The 100,000 death warriors reserved in northern Myanmar also collected 10% of the profits from all local shops as protection tax.

But the result can only be described in one word.

That is horrible.

After the collection, there was not much increase in energy points, only a few hundred or thousands, which is really pitiful.

If it were not for the sake of uniformity and the same rules as other regions, Lin Yaozu would not bother to let the death warriors collect those melons and two dates.

To be honest, there is no money to be made in collecting protection taxes in northern Myanmar.

Most of them are one-time transactions, such as robbing warlords and various criminal organizations.

Or seizing jadeite mining areas can bring huge profits.

However, the results of seizing jadeite mining areas are too slow. You have to dig, manufacture, and sell.

Finally, you can get cash and recharge energy points.

It’s too troublesome!

With this time, it’s better to harm other cities in the Sakura Country or the Eagle Sauce Country and collect protection taxes to make money quickly.


That evening, as reporters from various media outlets in the United States frantically dug into the New York shootout, they eventually uncovered a lot of truth.

As a result, countless articles were added to the hot search list.

《Breaking news! The New York gunfight was caused by the IRS and the Death Squad.》——New York News Network

《Shocking! The IRS Tax Bureau suffered its first defeat and was completely surrounded by the death squad. The director was in danger and his life or death was unknown.》——The Washington Times

《Shocking! The most arrogant gang in the world's history has emerged, refusing to pay taxes and besieging the IRS》——Eagle Sauce Weekly


Article after article made its debut, attracting countless netizens to discuss.

"Oh my god! Crazy! It's really crazy! The Death Squad defeated the IRS?"

"Laughing and crying... The IRS was actually beaten to a pulp. So should we just pay taxes to the Death Army from now on?"

"The Death Soldier Gang is the biggest cancer in the United States. If it is not eliminated as soon as possible, it will drag the entire country into hell."

"Yes, I think so too. It is urgent to wipe out the Death Warrior Gang!"

"Humph! A bunch of idiots are worrying about nothing. No matter how strong and arrogant the death warrior gang is, can it beat the regular army? Even if there are hundreds of thousands of gang members, what can they do? It only takes one nuclear bomb to destroy them."

"Indeed, don't say that the Death Soldier Gang is awesome. It's nothing. As long as the Eagle Sauce military is ruthless, ten Death Soldier Gangs can still be wiped out in minutes. Now is the era of high-tech thermal weapons. The real lethality and killing efficiency of weapons are far beyond everyone's imagination."

"Haha! Are you ruthless? Are all the people in New York City going to give up? What if 100,000 people sneak into various cities to cause chaos? I don't understand. Don't give orders recklessly. You are a bunch of idiots."


Netizens were arguing with each other, expressing their different opinions, and no one could convince anyone else. Netizens from other countries were happy to watch the show after seeing the news.

"LOL... Why are all those foreign-loving dogs pretending to be dead recently? Why don't you brag? This is the free country you long for. Gangs are free to collect taxes."

"Indeed, the United States has been experiencing one weird thing after another recently, and it really deserves the title of the most magical country in the world."

"It is incredible that a gang like the Death Soldier Gang would exist in a prosperous city within a country. It is ridiculous."

"Ahahahaha…freedom…it’s so freeing!"


At the same time, in the White House, the Presidential Palace in the United States

"Humph! Damn it! We finally managed to get some time off and cover up the last incident, but these IRS idiots have made the entire Eagle Sauce Country an international laughing stock again."

At this moment, the Twitter president was cursing non-stop.

"Trash! Idiot! Waste of food! Propose to the Congress to replace the IRS Director Henry, he is simply smearing the image of the entire Eagle Sauce Country"


Not far away, a group of staff members listened silently, without saying anything or expressing any opinions.

After a long time, when the Twitter president had finished scolding and his anger had subsided, one of the staff members stood up and began to remind

"Mr. President, the most urgent task is not to replace IRS Director Henry, but to get rid of this cancer of the Death Squad."

"If they succeed in resisting taxes with armed force, it will easily cause unrest among others and affect the tax collection of the entire country."

"Therefore, we must nip this trend in the bud."

Hearing this, the Twitter president was even more furious.

"Humph! You still have the nerve to say such things"

"At the beginning, I said that we should pay attention to this gang of death warriors and destroy them as soon as possible."

"But you said you wanted to take it slow and handed the matter over to the FBI."

"What happened? It's been more than a month, and there is absolutely no news or progress."

"After such a long time, they still can't even handle a local gang in New York City. The FBI is also a bunch of rubbish."

All the staff members were silent when they heard this.

But deep down, they all agreed.

