afford high-level storage cards, but for a chamber of commerce of this size, it's too expensive to use so many high-level storage cards, and this batch of goods should not be high-level goods, so there's no need to make them so expensive.

Of course, it's mainly because the technology and card-making level of the upper divine domain is too low.

Unlike their Daxia, six- and seven-star storage cards are almost everywhere.

So when the Great Xia Chamber of Commerce transports goods, it often uses eight-star storage cards to load them, saving a lot of costs.

Thinking about it this way, high-level storage cards seem to be a good business.

"Hiss~ Your Chamber of Commerce has a lot of goods?" Jiang Zhao sighed and asked, "I don't know what the Immortal Worker Clan wants so many goods for?"

"Who knows." Zhao Qianyuan smiled indifferently, "Just pay."

"That's right."

Jiang Zhao smiled dumbly, and then the two sides walked into the space node talking and laughing.

"Speaking of which, the Immortal Worker Clan is really rich and powerful. I believe you two must have a deep understanding of this, right?"

In the space channel, Zhao Qianyuan couldn't help but chat and sigh.

"Indeed." Jiang Zhao agreed deeply.

"It's a pity that the brain is not very good," Xue Qian shook her head and smiled, "I heard that a large order was placed from the Santong Merchant Group not long ago, and the Santong Merchant Group is almost revitalized."

"Really?" Jiang Zhao was shocked, "Where did you get the news?"

"The Immortal Workers said it themselves." Xue Qian spread her hands and smiled.

Hearing this, Jiang Zhao and Ruan Yunyun looked at each other, unable to complain.

Zhao Qianyuan seemed to have thought of something, "I heard that you and the Santong Merchant Group are fighting happily. This may not be a good thing for your Daxia Chamber of Commerce."

Jiang Zhao sighed lightly and smiled bitterly.

But they can't blame the Immortal Workers for this. Who made them incompetent and unable to get such a large amount of goods?

If possible, he certainly hopes that the Daxia Chamber of Commerce can take over the Immortal Workers' business.

What's more, the Santong Merchant Group seems to have hooked up with the New God Clan, which also makes him a little worried about the Immortal Workers.

"Jiang Zhao, do you think the Immortal Workers have been infiltrated by the New Gods?" Ruan Yunyun said worriedly.

"It's very likely." Jiang Zhao sighed.

There is no way, the Immortal Workers are so smart that they are too easy to be fooled.

Fortunately, the Immortal Workers do not value strength and power, and they are also resistant to the bewitching of the New Gods.

But this does not mean that they will not be bewitched.

After all, there are thousands of ways to deceive people, and there is always one that suits you.

How did you say that?

The reason why you think you will not be deceived is just because you have not encountered a trick that suits you.

It is a bit abnormal that the Immortal Workers have such smart brains that they have not been deceived.

Fortunately, they came in time and tried their best to help.

On the one hand, they couldn't bear to see them being fooled, and on the other hand, they also wanted to deal with the New Gods and the Santong Merchants Group.

The space twisted, and the group appeared in a strange world.

Although I had heard Mo Xiaoyu and others describe the scene of the Immortal God Realm before, I was still shocked when I saw it with my own eyes.

The Immortal God Realm in front of me is completely different from other hidden worlds. It is a bit like the mechanical frenzy field released by the ancestor of the Mechanical Emperor Clan, but it is more of an oriental fantasy style.

Looking around, the entire Immortal God Realm is like a huge mechanical world, or the interior of some kind of magic weapon.

It's as if the entire God Realm was refined, and it doesn't look like a place where normal humans live.

Although it's not the first time for the people of the Fudu Chamber of Commerce to come here, they still can't hide their shock.

"Is this your first time here?" Zhao Qianyuan naturally noticed the reactions of Jiang Zhao and the others.

"Other colleagues have been here before, but this is the first time for the two of us." Jiang Zhao nodded.

Zhao Qianyuan smiled knowingly, "Speaking of which, the Immortal Worker Clan's rituals for equipment cards and star soul origin weapons are amazing. My husband and I came here to refine our natal equipment cards.

If you two have equipment cards, you might as well take this opportunity to let the Immortal Worker Clan refine them.

Believe me, the results of the rituals will definitely not disappoint you."

