Astrology Card Maker: Start with Pleiades Star Official

Chapter 667 Twin Souls? Taizu Immortal King!

Jiang Zhao's heart was beating wildly, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Especially the phrase "sleeping vegetative brother", isn't it referring to him?

In other words, during the years when his previous life was sleeping, he was not alone, and there was always a fellow villager talking to him.

This scene unconsciously emerged in his mind, and it felt strange.

His heart was unconsciously infected by the emotions in the pioneer's message, and he felt inexplicably sad.

"Qian Guodong, right? I remember you." Jiang Zhao took a deep breath and murmured.

Ruan Yunyun then said, "Me too."

"From the information revealed in the message, Brother Qian is obviously no longer alive," Jiang Zhao sighed sadly, "Are you here to find traces of Brother Qian's existence?"

"Yes," Ruan Yunyun looked serious, "By the way, let's confirm if there are other people here."

Jiang Zhao frowned in confusion, "Do you suspect that there are other people here? But we haven't contacted them yet?"

"It is very likely," Ruan Yunyun said with certainty, "The Star Soul World has existed for such a long time, it is impossible that there are only a few of us, there must be other people who have appeared, and Brother Qian is the proof."

"But from the information revealed in the message, Brother Qian does not seem to have contacted other people, and no traces of people who woke up earlier than him have been found."

"Of course I know this," Ruan Yunyun said without hesitation, "I mean the time period from when Brother Qian left to now."

"Hiss~" Jiang Zhao suddenly became serious, "If you say so, it is really possible."

The fact that there was no Qian Guodong before does not mean that there will be no Qian Guodong after.

The so-called beginning is difficult.

There was no one before because no one has ever touched this area.

But the appearance of Qian Guodong undoubtedly broke all this and produced a qualitative change from zero to one.

According to Duobao Taoist and Baizhan Immortal King, the birth of the Immortal Worker Clan must have been earlier than their two major divine domains.

Therefore, from the time when Qian Guodong "left" to the present, the time of this period of history must not be interrupted, and it must even be calculated in ten thousand years.

And this also gave rise to another mystery.

Blue Star was clearly brought to the Star Soul World by Bodhi Patriarch ten thousand years ago, and the time does not match at all.

Could it be that Blue Star was not included in the Star Soul World ten thousand years ago? It just officially appeared in the Star Soul World ten thousand years ago?

Or, long before the disaster on Blue Star broke out, Blue Star was already the "attachment point" of the Star Soul World?

Considering the name of Blue Star as the "Origin Land", it seems that this possibility is not impossible.

Combined with the fact that the Evil Blue Realm exists in Guixu.

Jiang Zhao vaguely sorted out some ideas.

Perhaps since the birth of the Star Soul World, Blue Star has been the core of the Star Soul World, but it has been hidden in Guixu until it was forced to move to the Star Soul World for some special reasons ten thousand years ago.

And this special reason is most likely related to the evil power that formed the Evil Blue World.

In short, the "hidden core" of Blue Star was exposed ten thousand years ago.

This also means that there may be problems in Guixu.

Even the illusory existence of Guixu can't escape the invasion of evil, which also shows the weirdness and horror of the evil power.

After all, it is the legendary Guixu!

As for why Blue Star is the "core" of the Star Soul World, Jiang Zhao is not very clear at present.

Or, this is the meaning of Blue Star's existence as the origin of the land.

"Ji Ye, Xiao Ha, what do you think?" Jiang Zhao couldn't help asking Ji Ye and Xiao Ha in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Judging from the vague memories of the two, they went to Guixu to find the origin of the land (Blue Star) and it is likely that they found the original Blue Star.

Think about the relationship between Emperor Ziwei and the Star Soul World, and the connection between Ji Ye and Emperor Ziwei.

The answer is already obvious:

Ji Ye was ordered to go to Guixu to find the Origin Land, and the purpose of finding the Origin Land was probably to cooperate with Emperor Ziwei to complete the construction of the Star Soul World.

In other words, the moment Ji Ye found the Blue Star was the moment when the Star Soul World was born.

As for Xiao Ha, it is still unclear whether he has anything to do with this plan.

Based on the current situation, Xiao Ha seemed to be looking for the Guixu Land, but it had nothing to do with the line between Emperor Ziwei and Ji Ye, and even felt a little bit involved by accident.