This is true.

After investigating a gang for such a long time and still without any results, the FBI is indeed a bit useless.

In addition, the performance of the IRS this time was not much better. They let a group of gang members beat them to a pulp and turned the United States into an international joke.

Now think about it, everyone feels that this matter is ridiculous.

Then, everyone discussed this matter for a long time.

In the end, it was decided to let the CIA join the investigation of the Death Soldier Gang and to destroy this cancer in the shortest time and at the lowest cost.


At the same time, in the top floor office of the IRS headquarters in Washington,

Director Henriette pushed the door open and sat in the familiar office chair.

At this moment, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and his expression relaxed.

"Safe! Great! Now it's finally safe!"

"This damned gang of death warriors, since I escaped, you guys can’t have an easy life."

After secretly swearing, he closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.

Downstairs, a group of IRS officers who were bandaging their wounds also breathed a sigh of relief.

After returning to this familiar place, they also felt a sense of security.

"Phew...finally safe! There's no way those lunatics could have chased us here."

"Damn it... So many of my colleagues have been murdered. I swear I will avenge them."

"Okay! Stop thinking about it! Take a good rest!"

"I really can't understand why those guys from the Death Gang are so bold that they dare to openly besiege our IRS. Aren't they afraid of being wiped out?"

"That's enough! Those people are just a bunch of lunatics, a bunch of cancer, they shouldn't be alive in this world at all"


The hot news of the all-out gunfight between the New York City Death Squad and the IRS in the United States directly overshadowed the news that the Korean gang was collecting protection taxes from all the major chaebols and all the stores in the country.

After all, in comparison, there was no large-scale gunfight in Korea, so the sensation was naturally not strong enough.

Even those chaebol leaders were beaten to death on the spot, which sounds extremely horrifying.

But those people were so powerful when they were alive, and naturally no one cared about them after they died.

The netizens chatted for a few words and then forgot about it.

Korea, Blue House Pavilion, Presidential Palace

"How lucky! Fortunately, the Eagle Sauce Country stepped forward, otherwise, this matter would not be so easy to fool around with."

"Indeed, this is true. Thanks to the selfless efforts of the Eagle Sauce Country, it has attracted the attention of countless people."

At this moment, many staff members were chatting happily, with a faint smile on their faces.

Not far away, the President of Goryeo also nodded in agreement.

Thanks to the Eagle Sauce for standing up, otherwise it would be Goryeo that made a fool of itself. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After a moment, the president coughed lightly and brought the topic back.

"OK! Next, let’s continue to discuss the problem of the Bangzi Gang."

"What should we do next?"

"Everyone, please tell me what you think."

After hearing this, the staff thought for a while and then spoke out.

First, the first person stood up.

"I think we should forcefully destroy this Bangzi Gang to prevent it from becoming too powerful to be eliminated."

After hearing this, several staff members immediately objected.

"Shit, you idiot, didn't you see the lesson of the New York City shooting in the United States? Even the IRS has become a laughing stock, appeasement is the right way"

"That's right. According to current intelligence, there are at least 100,000 members of the Bangzi Gang, but they are distributed in various cities across the country. Strong suppression will only cause chaos."

"The tail is too big to be removed? Are you kidding me? Do you think the current Bangzi Gang is not big enough?���Can it be easily thrown away?"


Seeing this, the staff member who had just stood up smiled slightly and continued to speak confidently.

"What you said makes sense."

"But the strong destruction I mentioned does not mean an all-out war, but rather to capture the leader first."

"As long as the gang leader is eliminated, the gang members will naturally scatter and become a pile of loose sand."

Hearing this, the staff who held opposing opinions sneered and mocked

"Nonsense! Don’t we know that we should first capture the leader of the gang? But who knows who is the leader of the Bangzi Gang?"

"What you said is true, but it's all bullshit. If you can infiltrate and find out who is behind it, would you still need to worry so much?"

"After all, isn't it back to the beginning? Listening to your words is better than listening to your words"


Facing the sneers and sarcasm of the crowd, the aide raised his lips and revealed a confident smile.

"Who said there were no clues? The mastermind behind the Bangzi Gang has already appeared!"

As soon as this was said, the staff members opened their eyes wide and began to ask questions non-stop.

"What? The mastermind has been found? Is the intelligence reliable? It can't be a mistake!"

"That's great. The leader of the gang has appeared. The cancer of the Bangzi Gang is nothing to be afraid of."

"That's right, according to the information sent back by our intelligence personnel, the reason why the Eagle Sauce Country has repeatedly run into obstacles with the Death Soldier Gang is that they have not found the thief leader and have always chosen to force their way in."