The eyes of Zhao Qianyuan and his wife flashed with expectation, and they seemed to admire the Immortal Worker Clan's rituals.

Jiang Zhao could see from the beginning that the couple's status in the Fudu Chamber of Commerce was definitely not low, and they obviously did not look like the escorts of goods.

From the temperament, conversation and strength of the two, they were at least the middle level of the Fudu Chamber of Commerce.

Jiang Zhao was still doubting the purpose of the two people coming to the Immortal Worker Clan before, but he did not expect that they came for the Immortal Worker Clan's rituals.

"Are the two seniors majoring in equipment cards?" Jiang Zhao said in surprise.

Zhao Qianyuan and his wife nodded without comment, and once again recommended the sacrifice and refining techniques of the Immortal Worker Clan, with a kind of excitement that they wanted to let all the tool card star soul masters in the world come to experience it.

And from what they said, it seems that they have already sacrificed and refined it once before.

This time they came to prepare enough materials and labor costs, ready to take their life tool cards to the next level.

During the chat, several members of the Immortal Worker Clan had already come to meet them and led them to hand over the goods. They were serious and didn't talk much.

The point is that they were not wary of these outsiders, and their hearts were so big that it made people feel distressed.

Of course, this also made these visitors who had no bad intentions feel like they were back home.

Zhao Qianyuan and his wife seemed to have dealt with these smart people of the Immortal Worker Clan.

On the way, he asked in a familiar manner: "Excuse me, my friends, is the master who performed the ritual for my husband and me free?"

"The elders are receiving distinguished guests and are not free for the time being. If you two want to perform the ritual, you may have to wait for some time."

"No hurry, no hurry," Zhao Qianyuan and his wife were not in a hurry. When they learned that a distinguished guest from the Xiangong clan came to their door, they couldn't help but be a little curious, "I wonder who this distinguished guest is that you can pay so much attention to?"

"I don't know," several wise men said indifferently: "They seem to be some distinguished guests brought by the Santong Business Group. We don't know exactly what they were talking about. Anyway, the clan elders take them very seriously."

"Three-way business group?"

Jiang Zhao and the others in the Fudu Chamber of Commerce were shocked, and their faces were filled with uncertainty.

The Fudu Chamber of Commerce is okay, they only have a business competition relationship with the Santong Business Group.

But Jiang Zhao and Ruan Yunyun were different. It can only be said that what they were most worried about happened.

You don't need to think about it to know that the people brought by the Santong Merchant Group are most likely from the New God Clan.

"It's over, it's over, the smart people are really going to be fooled!" Ruan Yunyun was worried, "We must do something."

"No rush, let's check the situation first." Jiang Zhao calmly reassured Ruan Yunyun.

After a while, the group of people was taken to a huge machine city.

The Fudu Chamber of Commerce quickly began to trade goods with the leaders of the Xiangong clan. The entire transaction process was simple and crude, without any sloppiness.

Just like Xie Xiaofei and others' previous transactions with them, it was pure "coal boss" style.

After the handover was completed at the Fudu Chamber of Commerce, the eyes of both parties fell on Jiang Zhao and Ruan Yunyun.

"Are you two representatives of the Daxia Chamber of Commerce?" The person in charge of the Xiangong Clan looked at the accounts and orders in his hands, secretly wondering, "But I don't have an order from the Daxia Chamber of Commerce here? Did I lose it?"

Or maybe you got a new batch of goods and took the initiative to trade? "

The person in charge of the Xiangong Clan seemed to be very interested in the goods of the Great Xia Chamber of Commerce. He looked at Jiang Zhao expectantly, "Don't worry, you two, the clan elders have already given instructions. As long as it is the goods of your Great Xia Chamber of Commerce, we will all have it." Take it all as ordered."

Zhao Qianyuan and his wife on the side also cast a surprised and curious look.

On the contrary, Jiang Zhao and Ruan Yunyun looked a little embarrassed.

"Ahem," Jiang Zhao explained awkwardly, "To be honest, we didn't bring any goods here this time, but we were invited by Xie Xiaofei to come to Guishen Realm to visit and communicate."

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Qianyuan and his wife were stunned, and their expressions when they looked at Jiang Zhao became strange.

