Those people's outrageous behavior and casual gestures almost made them stand out and shout that they were here to cause trouble.

After seeing this, Lin Yaozu tilted his head slightly and asked:

"Have you found out who hired those guys?"

Hearing this, Gailis nodded.

"Master, I contacted Kevin and asked him to find out the relevant information of the employer through the Internet."

"Mantjo Chaplin, the chairman of the largest beer production group in Texas and the head of the Chaplin family, owns 23 beer processing plants and 15 direct sales and distribution channels.……"

"In addition to him, there are some other people who are also doing small tricks behind the scenes, but those small tricks are not in this aspect, but in other aspects!"

Hearing this, Lin Yaozu touched his chin

"Huh? I forgot that hacker Kevin had this ability. Last time, I asked him to check Christina's background!"

"From this point of view, it is a waste of talent to simply let Kevin launder money."

"He should be given some authority and manpower to let Kevin form a super intelligence organization."

Thinking of this, his mind moved slightly and he issued the order.

At the same time, in a secret room

"Hahaha… Young Master finally remembered me, Intelligence Organization, this mission is great! It’s so interesting! I will definitely not let my Master down."

After receiving the order, hacker Kevin laughed wildly.

"By the way, what should this intelligence organization be called? I need to ask the master carefully."

On the other side, after Lin Yaozu received the message from hacker Kevin, he frowned and felt a little embarrassed.

He was not good at naming. The last New York Death Squad had a very ugly name.

The Death Squad organization in northern Myanmar has not been named so far.

The same is true for Korea, which only has the name of a mysterious organization.

Now, another intelligence organization needs to be named.

It's really emo!

After thinking for a long time, Lin Yaozu suddenly had an idea and came up with a good name.

"Listen carefully!"

"Let's call it the Diting Organization."

In the secret room

"Disco? Disco organization? Master wants to dance? Or do you want to dance while getting information?"

Hacker Kevin muttered to himself in confusion after receiving the message.

"No, it seems not to be disco, but the word"listen carefully""

"Look it up."

Two minutes later

"Hahaha... So that's how it is. The so-called Di Ting is a mythical beast in Chinese mythology."

"Can identify everything in the world by listening, especially good at listening to people's hearts, which is consistent with the core definition of intelligence organizations, all of which are eavesdropping"

"The name that Master gave is really great."

"The Diting mythical beast is a combination of a group of animals, with a tiger head, a single horn, dog ears, a dragon body, 123 lion tails, and unicorn feet."

"Wow! This image is so domineering, it has the image of a group of beasts in one body. I understand."

"What the young master meant was that when collecting intelligence, the Diting organization must be omnipresent and infiltrate into various fields and industries.……"

At the same time.

In Dezhou, on a construction site, at a high altitude.

After Lin Yaozu came up with a good name, he felt much better than before.

"By the way, I haven't asked you yet, what grudge do those troublemakers have against us?"

"Why did you run out to seek death?"

Hearing this, Gailis explained:"Master, it should be because of the last Texas land auction."

"They didn't get the land they wanted, so they did these little tricks."

Hearing this, Lin Yaozu sneered.

"Huh? You don't have the money to auction it, so you're playing tricks on me if you can't get it."

"In that case, since they are using petty tricks to disgust people, I will just eliminate these guys who create problems at the source!"

"If you can't solve the problem, solve the person who created it."

"Remember, it will be like this from now on."

Gailis nodded with a smile.

"No problem, Master, I will obey your will."

Outside the iron fence, in the procession, several people took out their mobile phones and received several messages.

After reading them, they immediately started to shout and incite.

"Brothers, the real boss of this construction site has appeared. He is the young man on the high platform in the distance. Let's rush in and protest to him."

"Yes, that’s right, as long as he agrees, this protest will be successful, go for it!"

"The law does not punish the masses, no one dares to stop us"

"Come on! If everyone smashes those machines, the environment will not be destroyed."


In fact, among these thousands of people, only a few hundred were the ones who actually received the money, and the rest were fools who were fooled.

Now, after being instigated and encouraged by hundreds of people at the same time, they instantly became agitated.

Among them, some of the black guys who were responsible for making trouble seemed to have been prepared.

They took out the prepared pliers from the bags beside them, stepped forward to cut the iron fence, and opened a large passage leading to the inside.

Then, amid shouting, the crowd rushed in holding protest signs.

"Go! Surround that boss! Make him stop the construction!"

"Let’s all come together!"

