The next day, at noon.

In the top floor office of the New York City Police Headquarters, the chief received two new IRS tax officers and learned their purpose.

When he heard that two of their colleagues had disappeared here a few days ago and there had been no news for two or three days, his face suddenly changed. He immediately patted his chest and made a solemn promise.

"What? Such a thing actually happened. Don't worry, all the police officers of the New York Police Department will fully cooperate with the IRS to find out the truth."

As he said that, he called his subordinates in and ordered them to do their best to find clues in the shortest time.

A few minutes later, after seeing off the two IRS officers, the new New York director, who had just taken office for a month, showed a cunning smile on his face.

"The IRS finally sent someone to investigate this matter. I can't wait any longer."

"Hahahaha... I never expected... that the bastards from the Death Squad were so rampant that they even dared to kill the IRS officers."

"However, this is also a good thing, it actually fulfilled my"

"Invite the IRS to join the fight, kill with a borrowed knife, clean up the Death Squad, and take control of New York effortlessly"

"Such a great achievement is enough to take another step up."

At this point, he looked out the window, aiming at the white city hall a few streets away.

In fact, since the new director took over, he has been secretly sending his confidants to monitor the situation of the Death Warrior Gang.

Although the order received at the time was to maintain stability as much as possible and not to interfere with the Death Warrior Gang.

But how can you let others snore in a place where you lie on your side.

From the moment he knew about the Death Warrior Gang, the new director regarded it as a thorn in his side and waited for an opportunity to destroy it.

But the previous director had no choice but to jump off the building and leave his name after the sudden outbreak of war, which caused a large number of casualties.

That was a lesson learned from the past.

In order to avoid the same fate as his predecessor, the new director has been looking for other ways to solve the problem.

At the beginning, he found that the Death Warrior Gang was watertight. It neither accepted new members nor could it find out who the real controller was.

The undercover could not be inserted, and the decapitation operation could not be carried out.

So, the new director was in trouble.

For a while , there is no new countermeasure.

But a few days ago, by chance, a confidant discovered during surveillance that two IRS officers had entered a bar inside a death squad gang and never came out again.

Afterwards, they followed the death squads to find the place where the body was buried.

This made the new director find a flaw and a target for borrowing a knife to kill.

At this moment.

Everything is ready, the east wind has arrived.

Just wait for some time, and you can easily reap the final fruit.

Half an hour later.

With the help of the new director's confidant, the two IRS tax officers who came to investigate smoothly found the location of the IRS bus from the traffic police department.

Under a series of smooth circumstances, they quickly obtained suspicious evidence of open murder by some members of the death squad gang.

Although it cannot be said to be ironclad evidence, it is almost the same.

After knowing this, the two new IRS officers were furious and their eyes were red.

"Damn it! This so-called death squad actually dared to murder an IRS officer. It must be destroyed."

"That's right, this matter must be reported immediately, and this gang of death warriors must be wiped out."


The two of them talked back and forth, and then they urgently contacted the headquarters and asked the operator to transfer them to the director's office.

Then, they reported everything.

A few minutes later, in the top floor office of the IRS headquarters, the director's furious curses were heard.

"FUCK! The Death Squad! This rubbish gang is really courting death! They actually dared to murder an IRS officer. They must be wiped out without a single one left alive."

"It seems that those damn bastards have forgotten the horror of the IRS. It's time to remind them."


An hour later.

In the meeting room.

The director walked in with a cold face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am announcing something. It is very important. It is ten times or a hundred times more important than anything else."

"Officer Terrywell and his partner were brutally murdered by members of the Death Soldier Gang while on a business trip to New York to urge the Death Soldier Gang to file their tax returns."

As soon as these words came out, the subordinates who were listening below were furious.

"FUCK! The Death Squad actually killed Trevally and his gang! Revenge! We must take revenge! Destroy this damn gang!"

"What? Are you crazy? You dare to kill our IRS officers?"

"How audacious! How audacious! All the members of the Death Warrior Gang are dead!"

"This precedent cannot be set. The Death Soldiers Gang must be killed to serve as a warning to others."


At this moment, the crowd was excited, and the subordinates were furious, wishing to destroy the Death Soldier Gang immediately.

A few minutes later, the director coughed lightly and continued speaking.

"After searching for information, another point was confirmed."

