Seeing this scene, Lin Yaozu suddenly had a feeling.

This territory function should contain many secrets, and there may be more than just these.

But the battle is fierce at this moment, and he still needs to give Kalena a transfusion, so it is not the best time to explore the secrets.

In summary, Lin Yaozu chose not to continue the research for the time being and wait for the future.

Then, he returned to the system panel, opened the space backpack again, and silently used the last item.

【Household Registration Certificate]

Scope of use: 100,000 dead soldiers recruited later, nationality selection: Eagle Sauce Country.

In an instant, the item was used up and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, the 100,000 newly recruited dead soldiers also had certificates on their bodies.

On the certificates were their own personal information.

On the other hand, in the Eagle Sauce nationality system, the information data of these 100,000 people also appeared.

All the results were produced without any waves, and they were exactly the same as before.

It has to be said that this system is indeed a bit buggy, and even such a thing can be done easily.

After doing all this, Lin Yaozu issued similar instructions to the 100,000 dead soldiers recruited later.

Black loans.

For now, he has not found another faster and better way to get the value points for free.

Before finding a new way, it is better to pull it to death.

After all, there is still 2-3 days of buffer time before the first wave of thunder, and there is still time to pull another wave.

After doing all this, Lin Yaozu retracted his attention and focused on the great hero.

The electric motor is starting to accelerate. It's time to show off more powerful technology.


At the same time, in cities across the United States, a new group of new recruits joined the ranks of those who were madly taking out illegal loans. In the city of Colton, Kentucky, in a familiar room, a bald tattooed man took out a wad of money with a numb expression and handed it over while threatening

"Here... this is the money you borrowed. Count it yourself. Change it once a week. At the end of ten weeks, if you don't pay me back, I'll kill you." After saying that, he drove the borrower out with an annoyed look.

On the other hand, the borrower was not angry about this bad attitude. He just took the money silently and turned away.

Ten seconds later, another bald and thin man in the room threw a cigar to the bald tattooed man and lit one for himself.

He said while puffing out smoke:

"Mark, you can't do this. Your attitude is not fierce enough, it's soft and can't scare them at all."

On the other side, the bald tattooed man took the cigar, lit it, and puffed out smoke while cursing with a disgusting look on his face.

"FUCK, Kosen, you guy, don't talk without any hesitation"

"You know how busy I am these days. I'm getting sick of repeating myself."

"Damn, why are there so many people borrowing money all of a sudden? This is too weird"

"Are there really no problems with those people's IDs? Have you checked them carefully? There must be no fraud here!"

The bald and thin man replied disdainfully.

"I am a professional forger of fake certificates. My skills are the best in the whole continent of Kenya. I can tell whether the certificates are real or fake at a glance."

"Besides, I have checked many times before, and there are personal information of these people in the official system."

The bald tattooed man nodded when he heard this.

"It's good that there are no problems. In the past few days, we have successfully released more than 30 million black gold. If there is a problem, it will be a dead end."

In response, the bald thin man patted his chest and smiled confidently.

"Hahahaha...Mark, you are too cautious. Don't worry! Nothing will go wrong."

"When these black golds are successfully recovered, it will be a great achievement."

Similar scenes occurred in various places in cities on various continents.

These companies, gang members and others who borrowed black gold and black loans did not have too many doubts.

No one thought there would be any problems, and they continued to lend money tirelessly.

Of course, some places with less cash have been forced to borrow no money.

In this regard, the response of these black gold companies is to try their best to quickly transfer cash from other places.

Then, continue to lend.

In fact, they are not afraid that the borrowers will not repay the money, but they are afraid that there are not enough borrowers and the money cannot be lent out.

For these people, the more they borrow, the more they will earn in the future.

Unfortunately, the truth will eventually come out.

At this moment, it is not far from the time of the explosion. There is not much time left for the black gold and black loan companies in the Eagle Sauce Country.

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