The person in charge of the Xiangong clan in front of him looked a little disappointed, "Is it the guest invited by Mr. Xiaofei?"

The other party didn't have any doubts and immediately sent a subordinate to lead Jiang Zhao and the others to meet Xie Xiaofei.

Looking at Jiang Zhao and his wife leaving, Zhao Qianyuan and his wife looked strange.

"Brother Yuan, it seems that the Daxia Chamber of Commerce is very close to the Immortal Gong clan, and they are even invited to be guests?" Xue Qian said in surprise.

"It's expected. After all, those heavenly materials, earthly treasures and star stones in Daxia are really powerful." Zhao Qianyuan nodded thoughtfully, then turned to look at the person in charge curiously, "I wonder who Mr. Xiao Fei is?"

"The best weapon refiner of our clan's younger generation will also become the helmsman of our clan in the future." The person in charge said without thinking, his tone was flat, as if he was saying a very ordinary thing.

But Zhao Qianyuan and his wife were stunned by Xie Xiaofei's identity.

After all, that is the future successor of the Immortal Gong clan!

"It seems that the president is right. Now the development momentum of the Daxia Chamber of Commerce is unstoppable." Zhao Qianyuan sighed quietly, "I don't know where this Daxia Chamber of Commerce came from?"

"I heard that the Kingdom of Great Xia has recently emerged in the depths of the Netherworld, and the commotion is quite loud."

"Tsk, tsk, Daxia Divine Kingdom, Daxia Chamber of Commerce," Zhao Qianyuan thought about it secretly, while something strange flashed in his eyes, "It's the same name as our motherland in the lower world."

"Yes~ they are all called Daxia," Xue Qian sighed quietly, with a hint of reminiscence in her eyes, "It's a pity that this Daxia is not that Daxia."

Zhao Qianyuan couldn't help but sigh.

Although both were called Daxia, the couple did not feel that there was any connection between the two Daxias at all.

After all, the hometown of Daxia in their memories did not even have a kingdom in the lower divine realm, let alone a kingdom in the upper divine realm.

If it weren't for the sudden rise of the Great Xia Divine Kingdom and the Great Xia Chamber of Commerce, they would have almost forgotten the name of their hometown "Daxia".

Over the years, the couple has struggled all the way from the lower divine realm to the upper divine realm.

After struggling in the upper realm of gods to reach this position now, I have long forgotten my hometown that I can't go back to in the deepest part of my heart.

But they still clearly remember the place called Starry Sky Academy.

That was the place where the couple met and fell in love, and they have their best memories.

“I don’t know if the Starry Sky Academy is still there today?”

Once the memories come up, they are like a tide and are out of control.

"Speaking of which, I was the president of the appliance club. I wonder if the appliance club is still there?" While waiting patiently, the couple couldn't help but recall the past.

"Tch~" Xue Qian covered her mouth and chuckled: "If my brother hadn't been poached by the Holy Palace in advance, would you have been the president?"

"..." Zhao Qianyuan's forehead darkened, but he was not angry. Instead, he became inexplicably sad. "I don't know where my brother is now and how he is doing. With his talent, if he is still alive, his current achievements and status will definitely be And above us."

Hearing this, Xue Qian also became sad.

Over the years, they have also been trying to find news about their brother, but unfortunately they have never found it.

Although they knew very well that there was a high probability that their brother was no longer alive, they were still unwilling to accept this fact.

These so-called geniuses in the lower realm are really nothing in the two realms of the upper realm.

It's already a miracle that they have managed to get this far.

During this period, I encountered so many life and death crises that I almost lost count.

It wasn't until he entered the Fudu Chamber of Commerce that he truly stabilized.

By now, they are very content.

"Why are we talking about this while we are talking?" Xue Qian'an resisted the sadness in her heart and touched the tears in the corners of her eyes. "Let's think about how to pave the way for our brat in the future. He is about to awaken his natal card. , I don’t have a formal appearance all day long, I only know how to fool around with those gangsters. Do you really think Zhongzhou is so easy to fool around with? "

"Hmph!" Zhao Qianyuan said angrily: "Isn't it better than what you are used to?"