"So far, the Death Squad has earned more than $5 billion, but has no intention of paying taxes, and has not even filed a tax return."

"Moreover, he brutally murdered two of our colleagues."

"Therefore, it can be basically determined that all members of the Death Warrior Gang are those who refuse to pay taxes."

"During the arrest, anyone who shows any intention of resistance can be shot and killed."

The subordinates also understood the hidden meaning of the following words.

It's very simple.

Blood for blood, tooth for tooth.

Blood debt must be paid with blood.

Everyone understands this.

This trend cannot be started. If the gang of death warriors who killed two IRS members does not pay a heavy price for it, then other gang members will also start to learn from it.

On a larger scale, it concerns the dignity of the IRS and the honor of the country. On a smaller scale, it concerns the safety of everyone's life.

���We can't just wipe out this evil trend. From now on, everyone who goes out will be at risk of being shot.

If for no other reason, just for the sake of life, we must kill the death squad.

Of course, in addition to this, there is another point that the other party has a lot of dirty money.

5 billion US dollars!

This is too tempting!

I have never heard of such a fat fish.

That afternoon, on the highway from Washington to New York.

One after another, black cars with IRS logos formed a long dragon, moving forward quickly and driving at high speed.

On a certain section of road in the middle.

A police car was parked next to it, and two traffic policemen checked the speedometer from time to time while chatting.

"It's really comfortable! This kind of life"

"No! Gapos, I think this is too boring, why don't we have a speeding guy to stretch our muscles?"As soon as the voice fell, a car rushed past.

"Hahaha… what did you say? How dare you drive a car here! Let’s go! Gapos! Let’s catch up!"

"Oh NO! You are such a bad-mouthed guy! It’s time to get back to work!"

As he spoke, the police car started and sped up at a faster speed.

Finally, two kilometers away, they stopped the speeding car.

A moment later, the car driver was pressed into the car and handcuffed.

"Why are you racing?"

"Oh my god! You may not believe this! I race because I am scared!"

"Huh? Scared? Are you kidding us?"

"No no no! Officers! I'm not kidding. I looked in the rearview mirror and I was so scared that I stepped on the accelerator to the floor."

"Hahaha... This is the most ridiculous reason for speeding I have heard this year, okay! You really show me off! If possible, I really hope to see what that scary scene you mentioned is."

Just when I said this, a car suddenly appeared in the distance, two cars... I don't know how many cars...

Those cars, one after another, formed an endless convoy and approached quickly, and drove past without stopping.

One minute... two minutes... three minutes... one after another... whoosh whoosh whoosh~ never stopping.

Seeing this scene, the two traffic policemen were silent, and the car driver was silent again. (To read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After a while

"Gapos, did you see that too? Or was it my eyes that were blurry?"

"I saw them. They were all IRS cars. There were about 200 of them."

"Oh my god! Gapos! Who do you think the IRS is targeting with such a large force? The drug lord? The capitalist? Or the president?"

"How would I know now? With such a big commotion, I can just watch the news when the time comes! Those media will definitely not let go of such a big sensation."

At the same time, the driver next to him spoke in a gloomy tone

"Now you know the reason, officers!"

"I'm not lying, the scene was really scary!"

"There were more than 200 IRS cars following me. I thought they were here to arrest me.���!"

Hearing this, the two traffic police looked at each other.

Let's check it out!

Maybe it's a big fish!


More than 200 IRS tax trucks were speeding arrogantly on the road, which immediately aroused the amazement and curiosity of countless people.

In addition, various media also rushed to report on it.

In just half an hour, articles related to it were published one after another and occupied the hot search.

《More than 200 IRS tax vehicles were dispatched on the highway, and the target was……》——New York Times

《The largest IRS operation in 20 years, headed straight for New York City?》——Gossip News Network

《IRS tax bureau mobilized on a large scale……》——BBC Times

On the other hand, netizens are also discussing this matter crazily

"This is crazy! The IRS dispatched more than 200 vehicles? Who are they trying to defeat?"

"It feels like another big guy is about to fall, and I don’t know which area he is from."

"This is really impressive. I don't know who is so prestigious and worthy of such attention."

"Hahahaha... maybe the person being targeted doesn't want this kind of attention."

"That road goes from Washington to New York. Do you think the IRS is going there to deal with the death squad?"

