"Da da da da……"

"Bang Bang Bang Bang……"

The remaining assassins reacted very quickly, pulled out their guns, and immediately began to fight back.

For a moment, there was a burst of gunfire, and both sides started shooting mode.

Five minutes later.

All of these assassins were shot and fell to the ground, on the verge of death.

After all, these FBI agents are the elite of the United States, and each of them is a leader.

In the case of outnumbering, it is more than enough to deal with seven or eight basic assassins.

Of course, they are not without any damage. One of the agents was hit by a stray bullet and suffered some minor injuries.

Seeing that the raid was safe, Agent Bond secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he glanced at the subordinate next to him and warned him twice in a pretended unfriendly tone.

"I was lucky this time and only suffered minor injuries. What if I was hit in a vital part?"

"Remember, be careful at all times."

The slightly injured subordinate nodded and pretended to obey.

In fact, he didn't care at all at the moment. It was just a stray bullet, just because of bad luck.

Under normal circumstances, there would be no possibility of injury when dealing with these rookies.

"Okay! There are a lot of people on the other side. The gunshots here will soon attract members of the mysterious organization to come and check."

"Check the situation quickly and take away any prisoners who are worth interrogating."

"It is not advisable to stay here for long, retreat as soon as possible."

The subordinates agreed and took action.

The slightly injured agent was the most active and rushed over first.

At the same time.

On the ground, a dying soldier secretly pulled the ring of the high-explosive grenade on his body.

Agent Bond glanced and saw

""Oh no, grenade..."

The agents heard the sound and moved away.

At this moment.

Boom~ a high-explosive grenade exploded with a huge ball of fire.

In an instant, countless fragments flew in all directions, like bullets"807", to harvest everything.

Ten seconds later.

The agents covered their ears and stood up with confusion and pain on their faces.

Among them, many people were injured, and another was lying on the ground, without any movement.

Agent Bond also got up angrily.

He never expected that such an unexpected situation would occur at the last moment.

It was really screwed.

He walked forward and turned over the motionless agent, and found that this was the subordinate who was slightly injured by a stray bullet.

This time, the agent was not so lucky. The grenade fragments hit the center of his eyebrows, and his brains came out.

It can be said responsibly that even Hua Tuo could not save him.

"FUCK, I told you to be careful, I told you to be careful, but you still don't care."

He looked around angrily.

He saw that many agents were slightly injured and looked a little embarrassed compared to before.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry... Go check and see if there are any prisoners alive. This time, be careful."

Two minutes later, an agent shouted with a slightly excited tone.

"Yes, yes, yes... There is a prisoner here who is still alive and has not been harmed.……"

"Haha… Another prisoner above him just happened to block all the damage, this is simply God’s will."

The other agents also became excited after hearing this.

"That's great! There's still one prisoner alive, so our assault isn't a complete failure."

"God's will! It is indeed God's will! God bless the Eagle Country"

"Must be tortured severely to avenge Kars"

"That's right, these damn guys actually killed Agent Carl, they must be severely punished."

On the other side, Agent Bond had a gloomy face and scolded loudly

"What the hell is God's will? In the end, it's because you were too careless and not careful enough."

"Karls didn't take my warning seriously, so he died."

"If you want to go back alive and reunite with your family, remember this"

"Be careful! Be careful!"

After this explosion and reprimand, the agents put away their pride and began to treat it with caution.

Seeing this, Agent Bond waved his hand.

"What are you still standing there for? Take the prisoner away, and retreat. Wait a moment, the members of the mysterious organization will arrive soon."

After saying that, he walked out first.

Seeing this, the other agents hurriedly carried the unconscious assassin away.

A few minutes later, a number of specially made black cars quickly moved away.

At the same time, after hearing the gunshots, the Burmese people nearby closed their shops and hid.

No one had the courage to run out to check the situation.

Whether it was the period of the four families or the period when the assassins were rampant, there was an unchanging rule.

Anyone who joins in the fun will not have a good end.


Goryeo, Four Seasons Hotel, Presidential Suite


【The subordinates' death squad (8 people) triggered the encounter, which took 3 minutes and 18 seconds. The battle failed. Click here to view the results.……】

A prompt popped up, immediately catching Lin Yaozu's attention.

