Astrology Card Maker: Start with Pleiades Star Official

Chapter 652 Eight-star Chicken Lord, the strange brilliance of the stars

This is obviously not an effect that drugs can achieve.

Although there are many poisons that can indirectly control people's behavior, that kind of control is more like coercion rather than direct control of people by the drug properties.

At least based on Jiang Zhao and Jiang Lingtong's understanding of medicine, drugs cannot do this.

Even if they can do it, they can only erase the target's self-consciousness and transform it into a puppet without consciousness.

But these high-level new gods are obviously not like this.

In doubt, Emperor Fengdu spoke again: "In addition, there is another key point."

"What?" Jiang Zhao asked hurriedly.

"These new gods are like you, they don't have that kind of strange induction, but they can absorb that kind of soul energy, and it seems that there is no limit to the absorption."

When this was said, everyone was shocked.

"No induction? And they can absorb the soul energy here infinitely?" Jiang Qingsong's heart was beating wildly, "Does it mean that they can rely on the soul energy here to infinitely improve their strength?"

"Yes and no," Fengdu Emperor thought: "For them, there is also an upper limit to the absorption of soul energy, but they can also use the power of blood to convert this soul energy into nutrients for the star soul, enhance the effect of star soul solidification, until the star soul is condensed into a permanent entity."

"Permanent entity?" Everyone was shocked again.

You know, although the star soul entity of the advanced new gods is strong, it can only last for a period of time after all, and it has not really turned the star soul into a physical entity.

If it can really be condensed into a permanent entity, it is basically the same as the physical body of Monkey Brother.

By then, the special effects of the Star Soul Sword will also lose their meaning to them.

According to what Monkey Brother said before, the normal soul casting steps should be to condense the form and spirit first, and then condense the entity.

Monkey Brother is a special case.

First of all, that was his former physical body, and the condensation process was omitted, so there would be no problems in terms of fit and adaptability.

But the new gods are different.

Their star soul entities are temporarily condensed, and the subsequent transformation into a permanent one will inevitably involve a condensation process.

In the case of an incomplete "form and spirit", the condensation process will definitely go wrong, and there is even no possibility of theoretical success.

"Then the soul power has this effect?" Duobao Taoist and Baizhan Immortal King were shocked, and they were slightly tempted.

After all, their "form and spirit" soul casting has basically been maxed out. If they can be "condensed" by this, their strength will definitely be greatly improved.

Unfortunately, Emperor Fengdu directly dispelled their thoughts, "It is obvious that relying on that strange soul energy alone will not have this effect. It should also be combined with their bloodline potion and the special bloodline power after being transformed."

Hearing this, Duobao Taoist and Baizhan Immortal King were inevitably disappointed.

"By the way, you just said that they didn't feel anything. Does it mean that they have actually absorbed enough?" Jiang Zhao asked.

"It should be," Emperor Fengdu nodded thoughtfully, "You can verify it on this living person."

Jiang Zhao understood and turned his gaze to the old man of the new God Clan who was screaming on the side.

With the help of Emperor Fengdu and Xiaoha, he forcefully injected the soul energy in his hand into his sea of ​​consciousness.

As expected, the old man of the new God Clan was indeed "full" just like them.

This discovery shocked everyone.

"Does it mean that the new God Clan has already absorbed this soul energy like us?" Jiang Qingsong's face was full of doubt.

They absorbed it because of the Dark Sea ruins.

Where did the new God Clan absorb it from?

"Could it be that they have discovered this evil area a long time ago?" Jiang Zhao couldn't help but make a bold guess.

Emperor Fengdu added again, "From their memory, it seems that they have not absorbed that kind of strange soul energy."

"?!" Jiang Zhao and everyone were shocked again, "Never absorbed it?"

"Or you can understand it from another angle. They just haven't absorbed pure soul energy." Emperor Fengdu said meaningfully.

"You mean... transformation potion?" Jiang Zhao instantly understood what Emperor Fengdu meant.

"That's right," Emperor Fengdu nodded happily, "Although I haven't seen that kind of potion, I guess that potion is most likely related to the soul energy here."