"Go, go, go to protect the environment!"


Thousands of meters away from the iron fence, in the luxury car,

Mantjochaplin was holding a telescope and saw this scene, feeling very happy.

"Hahahaha... let's see how you do it this time?"

As he said that, he adjusted the camera and aimed it at Lin Yaozu who was standing high up in the construction site.

"Humph! Boy, money can't solve everything in this world. You are still too naive!"

"Today, I will teach you a good lesson."

At this time, Lin Yaozu seemed to have sensed something and suddenly turned his head to look in a direction outside.

"This seems to be the second time. Is someone spying on me?"

"Could it be……"

At this time, a group of people rushed over in a mighty manner, as if they were sweeping the village.

They surrounded the construction machinery frantically, trying desperately to stop it. The Chinese worker who was operating the machine was frightened by this scene and hurriedly stopped the machine.

This was a life, and he didn't want to get into trouble because of it.

Unfortunately, even if he didn't cause trouble, trouble would find him. When those people saw the machine stopped, they became even more excited, as if they had won.

Among them, a few Eagle Sauce people even climbed up angrily, opened the door of the control room, and pulled the driver out.

They also carried him outside, arrogantly scolding him.

"Damn bastard, do you know that you are destroying the environment and the balance between man and nature?"

"That's right, you accomplice, damn environmental destroyer"

"Don't destroy the environment in the future, or I'll break your hand. This is a revelation from nature, and you must obey it."


At this moment, the worker was so scared that he just held his head and dared not move.

In fact, he didn't understand what the hawks around him were saying.

This action was the only way he could think of to protect himself.

Not far away, a few black men saw this scene and laughed and mocked.

"Look... look at that guy over there, what a coward!"

"That's right, he was too cowardly to even resist."

"I saw that he seemed to have some money on him just now. How about we go and help him spend it?"

"Hey! Jess, be civilized. What do you mean by a flower? It's his apology to nature. We use it to pay for environmental protection."


As they talked, several people walked forward and did what they had just said, taking the money from the worker.

Before leaving, they brought out the same excuse with a joking face.

But unfortunately, the worker didn't understand it at all. He only knew that a group of robbers came and took the money away.

Similar scenes happened in various places at almost the same time.

They smashed machines everywhere, disrupted the construction progress, and beat, scolded and robbed the workers who were working.

Among them, there were thousands of people holding signs and surrounding a high building.

"Protect the environment and stop construction"

"You bastard, stop destroying our natural environment in Texas"

"Get out of here, you're not welcome in Texas"


Looking at everything that happened in such a short time, Lin Yaozu turned his head with an indifferent look and a cold tone.

"Garys, where are the guards? Are they all dead?"

"Master, they will be here soon."

"Well! Let's rescue the workers first."

"Blocker! Kill!"

"Yes! Master, I will obey your will."

After saying that, he took a step forward and looked down at the people who were protesting below.

Then, he issued an ultimatum in a cold tone:

"I give you three breaths to kneel down and kowtow to apologize, then get out of my land."

Upon hearing this, the crowd below was suddenly in an uproar.

"Are you kidding me, you little bastard? Who do you think you are?"

"FUCK, you bastard, what do you mean by your land? This is our Texas land." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Stop the construction, stop destroying the natural environment, and get out of Texas"

"Yes, that's right, and they also asked us to kneel down and admit our mistakes, saying that we shouldn't destroy the natural environment."

A group of people were shouting wildly, each one more arrogant than the other, especially the black guys, who raised their middle fingers and cursed wildly.

"FUCK, come down here you bastard!"

"Bitch, you are a bitch destroying the environment"

"You rubbish fool, believe it or not, I will kill you in a moment"


At this time, hundreds of assassins appeared with AK47s, and then dispersed to follow the instructions and led out the workers who were surrounded and humiliated.

On the way, some people saw the assassins with guns and hid away in fear.

Some others, not knowing whether to live or die, blocked the way and shouted wildly.

"FUCK, do you think you're so great just because you're holding a gun?"

"Stupid, even if you have a gun, what's the use? Do you dare to shoot? Do you dare?"


The next second

"Da da da da……"

The assassin raised his gun and chose to help him, firing a volley of bullets at him.

In an instant, the man who had just been shouting turned into a corpse, falling to the ground with blood gushing out of his body, and he died with his eyes open.

His eyes, which had not closed, were full of shock, as if accusing and questioning. Are you crazy? How dare you? How dare you really shoot?