Click to view the details

【Participants: 65 basic-level death warriors】

【Our casualties: Basic-level death squad: 7 dead, 0 seriously injured, 0 slightly injured, 1 prisoner. (Can control death squads, can teleport)】

【Enemy Casualties: 1 FBI agent killed, 7 FBI agents injured……】

【Harvest: None】

【Battle Replay (3 minutes and 18 seconds)]

Instantly, the information displayed above made him more concerned.


Another assassin was captured?

And this time the enemy was actually an FBI agent.


Lin Yaozu had an idea and clicked on the battle replay to find out the situation.

After a while, he knew all the causes and consequences of the battle. Did the FBI agents raid the assassins, or did they raid the assassins in northern Myanmar?

After thinking for a while, he finally made a decision.

It happened that he had just acquired the talent of teleportation, so he could try it out.

Thinking of this, he began to make preparations.


Half an hour later.

In a temporary FBI safe house in northern Myanmar

"Damn, why doesn’t the truth serum work?"

"Humph! The bones are hard, right? I want to see how hard they are."

"Say or not, say or not, say or not……"

After trying several methods in succession and finding that none of them worked, the agents all went crazy and angry.

Agent Bond, who was watching the whole process, also frowned.

At this moment, his fear of the mysterious organization had reached its limit.

"This organization is so terrible that any member can withstand such torture."

"Destroy it, it must be destroyed, otherwise, it will become a big problem."

At the same time, the bound death soldier said nothing, as if he could not feel the pain, and looked at the series of operations of the agents with indifference.

Seeing this, the agents became even more crazy.

Nothing is more ironic than this scene.

At this time, Lin Yaozu in Goryeo was ready and chose to use his talent [Death Soldier Control].

In an instant.

In the northern Myanmar area, the eyes of the tortured death soldier suddenly changed, as if he had changed his soul.


【Successfully controlled basic-level assassin number 121395]

Feeling the weakness brought by the weak body of the basic-level assassin, as well as the sense of restraint on his body, Lin Yaozu made a very unhappy expression.

At this moment, the agents happened to see it and were extremely excited.

"Look... look... this guy's expression just changed. He must be unable to bear it."

"Hurry, hurry... everyone, increase the intensity of the interrogation, he can't hold on any longer!"

"Hahahaha…that’s great. I just used the same method."

Seeing this scene, Lin Yaozu manipulated the body of the assassin to show a disdainful and mocking expression.

"Let me tell you a secret. Actually, I am a magician."

Hearing this, the agents were filled with questions.

Did they just make this guy stupid?

At this moment, Lin Yaozu had an idea.

Then, an AK47 appeared in his hand, full of bullets and with the safety off.

He pulled the trigger.

"Da da da da da~"

Under the crazy close-range shooting, the group of defenseless agents in front of him.

Three of them were killed on the spot, and four were shot and fell.

In a blink of an eye, most of the agents were destroyed. Seeing this scene, Agent Bond's eyes turned red on the spot, and he took out his gun and started shooting.

Although the remaining agents reacted a little slower, they also took out their guns and shot.

In an instant, countless bullets came from all directions, penetrating the body of the dead man and turning him into a sieve.

Agent Bond stood up angrily and continued to shoot at the dying dead man one by one.

While shooting, he cursed wildly.

""FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! You damn bastard! Go to hell!"

At the same time, he had two questions in his mind.

The first one was why the ropes that bound the other party disappeared?

The second one was where did the AK47 come from?

Could it be that... the other party was really a magician?

At this moment, the pupils of the other agents who stood up suddenly shrank slightly, and their expressions were horrified to the extreme.

"Be careful behind……"

"Be careful of someone……"

"Enemy Attack……"

Hearing the other agents suddenly yelling, Agent Bond turned his head

"What are you talking about... who is this guy ?

Before he finished speaking, his eyes shrank, and he was extremely horrified.

When? Who is this guy? A mysterious man with a half mask, holding a long sword with a scabbard, stood behind him.

Before Agent Bond could make the next move.

A silver light flashed, and in an instant, the sky was dark, a head flew out, and blood sprayed everywhere.

Seeing this scene, the agents roared and raised their guns, ready to shoot.

But the mysterious man seemed to have broken through the limits of the human body, and appeared in front of them in an instant at an incredible speed.

Then, the silver light flashed, drawing arcs.

The voices and movements of the agents stopped at the same time, and their eyes lost their spirit at the same time.

Three seconds later.

Plop plop plop ~ Almost at the same time, the remaining agents who were standing all fell down and lost their lives.