Jiang Zhao took a deep breath and took out the medicine bottle he had obtained in the Immortal God Realm from the storage card. There was still some potion left in it.

In addition, a lot of residual potions were found on the bodies of more than ten new gods who were killed this time.

After handing them over to Emperor Fengdu for investigation, this guess was confirmed.

"Sure enough, there is that kind of soul energy component," Emperor Fengdu took a deep breath and said solemnly: "But it has lost its due activity."

"So that's it."

Everyone looked at each other in surprise, with a solemn and complicated expression.

Obviously, the new gods seemed to have discovered this evil domain long ago, and the blood transformation potion contained that special soul energy component.

Then the question is, how did they discover this evil domain? And when did they discover it?

In addition, as I said just now, they seemed to come here to help their "master" find something and have the exact location of that thing.

This also once again confirmed their guess.

At least the "master" of the New God Clan must have been here before.

The team continued to move forward in the direction that Chu Kuang and Yang Tianfang sensed. As for the old man of the New God Clan, they also kept him alive for the time being, which might be useful later.

And those medicine bottles with trace amounts of medicine left were also handed over to Grandpa Jiang Lingtong to further study the composition of the medicine.

"How is it, Grandpa, is there any difference from the previous artificial blood?" Jiang Zhao asked.

"One is to produce blood, and the other is to change the power of blood, so they are naturally different," Jiang Lingtong analyzed thoughtfully, "but in those unreasonable aspects, there are many common points."

Jiang Zhao understood and continued to ask: "Then did the previous artificial blood medicine contain that kind of soul energy?"

"It should not be."

It can be seen from this that the strange soul energy is likely to be the key to "advanced blood transformation".

And if nothing unexpected happens, the new gods with artificial blood should also be able to use advanced transformation potions in the future.

Otherwise, it would be meaningless for the new gods to create so many artificial new gods.

However, if the artificial new gods want to accept advanced transformation and have the ability to condense star soul entities, it is estimated that the artificial blood must be improved to a certain level.

On the way, the team encountered many attacks from ancient evil souls.

Moreover, the frequency of the appearance of the evil spirit is obviously increasing, and the number is also increasing, which has caused a certain amount of pressure on the people of Daxia.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to the ancient evil spirit, there are also many netherworld beasts and evil insects in this evil domain, which obviously came from the foggy void.

Fortunately, with the presence of Lord Ji and the two evil creatures, these netherworld evil creatures did not dare to approach the Southern Cross.

Instead, from time to time, the netherworld evil creatures can be seen fighting with the ancient evil spirits.

It is like two hostile camps, fighting each other constantly.

Of course, it may also be because the netherworld evil creatures themselves are too fierce. After all, the netherworld evil creatures have always been biting people when they see them, regardless of who the opponent is.

Only Lord Ji and the two evil creatures can deter them.

Strictly speaking, only Lord Ji can deter the netherworld evil creatures.

Although the God-killing Centipede and the World-destroying Insect also have considerable deterrent power, many high-level netherworld evil creatures still have the courage to challenge them.

Only Ji Ye shocked them to death, on the one hand because of Ji Ye's own uniqueness, and on the other hand because of the special status of the Old Devourer among the creatures in the Netherworld.

Speaking of Ji Ye, after the previous improvement in the misty void, it seems that he is about to break through to the eight-star level.

Because the soul energy has no effect on Jiang Zhao, Jiang Zhao did not participate in the hunting of the ancient evil souls along the way, and has been trying to help Ji Ye break through.

Hard work pays off. After several failures, Ji Ye finally stepped into the eight-star level.

[Emperor of the Pleiades]

Type: Summoning Card

Race: Emperor (Immortal)

Attribute: Pure Yang, Fire, Time

Rank: ★★★★★★★★

Divine Emperor Star Position)

Talents and Skills: Crying at Dawn, Golden Eyes of the Pleiades, Devouring the Old Ones, True Body of the Evil Elephant, True Body of the Star Soul, God Slayer

Original Magical Weapon: Heavenly Star Plate,

Additional Talents: Twin Hearts, Wing Fire Burning the Sky, Sword Blood Light,

Soul Compatibility: 100%

Star Soul Level starts from Seven Stars, and each level increase is a huge improvement, and Ji Ye is no exception.