"The host's speculation is not unreasonable," Ji Ye nodded thoughtfully, "Now that I'm here, many doubts are explained."

"I seconded." Xiao Ha agreed.

"There's just one thing I can't figure out," Jiang Zhao frowned and said, "From the video card data in Tongtian Divine Realm, it seems that Blue Star, which came to the Star Soul World ten thousand years ago, has just experienced that doomsday disaster. How do you explain this?"

"It's very simple," Ji Ye smiled slightly, "There is no concept of time in Guixu."

Hearing this, Jiang Zhao suddenly understood, "In other words, when Blue Star became the core of the Star Soul World, time was frozen in Guixu? It was not until ten thousand years ago that it started to work again?"

"Obviously." Ji Ye nodded.

"If this is the case, then everything can be explained." Jiang Zhao's thoughts became clearer.

From this point of view, Qian Guodong, the ancestor of the Immortal Worker Clan, woke up during the period when Blue Star's time was frozen. After him, there is a high probability that other people woke up.

There are also Bodhi Patriarch and Hongjun Patriarch. These two mysterious big guys either did not die that year, or they woke up directly in the deep layer of the Origin Void.

Otherwise, with their awesome status and strength, it is impossible for them to remain unknown in the Star Soul World.

In addition, when time is frozen, someone can wake up. So, after time is unfrozen, wouldn’t it be easier to wake up?

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhao and Ruan Yunyun looked at each other and searched carefully in the deep layer of the Origin Void.

The problem is, how can we find the so-called "traces"?

After all, from the situation of Ruan Yunyun's awakening, there were no traces left, and they didn't pay much attention at the time.

After some thinking, the two returned to the area where Ruan Yunyun woke up before.

Because the sleeping soul light cocoon has been floating, the location of Ruan Yunyun's soul light cocoon is obviously no longer in the previous position.

But according to the law of the floating of the soul light cocoon, it is still possible to trace the location where Ruan Yunyun's light cocoon should be.

"Over there!"

Jiang Zhao quickly determined the location by following the veins of the soul light cocoon.

"Hey, the position of my soul light cocoon is empty~!" Ruan Yunyun's eyes lit up slightly, "and those glimmering tentacles seem to still retain some of them, but they have become much dimmer."

"This way, it will be much easier to find." Jiang Zhao nodded excitedly, "Maybe you should absorb the soul components corresponding to those glimmering tentacles later?"

Ruan Yunyun was not stupid, and naturally understood that doing so would probably greatly improve and help her.

"What about you?"

"Me?" Jiang Zhao was stunned and fell into deep thought, "My words may be different from yours."

He didn't even have the corresponding soul light cocoon, and his previous life's body existed here directly, not to mention the glimmering tentacles and soul components.

"That's right, my brother is a man of destiny~!" Ruan Yunyun smacked her lips and teased.

Jiang Zhao shook his head with a smile and immediately began to search patiently with Ruan Yunyun.

The original void is very deep, and there is no edge at all.

But hard work pays off, and they really found a special sleeping soul.

It was a sleeping soul that no longer floated, and there was nothing in the light cocoon, just like a forgotten empty shell, hanging there quietly.

In addition, around this empty shell, there were very clear faint light tentacles, which were much thicker than the faint light tentacles of other light cocoons.

Like this empty shell, those tentacles seemed to be solidified, scattered around the empty shell light cocoon, connecting all directions, and from time to time, electric-like starlight emerged from those tentacles.

Jiang Zhao and Ruan Yunyun looked at each other in astonishment.

"If I guessed correctly, this should be Brother Qian's soul light cocoon, right?" Jiang Zhao said in amazement.

"Strange, where did he go? Is he dead?" Ruan Yunyun asked sadly.

Jiang Zhao shook his head and looked around meaningfully, "Maybe he has completely integrated into this void and merged with the power of the star soul world."

"What do you mean?" Ruan Yunyun was puzzled.

"It means he is not dead," Jiang Zhao said with a smile, "Perhaps at this moment, he is looking at us in a unique way."

Ruan Yunyun was confused, while Jiang Zhao reached out to touch the strange empty shell of light cocoon.

On the light cocoon and tentacles, the starlight current quickly flowed to Jiang Zhao's palm, without any discomfort, but gave Jiang Zhao an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

It was as if an old friend was greeting him in the dark.