The Eagle Sauce people nearby were shocked when they saw this scene.

Then, some people collapsed to the ground and screamed wildly, while others peed and shit everywhere, creating an absurd scene.

In the distance, the thousands of people surrounding Lin Yaozu also heard the gunshots.

At this moment, everyone was shocked and started talking.

"What's going on? What's going on over there? It sounds like gunshots! Did someone shoot?"

"Are you crazy? Why did you suddenly hear gunshots?"

"Absolutely impossible. No one dared to shoot. He must be trying to scare us with some trick."

"Right, right! That gunshot was probably a recording. They probably used a loudspeaker to fool us."

"It is impossible to deceive us so easily. Today we must make the guy above apologize for destroying the environment."


Two minutes later.

A large number of death warriors arrived here with guns in hand, and surrounded the people from all directions.

Some stood on high places, some stood on the sides...

In short, each death warrior held an AK47 in his hand, with a murderous look on his face.

After the thousands of marchers saw those death warriors, even the shouting and booing became much quieter.

At this moment, they had a bad premonition in their hearts, as if something big was about to happen.

Above, Lin Yaozu looked down at everyone and coldly gave an ultimatum.

"Last chance, kneel down, kowtow, get out of here!"

Some of the people below were already hesitating, wondering whether they should just give in for the time being.

After all, it's better to be safe than sorry, and it's better to be reasonable than to be criticized.

But at this moment, some people suddenly started to make a scene.

"What are you afraid of? There are so many of us here, does he really dare to shoot?"

"Yes, that guy is just trying to scare us and make us leave, don't fall for his trick"

"Texans would rather die than surrender. Even in the face of gunfire and hail of bullets, Texans are still stubborn."


After a few breaths, everyone started shouting again.

"Get out of Texas, get out of Eagle Sauce, you don't deserve to be here"

"Don't try to scare us, bitch."

"If you dare to shoot, shoot! If you hide, you are not a Texas man"

"Don't just talk nonsense! Shoot!"


Everyone shouted confidently, not believing that anyone would dare to order a shooting in this situation.

The final winner must be them.

In response, Lin Yaozu scanned the audience coldly and said one word:


As soon as the words fell, all the assassins around started shooting crazily with their AK47s.

"Da da da da……"

"Da da da da…………"

In an instant, countless bullets erupted, turning into a net of death that enveloped everyone.

Thousands of people fell down one after another, bleeding like wheat being cut.

In an instant, wailing echoed throughout the construction site.

"Ahhhh………Save me……"

"No... help!"

"Ah... my legs... my legs... mommy……"

"Uh... uh... crazy... crazy... these damn crazy people……"

"Don't kill me... don't kill me……"

Unfortunately, begging for mercy is useless. When these guys did not heed the warning of the ultimatum, the outcome was doomed.

Bang, bang, bang, bang ~ one after another, they all went to see God.

As long as there is no plaintiff, there will naturally be no defendant.

Anyway, this is how Lin Yaozu understands it.

After making up his mind to kill, as soon as he thought about it, gunshots were heard in other places on the construction site.

Except for the construction workers, none of the outsiders who broke in escaped.

Those people all gave their blood and flesh as fertilizer to improve the natural environment, so they deserved to die.

On the other side, a thousand meters outside the iron fence, in a luxury car.

Mantchu Chaplin also saw this bloody scene through the telescope.

Even he was frightened and screamed.

"Ahhhhh……FUCK……FUCK……He actually gave the order to shoot...what a bunch of lunatics...crazy people!"

"Hurry, hurry, hurry... drive away from here... leave quickly……"

"Get out of here... Get out of Texas... Get away from those damn lunatics."

Hearing this, the driver was startled, thinking of the thunderous gunfire just now, and immediately stepped on the accelerator and sped away.

Inside the construction site, Lin Yaozu turned around and spoke indifferently:

"Garys, I leave this to you! Clean up the mess, clean it up, and clean it up well."

"If there is anything else, just report to me."

"By the way, put up a warning sign at the iron fence in the future, no one is allowed to enter, not even dogs"

"If you encounter an intruder, kill him without mercy!"

"Also, there seems to be a spy outside just now, find him and kill him."

After saying that, he walked to a corner, and with a thought, he turned on the subordinate function.

He chose a Goryeo death warrior near the Goryeo Seoul Four Seasons Hotel and used it as the spatial coordinate to locate.

He activated the talent [Teleport].

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