"Maybe! I think it is very likely. After all, the standard for the Death Squad to collect protection fees is similar to collecting taxes. Isn't that stealing functions from the IRS?"

"To be honest, I find it strange that the IRS is only now taking action against the death squad gang. They should have made an example of them a warning to others long ago!"

"The above idiot, don't you understand now? Of course, we should let it go! In this way, the stolen money we get from confiscation will be enough"


Two hours later, many media reporters and photographers were waiting on the side of the New York City highway.

A moment later, a long line of more than 200 IRS tax trucks appeared, and.

Seeing this, the photographers took pictures of this shocking scene, and the media reporters also raised their microphones and talked non-stop.

All media took the form of live broadcast to gain popularity.

At this moment, in each live broadcast room, netizens were frantically posting comments.

"Awesome... Really awesome!"

"Yes, yes! I agree with the above. The BBC used a helicopter to shoot panoramic shots from a bird's-eye view. The effect is very good. You can see everything at a glance."

"Stupid, how can a bird's-eye view be as shocking as a close-up view? Only when these cars are continuously connected can you feel it!"

"Water army! You are all water army! Let's stick to the New York Times live broadcast room together"


At the same time, in the leading car at the front, the IRS tax commissioner was sitting in the back seat, watching the movement outside the car window, with a smile on his face.

He had expected this situation to happen. To be more precise, everything was done on purpose.

Deliberately making such a big scene, deliberately letting everyone know...

In fact, the reason for doing this is very simple.

Sometimes, if you don't make a big noise, how can others know that you are killing a chicken to scare the monkey!

An hour later, outside a bar in downtown New York City, more than 200 IRS tax trucks blocked the road within two streets, and nearly 800 people got off from them.

Each of them was fully armed, wearing bulletproof vests, holding submachine guns, with pistols on their waists, and flash bombs, grenades, stun grenades and other weapons hanging on the side.

At the same time, every 250 people exuded a fierce aura, and you could tell at a glance that they were elite warriors.

The IRS tax commissioner also got out of the car, stood aside, picked up the communication equipment, and began to speak.

""We will take all the members of the Death Soldier Gang in this bar as our target. Now, we will start the operation."

After saying that, he took out a cigar, lit it, and puffed out smoke.

In the sky, a helicopter was circling back and forth, hovering near the bar.

On it, there was a photographer and a BBC media reporter.

The photographer was carrying a camera, shooting live below.

Next to him, the BBC media reporter was holding a microphone, talking crazily non-stop.

"As you can see, more than 200 vehicles have blocked this place, and more than several hundred IRS elites are fully armed and surrounding the bar where the Death Gang is!"

"They're getting closer... closer... closer……"

In the live broadcast room, the barrage of comments filled the screen

"FUCK, can you please remove this reporter? He talks too much nonsense and is too loud! It's annoying to listen to him!"

"That's right! I agree with this! Even if you find a slow contestant, at least you should get a 38F female reporter! Why get a male reporter? Is that gay?"

"38F? The upstairs is knowledgeable"

"Is the IRS making a big deal out of nothing? Sending out more than 800 elites to deal with the Death Squad?"

"Haha! Making a mountain out of a molehill? I think you guys underestimated the death squad! Wait! The IRS will take a tumble."

"Yes, yes, it's just a small underground gang. The IRS can easily crush it."

"In front of the IRS, the Death Squad is nothing"

"Is that guy smoking a cigar next to the car the IRS Commissioner? He looks so cool!"

"+1. The temperament of a big boss is clearly revealed"


Of course, to be precise, it was a very few New York City netizens who were beaten up by other netizens.

Basically, 99% of netizens all think that the Death Warrior Gang is doomed!

After all, compared with the third largest armed force in the United States.

No matter what gang it is, they are all just chickens and dogs!

Many New York store owners who saw the live broadcast content sighed silently.


I really hope that this Death Warrior Gang can survive this disaster.

After experiencing the impact of this month, they prefer the current life to the previous life.

Whether it is safety factors, environmental factors, or other factors, it is much better.

Unfortunately, everything may be over now.

Of course, most of those who think so are owners of small shops, small vendors, and small stores.

Shop owners of big brands and big companies are cheering loudly for the live broadcast.

"Come on! Quickly wipe out this rubbish gang called the Death Soldier Gang!"

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