In addition, in this empty shell of light cocoon, one could vaguely feel some energy fluctuations similar to the blood of the immortal workers.

After a long time, Jiang Zhao and Ruan Yunyun bowed to the empty shell of light cocoon to show their greetings.

Then they continued to search for a while, but did not find any traces of other awakened people.

"Take your time, no hurry."

Jiang Zhao looked around and found that there was still a large area that had not been searched.

Calculating the time, the Southern Cross should have arrived.

After flirting with Ruan Yunyun, they each withdrew from the deep layer of the original void.

Upper God Realm.

On the Southern Cross flying in the clouds, Jiang Zhao slowly pushed open the cabin door. Grandpa Jiang Lingtong had a great time talking with the two big guys and they all started drinking and talking happily.

Especially Duobao Taoist, who kept calling Grandpa "Uncle Master" and embarrassed Grandpa.

"My friend, you came out just in time. The space node of my immortal clan is in front," Bai Zhan Xian Wang greeted him with a smile, "I just heard that Old Jiang said a lot about you. You are indeed a little guy that even the ancestors of my clan value. You have been different since childhood."

"..." Jiang Zhao walked forward with a frown on his face.

Grandpa Jiang Lingtong laughed and said, "Don't worry~ Grandpa still knows what to say and what not to say."

"That's good." Jiang Zhao was relieved, "Speaking of which, how is your hidden god clan doing now? Has the infiltration of the new god clan been resolved?"

"It's not that easy to resolve," Bai Zhan Xian Wang shook his head and said, "My clan and Tongtian clan are fine now, but some other hidden god clans don't seem to be doing well."

Jiang Zhao sighed helplessly.

Although the Hidden God Clan was isolated from the world before, it was not as severely infiltrated as the God Realm God Clan.

But so many God Clan in the God Realm could not resist the temptation of the power of the New God Clan, and the Hidden God Clan was no exception.

"I don't know if Prince Tianxuan still has that memory. If so, it should allow us to understand the New God Clan better." Jiang Zhao pondered.

"I hope so," Taoist Duobao nodded faintly, "Anyway, I always feel that the new gods are not reliable."

"Heroes see the same thing." The Immortal King of Hundred Wars agreed deeply.

After coming into contact with Han Laoxie in the Origin Void this time, they had a new understanding of the New Gods, and they were also very aware of the power of the New Gods.

But this does not mean that they recognize the concept of the New God Clan.

Although they don't know exactly how the power of the New Protoss works, they do know one thing: gaining power comes at a price.

While talking, the Southern Cross has landed near the space node.

Inside the Palace of the Immortal King.

Jiang Zhao met the princess of the Hundred Battles Immortal King for the first time. She looked sickly, but her graceful and luxurious beauty could not be concealed. She was a perfect sick beauty.

"Mr. Jiang, please." Immortal King Bai Zhan asked solemnly.

Jiang Lingtong didn't waste any time and set up the equipment he had prepared in advance on the spot.

Because it was not a commonly used equipment, and only seven children of the inner courtyard were conceived that year, this equipment looked a bit crude, and many places were not protected by casings.

But this does not affect the function and effect of this equipment.

On the side, Jiang Zhao also released the body of Prince Tianxuan.

Next, use this set of equipment to peel out the remaining soul from Prince Tianxuan's body, and after some special processing, implant it into the princess's belly.

At this moment, the princess was lying in the middle of the equipment.

The Hundred Battles Immortal King watched eagerly from the side, fearing that something would go wrong.

"Is this what it feels like to be pregnant by inspiration?" The princess's weak face was full of surprise.

The Hundred Battles Immortal King was also extremely surprised when he saw this.

Jiang Lingtong stared at the instrument monitoring screen with the same surprise on his face: "Did it grow so fast?"

As soon as these words came out, Baizhan Immortal King and his wife became nervous instantly.

"What do you mean, don't scare me~!" The Hundred Battles Immortal King's voice was trembling.

"No, no, it's not a bad thing, it's just a little strange," Jiang Lingtong hurriedly motioned for the two of them to relax, then said with a strange look on his face: "Have you two been working hard these years?"

The couple naturally knows the meaning of the word "effort".

There was a slight blush on the princess's sick face.