After being promoted to Eight Stars, all energies are improved in all directions, and combat power is advancing by leaps and bounds.

The most important thing is that the power of the Devourer of the Old Ones has been greatly improved this time, and Ji Ye has awakened some of the inherited memories of the Devourer of the Old Ones.

From the inherited memories of the Devourer of the Old Ones, the Netherworld is indeed related to the legendary Guixu.

In other words, the special creatures such as the Devourer of the Old Ones were bred in Guixu.

It's just that Guixu itself is a kind of "nothingness" existence, and the old devourers are not aware of the specific existence of Guixu.

In fact, the old devourers only know that they were born in Guixu, but they don't know the specific existence of Guixu.

But it is certain that the Netherworld is a special world that exists in Guixu.

"So, the foggy void outside is indeed related to Guixu?" Jiang Zhao thought.

"Yes," Ji Ye affirmed: "At least in the foggy void, I feel the breath of the gestational land."

Jiang Zhao nodded in thought, and couldn't help but think of the existence of this evil domain.

Why is this evil domain in such a strange void related to Guixu? Or why is it sealed here?

In addition, if this evil domain is the other side of the new blue world, it means that this strange void related to Guixu is also related to the former blue star.

"By the way, Ji Ye, you and Xiao Ha have been to Guixu before, right?" Jiang Zhao continued to ask.

Ji Ye nodded without hesitation.

"And you all seem to be looking for the legendary Origin Land," Jiang Zhao's brain was working rapidly, "In other words, the Origin Land is likely to be hidden in Guixu?"

"At present, it is not impossible." Ji Ye nodded slightly.

Jiang Zhao's eyes lit up slightly.

Thinking about the "speculation that Blue Star is the Origin Land", this logic seems to make sense.

The former Blue Star is likely to be the legendary Origin Land, and has been hidden in Guixu. Later, it was brought to the Star Soul World by Bodhi Patriarch and became the current New Blue World.

In order to ensure the safety of the New Blue World, the New Blue World used the connection between the New Blue World and Guixu to seal the side that was eroded by the evil power in this strange void containing the power of Guixu.

It's just that it's still not clear what the "Origin Land" means, and what secrets are hidden?

In addition, why did the Blue Star and the New Blue World give birth to another side?

From the information revealed by my mother's past life memory, it is very likely that when she was brought to the Star Soul World ten thousand years ago, she was eroded by the evil forces outside the Star Soul World.

But the question is, why did the erosion of the evil forces produce the "other side"?

Logically speaking, the erosion of the evil forces should be like the God Realm of the Heavens, turning into a world eroded by the evil forces, rather than producing another side like "schizophrenia".

Or, this "other side" is not the other side that Jiang Zhao understands, but just an area in the New Blue World that was once eroded by the evil?

However, everything that was seen afterwards directly overturned this idea.

Unknowingly, the Southern Cross seemed to have sailed out of the range of the black evil fog.

What appeared in front of everyone was an evil domain that was exactly the same as the New Blue World. Except that the entire world was completely eroded by the evil forces and there was no living person or trace of civilization in the entire world, it was completely consistent with the terrain and sea and land pattern of the New Blue World.

Every piece of land in the New Blue World can find a corresponding area here.

It is another new blue world, or it can be called "evil blue world".

"This, this, this... This is too magical, too weird, right?" Everyone on the boat exclaimed in surprise, and couldn't believe their eyes for a while, "Is it really another new blue world?"

Bai Dajin and others flew to the sky, looked around, and frowned: "This should correspond to the territory of Northern Europe."

"Hiss, then from this point of view, the direction we are going to is not the area corresponding to our Daxia?"

Chu Kuang and Yang Tianfang, who realized this, also looked strange.