Then, the mysterious man walked out slowly and disappeared again.

A moment later, dozens of death warriors appeared here. They took out their guns and began to shoot the agents who were dying but not dead.

Of course, even those who seemed to be dead would be shot in the head by the death warriors to ensure that they died honestly and would not jump up to pretend to be dead.

Then, a fire started and finally covered everything.

At the same time.

In Goryeo, near the Four Seasons Hotel.

The mysterious man appeared next to a death warrior again.

Then, he took off his mask, revealing his facial features, which was Lin Yaozu in disguise.

With a thought, the mask and the long sword disappeared instantly.

In addition, the clothes on his body were also changed into another set.

It turned out that the set of clothes had appeared in the space backpack like other things.

As for the instant change of clothes just now, it was also one of the little tricks developed by Lin Yaozu when he was testing the space backpack.

At this moment, Lin Yaozu recalled the previous series of actions and felt very happy.

It was worth it that he specially entered the death warrior training camp and spent 500 value points to learn the swordsmanship.

Combined with his own basic attributes that are twice the limit of the human body, in actual combat he really feels like a martial arts swordsman.

I have to say, this feeling is really great!

The only pity is that no one saw the scene at the time, and more people couldn't shout 666 for him.

Lin Yaozu secretly decided that next time he had the opportunity to show off, he must record it and post it on the Internet.

In this way, the joy of showing off will be doubled and doubled again.

After a moment, Lin Yaozu, who was still a little excited, returned to the presidential suite of the Four Seasons Hotel, found Han Eun-jeong and began to vent his heat


Outside a building in Seoul, a number of black luxury cars stopped.

A few seconds later, a middle-aged Korean man in a suit and tie got out of the car from the back seat.

Then, a group of strong men in black suits with bulging waists got out of other cars.

After getting out of the car, they immediately surrounded the middle-aged Korean man, looking around with cold faces, always on guard.

The middle-aged Korean man looked up with a hint of disdain on his face.

"Humph! They are indeed a bunch of social scum who cannot stand the light of day and hide in such a shabby place."

As he said this, he walked over with a look of disgust on his face.

The strong men in black beside him also moved forward.

A few minutes later, everyone rushed into the building.

Among them, several strong men in black entered first to take charge of the preliminary security work. The middle-aged Korean man followed behind, walking slowly inside with a leisurely pace, looking very stylish.

After a moment,

"I, Choi Jun-yi, am here on behalf of the Samsung chaebol. Please ask the person in charge to come out!"

The middle-aged Korean man said this arrogantly.

Unfortunately, the group of Korean warriors inside did not take him seriously at all and continued to do what they were supposed to do.

Seeing this, Choi Jun-yi looked a little annoyed.

"Is this how you treat guests? You don't even dare to show your face. Do you like being a mouse that never sees the sun?"

"I am here on behalf of the 4.3 star chaebol of Goryeo. Your attitude is showing contempt for the Samsung chaebol."

After saying this, the group of Goryeo warriors remained the same as before, treating him as air.

Cui Junyi became even more angry, and he clenched his fist and roared

"Ah Xi! You guys will definitely regret this. In Gaoguo, no one dares to offend our Samsung chaebol!"

At this moment, there was still silence. This scene made him look like a clown.

A few seconds later, Cui Junyi turned around with a gloomy face and left. Before leaving, he glanced at the group of Korean warriors with an angry look.

In fact, it is normal for this to happen. These basic warriors will not pay attention to other people unless there are special instructions.

Moreover, these Korean warriors have no authority to feedback intelligence.

This meeting and dialogue is destined to be unknown to Lin Yaozu.

Of course, even if he knew, he would choose to ignore it.

What Samsung chaebol is just a fat sheep to be slaughtered. That's all!

This kind of meaningless conversation is simply a waste of time and life.

If there really is to be a conversation, it should be Lin Yaozu, as the absolute winner, who would talk to the Samsung leaders in a condescending manner with an attitude of almsgiving.

A mere Cui Junyi?

Who does he think he is?

A few hours later.

Luxury cars appeared outside the building again and again, and the same scene was repeated many times.

After those arrogant leaders went in, they walked out again with a look of exasperation in just over ten minutes.

Before leaving, they all said similar cruel words at the same time.

"With this attitude, the Song family chaebol will not let you go. Just wait for our revenge!"

"A bunch of damn low-level trash, how dare you despise LG chaebol, just wait, you will suffer the consequences"

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