The Hundred Battles Immortal King seemed a little embarrassed and helpless, "I naturally don't want to torment my sister, but my sister..."

"Then I understand what's going on," Jiang Lingtong said with a smile. "From a certain point of view, the efforts you two have made over the years have not been in vain. Your children have also worked hard like you and have been thinking strongly. To come to this world.”


The Baizhan Immortal King and his wife could not help but feel a little absent-minded, and their eyes turned red unknowingly.

Jiang Zhao and Taoist Duobao on the side were also surprised and touched.

Especially for Jiang Zhao, a new father who is about to become a father, Emma~'s inexplicable touch is very strange.

This made him think of the little guy in Yunyun's belly.

Maybe the little guy is also eager to come to this world, eager to see his parents, eager to be their child.

Emma~ Why did sand suddenly get in her eyes?

Why did you suddenly get pepper water in your nose?

No, after returning home this time, I must stay with Yunyun.

At this moment, everyone present was looking forward to the birth of this "child", a child who should have come to this world long ago.

Looking at the Baizhan Immortal King and his wife, their red eyes were already blurred by tears. Their hands were clasped tightly, and their eyes were staring at the princess's belly. The brilliance of fatherly and motherly love was about to overflow.

"Eh~ No, no, no!" Jiang Lingtong, who was monitoring the pregnancy process, screamed again.

This frightened the Baizhan Immortal King and his wife so much that their faces instantly turned pale.

"What...what's wrong?" Immortal King Bai Zhan's voice trembled and he stuttered, "Protect me, Mr. Jiang, please protect me!"

"It's okay," Jiang Lingtong rushed to reassure the two of them, "It's just that there seems to be something unexpected going on with this little guy's development."

Knowing that everything was safe and sound, the Baizhan Immortal King and his wife breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like they were on a roller coaster.

"Grandpa, if you have any questions, please tell me directly," Jiang Zhao said, dumbfounded: "The child has not been conceived yet, so I frightened Her Highness the Princess."

"My, my, my." Jiang Lingtong apologized awkwardly.

The Immortal King of Hundred Wars naturally doesn't care about this. For them, as long as the child can be conceived safely, that's fine.

"Is there anything wrong with the pregnancy of this child?" Jiang Zhao asked curiously.

"Hi~ How should I put it? Both soul seeds are developing and have a tendency to blend with each other," Jiang Lingtong said excitedly: "I have a hunch that we may be about to witness the birth of a miracle."

Taoist Duobao and Baizhan Immortal King and his wife were confused when they heard this.

But Jiang Zhao instantly understood what his grandfather meant and said in disbelief: "You mean this child is likely to be like Senior Wanshen Emperor?"

"That's right," Jiang Lingtong nodded excitedly, "Don't bother me, I want to make sure there are no mistakes in the whole process!"

After saying that, he devoted himself wholeheartedly.

Taoist Duobao and Immortal King Baizhan and his wife cast doubtful glances at Jiang Zhao, "Emperor of the Ten Thousand Gods?"

Jiang Zhao took a deep breath, and then briefly explained the situation of the twin souls of the Ten Thousand God Emperors.

After listening to what Jiang Zhao said, Taoist Duobao and Baizhan Immortal King and his wife could not calm down for a long time.

"Twin souls? Twin... twin... emperor souls?!" Taoist Duobao gasped.

After a brief shock, the Hundred Battles Immortal King laughed loudly on the spot, "Hahaha, my son really has the qualifications to be a great emperor——!"

Jiang Zhao was also amazed and couldn't calm down for a long time.

"You mean, my son will have six soul boxes and two natal inheritances. If he can become the Emperor of Heaven in the future, he can also have two emperor souls like the Ten Thousand God Emperor?" Baizhan Immortal King confirmed again.

"That's right!" Jiang Zhao nodded solemnly.

"Hahaha..." The laughter of the Hundred Battles Immortal King echoed throughout the Immortal King's Palace.

Although the princess was also surprised, as a mother, she did not care whether the child was excellent or not. For her, as long as the child could be conceived safely, that would be fine.

Several people waited with bated breath for a long time.

With the sparkle in Grandpa Jiang Lingtong's eyes, the entire pregnancy process was a perfect success.

"Haha, perfect!"

Jiang Lingtong laughed and began to quickly control the equipment.