On the other side, Duobao Taoist and Baizhan Immortal King were also shocked. Everything in front of them was obviously beyond their cognition.

At this moment, everyone had a question in their hearts: Why is there another new blue world?

And this is what Jiang Zhao thought in his heart.

If you say that there were originally two identical blue stars, this is obviously unlikely.

But how could a blue star "schizophrenia" into two identical worlds?

Could it be that one of them is fake?

Or are the two new blue worlds virtual?

Considering the virtual nature of the Star Soul World, this possibility is not impossible.

At present, the New Blue World must exist in reality, otherwise it would not be noticed by so many gods.

And the evil blue world in front of us is more like another new blue world "virtualized" by the evil power.

But why does the evil power have the ability to "virtualize" a world in the Star Soul World?

This is obviously not reasonable.

After all, the evil domain where the evil soul masters are located is also pieced together from the fragments of the God Realm of the Heavens.

If the evil power has this ability, it can completely "virtualize" the evil domain of the God Realm of the Heavens, or even the entire Star Soul World.

Thinking of this, all the doubts seem to return to Blue Star and the New Blue World itself.

Perhaps the New Blue World, as the origin of the land, is different in itself.

The Southern Cross headed towards the direction of "Daxia" all the way, and was constantly attacked by ancient evil souls along the way.

"Do you feel that the ancient evil spirits we encounter are getting stronger and stronger?"

Everyone obviously felt this, and their expressions became strange. "Could it be that the closer to our Daxia, the stronger the evil spirits are?"

"It's not impossible," Chu Kuang analyzed, "After all, the seal of the Savage Tower is in our Daxia."

"It seems that our Daxia should be the core area of ​​this sealed evil domain." Jiang Qingsong nodded thoughtfully.

This also made everyone look forward to and curious about the situation in "Daxia".

As the core area of ​​this sealed evil domain, "Daxia" here may be different from what they expected, and it is very likely to hide clues to solve all mysteries.

In addition, although this evil domain is an evil domain, it is not the same as the evil domain in their impression.

In addition to those ancient evil souls, there are the netherworld evil creatures that broke in from the foggy void outside. Apart from these, there are no other evil creatures, let alone evil soul masters.

And those ancient evil souls seem to be condensed out of thin air, and it is completely unclear how they were born.

And the most important point.

As they got closer and closer to Daxia, the mysterious sensations of the crowd seemed to begin to overlap in the same direction.

Obviously, the mysterious sensations of the crowd all came from the same place - the area corresponding to Daxia, but the specific locations were scattered all over "Daxia".

This saved them a lot of trouble.

In the distance, a figure with a strong aura flew by, and then came from behind and rushed towards "Daxia". It should be a powerful peerless god king.

The netherworld evil creatures and ancient evil souls could not stop the footsteps of the peerless god king at all.

Jiang Zhao used the telescope to observe around, and could vaguely see the figures of many new god clan teams, which were also constantly approaching the direction of "Daxia".

This also further increased their sense of urgency.

"The sensation seems to be getting stronger and stronger," Ruan Yunyun's face turned pale, "My heartbeat is very fast, and the impulse in my heart is getting stronger and stronger."

The people of Daxia next to him were obviously in the same state, and they seemed to have been unable to suppress the urgent impulse in their hearts.

Only Duobao Taoist and Baizhan Immortal King were still calm, but their expressions were obviously not very good.

This made Jiang Zhao and Jiang Qingsong somewhat worried.

Although they didn't know what was hidden in "Daxia", the strong feeling of the crowd always gave them a bad premonition.

"What is that...?" Lu Qiaoqiao and others exclaimed and pointed to the horizon in front.

Everyone looked over and widened their eyes in surprise.

On the horizon in front, a strange starlight appeared faintly.

As the distance kept getting closer, the strange sky gradually revealed itself, and not only the sky, but the entire space over there seemed to be shrouded in that strange light.

The strange starlight in the sky was like oil in the water, rippling between heaven and earth, like a dream.

Everyone on the Southern Cross was shocked and speechless.