"Stop keeping us in suspense and tell us who that person is."


After keeping the secret, the aide slowly spoke:

"According to relevant intelligence, the leader of the Bangzi Gang is a man called Lin Zu."

Hearing this, the staff frowned and spoke one after another

"Lin Zu? I've never heard of this name. I have no impression of it. It seems to have nothing to do with the upper class."

"Is it just a name? No other information?"

"Where did you get this information? Is it accurate?"

Hearing these words, the staff member smiled slightly.

"This information is of course accurate, because it comes from major chaebols. It is said that this man named Lin Zu appeared at the headquarters of various chaebol groups yesterday, and arrogantly admitted his identity on the spot, and personally shot and killed those former chaebol leaders."

"Moreover, there is also video evidence."

When these words came out, many staff members fell into ecstasy.

"Hahahaha... the evidence is conclusive... the evidence is irrefutable... we don't even need to make up any reason to arrest him and send him to jail!"

"How can there be such a stupid person? It's so funny, God bless Korea! The Korean gang is such a big cancer, but it can be solved so easily"

"What are you waiting for? Arrest this Lin Zu openly, and then put him on trial, and directly break up this cancer of the Bangzi Gang."

"I never expected that the problem could be solved in this way, and the chaebols suffered heavy losses as a result. Long live the Goryeo Kingdom, it is truly a prosperous country!"


Everyone's faces were flushed with excitement, and they kept saying all kinds of passionate words.

At this moment, the President of Goryeo suddenly spoke

"Look at the online news. Those chaebols have spread those videos and news all over the Internet."

Hearing this, the staff were shocked and went online to check.

《Videos of the deaths of the leaders of the major chaebols were exposed, and it turned out that this man killed them……》——Seoul News Network

《The identity of the leader of the Bangzi Gang was revealed, and it turned out to be him……》——Busan Times

《The most brutal man in Goryeo history, who shot and killed all the chaebol leaders……》——Under the article of Goryeo Gossip Weekly

, countless netizens expressed different opinions

"Horrible! It's so horrible! Shooting without any hesitation is so brutal!"

"Oh my god! That man named Lin Zu is actually the leader of the Bangzi Gang. It's incredible. Why is he so handsome?"

"Is the guy above you a nymphomaniac? He's a brutal gang leader who kills people without blinking an eye. You don't feel scared, but think he's handsome?"

"What a handsome oppa! The moment he fired the gun was so handsome!"

"Hey, hey, hey... Did no one notice that Lin Zu carried the three-star princess Li Zhenzhen into the house?"

"I see, that bitch Li Zhenzhen, she really got herself lucky!"

"Reality is so absurd. There is such a magical thing. A man with a group of subordinates killed the chaebol leader without restraint."


After a long time, after the staff had finished reading, their angry shouts echoed throughout the office.

"Ahhhh… Damn those chaebols. They are trying to alert the enemy. They are such a bunch of idiots who are only capable of causing trouble instead of helping others."

"What a bunch of idiots! What a bunch of idiots!"

"It's over. Lin Zu, the leader of the Bangzi Gang, will surely be alerted by this. His subsequent plan to capture the leader first may have failed before it even started."


In response, Gao Li always spoke with a gloomy face.

"Okay! Stop talking! Speed up the plan, come up with a complete plan in the shortest possible time, and capture the man called Lin Zu."

"Those chaebols are not of the same ilk as us. They deliberately spread the news this time in order to force us to eliminate the Bangzi Gang as soon as possible."

"After all, in comparison, the threat posed by the Korean gang to them was too great. Since Lin Zu dared to shoot and kill the previous chaebol leader without any scruples, he dared to kill the new chaebol leader."

"This is also the main reason why they spread the news."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

At this moment, a staff member suddenly spoke with a shocked face.

"Oh my god! There is a news report that the leader of the Bangzi Gang, Lin Zu, is going to hold a press conference and will formally respond to the issues discussed online."

The rest of the people were all stunned when they heard this and began to doubt their lives.

"What? A press conference? Are you kidding me?"

"Is this true or false? A gang leader's murder was exposed.���, instead of thinking about how to escape, he actually took the initiative to jump out and hold a press conference?"

"Shit! This is a provocation to our Goryeo country! That guy named Lin Zu is so arrogant! Does he think we dare not do anything to him?"


Next to him, the president waved his hand to interrupt the speeches of his staff.

"Okay! Stop talking! Quickly notify everyone, send people out, and start the operation. Make sure to surround the place where the press conference is held."

"I want this Lin Zu to be arrested in public."

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