Soon, a womb-like soul floated out of the princess's belly and was implanted into the body of Prince Tianxuan under the control of the instrument.

Xiao Ha, who was already ready, immediately began to stabilize the fusion of this soul with the body of Prince Tianxuan.

Perhaps because of the soul of Prince Tianxuan, the whole process of integration was extremely smooth, after all, it was original.

"It's done!" Xiao Ha chuckled and took back the power of Pluto, raised his hand and snapped his fingers, "Why don't you wake up quickly!"

Xiao Ha's voice seemed to have magic power. Prince Tianxuan, who had been sleeping for a long time, opened his eyes and sat up quietly as if he had just woken up from a dream.

The inherited power from Cepheus in the body is ready to come out.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, he transformed into the seat of Cepheus on the spot. The majestic star power and power enveloped the entire Immortal King Palace, attracting the attention of all the people of the Immortal Clan.

At the same time, the rays of light were entrenched above the immortal clan's forbidden land, and a vicissitudes of call from ancient times arose, "Welcome to the resurrection of Taizu Immortal King——!"

This voice obviously came from the first-generation Emperor of the Immortal Clan.

All over the Immortal Clan Divine Realm, the Immortal Clan people who were shocked by the strange sight at the Immortal King's Palace, after hearing the voice of their ancestors, started to worship at the Immortal King's Palace.

Although they didn't understand what "Taizu Immortal King" meant, the ancestors all welcomed him respectfully, so they just followed and worshiped.

Inside the Palace of the Immortal King.

After some agitation and venting of momentum, the power within Prince Tianxuan gradually converged.

He looked at Jiang Zhao, then at Jiang Lingtong with a somewhat complicated expression, and then bowed deeply to the two of them, "Thank you."

Although he had been asleep during this period, he could still feel everything happening around him.

"You're welcome~!" Jiang Zhao waved his hand and smiled, "But having said that, are you now Prince Tianxuan, or the child of the Hundred Battles Immortal King?"

"It's all," Prince Tianxuan smiled faintly, and turned to look at the Baizhan Immortal King and his wife who were already speechless. He took a deep breath and kowtowed on the spot. The sincere excitement and emotion in his eyes were particularly pure, "Father, the queen, the child. I'm late."

The bodies of Baizhan Immortal King and his wife were trembling, and they were speechless for a long time.

"It's not late, it's not late at all..."

The princess cried with joy, and even her complexion improved a lot.

"Good... good boy, he is indeed my king's son!" The macho man like the Immortal King of Hundred Wars shed tears and was as happy as a big child. "Get up quickly and let your father take a good look at him."

Upon seeing this, Jiang Zhao and the other three looked at each other and retreated out of the hall in tacit agreement.

Give the family of three a warm time, and as for matters related to the new Protoss, they are not that anxious.

"Tsk, tsk, Immortal King Taizu~!" Taoist Duobao who walked out of the hall was still unable to calm down. "Speaking of which, that child is really a twin soul. Can he be like the Emperor of All Gods in the future?"

"That's natural," Jiang Zhao nodded and smiled: "But the premise is that he must follow the path of the Emperor of Heaven."

Taoist Duobao nodded, "It is inevitable to follow the path of the Emperor of Heaven. After all, he has no bloodline interference."

"That's right." Jiang Zhao was dumbfounded.

Although Prince Tianxuan is a descendant of the God Clan, his weak bloodline is not enough, and it has been drained by the New God Clan before.

Although he is now the son of the Hundred Battles Immortal King, he does not have the pure bloodline of the Immortal Clan.

Soon after, a family of three walked out happily.

"Haha, congratulations to Brother Immortal King~!" Taoist Duobao cupped his fists and congratulated: "I will prepare a gift for you later."

"Thanks to Mr. Jiang and little brother Jiang Zhao."

Immortal King Bai Zhan smiled politely and once again expressed his most sincere gratitude to Jiang Zhao and his grandson.

"Brother Immortal King, you're welcome. It's an honor for me, an old man, to be able to create such a miracle with my own hands." Jiang Lingtong smiled happily.

The next second, Immortal King Bai Zhan suddenly looked at Prince Tianxuan with a serious face, "Xuan'er, kneel down! From now on, little friend Jiang Zhao is your adopted brother. He is said to be an adopted brother, but From now on, we must treat him as a brother!" (End of Chapter)

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