And Jiang Zhao felt a little inexplicably familiar from the rippling starlight. The strange starlight might be related to the star power of Emperor Ziwei, or to the laws of heaven and earth in the entire Star Soul World today.

The strange starlight enveloped the entire Daxia area, distorting space and time, and the scene inside was completely unclear, as if something terrible was sealed.

Not long after, the Southern Cross slowly stopped at the edge of the starlight.

Everyone was still immersed in deep shock and did not dare to go in easily.

Coincidentally, a powerful peerless god king stood in the air not far away, hovering on the edge of the starlight, thinking about something.

After noticing the Daxia people in the distance, a strange color flashed in his eyes, but he did not approach.

At the same time, the people on the Southern Cross could no longer suppress the inexplicable impulse in their hearts and wanted to go in and find out.

Fortunately, Duobao Taoist and Baizhan Immortal King stopped everyone in time.

"The power of this starlight is extremely strange, so let the two of us try it out first."

As the two strongest bosses in the team, Duobao Taoist and Baizhan Immortal King approached the starlight with a solemn look.

Although the two had made sufficient preparations, the moment they came into contact with the starlight.

Buzz! Buzz!

The two big men's momentum was instantly full, as if they were electrocuted, they retreated back in fear, their faces full of disbelief.

Seeing this, everyone calmed down instantly.

"What's going on?" Jiang Zhao stepped forward in shock: "Even the two seniors can't get in?"

The Hundred Battles Immortal King took a deep breath and said with lingering fear: "What exactly is that light? It can instantly disintegrate my power? Even the power of merit can be easily disintegrated."

Hearing this, everyone was scared.

Looking at the peerless god king in the distance, everyone seemed to understand something.

Obviously, the peerless god king was also blocked by the starlight.

"Maybe something is needed to pass through this strange light," Duobao Taoist analyzed: "Otherwise, everyone's induction will be meaningless. With this terrifying light, I'm afraid that even the current emperor of heaven may not be able to withstand it."

"What is needed?" Everyone looked at each other and fell into deep thought.

Jiang Qingsong's eyes flickered, and he vaguely thought of something. He picked up the half-dead old man of the new God Clan on the deck and threw him into the flowing starlight.

Seeing this, everyone cast astonished glances.

But soon they were shocked by the scene in front of them. They saw that the old man of the new God Clan actually sank into the starlight without any abnormality.

"Uh, went in?" Everyone widened their eyes in astonishment.

"It seems that my guess is correct. Only by collecting enough soul energy can you pass through this strange light." Jiang Qingsong thought and said, "But it may also be due to the blood of the new God Clan."

As he said that, he wanted to go and verify it in person. As long as he could pass safely, he could confirm this guess.

The peerless God King in the distance seemed to have noticed the situation here, and immediately turned into a stream of light and approached the Southern Cross, but because of Duobao Taoist and Baizhan Immortal King, he did not dare to force himself to ask about the situation.

"Uncle, be careful!" Jiang Zhao said anxiously, "Why don't I do it? With the power of Emperor Ziwei protecting me, I should be safer."

Jiang Qingsong shook his head and said, "What if the power of Emperor Ziwei is effective?"

Jiang Zhao was speechless.

As his uncle said, even if they passed safely, they could not tell whether it was because of the full "soul energy" or the power of Emperor Ziwei.

"So it's more appropriate for me to do it."

Jiang Qingsong smiled, took a deep breath, and slowly approached the starlight.

Before he approached, he saw a familiar figure, wrapped in the sacred light, rushing over in a hurry, "Hey, are you here?"

Seeing Michael who suddenly came, everyone in Daxia looked strange.

"Strange, since we are here, why don't we go in?"

Michael glanced at everyone in confusion, and flew into the strange starlight.

Jiang Qingsong saw this and was about to remind them, but he saw Michael flapping his wings and rushing into the light.

"Uh," Jiang Qingsong was shocked and shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "It seems that I don't need to try anymore. If you want to go in, you may have to consume enough soul energy outside first." (End of this chapter)

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