"I'm used to it?" Xue Qian stood up angrily, put her hands on her hips and cursed the street: "Are you sure that his bad habits are not inherited from you?"

"Keep your voice down, keep your voice down," Zhao Qianyuan looked around awkwardly and reassured, "This is outside, not at home."

Xue Qian rolled her eyes at him angrily, gradually calmed down, and said worriedly: "The world is so chaotic now. If he continues like this, what will he do in the future?"

Hearing this, Zhao Qianyuan couldn't help but become worried.

But the next second, the two of them suddenly froze on the spot, staring at each other in astonishment.

"You feel it too?" Zhao Qianyuan said in disbelief: "It seems it's not my hallucination."

Xue Qian nodded dully, "Brother Yuan, why do I suddenly have an inexplicable premonition?"

Zhao Qianyuan swallowed hard, and then slowly took out the already coated student card from his pocket, and his wife Xue Qian also took out her student card.

They have always collected this thing as a token of love, and at the same time it can be regarded as a attachment to their hometown.

But at this moment, just now.

There was a trace of familiar fluctuations in the student card that had long been useless.

"This, this, this..." Xue Qian once suspected that she was dreaming, "In my impression, this seems to be a fluctuation when the college releases a major announcement, right?"

"It seems so." Zhao Qianyuan nodded with difficulty.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and then silently inserted their spiritual thoughts into the student card.

Then, a brand new college announcement appeared in front of the two of them.

[To all past students of Starry Sky Academy]

July 3, 7653 in the New Calendar of the Great Xia Dynasty, is the anniversary of the founding of our school.

The first-generation dean Chu Kuang, together with the current dean He Mingzhong and the president of the Star Soul Master Association Feng Potian, on behalf of all the people of Daxia, called the graduating students of our school at the Starry Sky Academy of Daxia Ancient Country in the New Blue World...

Zhao Qianyuan and his wife watched the entire film word for word and called to announce it.

It feels like a dream.

After a long time, the two of them looked at each other with trembling eyes, unable to calm down for a long time.

"Da...Da...Xia is really that Daxia?" Xue Qian still can't believe it all.

"Judging from the information disclosed in this call, it seems so," Zhao Qianyuan nodded with difficulty, his lips and teeth dry, "Not only is Starry Sky Academy still there, but it seems to have led the entire Great Xia to rise, and it has even established a country in the upper divine realm."

"This, this, this..." Xue Qian still couldn't believe it, "Is this really our Daxia?"

"It's a bit unbelievable, it feels so unreal."

Soon, the two of them thought of Jiang Zhao and Ruan Yunyun, who they had just met, and their feelings suddenly became different.

It's a pity that the two of them are not here at the moment, otherwise they would really want to confirm.

And on the other side at this time.

Jiang Zhao and his wife, who were following the guide of the Xiangong clan to Xie Xiaofei's residence, also received this call.

But compared to Zhao Qianyuan and his wife, they obviously have different feelings.

"Haha, brother Jin complained to me before about whether the college's exams were reliable. Did he wait for the announcement on the anniversary of the founding of the school?" Jiang Zhao browsed the call announcement in the student card with interest, " Don’t tell me, it’s quite official and formal.”

"Why does it feel like Xinwen's handiwork? It makes my blood boil." Ruan Yunyun's beautiful eyes flowed, "I don't know if those seniors have received it. If so, how will they feel? "

"It's probably not Xinwen's arm. Xinwen's style of writing is more delicate," Jiang Zhao analyzed seriously: "It's more like Dean He's style. If the full score is one hundred, I would give it ninety-nine points. "

"Why is one point deducted?" Ruan Yunyun was puzzled: "I feel pretty good?"

"Although it briefly and clearly introduced the current strength of Daxia, it ignored an extremely important point."


Jiang Zhaoben said: "My name as a key figure was not listed, which makes the president a little unhappy."

"..." Ruan Yunyun's head was full of black lines and she said angrily: "Please~ This is a call to the seniors and seniors of all generations. Who among the seniors and seniors in the past knows you? Even if you call me, they won't recognize you."

"That's what you say, but I'm still unhappy." Jiang Zhao curled his lips angrily, "No, if you say anything later, you have to ask the dean to add my name to it. This is what I deserve!"

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